The houses in astrology are vital to understanding how a person may function in the world. Each house is a symbol of various parts of human life. There are 12 houses in all in each person's natal chart.
Each house also has a sign that occupies the cusp of the house. The position of the rising sign usually determines the positions of all the signs in the natal chart. Remember, all of the signs have ruling planets that influence the expression of the sign. Therefore, the ruling planet's sign position will influence the cusp sign expression.
If there are planets in a house, the house becomes more important to the development of the individual's inner world. Depending on the planet situated there, this can alter the native's understanding of life.
If the sun is situated in a house, the native will express pride when it comes to that particular area of life. If the moon is in a particular house, the native will have a personal emotional attachment there and will express their feelings more throughout this area of life. If Mercury is present in a house, the native will focus their mental energies in this area of life and the native's thoughts and communication will be developed based on the house position. If Venus is present in a house, there is a strong love that is present and a charming presence will be recognized. When Mars is present in a house the native is more passionate, motivated, or aggressive in their approach to this area of life. When Jupiter is present, there are many oppostunities that can come from this house and optimism. When Saturn is present, there are more barriers yet personal limitations when approaching the area of life.
Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are planets that usually represent an entire generation in a sign, yet they are much more individualized in the houses. In the houses Uranus will represent unconventionality and changeability within this area of life. Neptune will represent idealism and sometimes confusion or deciet. Pluto will represent transformation within the house, as well as obsession and a need for power over this area of life. The lunar nodes can also transit the houses, representing how our life's journey will be developed. In the houses, the north node reflectfs the area of life that will benefit us on our life journey, while the house of the south node will represent areas of our lives we are most familiar with and are natural at.
Keep in mind that the planet's positions in the signs will alter the nature of the planet within a house. Planets in fire signs usually represent a bolder or energetic expression; Planets in earth signs usually have a moderate and practical expression of the ego. Planets in air signs have a light or logical expression; and finally Planets in water signs have a emotional or quiet expression.
Planets in cardinal Signs tend to reflect a more active mode of thought. Planets in fixed signs usually reflect a more resistant mode of thought. And Finally, planets in mutable signs reflect a more flexible mode of thought. Therefore, even within the houses, the planet's sign (and aspects) must be considered.
Planets in Aries: bold/energetic and active in the houses.
Planets in Taurus: moderate/practical and resistant in the houses.
Planets in Gemini: light/logical and flexible in the houses.
Planets in Cancer: quiet/emotional and active in the houses.
Planets in Leo: bold/energetic and resistant in the houses.
Planets in Virgo: moderate/practical and flexible in the houses.
Planets in Libra: light/logical and active in the houses.
Planets in Scorpio: emotional/quiet and resistant in the houses.
Planets in Sagittarius: bold/energetic and flexible in the houses.
Planets in Capricorn: moderate/practical and active in the houses.
Planets in Aquarius: light/logical and resistant in the houses.
Planets in Pisces: emotional/quiet and flexible in the houses.
So if, for example, the sun was in the sign of Gemini in the 2nd house then the person will have pride (the sun's energy) towards the things they own (2nd house) in a light/logical and flexible manner (Gemini). (Note: With aspects, the sun's expression may be altered but the nature of the planet within that sign will remain.)
The 1st house represents our persona, our public identity, and our physical appearance. The first house focuses on "the self", the person we want to become. Many astrologers refer to it as a "Mask" we wear in front of others. Of course, it represents more than that. It is the person we want others to see. The Rising sign is usually on the 1st house cusp. When there are planets in the 1st house, the inner world of the person is expressed to the outer world.
The 2nd house represents our possessions; the things we own. It can be physical possessions, yet it can also take the form of personal talents. It can even represent our own self-worth. This house reveals how we handle what we own in the world and our money making abilities. When there are planets in the 2nd house, the native becomes reliant on what they have to sustain the inner world. For these natives, self-worth becomes very important.
The 3rd house represents our mentality, our educational environment, and the way we network with others. It influences our communication style; the way our voice comes across to others and our view of communication. Do you talk more than most? Or do you prefer not to talk in every situation? The 3rd house can give you an indication. This house also represents our siblings, neighbors, and peers. To add, it represents immediate transportation and how the native prefers to learn. When there are planets in the 3rd house, the native communicates their needs very clearly to others. With planets here, the mentality becomes altered by the native's personal needs and feelings. To add, the educational environment influences and is influenced by the native's inner world as well.
The 4th house represents our home life, family environment, and our traditions. It is the basis of who we are. This house can also represent the nature of our mother. When there are planets in this house, the native's inner world is the most vulnerable to the home environment. How they interact at home is altered by their personal needs and feelings when planets are present.
The 5th house represents our hobbies, our sense of romance, and amusements. It is the house of creativity and fun. How often do you need to have fun? The 5th house can give indications. When there are planets here, the need to express creatively and have fun becomes more important to the development of the native's inner world.
The 6th house represents our work environment, our daily duties, and our health. It is also the side of us that is self-sacrificing of our time for the sake of serving others. When there are planets in this house, the native's health and work becomes even more important in order to sustain the inner world.
The 7th house represents how we see others. Being the opposite house of the 1st house, the sign on this house cusp is the descending sign. This house represents how we see those around us. It represents the kind of partnerships we want and the kind of partners we attract to us. It is how we ourselves work with others. It also represents the part of us we have a tendency to project on others. It can even represent our rivals. When there are planets in this house, the natives often project their personal feelings onto others. They become reliant on others to develop their inner world and may need a partner in their life more often.
The 8th house represents shared resources, life, death, and rebith. It is our view of the taboo parts of life whether it is our approach to sex, drugs, the occult, or crime. It represents life's mysteries and this house reflects our interest in it. It is the house of "borrowed"or "shared" things, which is opposite the 2nd house of our own personal possessions. It is the price tag to everything we own in the 2nd house. This is also the house that represents our business dealings. The 8th house represents our connection with death and the transformative experiences we may encounter in the world. Also, it is the personal changes we make in our lives. This is also the house of obligation and debts. When there are planets in the 8th house, the native will develop who they are through transformative experiences. The native will feel a personal connection to the darker side of life. They may also find that sharing is the key to developing who they are on the inside. The 8th house is also the house of bonding or intimacy, and how we develop it.
The 9th house is the house of travel, expansion, religion, and law. It is the house that represents our need to travel and how we may encounter such experiences in life. It represents our life philosophies; whether we are religious or not also is influenced by this house. This is usually opposite the daily mentality of the 3rd house. This is also the house of law and how we approach the laws of the land. It also represents in-laws, divorces, and 2nd marriages. It is the house that represents all the things we are willing to learn from the world around us. When planets are situated in this house, the native's inner world develops through travel and there is a personal connection with philosophy and religion.
The 10th house is the house of careers, reputation or status, authority, and ambition. This house gives us indications as to how hard we are willing to work to achieve as well as our views on success. It is our respect for bosses or leaders. It also reflects the kind of bosses we may be. This house is opposite our home life represented by the 4th house. When there are planets visible in this house the native needs success to fulfil their inner needs and desires. This also influences the careers they desire.
The 11th house is the house of aspirations or personal accomplishements, humanitarian pusuits, friendships/associations, and causes. This house reflects the kind of people we surround ourselves with that support our goals. It is our vision of what we want to achieve in the world. It is also the house of technology and our personal appreciation of it. This is a house that is much more serious than the 5th house, where we live for today and have fun. Rather, in the 11th house we develop and focus on long-term goals for a greater purpose. When there are planets in this house, the native needs to achieve in order to fulfill the inner world. The native has a need to be around people and to do something to give back to humanity in some way.
The 12th house is the house of secrets. It represents the part of life that we may hide. Yet, it can also be the part of us we are least conscious about. It is the house of regrets and guilt. It represents our thoughtful and generous sides. Yet, it may also represent the side of us that we feel least confident about, thus we may not give at all. This is possibly the most complicated house within the natal wheel because it is a house that we may be too shy or afraid to let out in public. It is a house opposite the 6th house in which our physical well-being is the primary focus. The 12th house focuses on our psychological well-being. When there are planets here, the native sturggles to understand their own feelings. The native hides their personal expression in public, and only reveals their needs and desires in private.