Sagittarius,The Archer
Behind The Sign
The story behind the sign of Sagittarius actually has Sumerian origins, which was eventually adopted by the Greeks. This does cause a lot of confusion behind the sign's origins. The sign is usually portrayed as a centaur-like creature with a cape, bow, and arrow. Yet, according to Eratosthenes, a Greek writer, centaurs never carried bows and arrows. Instead, he felt that this constellation was that of a Satyr, which in Greek mythology, was a creature with horse like features. (In Roman mythology a satyr was considered a creature with goat like features). His name was Crotus, who lived among the muses. He was considered a great musician, a hunter, and a healer. Most researchers however have identified this sign as Chiron, the Centaur that was an expert at the art of combat. He was shot by Heracles's poison arrow and was placed in the stars as a constellation to ease the pain. Many of the modern interpretations of Sagittarius is also based upon this identification. Chiron was known as philosophical, unlike most centaurs portrayed in Greek Mythology. Note: (Many call this a misinterpretation, as the Centaurus constellation has also been identified as Chiron. However come researchers say that Centaurus represents a "wilder" centaur that is not Chiron). Regardless, Sagittarius is meant to represent a horse-like creature that is an expert archer.
Since this sign is based off of a double-bodied creature with horse like features, I will be using a more modern day example of this symbol using the example of both a horse and an archer.
Archery is the art of propelling arrows towards a target. This was at one time a form of warriorship as well as hunting. Today, it is seen as a sport. Target archery is the most common form of archery today. This usually tests accuracy. (Field archery usually involves shooting specific wooden objects). Archery requires expert hand-eye coordination. At one time in history, archer's would have used instinctive shooting when trying to aim properly. The split-finger and three-under are also two other ways that many archers aim at a target. Of course, as time progressed, there have been more efficient ways to shoot at a target. Mechanical/fixed sights usually allow archers to see the target clearer.
Ironically, the horse in some cultures has been affiliated with archery. Mounted archery was most notable among the Indigenous tribes of North America and Asian mongols. Horse archery was also very honorable in Japan among samurais (Yabusame). I can understand why! Mounted archery was a very difficult warfare tactic, yet it was very useful for hunting. Anyone who could perform this form of archery was considered a skilled warrior.
Horses have often been used as war vehicles in history. Horses are four-legged mammals that have strong fight-or-flight responses. They are highly defensive, to the point they will sleep standing up for hours to prepare themselves to flee. There are three categories of horses. "Hot-blooded" horses usually have a lot of speed and endurance. "Cold-blooded" horses are usually slower and they are often used as draft horses. "Warm-blooded" horses have qualities that are similar to both "hot" and "cold" blooded horses and they usually are used for riding casually. Among horses, usually the mare (female horse) is the leader of the herd, usually having only one stallion as the "guard" of the herd. The leader is usually responsible for scouting out terrain. While horses are easily scared, they are quite curious and usually they will investigate. Horses have the largest eyes of any land mammal. They have 360 degree vision (meaning they can pretty much see from all sides). Most of their vision is binocular (capable of seeing long distances) and monocular (capable of using both eyes separately). They also have really good hearing. Their ears are capable of shifting in the direction of sound. They are highly sensitive to noises and some noises can affect their stress levels. Many researchers have found that even certain music genres can affect the sensitivity of the horse and its behavior. Horses have a good sense of balance and they have a strong sense of touch. They can sense even the smallest insect on their bodies. Horses do not like to be confined for too long; they need plenty of room to roam. Horses also have shown a spatial respect for other creatures around them, only approaching slowly. When horses are let out into the wild after captivity, they revert immediately back into "wilder" behavior, as if they never had domestic training. Yet, horses do have excellent memories and they never forget the way they have been treated nor the places they've seen.
In astrology, Sagittarius represents freedom, expansion, philosophy, optimism, and experience/wisdom. It is the 9th sign in the zodiac. Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter, the planet of luck/chance, opportunity, expansion, belief, and optimism. Sagittarius is a fire sign, which represents energy, leadership, and creativity. Sagittarius is also a MUTABLE sign which represents flexibility and communication. Opposite Sign: Gemini. Natives with positions in Sagittarius are optimistic and freedom-loving. These natives love life and they want to live it to the fullest! They need a lot of space to learn and grow. They may not like being confined to one house or one community their whole life. These natives may find themselves traveling abroad or moving to distant places in their lifetime. These natives may seem wise or experienced compared to most people. This is because they have an open mind and they seek to understand the world. They are known for being quite philosophical and they can be preachy at times. When they gain knowledge, they seek to teach others about the things they have seen and heard. However, some of these natives are often seen by others as people who don't practice what they preach. This is because they don't like being confined, not even to one ideology. They are known for making grand promises, but they may not always be able to keep these promises. They are not the most dependable people. They would rather run from dramatic situations then face them. Still, they are quite generous and thoughtful. They may see themselves as "heroes" of some sort because when they help others, they do it genuinely. They truly want to make the world a better place; they want to live in a happy world full of promise. These natives are constantly thinking of the possibilities. They will never let life get them down! They may question the facts for the sake of opening our minds to possibilities. They tend to be quite biased towards their own beliefs and opinions. Despite this, they are tolerant towards the behaviors of others. They are quite enthusiastic when they are interested in something. They make excellent teachers or storywriters. They are known for being quite blunt or outspoken in their expression. They don't take things too seriously (except their beliefs), and sometimes they can hurt those who take their own lives more seriously. They may believe they are superior to others. The want bigger and better!
The way this sign expressies is influenced by the planet that is positioned in this sign at the time. Note: Natives with Jupiter aspecting any of the following planets may relate to these descriptions. Negative aspects means there will be more setbacks. Positive aspects means there will be more advantages. The following descriptions show the various "Sagittarius" positions we will encounter. Throughout the webpage there will be several descriptions involving dignities (domicile/exaltation) and debilities (detriment/fall). For more information, visit make a birth chart, visit

Click the Planets to view them in the signs
Sun in Sagittarius: The Ego of an Archer
The sun is typically the closest star to earth, rather than a planet. It is considered the source of life to all being living on planet Earth. In astrology it also has a similar purpose. The sun represents our ego, the source of life inside of us. It represents attention, leadership, and utlimately pride. Therefore, these natives are the proudest archers we will encounter.
Natives with this position are freedom-loving in all ways possible to be free. They want to be able to explore the world (both physically and figuratively). They see themselves differently from most other people. They don't take themselves seriously and are more focused on living a happy, carefree life. They never want to be confined by a title or career positions, even if they have more career-oriented energies in their chart. They would rather be free to be whomever they choose to be. However, they do have strong beliefs that may surprise others (because of their light-hearted, freedom-loving personalities). They tend to be quite outspoken about their beliefs, sometimes not even considering the feelings of those around them. They are very proud of their philosophies on life and their experiences. They may seek to teach or mentor others about their experiences or philosophies. They do want to be positive role-models for others to follow. They also tend to honor their teachers and mentors as well. (They may put these individuals on a pedastal from time to time). They may question the facts in order to sustain the beliefs they are so proud of. When others attack their beliefs, these natives take it quite personally. Ironic, isn't it? They will never admit when they are wrong. Despite this, these natives are very tolerant of others. They genuinely want to understand different points of views (without changing their own point of views). Their idea of a happy world is when everyone does their own thing happily. These natives make excellent storywriters because they are good at inspiring others through thought. They have a tendency to brag or show off the wonderful things they can do. They may even exaggerate their abilities to others. They have a strong sense of humor and they always seem to have a smile on their face. These natives are quite ambitious. They always have an objective with everything that they do. These natives may be attracted to law fields where they can be involved with the justice system. (Natives with sun in the 9th house may relate to this description). Remember, Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, therefore Jupiter's position in the chart will influence this position).
Sun in Sagittarius Celebs: Raven Symone, Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus, Brad Pitt, Nicki Minaj, Janelle Monae, Nelly Furtado, Taylor Swift, Scarlett Johansson, Christina Aguilera, Alyssa Milano, Jim Morrisson, Bruce Lee, Jay-Z, Tyra Banks, Katie Holmes, Milla Jovovich, Jimi Hendrix, Tina Turner, Jake Gyllenhaal, Woody Allen, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Walt Disney, Frank Sinatra, Steven Spielberg, Vanessa Hudgens, Winston Churchill, Kim Basinger, Keith Richards, Jennifer Connelly, Amy Lee, Rita Ora, Sinead O'Conner, Dean Ambrose, Ben Stiller, Katherine Heigl, Ozzy Osbourne, Lucy Liu, Jamie Foxx, Shy'm, Samuel L. Jackson, Billy Idol, Brendan Fraser, Mark Twain, DMX, Trey Songz
Moon in Sagittarius: The Emotions of an Archer
The moon is scientifically a satelitte that surround objects in space, rather than an actual planet. However, in astrology it is classified as a "planet", because it functions very similarly to the other planets. The phases of the moon is often connected with the tides of the sea on earth. In astrology, it often represents the "phases" within sea of our emotions. The moon is the planet emotions, habits, memories, and dreams. These natives are the most emotional archers we will encounter.
Natives with this position are optimists who need a positive environment in order to thrive. These natives tend to have an optimistic spirit, even if they have other pessimistic energies in their natal chart. They need a lot of freedom to grow and learn. They may hate being confined to a routine or daily tasks. This gives them a great deal of stress. They don't like being around a chaotic environment, either. Their first instinct is to run when they have issues with someone or something in their lives. They have a need to go outside of their daily life and explore unexplored things, whether mentally or physically. While they are not the most dependable natives, they are very thoughtful. These natives have a strong need to do something spectacular for the world. They may give back through charity or they may seek to be mentors/teachers to others. They can be generous with resources even to people they have just met. Many believe that these natives treat strangers better than they do intimates. While many of these natives do abhor confining relationships, some of these natives are capable of being in stable relationships so long as they have a little time to themselves to explore the world and experience new things. Distance makes the heart of these natives grow fonder. However, if they meet people who want adventure like they do, then commiting to such people will not be a problem for these natives! These natives can be preachy know-it-alls at times. They take their beliefs personally, and so any slight to their beliefs feels like a personal slight to them. They may also make excellent storywriters. These natives are surprisingly quite tolerant of people, compared to most natives. While they may be quick-tempered, they continue to try to stay positive that everything will work out in the end. They are quite inspiring in this way. They can be donwright silly at times. They love to laugh and make other people laugh. In their case, "laughter is the best medicine" when there are troubles in life. Family may have been the strongest form of encouragment for them. These natives feel better when they have a goal or objective in life, even if they never do anything to reach such goals. (Natives with moon in the 9th house may relate to this description). Remember, Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, therefore Jupiter's position in the chart will influence this position.
Moon in Sagittarius Celebs: Michael Jordan, Adele, Nicole Kidman, Albert Einstein, Jennifer Aniston, Sharon Stone, Justin Timberlake, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Al Pacino, Freddie Mercury, Oprah Winfrey, Emma Watson, Pablo Picasso, Neil Armstrong, Vincent Van Gogh, Donald Trump, Richard Gere, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Naomi Campbell, Charlie Sheen, Mike Tyson, Stephen King, Hilary Duff, John Mayer, Kevin Costner, Victor Hugo, Anthony Kiedis, Vin Diesel, Lenny Kravitz, Simon Cowell, Tiger Woods, Portia De Rossi, Naomi Watts, Michael Phelps, Joan Rivers, Thomas Edison, Judy Garland, Mika, Iggy Azalea, Vince Vaghn, Boa Kwon
Mercury in Sagittarius: The Intellect of an Archer
Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system. It has quite a tricky orbit (it is known to go retrogade more often through the signs). Yet, it moves much faster than the other planets around the sun. In astrology, Mercury is the planet of the mind and communication, as well as skills. These natives will be the most communicative archers we encounter. Mercury is considered in detriment in the sign of Sagittarius. This is because Mercury is a planet that focuses more on details and the facts, while Sagittarius is a sign that focuses on the "bigger picture" and personal philosophies.
Natives with this position may have the strongest beliefs of all the Sagittarians mentioned. Whatever they believe in they will be outspoken about it, no matter what. While they are quite blunt in the way they speak, they can be quite charismatic and inspiring speakers. They love to teach and preach, so any career field that involves these things would be perfect for them. They do not like to be confined by mediocre ideas or limiting facts. They would rather the world be filled with questions than answers. For them, they would rather think about all the possibilities possible. These natives are quite curious about life and they may enjoy studying in fields of science or sociology. They may especially enjoy learning about various cultures and even picking up a foreign language may be good for them. These natives may enjoy reading about differing points of view. While they have their own beliefs, they do like to hear varying perspectives on long as no one tries to force their beliefs on these natives. They rebel when people try to force them to conform to beliefs they are not used to. It's not that they don't like fact they may honor their first teachers or mentors more than other teachers/mentors. They are quite ambitious and are always aiming to improve upon their knowledge on a certain subject or their skills. These natives make excellent storywriters because they have quite a broad and imaginative mind. They have quite a sense of humor as well, which usually has a hint of sarcasm. These natives learn better in a hands-on environment. These natives may be attracted to law fields. They love to debate. (Natives with Mercury in the 9th house may relate to this description). Remember, Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, therefore Jupiter's position in the chart will influence this position.
Mercury in Sagittarius: Scarlett Johansson, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Alyssa Milano, Jay-Z, Isaac Newton, Jude Law, Nicki Minaj, Katie Holmes, Jimi Hendrix, Bjork, Tina Turner, Jake Gyllenhaal, Woddy Allen, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Frank Sinatra, Steven Spielberg, Rachel McAdams, Ricky Martin, Marie Antoinette, Marie Curie, Vivien Leigh, Nelly Furtado, Amy Lee, Richard Burton, Amanda Seyfried, Rita Ora, Ben Stiller, Katherine Heigl, LeBron James, Josh Duhamel, Ozzy Osbourne, Lucy Liu, David Scwimmer, Jamie Fox, Diane Keaton, Jamie Lee Curtis
Venus in Sagittarius: The Charm of an Archer
Venus is scientifically the brightest (and hottest) planet in our solar system. From earth, it is often referred to as the "morning" or "evening" star. In astrology, it is also one of the "hottest" planets, representing all things attractive. It is typically the planet of love, beauty, money, and the arts. These natives are the most charming and loving archers we will encounter.
Natives with this position are quite happy-go-lucky individuals. They always seem so positive and they may try to keep a smile on their faces, even when they are having a bad day. They try to keep a light atmosphere and they are attracted to people who are light-hearted too. They are not the kind of friends of lovers who want to hear a sob story all of the time (although they love giving advice). They can be generous and they love helping others. They are usually the life of the party and they know how to crack a joke every once in a while. Many love them because they are not afraid to speak their minds. It may be difficult for them to keep close friends. They need space to explore and meet various different types of people. This also applies to romantic relationships. They may struggle to develop a steady relationship because of their need to be free. Yet, it is possible, as long as they have a partner in which they can share in an adventure with! These natives are attracted to relationships where they can either learn or teach. This is their "deeper" side. They enjoy relationships more when they have an objective or a goal. The more experiences they have with someone or something, the stronger their love will be. They may be quite philosophical about life. While they do like to learn about other people's perspectives, it is a turn-off when others try to force beliefs on these natives. They need the freedom to explore different ideologies. These natives have a tendency to try to make themselves seem more superior to others. They may brag about all of their experiences or their attractive abilities. They want to continue loving themselves and their lives. Yet, they do have underlying insecurities, in which they often feel inferior to others. Still, they try to stay positive; they don't want to let anyone or anything tear them down! Many of them have the tendency to put their lovers on a pedastal, expecting partners to live up to high standards. Ironically, these natives struggle to live up to high social standards (they may rebel in this case). They want to be free to do what they want to do. They make excellent writers because of their imagination and inspiring messages. They make excellent teachers/mentors as well. They tend to be extremely talented in many areas of life. They are outgoing and may enjoy being outdoors. (Natives with Venus in the 9th house may relate to this description). Remember, Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, therefore Jupiter's position in the chart will influence this position.
Venus in Sagittarius Celebs: Christina Aguilera, Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, Alyssa Milano, David Bowie, Aishwarya Rai, Jay-Z, Jude Law, Joan Baez, Jimi Hendrix, Tina Turner, Jake Gyllenhaal, Ryan Reynolds, Kevin Costner, Aaliyah, Winston Churchill, Cary Grant, Kendell Jenner, Kim Basinger, Farrah Fawcett, Amanda Seyfried, Raven Symone, Sinead, O'Connor, Rita Ora, Whoopi Goldberg, Dean Ambrose, Rowan Atkinson, Dorothy Dandridge, Samuel L. Jackson, Kelly Osbourne, Meghan Trainor
Mars in Sagittarius: The Energy of an Archer
Mars is noticable by its reddish color in space. This is partially why this planet has been affiliated with war and bloodshed throughout history. In astrology, it is the planet of energy, passion, aggression, sexuality, and focus. These natives are the most energetic and aggressive archers we will encounter.
Natives with this position are the most freedom-loving natives we will encounter. They want to explore life and experience everything that life has to offer. They need a lot of space; they are naturally clastrophobic. They may naturally be drawn to the anything involving outdoorsy activities. They may like the idea of having goals or objectives on a daily basis, even if they never attempt to complete these goals or objectives. They may be happy-go-lucky most of the time...yet there are times when they may get very serious especially when it comes to their beliefs. They have a tendency not to take other people seriously...yet there are times when they want others to take them seriously. This is quite a contradictory soul at times. They will fight for what they believe in and they may expect those closest to them to agree with them. They may often find themselves in many debates. Surprisingly, they may have mentors/teachers that they truly admire. These natives have an infectious enthusiasm and they always try to remain positive about situations. They love to tease and have fun! They may work well in fields such as teaching, writing, or even in fields of entertainment. They have a tendency to brag about their abilities or over-exaggerate. Sexually, they want an adventure of some sort. They may have strong ideals in this regard, that may not be realistic. They do enjoy trying new things. They want the ultimate sexual experience; the "wow" factor. Sports may be a good outlet for them. They make excellent team players because they are confident, energetic, and fun-loving. (Natives with Mars in the 9th house may relate to this description). Remember, Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, therefore Jupiter's position in the chart will influence this position.
Mars in Sagittarius: Jennifer Lopez, Sharon Tate, Rihanna, Kim Kardashian, Ryan Gosling, Jack Nicholson, Joan Baez, Renee Zellweger, Avril Lavigne, Edward Norton, Carl Jung, John Travolta, Ellen DeGeneres, Janis Joplin, Rachel McAdams, Lil Wayne, Meg Ryan, Johann Sebastian Bach, Kendell Jenner, Greta Garbo, Cate Blanchett, Rita Hayworth, Liam Hemsworth, Nelly Frtado, Portia De Rossi, Mickey Rourke, Jackie Jackson, Judy Garland, Oscar Wilde, Dustin Hoffman, Katherine Heigl, Denise Richards, Matthew Perry, Christopher ReeveWarren Beatty, Benjamin Franklin, Jack Black

Jupiter in Sagittarius: The Spirit of an Archer
Jupiter is scientifically the largest planet in our solar system. It is considered a "gas giant" because it is mostly made up of gas. The largeness of this planet may have a lot to do with why this planet is astrologically affiliated with expansion. Typically, this is the planet of luck, expansion, opportunity, optimism, and belief. Therefore, these natives are the most optimistic archers we will encounter. Jupiter is considered in domicile in Sagittarius because Sagittarius is RULED by this planet. This means that the planet will express more naturally and comfortably in this sign.
Natives with this position are quite open-minded, freedom-loving, and expansive. They may see the cup as half full, rather than half empty. They gain a lot of benefits from this optimism, as well as their generous spirit. Yet, they may have high expectations of life that will weigh on them eventually. They may be quite philanthropic, giving back to humanity in some way. They have quite a "heroic-complex". These people are naturally enthusiastic about new experiences, no matter what these experiences are. They are especially enthusiastic when they can teach others about all of their knowledge and experiences. They are highly inspirational and they always believe that good things can happen to good people. They may take many chances in life, which they should learn to put limits on. They may need to be a little more realistic when it comes to responsibilities (this may be realized if there are more practical energies in the chart). To many, they are the epitome of "perfect". While this may not be true, it's their positive attitude that makes them seem so "lucky". They have a strong appreciation for religion or philosophy. When they believe in something they put a lot of faith in it. They may be a little preachy in this regard. They also have an appreciation for the outdoors. They may enjoy playing sports and they make enthusiastic team players. They may also have an appreciation for culture. These natives may want to live their life to the fullest and they may see the entire world as one big playground for them to explore. Travel for them is motivated by more than just a need for is a means for them to learn and understand the world on a deeper level. Every experience is a growing tool for these natives. They have a great sense of humor and they make excellent entertainers. They are also excellent storytellers, and so storywriting may be perfect avenues for them. (Natives with Jupiter in the 9th house may relate to this description).
Jupiter in Sagittarius Celebs: Cameron Diaz, Amy Whinehouse, Marlon Brando, Ben Afleck, Vincent Van Gogh, Mila Kunis, Sean Penn, Antonio Banderas, Woody Allen, Winona Rhyder, Hugh Grant, Ricky Martin, Kendall Jenner, Robert Plant, Colin Firth, Simon Cowell, Snoop Dogg, Kristin Kreuk, Kate Bosworth, Jada Pinkett Smith, Mika, Steven Tyler, Chris Hemsworth, Cheryl Cole, David Duchovny, Carrie Underwood

Saturn in Sagittarius: The Discipline of an Archer
Saturn is known for the rings that surround the planet. These rings seem to bind the planet which may have a lot to do with why this planet has been affiliated with limitations. Saturn is a "gas giant", which means it is made up of mostly gas. This is the planet of restrictions, discipline, karma, law, and order. Therefore, these natives will be the most disciplined archers we will encounter.
Natives with this position are more serious than other archers. Yet, they still remain wise and open-minded. They may see that experience is the best teacher. Through experience, they understand right and wrong. They have respect for life and their teachers who taught them about life as well. They may be attracted to fields where they can teach or mentor as well. They are the most rigid in their beliefs and they may try to impose their beliefs on those around them. They take their philosophies seriously and they may be dogmatic when others try to teach them otherwise. They may believe that ambition can only be achieved when people do what is "right". They may prefer to set goals or objectives daily. They may have grown up in a household where religious beliefs were important or certain philosophies were instilled in the individual. They may also value higher education. Rules of the house may have surrounded these beliefs. Unlike most saturnalian positions, they do take chances. They do love a good adventure! However, they always make sure that whatever chance they take has sure benefits behind it. They have excellent intuition in this regard. They have fantastic focus and are capable of learning about a subject on a much deeper level. They may be attracted to law fields. They have a strong sense of justice. They have respect for personal space and expect others to respect their need for space as well. (Natives with Jupiter in the 9th house may relate to this description). Remember, Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, therefore Jupiter's position in the chart will influence this position.
Saturn in Sagittarius Celebs: Michael Jackson, Madonna, Martin Luther King, Lady Gaga, Mahatma Gandhi, Sharon Stone, Grace Kelly, Robert Pattinson, Megan Fox, Lindsay Lohan, Michelle Pfeiffer, Lambert Wilson, Prince, Drake, Ellen DeGeneres, Lionel Messi, Viggo Mortensen, Hilary Duff, Emma Stone, Andy Warhol, Shia Labeouf, Mary-Kate Olsen, Edgar Allen Poe, Melanie Griffith, Kesha, Tim Burton, Mischa Burton,Ernest Hemingway, Kate Bush, Ashley Olsen, Amanda Bynes, Amanda Seyfried, Dean Ambrose
Uranus in Sagittarius: The Innovation of an Archer
Uranus is quite an odd planet astronomically. According to researchers, this planet rotates on its axis (side) un like most other planets in our solar system. This uniquness may have a lot to do with why this planet is considered "unique" in astrology as well. Uranus is an "ice giant", meaning it is made up of mostly ice. In astrology, this is the planet of innovation/genius. originality, progress, and revoluution. Therefore, these natives are the most innovative archers we will encounter.
Natives with this position want freedom to do whatever it is they want to do. They not only believe in physical freedom, but they also want to free their minds. They have a broad and imaginative mind. For them, anything is possible! They only focus on the future, never looking back on the negativities of the past. This is an optimistic and inspiring generation, full of hope and promise. This is a generation that is interested in life itself. They may enjoy scientific research or philosophies. They may also want to travel to distant places. They may invent new ways of connecting with others from different parts of the world. They may even be interested in space travel! They sincerely want to have knowledge and experience. They are very generous and may want to give back to humanity in some way. They may see themselves as "heroes" of some sort. Ironically, they may be quite dogmatic in what they believe. They may expect others to comply with their philosophies, but they may be rebellious when forced to comply with the ideologies of others. They may be interested more in higher education than primary education. They may enjoy being involved in law fields because they have a strong sense of justice.Many of these natives may be interested in joining causes that broaden our minds and encourage tolerance of others. Or they may just simply rebel to feel that sense of "freedom". They may be quite innovative when it comes to teaching and education, as well as religion. (Natives with Uranus in the 9th house may relate to this description). Remember, Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, therefore Jupiter's position in the chart will influence this position.
Uranus in Sagittarius Celebs: Scarlett Johansson, Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Katy Perry, Robert Pattinson, Megan Fox, Amy Whinehouse, Lana Del Rey, Cristiano Ronaldo, Lindsay Lohan, Nicki Minaj, Avril Lavigne, Mila Kunis, Zac Efron, Keira Knightley, Drake, Jessica Biel, Anne Hathaway, Mark Zuckerberg, Kelly Clarkson, William Shakespeare, Khloe Kardashian, Hilary Duff, Emma Stone, Lil Wayne, Cary Grant, Alfred Hitchcock, Bruno Mars, Shia Labeouf, Walt Disney, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Mary-Kate Olsen, Ashley Olsen, Kesha, Kirsten Dunst, Lorie, Ciara, Amy Lee, Mischa Barton, Ernest Hemingway, Kate Bosworth, Michael Phelps, Ashley Olsen, Amanda Bynes, Mika, Amanda Seyfried, Dean Ambrose, LeBron James, Chris Hemsworth, Leona Lewis, Karl Marx, Rupert Grint
Neptune in Sagittarius: The Innocence of an Archer
Neptune is possibly the most mysterious planet in our solar system because it is the most distant of all the planets. This may be one of the reasons that this planet is affiliated with illusion. It is a bluish color, resembling that of an ocean (hence why it is named after the lord of the sea, Neptune). It is an "ice giant" because it is mostly made up of ice. In astrology, this is the planet of imagination, creativity, sanctuary, compassion, and the universal law of oneness. These natives are the most impressionable and imaginative archers we will encounter.
Natives with this position are optimists who may want to do great things for the world. They may see themselves as "heroic" types. They are highly idealistic, wanting to live in a happy world. These natives may always have on rose-colored glasses, always seeing the world as greater or better than it may be. They have a fantastic imagination which is usually expressed trhough creative writing or entertainment. These natives are very impressionable to the world around them. They are especially sensitive to negativity. These natives are easily persuaded by philosophies, religions, or education. They may trust in their teachers/mentors/counselors/religious leaders more than other people in their lives. They may also want to teach others. They must have something to believe in, otherwise they may be highly depressed souls. These natives may have compassion for those who struggle to find happiness or opportunities in the world. These natives are not paritial; they believe that no matter a person's station in life, a person can achieve. These natives may preach to others about universal tolerance and peace. These natives have high aspirations for life and they also want to be able to achieve their goals freely. Freedom is very important to these natives. These natives may be attracted to traveling or cultures of all kinds. They may be interested in learning foriegn languages. They may seek to broaden the minds of others. They make excellent tour guides! They may struggle to see other cultures or nations realistically. There are times when these natives may overestimate their abilities and the abilities of others. They may be hard to depend on for the simple fact that they cannot handle to real world. These natives love to have fun adventures with no rules; it is their form of escape. Neverland is the perfect paradise for these individuals. These natives are quite humorous and can entertain themselves for hours! They may be attracted to law as they have a strong sense of justice. (Natives with Neptune in the 9th house may relate to this description). Remember, Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, therefore Jupiter's position in the chart will influence this position.
Neptune in Sagittarius Celebs: Angelina Jolie, Leonardo Di Caprio, Beyonce Knowles, Britney Spears, Shakira, Christina Aguilera, Cameron Diaz, Uma Thurman, Katy Perry, Kim Kardashian, Justin Timberlake, Natalie Portman, Eminem, Alyssa Milano, Paris Hilton, Aishwarya Rai, Mariah Carey, Amy Whinehouse, Jessica Alba, Orlando Bloom, Kanye West, Ryan Gosling, Isaac Newton, Jude Law, Penelope Cruz, Tyra Banks, Katie Holmes, Ben Affleck, Heidi Kulm, Charlize Theron, Milla Jovovich, Nicki Minaj, Kate Winslet, Heath Ledger, Ashton Kutcher, Avril Lavigne, Nicole Scherzinger, Gwyneth Paltrow, Mila Kunis, David Beckman, Victoria Beckham, Tupac Shakur, Roger Federer, Kate Moss, Monica Cruz, Colin Farrell, Jessica Simpson, Jake Gyllenhaal, Jessica Biel, Adam Levine, Anna Hathaway, Alicia Keys, James Franco, Tobey Maguire, Drew Barrymore, Ava Longoria, Christian Bale, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Russell Brand, Winona Ryder, Kelly Clarkson, Ryan Reynolds, Enrique Iglesias, Kloe Kardashian, Jennifer Garner, Liv Tyler, Rachel McAdams, Carmen Electra, Kourtney Kardashian, Ricky Martin, John Mayer, Lil Wayne, Chris Martin, Channing Tatum, Aaliyah, Fergie, Reese Witherspoon, Eva Mendes, Chris EvansSarah Michelle Gellar, Tom Hiddleston, T.I., Pharell Williams, Mark Wahlberg, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Alanis Morissette, Jennifer Connely, Edgar Allen Poe
Pluto in Sagittarius: The Power of an Archer
Pluto is no longer classified as a "planet" scientifically. It is mostly seen as a dwarf planet, and it is the largest of all the dwarf planets. It is considered one of the coldest and darkest object in our solar system. This may have a lot to do with its description in astrology. In astrology, this is the planet of darkness, depth, destruction, transformation, and ultimately power. These natives are the most powerful archers we will encounter.
Natives with this position may follow this mantra: "Knowledge is Power". They may believe the more one knows and the more experiences they have, the more powerful and influential they may become in the world. This generation may value education more than most generations. There are many in this generation that may also seek "truth" and they may do much investigation on this principle. Some of these natives may be drawn to religions that give answers to such "truths". Others may be drawn to philosophies or science to give them universal truths. Regardless, these natives seek the answers to life's mysteries. While there are many who value education, there are some natives of this generation that may feel limited by the educational/religious systems. Some of these natives may seek to destroy these old systems and reform or improve them. These natives will do whatever it takes to have freedom..whether physically or mentally. They may not admit when others have impressed upon their minds. This is a generation of debaters. They may be quite dogmatic in their beliefs and they may try to impose their beliefs on others to control those around them. These natives may be attracted to careers involving law because they have a strong sense of justice. These natives want to do "heroic" things; they want to do things that are larger than life. This is the legacy they want to create. These natives may use story writing to express themselves. They may want to be teachers or mentors who spread their ideas through pupils. They may also be attracted to the entertainment fields: any field in which they can spread their ideologies. This is of course the most tolerant generation. They may be the most open to various cultures than generations before them. Yet, there may be many natives of this generation that feel divided on the basis of culture (which may be coming from cultural/ethnic oppression or dissention). Despite these issues, this is a generation that wants to live in a universal world. They may be interested in going to far off places. Space travel may be quite interesting to them. These natives have a powerfully optimistic spirit. They will never let anyone tear them down and they always stay focused on their own goals/objectives. They seem to focus on the future, and they seem to percieve future events. This generation is pretty fortunate compared to generations before them. They may be the least marginalized, and thus their desire for power is not as strong as others. (Natives with Pluto in the 9th house may relate to this description). Remember, Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, therefore Jupiter's position in the chart will influence this position.
Pluto in Sagittarius Celebs: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Nostradamus, Marie Antoinette, Kylie Jenner, Lorde, Ann Boleyn, Maximillien Robespierre, Chloe Moretz, Austin Mahone, William Blake, Jaden Smith, Gerardas Mercator, Zendaya Coleman, William Wallace, Bella Thorne, Willow Smith, Elle Fanning, John Calvin, Cody Simpson, Abigail Breslin, Edward Jenner, Rebecca Black, Maisie Williams, Robert Burns, Hokusai, Adrien-Marie Legendre, Martin Garrix, Giorgio Vasari, Seraphim of Sarov, Joseph-Marie Jacquard, Ross Lynch, Francis Xavier, John Loudon McAdam, Nathan Hale, Becky G, Antonio Canova, Nicolas Appert, Sebastien Erard, Richard Allen, Luigi Cherubini, Caroline Herschel, Domenico Cimarosa, Phillip Neri, Zelo, Camila Cabello, Francesca Lebrun, Jacques Amyot, Thomas Taylor, Henrich Bullinger, Luke Hemmings

North Node in Sagittarius: The Future Life of an Archer
Teh north node is one of the invisible ecliptic points that represents when the moon crosses paths with the sun (causing an eclipse). The north node is affiliated mostly with the solar eclipse, which is considered a dark day for earth. The north node is considered an uncomfortable position, yet it represents our karmic destiny/life purpose. By developing this energy, we may feel more fulfilled in life. Many astrologers today do not see the importance of the nodes. Yet, in traditionall the nodes were considered just as important as the planets. In fact, the north node was considered falling in the sign of Sagittarius. This may be because the north node is meant to help us find our destiny or destination in life, yet Sagittarius may lead the natives in a never-ending "journey".
Natives with the north node in Sagittarius may find that their life is motivating them to travel long distances, get in tune with their spiritual sides, develop some sort of belief, or to open their minds to understanding different cultures on a deeper level. There may be many who long for adventure in their lives away from their typical communities, to broaden their perspectives on life. Yet, there are some that prefer to stick to their basic understanding of the world instead of going any deeper. (south node in Gemini). Even those who do seek to understand life on a deeper level may find that they are on a never-ending journey for answers. This is quite a tough position for these natives. Yet, if the natives accept their karmic destinies, the natives will have an array of talents that they will develop and a lot of experiences in life. The most fulfillment can come from long journeies. (Natives with the north node in the 9th house may relate to this description). Remember, Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, therefore Jupiter's position in the chart will influence this position.
North Node in Sagittarius Celebs: Angelina Jolie, Leonardo DiCaprio, Bill Gates, Miley Cyrus, Tom Hanks, Aishwarya Rai, Harry Styles, Pablo Picasso, Penelope Cruz, Jack Nicholson, Nelson Mandela, Mel Gibson, Tyra Banks, David Beckham, Victoria Beckham, Ariana Grande, Kate Moss, Tobey MaGuire, Drew Barrymore, Eva Longoria, Russell Brand, Christian Bale, Enrique Iglesias, Demi Lovato, 50 CEnt, Fergie, Eva Mendes, Swami Vivekananda, Alanis Morissette, Rita Hayworth, Jack White, Ernest Hemingway
South Node in Sagittarius: The Past Life of an Archer
The south node is one of the invisible ecliptic points representing when the moon crosses paths with the sun (which causes an eclipse). The south node is particularly affiliated with the lunar eclipse (when the moon turns red). While this is a more comfortable position for most natives, it usually represents a lifetime in which there is no purpose (because we've been there and done that). Most astrologers, even some traditional ones, find this position to be the least important and usually encourage others to move away from it. Yet, since this position represents our past life and natural talents, it is actually the basis of our life and beneficial to us as we try to reach our future destiny. According to traditional astrologers, the south node is considered exalted in the sign of Sagittarius. This is because the south node is useful when we can draw from our talents and experiences, which the sign of Sagittarius usually offers. The sign of Sagittarius represents fortune for the natives.
Natives with this position may have an array of talents and experiences. Yet, their destiny is leading them to break ties with their ideologies and to be more flexible in their thought processes (north node in Gemini). They may find that their life is also leading them to get connected with those in their communities and to develop a strong network of associates. Many of these natives long for new experiences, and many of these natives are used to having new experiences as well. This position is a lot easier on natives than most. However, there will be many that would prefer to hold on to their adventurous lifestyles. If they chose to follow their north node destiny, they will find more fulfillment. They will be able to make use of their array of talents and they will experience more than what they have before. (Natives with south node in 9th house may relate to this description). Remember, Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, therefore Jupiter's position in the chart will influence this position.
South Node in Sagittarius Celebs:Keanu Reeves, Arnold Swarzenegger, Freddie Mercury, David Bowie, Amy Whinehouse, Che Guevara, Bjork, Vincent Van Gogh, Sylvester Stallone, Mila Kunis, Robert Downey Jr, Donald Trump, Mark Zuckerberg, J.K. Rowling, Steven Spielberg, Charlie Sheen, Khloe Kardashian, Cher, Elton John, Elizabeth Hurley, Andy Warhol, Sarah Jessica Parker, Shania Twain, Miranda Kerr, Farrah Fawcett, Brooke Shields, Mika, Ben Stiller, Dolly Parton, Chris Hemsworth, Cheryl Cole, David Letterman, Maya Angelou, Iggy Pop, The Undertaker

Chiron in Sagittarius: The Wounded Archer
Chiron is the planet of wounds that need to be healed. It is scientifically a dwarf planet with lesser astrological significance than Pluto, but more significance than the asteroids Ceres, Juno, Pallas, and Vesta. It tells the story of pain, but a way to heal that pain.
Natives with Chiron in Sagittarius have a wounded sense of faith, optimism, broadness, and understanding. The natives may have lost faith in a higher power or they may be a zealot for religious truth, making them self-righteous. Either way, there are insecurities here that cause them to become excessive. They may be afraid of open spaces or closed spaces. It may be difficult for them to commit to anything because they are so quick to run away. They struggle to face the negative, but are afraid to be too optimistic. They have a lot of knowledge, but they may feel they lack any skills or abilities. They may take too many risks, or they may be afraid to do it at all. Their greatest journey will be that of self discovery. Getting to know others, traveling, and networking will be healing for these natives. It will help them out of the clouds and back down to earth. They have a gift for teaching which could be used as a healthy medium. They also have a natural gift when it comes to animals. Their spiritual understanding of life can become useful to many so they should not hold it in. They are the gurus and philosophers of the future. They may benefit from writing a book one day.