Planetary Aspects

The expression of planets in signs are heavily influenced by the planetary aspects in a natal chart...and vice versa. What exactly are planetary aspects?
In astrology, the planetary aspects reflect the relationship one planet has with another upon making contact with it. While these lines are invisible in reality, in a natal chart, the planetary aspects are visible through lines mapped out across the natal chart as well as through symbols representing them. Planetary aspects are calculated mathematically according to the position of each planet's degree using latitude and longitude. Imagine the zodiac wheel and the planets surrounding the Earth being positioned exactly 360 degrees around the Earth. The natal chart represents those positions at the time of our birth (the transit charts represents current positions). Each planet is positioned at a certain length to another planet. At certain degrees they begin to form aspects to one another, representing those planets' relationships. There are generally six types of aspects: Opposition, Square, Conjunct, Trine, Sextile and an inconjunct (or quincunx).
An Opposition (180 degrees apart) usually happens when a planet is positioned opposite another planet by degree (usually the circle of the wheel is divided into two halves). Usually they are in signs opposite one another. This means that the natives will often feel torn between one aspect of their lives and another aspect of their lives.
A Square (90 degrees apart) usually is as the name describes...the planets are positioned at a point where it seems to form a square by degree on a natal chart. This is a harsh aspect, as it can cause inner tension and stress. However, it can also be motivating and many lessons can come from this aspect. These two planets are usually positioned in signs that have incompatible elements but similar modalities.
A Conjunct (0 degrees apart) usually happens when a planet is positioned very closely to another planet by degree. The two planets are usually in the same sign. Natives with conjuncts usually have unifying energies between the planets, yet they may not be able to tell the difference between the two planets. The energy coming from both becomes stronger.
A Trine (120 degrees apart) describes a degree that seems to form a triangle on the natal chart by degree. This reflects the energies of planets that are harmonious with one another. They are positioned in signs that have the same elements, therefore acceptance is easier. There are natural talents here because of the ease of expression. However, too many trines can sometimes cause laziness. Overall, it is still the best aspect to have.
A Sextile (60 degrees apart) is similar to a trine, in which natives will feel more harmony with these energies. The difference is natives understand their talents a little more and are less inclined to take them for granted. These planets are usually positioned in signs that have opposite, yet compatible elements to one another.
An Inconjunct (150 degrees apart) (or what some call a Quincunx) reflect energies that have hardly any relation. Therefore the native may always feel like they have to make adjustments in their lives to attend to the needs of the differing energies. Some astrologers consider inconjuncts to be less important as they reflect planets that hardly have any relation to one another, to the point finding common ground is extremely different. To add, compared to other planetary aspects, this one is not as strong. However, this aspect can be interesting to examine, especially if this aspect is one of the few visible aspects in one's natal chart.
There are other "minor aspects" visible in a natal chart such as a semi-square (45 degrees), sesqui-square (135 degrees), Quintile (72 degrees), Biquintil (144 degrees).

In astrology, the planets in zodiac signs often have expressions that are altered by the planetary aspects in a natal chart. Depending on which planet (sun, moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, N/S Nodes) this will determine the areas of life that is reflecting the planetary aspects and how the native's planetary energies will be expressed. The signs also serve to give distinction to the planets as they are aspecting. I will use a few examples to describe each scenerio.
In the case of a trine, the native usually has harmonious energies at work when this happens because of the similarities that the planets seem to have. (These planets are usually positioned within signs of the same element). An example would be a person with Sun in Taurus with this position trine Mars in Capricorn. This will reflect the kind of person that is proud and assertive (sun trine Mars) in a practical and cool manner (Taurus/Capricorn).
Note: When a planet is in a cardinal sign trine a planet in a fixed sign usually the native is a determined go-getter. When a planet is in a cardinal sign and it is trine a planet in a mutable sign, the native will be both initiating and adaptable in their expression of both planets. Finally, when a native has a planet in a fixed sign trine a planet in a mutable sign, the native is more moderate and easy to get a long with.
Or imagine if this was a sextile. Sun in Taurus sextile Mars in Cancer reflects a person who is both sentimental and yet stable, giving the native an almost balanced viewpoint. The sun, which is a planet of ego, is in Taurus giving the native a very stable and determined will, yet the mars is in Cancer giving them energy that moves with their emotions. Therefore, they have the will to be stable and they will be motivated by their sentiments to do whatever it is they wish to do. This is an energy that is perfectly capable of showing care, and yet still remaing practical. When a planet that is in a cardinal sign is sextile a mutable sign, the native is flexible yet initiating. If the planet in a cardinal sign is sextile planet in a fixed sign, the native will be capable of starting new things, yet they are also capable of maintaining stability. If a planet in fixed sign is sextile a planet in a mutable sign, the native will be capable of being adaptable, yet also firm and stable. These natives are excellent at the art of balance in their lives.
And of course, If this were to be a conjunct planetary aspect with sun in Taurus conjunct Mars in Taurus, it would reflect a highly determined and yet stubborn individual. They would not be able to accept change as gracefully as others...not without a fight. This is reflecting the sun in Taurus energy merging with the fighting Mars in Taurus energy. Yet, remember...both are in Taurus. Therefore, this aspect would be expressed a little different from a person who has sun in Aries conjunct Mars in Aries, where the native will be more competitive and impulsive, yet assertive. Either way, the natives may not know the difference between the sun and mars, often equating their fighting spirit with their pride.
Now if there were negative aspects to these planets, how would that affect the signs expression, and vice versa?
First, let us examine an opposition. If the native has sun in Taurus opposition moon in Scorpio, then the native will become torn between their will for stability, yet their inner emotional need for deep experiences. When there is an opposition (unlike with conjunct) the energies of these planets become different in the mind of the native. The will does not seem to reflect the inner insecurities. What becomes necessary for these individuals is to find "common ground" between these two energies, and work on "marrying" the two so that they will work. Often times relationships with others will help these natives to understand the inner conflict within. If a planet that is in a fire sign is opposition a planet in an air sign (or vice versa), the natives usually have issues with desiring independence yet they also desire to be around others. If a planet in an earth sign is opposition a planet in a water sign (or vice versa), the natives have issues with desiring emotional connection yet they also have a need for physical satisfaction.
However, if we were to look at a square aspect with Sun in Taurus square moon in Leo, the nature of the struggle would be slightly different. The sun's will is to have stability...the emotional need is admiration, attention, and drama. Therefore, their emotional needs seems to be in direct conflict with their will, causing much stress inside the individual. They may never feel as if they get what they want out of life, or they're not sure if what they want is really want they truly want. (With Leo being ruled by the sun, and the sun being situated in Taurus this may also cause the native to feel awkward when expressing these energies).
Note: When a planet is in a water sign and it is square a planet in a fire sign, the native will be passionate and creative. They may need to curve their impulses as their emotions run their life. If a planet is in a fire sign and it is square a planet in an earth sign, the native will be ambitious but they may be more stubborn and hot-headed. Bossiness may also be an issue. If a planet in an earth sign is square a planet in an air sign, then the native will be logical and practical, but the native may be rigid and aloof. Getting in tune with their emotional side may be of benefit to them. If a planet is in an air sign and it is square a planet in a water sign, the native will be quite adaptable, but they may be unrealistic and flighty. They must find a way to see life more realistically.
Finally, In the case with an inconjunct, if the sun in Taurus were to be inconjunct a Saturn in Gemini for example, then the native will feel the will for physical stability does not seem to benefit the need for mental order, and in some cases these needs are in the way of each other to the point the native seems to get only one of those needs met, but not the other. The native constantly has to sacrifice one need for the other in order to live a more fulfilling life. These energies are impossible to use together, so it is best to find time to use both energies separately. When a planet in a fire sign is inconjunct a planet in an earth sign this will reflect natives that constantly need to sacrifice their need for action for the sake of stability (and vice versa). When a planet in an air sign is inconjunct a planet in a water sign this will reflect natives that constantly need to sacrifice their need for emotional connection in order to have more mental interactions.
With each planet they are all positioned in a sign, reflecting the nature of that planet. This gives the planets individuality from one another. To understand what each planet and sign represents here is the list below.
Each planet has its own representation in astrology.
Sun--planet of ego
Moon--planet of emotions
Mercury--planet of the mind and communication
Venus--planet of love and beauty
Mars--planet of energy and sexuality
Jupiter--planet of chance and luck
Saturn--planet of boundaries and order
Uranus--planet of revolution and innovation
Neptune--planet of imagination and vulnerability
Pluto--power and transformation
Lunar Nodes--Karmic Destiny and life lessons
Each sign in the zodiac also has its own representation in astrology.
Aries--The sign of courage, initiation, leadership, yet impulsivity, competitiveness and selfishness
Taurus--The sign of stability, peace, and pleasure, yet laziness, stubborness, and greediness
Gemini--The sign of adaptability, communication, and curiosity, yet flightiness, duality, and changeability
Cancer--The sign of care, protection, sentimentality, yet emotion, dependency, and attachment
Leo--The sign of will, dignity, and creativity, yet pride, drama, and attention
Virgo--The sign of discernment, self-service, and purity, yet criticism, perfectionism, and fastidiousness
Libra--The sign of harmony, sociability, and cooperation, yet indecision, judgment, and co-dependency
Scorpio--The sign of depth, passion, and transformation, yet extremities, darkness, and obsession
Sagittarius--The sign of optimism, philosophy, and broadness, yet bigotry, distance, and exaggeration
Capricorn--The sign of ambition, focus, and organization, yet rigidity, reservations, and pessimism
Aquarius--The sign of originality, innovation, and humanitarianism, yet rebellion, deviantion, and detachment
Pisces--The sign of creativity, imagination, and compassion, yet sensitivity, fluidity, and naivety.
Note: While many astrologers do not use signs in a Synastry chart (compatibility chart), the signs can give more incite into the nature of an aspect in a compatibility chart.