Aries, The Ram
Click the Planets to view them in the signs
Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto LunarNodes

Behind the Sign
The legend behind the sign of Aries (the ram) comes from the greek story of Jason and the Argonauts, who sought the golden fleece of a Ram in order for Jason to reclaim the throne from Pelias who was Phrixus's cousin. According to the legend of the ram with a golden fleece, there was a king, King Athamus of Boetia, who married a woman named Ino. Ino was jealous of his first wife Nephele, thus she plotted a crop failiure and used an oracle to tell the king that Phrixus (Nephele's son) had to be sacrificed in order for the people to avoid starvation. King Athamus agreed to this, despite Nephele's plea against it. However, at the very last second a Ram was sent from Zeus who wore a golden fleece to save Nephele's son from being sacrificed. When Phrixus was delivered from death, he gave thanks by sacrificing the ram to thank Zeus, and he gave this golden fleece to a King named Aeetes. The king placed the fleece in a sacred corpse and had a dragon guarding it. In thanks for it, he gave his daughter to Phrixus to marry.
The Ram is a male form of sheep that is quadrupedal (four legged) and ruminant (able to gain nutrients or minerals from plants). The female sheep are called Ewes. Sheep are one of the most popular form of livestock, especially in the wool industries. The most sheep are found in China. Sheep can come in a variety of different shapes and sizes. One of the biggest and most well known form of sheep is the North American Bighorn Sheep. Their name couldn't describe them better, because their horns are the most distinct of all sheep in the world. Sheep usually like to stay close with one another for protection from predators. They tend to follow "the leader" impulsively, moving when the leader of the herd moves. Leadership is determined by various factors, particularly through competitveness such as fighting. The size of a sheep's horns also plays a part when deciding the most dominant one. Some species of sheep can compete for hours! During the mating season in the wild, sheep are known to compete against other rams for mating rights as well as race their object of desire up ragged mountains. Unfortunately, the sheeps need to follow their leaders blindly and their impulsive behavior when they panic has led to the idea that sheep are unintelligent. Sheep are said to have 300 degree vision, allowing them to see behind themselves without turning. They also have really good memories; they can remember other sheep and humans for many years. Sheep have varying ways of communicating, including with their facial expressions. When they are ill they always attempt to self medicate, and will eat certain plants to feel better. Despite the fact that they are gregarious, they are highly independent from the time they are born and are able to walk the moment they leave the mother's womb. Many sheep, especially moutain sheep, are excellent at climbing. The Bighorn Sheep is especially known for climbing up rocky and dangrous terrain. This is usually learned behavior that they adapt to as lambs (young sheep). The ram can be ferocious when you get too close. They are highly irritable; if you move too suddenly they may charge ahead at you with much force. Their horns are their greatest weapon against predators and other enemies.
In astrology, the sign of Aries is representative of courage, energy, initiation, and self indentity. It is also a sign representing impulsiveness, impatience, and competitiveness. It is the 1st sign in the zodiac. People with the sign of Aries are leaders no matter what, and they must always be the first to act. The sign of Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of energy, passion, and action. These qualities influence the way the sign of Aries is expressed because Mars is the lord of that sign. People with this sign in their natal chart will be very passionate and energetic, but unfortunately they will also be impulsive. Even though they may not think things through, they never fail to gain attention from others. It is easy for them to inspire others because they are daring and willing to try new things that have never been done before. To be perfectly honest, all people with this sign in their natal charts want to be nothing other than themselves. They are usually independent and would rather be alone than be around people that judge them. Their ruling planet Mars is also the planet of sexuality. People who have the sign of Aries in their chart may have a strong relationship to this; either they have a strong sex drive or they seem to others to be very sexy in their demeanor. Regardless, their life may involve sex in some way. Growing up, natives with planets in Aries may have experienced independence or separation. No matter what position is in Aries at the time, the planet Mars will influence the sign of Aries, and so will the sign position of Mars. For example, if a person has Sun or Venus in Aries, but the Mars is in Libra, this will heavily influence the energetic and passionate side of the Arian native. Aries is a fire sign, which represents leadership, energy, and creativity. Aries is also a CARDINAL sign representing initiation and leadership. Aries's Opposite Sign: Libra.
The way that Aries is represented or expresses varies according to which planet has entered this sign in both the natal (the position of planets from our birth) and transit (the position of planets in the current time) charts. If it is a house cusp sign, the expression is usually influenced by the planet positioned near it in the house as well as the house that this sign is representing. The following descriptions below show the various different types of "Aries" positions people may encounter in their own natal chart, the transit chart, or in other various charts.
Note: If there are positive aspects in the natal chart to a planet, than more of the positive Arian qualities will be recognized and the natives may have more advantages. If there are negative aspects to a planet, then the positive qualiies of Aries may be less recognizable and the natives may have more setbacks. (Natives with Mars aspecting any of the following planets may relate to these descriptions). To make a birth chart, visit
Sun in Aries: The Ego of a Ram
The native with the sun in Aries is usually the proudest ram we will find. The sun is the "planet" of the ego, leadership, pride, and self identification. Typically the sun is not literally/scientifically classified as a planet. In fact, it is a star and is the largest one in our solar system. It is the closest star to the planet Earth. The sun is considered exalted in the sign of Aries. This is because Aries is the sign of self and energy, giving the sun more energy and a more inspiring identity. Thus, natives will have inspirational qualities about them that others can't help but want to support. (For more information on Dignities/Debilities visit
Natives with this position have natural leadership qualities. This is because they are full of energy which inspires others to follow.They are independent, confident, and proud of who they are and what they do. They are usually initiating when it comes to starting new things. They express themselves openly, never holding themselves back from showing others what they are made of. They are very good at getting attention and they do not fear being in the spotlight. They tend to focus on accomplishing their goals. Whatever they do, they want to be respected for it. Sometimes, the need for attention and admiration can make them seem arrogant. They can be selfish when it comes to hogging the spotlight. They sometimes assume that others are okay with their behavior and they do not recognize when others are not as flattered with their negative qualities. They can be competitive when it comes to gaining attention as well. They sometimes want others to pay attention to them so much that they do some unspeakable and rebellious things. They may be the loudest in the room or the most energetic life of the party. There are times they may be the opposite of leaders. They may instead follow blindly behind others who can give them the attention and admiration they desire. They are sometimes so self-oriented they often overlook the needs and feelings of other people in their lives which can cause problems in personal relationships. Even though these natives can be desperate for recognition at times, they never fail to gain the admiration of those that encounter them because they are courageous in the spotlight. (If a native has the sun in the first house, they may relate to this description). Remember Aries is ruled by the planet Mars...that means the position of Mars and the Mars sign will influence the way this position expresses itself.
Sun in Aries Celebrities: Rober Downey Jr, Lady Gaga, Mariah Carey, Kirsten Stewart, Emma Watson, Charlie Chaplin, Marlon Brando, Heath Ledger, Vincent Van Gogh, Celine Dion, Lucy Lawless, Victoria Beckham, Jessica Jung, Keira Knightley, James Franco, Jennifer Garner, Elton John, Kourtney Kardashian, Johann Sebastian Bach, Reese Witherspoon, Steven Seagal, Fergie, Steve McQueen, Pharell Williams, Sarah Jessica Parker, Billie Holiday, René Descartes, Eddy Murphy, Vince Vaughn, Jackie Chan, Hugh Hefner, Steven Tyler, Amanda Bynes, David Letterman, Alec Baldwin, Diana Ross, Aretha Franklin, Chaka Khan, Jessie J, Iggy Azalea, Miranda Kerr, Randy Orton, Leona Lewis, The Undertaker, Selena, Debbie Reynolds, Maya Angelou
Moon in Aries: The Emotions of a Ram
The natives with the moon in Aries are the most emotional rams we will find. The moon is the "planet" of emotions/emotional needs, vibes, memories, habits, and dreams. A moon is not literally/scientifically a planet. It is an orbital satellite that surrounds certain planets. On earth we only have one moon, yet this is the very moon that astrologers use (as it has the most influence on us here on earth).
Natives with this position normally seem independent, even at a very early age in life, no matter what other passive or dependent energies they have in the natal chart. They constantly need to be free and explore their surroundings. They may get impatient when they are forced to comply to a strict code of behavior or situations where they have to work with other people. They may have grown up in an environment where they had to compete for attention or other things. They may be explosive and impulsive when they are upset, and are less inclined to think before exploding or acting upon their immediate emotion. Yet, they are usually over it just as quickly as the feeling began. They may not believe in holding on to things for too long. They'd rather just get past things and move on to something else. As far as getting involved with personal relationships or emotional commitments, anyone interested must understand their need to be free. They like to do their own thing at their own time. They must be careful of being too self-contained and selfish. Some of these natives may constantly want their way, and may be bratty when they do not get what they want. They take a lot of their time fostering and securing their skills and abilities, yet they seem to ignore the more important parts of their life such as their families and friends (unless moon is in the 4th, 7th, or 11th houses). Despite their need to get their needs competitvely met, they are rarely ever jealous of others. When they do get jealous that's when you know they really care...but it may not be a pretty sight. This is even the case when they are experiencing a break up. They simply move on to better things and they try not to hold on to old hurts. Unfortunately, they expect the same response from others, and they may not understand people who hold on to things for too long. Their resilience can also be inspiring to others, however. Life never seems to get to them the way it does for other moon positions. They can be encouraging to others, helping others to see that even from a traumatic situation that people can get through it and continue living life. These natives may have a stronger emotional need for sex than the average person, especially men with this position. (Natives with moon in the first house may also relate to this description). Remember, the sign of Aries is ruled by Mars, thus Mar's position in the natal chart will influence the expression of this position.
Moon in Aries Celebrities: Angelina Jolie, Rihanna, Bill Gates, Pamela Anderson, Steve Jobs, Pink, Selena Gomez, Marlon Brando, Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Tyra Banks, Daniel Radcliffe, Daniel Craig, Lucy Lawless, Tupac Shakur, Antonia Banderas, Ellen Degeneres, Eva Longoria, Christian Bale, Salma Hayek, Enrique Iglesias, Meg Ryan, Kendell Jenner, Tom Hiddleston, T.I, Cate Blanchett, Janet Jackson, Chuck Norris, Al Capone, Hayden Panetierre, Lebron James, Tom Brady, Malcolm X, Ed Sheeran, Billie Joe Armstrong, Russell Brand, Sade Adu, Ansy Warhol, Chris Rock, Paulino Rubio, Jet Li
Mercury in Aries: The Intellect of a Ram
These natives are the rams of thought and communication. Mercury is the planet of the mind and communication, as well as skills and transportation. Mercury is typically the closest planet to the sun scientifically, and so Mercury in astrology also has a strong tie to the sun. This planet is said to have a tricky orbit that is not always consistent. It is considered one of the smallest planets in our solar system. Mercury's distance in the signs is usually not too far from the sun, and so Mercury will usually be either in the sign before the sun sign, the sign after the sun sign, or in the same sign as the sun.
Natives with this position are quick thinkers. They sre full of ideas and they know how to solve a problem in the quickest way possible. While they catch on to their surroundings rather quickly, sometimes they are quick to jump to conclusions about things. They don't always understand overly complicated things and would rather get the answers as quickly as possible. If someone is ever in a conversation with these natives, it is best that that person get to the point as quickly as they can. When communicating, they speak straight-forwardly, loudly, and impatiently. They are said to sound angry when they are explaining their point of view. They are not the best listeners because they constantly need to keep their minds moving from activity to activity. They may be drawn to debates or competitions because they love to challenge their minds. They are initiating and may be the first to discover new methods of doing things in their social groups. In this way, they are geniuses! Their teachers from their early years of education may have always challenged them in positive or negative ways (the third house of intellect, mentality, and networking may also give incite on early education and the school environment). They themselves may be the type of teachers that challenge their students positively. Or they may be highly impatient with students. Overall, these natives are usually energetic when they speak and they can be inspiring speakers when they are speaking up about issues. (Natives with Mercury in the 1st house may relate to this description). Remember, the sign of Aries is ruled by Mars, therefore Mar's position in the natal chart will influence the expression of this position.
Mercury in Aries Celebrities: Albert Einstein, Florence Nightingale, Paul Rudd, Marvin Gaye, Franz Joseph Haydn, Tim McGraw, Elle Fanning, Kane (wrestler), Ed O'Brien, Francis Ford Coppola, Mark Zuckerberg, Debbie Reynolds

Venus in Aries: The Charm of a Ram
These natives are the more loving and charming Rams. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, and anything we value such as money. This is the 2nd planet from the sun and it is considered the brightest (and hottest) planet scientifically in our solar system. (It was often referred to as the "morning" or "evening" star). Its closeness with the sun makes it very similar to the planet Mercury, where it would be at a very close distance to the sun within a sign. The difference is Venus's distance may be a little farther, often capable of being TWO signs away from the sun sign position. Venus is unfortunately in detriment in this sign, which means Venus is not comfortable in this sign. Thus the natives may not feel as comfortable with the expression of love as most people would be or they may not express love/beauty in a way that other people are comfortable with. (
Natives of this position are either openly affectionate, or tough independent lovers. They may be the types to give you the greatest hugs or they would rather just say something crude to let you know they were thinking about you. They may be quiet in other parts of their life, but when they get around their friends or lovers they come alive! They are usually quite impatient with people they like, and so in relationships they may expect everything to happen fast. If you are a friend, they immediately classify you as a best friend even if they have known you for only one day. If you are a lover, they want to immediately be married (or immediately have sex)...whichever comes first. They are usually the alpha of their social group because they want to be at the center of every social event or social gathering. Talk about someone who is the life of any party! One thing that may be immediately obvious is that they love attention. Sometimes this can cause problems because they can be more concerned about getting all of the attention, and may not give anything. They can be selfish in this regard. When first meeting them, they may be quite enthusiastic about meeting you...but after a while they may seem to fade from existence or move on to newer friends or lovers. While they love making new friends and lovers, they get bored or restless when things get too stable. In order to be in a relationship with these natives, you have to keep things fresh. If they are the jealous types, they will be extremely competitve. They like to compete for the affections of men or women. And they especially love it when people compete for their affections. They may cause one crazy, dramatic relationship because of their need to start drama and shake things up a bit. If they ever wondered why they struggle to have a stable love life, these would be the reasons. For some Venus in Aries natives, they wouldn't have it any other way. As friends, they also like to shake things up and they may have a tendency to turn friendships into rivalry (or rivalry into friendships). Even though this is true, they will also be their friends' greatest defenders. In this way, they are courageous. They don't mind being fact they want to be nothing less than original. They are very uncomfortable in stiff or stuck up environments. They like to have fun wherever they go! When they want something they want it now, which can make them very impulsive with finances. Their greatest charm is their sexiness. They are daring flirts and they are not afraid to show you exactly how attractive you are to them (or if they are more receptive, they may want you to be this way towards them). (Natives with Venus in the 1st house may relate to this description). Remember, the sign of Aries is ruled by Mars, therefore Mar's position in the natal chart will influence this expression. Natives must be wary that Venus and Mars are two different planets and so there will be more tension in the love lives of these natives than it will be for most other natives.
Venus in Aries Celebrities: Marilyn Monroe, George Clooney, Albert Einstein, Lady Gaga, Jennifer Aniston, Rihanna, Shakira, Mariah Carey, Robin Thicke, Flava Flav, Cristiano Ronaldo, Elizabeth Taylor, Jack Nicholson, Rene Zellweger, Audrey & Katharine Hepburn, Bob Marley, Sigmund Freud, Robert Downey Jr, Kiera Knightley, Eva Longoria, Chris Martin, Steven Seagal, Sarah Jessica Parker, Pharell Williams, Johnny Cash, Jason Aldean, Cate Blanchett, Gavin Degraw, Janet Jackson, Michaelangelo, Stevie Wonder, Lee Hyori, Bobby Brown, Queen Latifah

Mars in Aries: The Energy of a Ram
These are the most energetic rams (possibly the most energetic natives) we will find. Mars is the planet of energy, passion, focus, sexuality, courage, and action. This planet has been referred to as the planet of war, because the planet also influences our fighting style and our fighting resilience. Scientifically, it is a reddish planet, hence why it has been affiliated with war and bloodshed. Mars is considered in domicile in the sign of Aries. This is because, as we know, Aries is RULED by the planet Mars. ( Therefore, when Mars is positioned in this sign it is considered "at home" or comfortable in this sign. The natives with this position will have the most natural qualities of this planet; they'll be full of energy, vitality, passion, and a high sex drive.
Natives with this position may have a quiet personality, but they are filled with A LOT of energy. What may be evident about these natives is that they are very straight-forward in their actions. When they want to get something or accomplish something, they want to do it immediately. They are not the types to beat around the bush or waste time. They are very decisive, because they are able to make decisions rather quickly. They are restless, constantly needing to take on new challenges or activities daily. They are passionate people, doing everything with energy and vigor. They can be impulsive and sometimes they may act without careful thought for those around them. If they are bored, they can be dangerous. They may begin challenging others if they do not have a goal to focus on. They are usually courageous without trying. This is because they don't think about their actions, they just act. However, they are not the types to fight for something or against someone if they know that running away will make things end faster. When they do fight, they will do whatever it takes to get it over with. They are the types to take on people bigger or taller than they are. If they are bored this may be fun to them. If they are focused on another goal however, they may be irritated with these sorts of obstacles. Speaking of irritation, these natives are easily irritable and agitated because they have a need to get things done immediately. The best thing to do? Don't get in their way! They are better at taking the initiation and coming to you first. While they may enjoy the company of others every once in a while, they simply work better alone when doing tasks or finishing projects. Don't be offended by this...they simply act alone on impulse in most cases. (If they have a good Venus position, they will love having others along for the ride). Sexually, they have so much energy to burn. They have a very strong sex drive, even if they have repressed it for many years. But again, they do get bored. In order to keep these natives satisfied one would have to keep up with their need for challenge and constantly give them something new. They can be sexually selfish. They may not care whether their partners are pleased with their sexual skill; they may simply want to "attack" and finish the job. People around them may find them to be aggressive sometimes, but one thing is for sure, they are a lot of fun! If ever to take this kind of person on a date, make sure there is plenty to do. They may have natural athletic abilities, even if they are not interested in sports. However, they may not work well in team sports. No matter what issues are in their lives, what is most admirable about them is that they never let it stop them from doing whatever it is they want to do. This can be inspiring to others because they never let a setback or disability hinder their success. They are a true example that anybody can do it, no matter their condition or station in life. (Natives with Mars in the 1st house may relate to this description).
Mars in Aries Celebrities: Angelina Jolie, Russel Crowe, Steve Jobs, Aishwarya Rai, Cristiano Ronaldo, Dave Grahan, Tyra Banks, Yannick Noah, Clint Eastwood, Prince, Tobey Mcguire, Russell Brand, Paul Newman, Emma Stone, Kourtney Kardashian, Vanessa Hudgens, Kevin Costner, Frederic Chopin, Kate Hudson, Kate Beckinsale, James McAvoy, Iggy Azalea, David Lettermen, Daniel Craig, Sam smith, Hayley Williams, Lauryn Hill

Jupiter in Aries: The Spirit of a Ram
These natives are the most enthusiastic and faithful rams that can be found. Jupiter is the planet of faith, optimism, expansion, philosophy, and ultimately good luck and cheer. Jupiter is one of the outer planets in astrology as well as in astronomy. It is the largest planet in our solar system, and it is typically a planet made of nothing but gas! Despite this, it is also said to rain diamonds, and at its very core there may be many valuable elements. Because Jupiter is an outer planet, its position in a sign usually lasts for about a year. That means an entire peer group may have this Jupiter position in Aries. Still, it is a part of who we are as individuals, especially if you have signs that are ruled by this planet.
Natives with this position are highly energetic and enthusiastic about expanding their horizons. Whatever opportunity comes their way, they act immediately! They are not the types to ponder too long on options; they will normally go with the quickest option possible, which can cause them to be quite the dare-devil. Even if opportunities do not immediately come their way, they will "open their own doors" to opportunity. They believe in themselves, as well as the things that they do. They may believe that every moment is a chance to do something fantastic! They prefer to pioneer new "terrain", whether mentally or physically. They want to be original, especially when it comes to their beliefs or philosophies (the 9th house may also give us incite on the types of philosophies we are drawn to). They are positive role-models and teachers when it comes to being courageous and taking on opportunities for a challenge in life. There are times when they may see their beliefs as a part of their personal expression. They do not like when others disagree with their philosophies. They may become aggressive when others try to tear down their beliefs on life, so it is best to reason with them as lightly as possible. They may also be quite impulsive, taking on a gamble with their finances or investments if they take their "faith" too far. Sometimes they may even gamble with their life! They must be careful of putting their abilities on a "pedastal", only to be let down by the harsh realities of their limitations.They are drawn to nations or cultures that are "original" in some way. They may especially be drawn to cultures or countries that are exciting, where they can let out their daring and adventurous spirits. Their enthusiasm is infectuous to many who meet them because they are willing to do what no other person may be willing to do. They may be very interested in sports because it gets them energized. They may be excellent coaches when it comes to sports as well. (Natives with Jupiter in the 1st house may relate to this description). Remember, Aries is ruled by Mars, therefore Mars's position in the natal chart will influence this position.
Jupiter in Aries Celebrities: Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Rihanna, Al Pacino, Russell Crowe, Whitney Houston, Robin Williams, Charlize Theron, Milla Jovovich, Kate Winslet, David Beckham, Zac Efron, Nicholas Cage, Tobey McGuire, Russell Brand, Enrique Iglesias, Lionel Messi, 50 cent, Hilary Duff, Frederic Chopin, Reese Witherspoon, Steven Seagal, Fergie, George Michael, Tiger Woods, Rene Descartes, James Hetfield, Jack White, Chuck Norris, Tori Amos, Bow Wow, Che Guevara, Lauryn Hill, Jet Li, Maya Angelou

Saturn in Aries: The Discipline of a Ram
These are the most disciplined rams we will find. Saturn is the planet of discipline, limitations, and boundaries/restrictions. It is also a planet that represents respect and laws. Saturn astronomically is considered one of the most interesting planets in our galaxy. Just like Jupiter it is a gas giant and this planet also rains that are the size of an iceberg exist on this planet! A prominent feature of this planet is its rings that encircle it. Within these rings, many particles reside within it. The "rings" that seem to block the planet may have been related to why this planet represents boundaries. Saturn is an outer planet, and it usually lasts about 2 or 3 years in a sign. That means that this planet's position in the sign of Aries will affect an entire peer group. Unfortunately, Saturn is falling in the sign of Aries. Saturn lacks energy in this sign because Aries is the sign of passion, independence, and action. It is such an impulsive and action oriented sign, that discipline is difficult to maintain.
Natives with this position take whatever they do very seriously. They have a serious and dutiful nature because whatever task they take on, they want to strongly succeed. They believe that by taking action immediately more will be accomplished and so they act immediately when it comes to things. Sometimes, they may seem to be less thoughtful of others, and may even seem ruthless. While they do believe in taking action, they do not take risks that would compromise what they desire. So while they are action oriented, they are ironically very reserved. One may see their more impulsive sides when they are ready to take on duties. They are initiators, always the first to volunteer for a job or a responsibility. They just simply have to take action; they can't wait for messes to clean themselves up. They may take on so many tasks that they find themselves in highly stressful situations. Despite this, people respect their ability to take on some of the messiest and most dangerous jobs. They'd do very well in the military, police work, or as firemen/firewomen. There are times when they simply feel obligated to take on tasks. This may have been groomed in them by their parents at an early age. They are very dependable in emergency situations because they are always prepared for a situation that requires immediate action. They can be quite commanding and critical of the actions of others. This may be offsetting to some. Surprisingly, they may expect others to respect their decisions and their behavior without criticism. Even though these natives can be militant, their courage and strength is usually worth admiring. Note: The qualities of this planet usually develops when we become adults, as Saturn is a planet that represents maturity. (Natives with Saturn in the 1st house may relate to this description). Remember, Mars is the ruling planet of Aries, therefore Mars's position in the natal chart will influence this expression.
Saturn in Aries Celebrities: Nicole Kidman, Albert Einstein, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Aniston, Pamela Anderson, Celine Dion, Renee Zellweger, Marilyn Manson, Kylie Minogue, Tina Turner, Lucy Lawless, Will Smith, Christy Turlington, Hugh Jackman, Michael Schumacher, Daniel Craig, Vin Diesel, Thom Yorke, David Guetta, Chuck Norris, Nataie Wood, Kylie Jenner, Naomi Watts, Anna Nicole Smith, Dusin Hoffman, Morgan Freeman
Uranus in Aries: The Innovation of a Ram
Uranus is the planet of revolution, openness, genius, innovation, and progress. It also represents spontaneous changes and Independence. These Rams are possibly the most innovative rams we will find. Uranus is one of the farthest outer planets and is referred to as an "ice giant" scientifically because it mostly consists of ice particles. This planet is probably one of the most unique planets in our solar system because it rotates on its axis or its side. Uranus is referred to as a generational planet, because it can last up to seven to eight years in one sign, which is almost a decade. This means that an entire generation will be influenced by it.
Natives with this position are quite innovative. They are always thinking of original ways to improve upon a project or a cause. They are spontaneous and impulsive. They may come up with new ideas out of nowhere it would seem (this is especially so if they have Mercury in Aries) and they tend to act on these innovative notions rather quickly. While some may see them as impulsive and inconsiderate, others may see them as ingenius! They are pioneers, and so they may seek to discover or begin new methods of doing things that have never been done before. This is possibly one of the most freedom-loving placements. These natives want to be free to do whatever it is they want. They may either take on causes for the sake of this freedom, or they may simply rebel by refusing to comply with any of the rules. The teenage years are the most prominent with this planetary energy. As teenagers, they may be independent and free-thinkers that do not want to conform to social ideologies. They may intensely promote the idea of independence and they may be aggressive (even volatile) when they do not get their way. This can make them hard to handle at times. They may be impatient with old ideas that do not agree with theirs. Their recklessness when implementing new ideas may often be their downfall. Nevertheless, these natives are quite inspiring to others because they are not afraid to break the rules and be true to themselves. (Natives with Uranus in the 1st house may relate to this description). Remember, Mars is the ruling planet of Aries, thus Mars's position in the natal chart will influence this expression.
Uranus in Aries Celebrities: Martin Luther King, Elvis Presley, Grace Kelly, Che Guevara, Elizabeth Taylor, Sean Connery, Audrey Hepburn, James Dean, Clint Eastwood, Steve McQueen, Andy Warhol, Johnny Cash, Rene Descartes, Thomas Edison, Joan Rivers, KArl Legerfeld, Neil Armstrong, Maya Angelou, Barbra Walters, Anne Frank, Ray Charles, James Brown, William Shatner, Maya Angelou

Neptune in Aries: The Innocence of a Ram
Neptune is the planet of illusions, dreams/aspirations, and impressionability. It is also the planet of mercy, compassion, creativity, and ultimately the universal laws of onenness. These rams are possibly the most imaginative and innocent rams we will encounter. Scientifically, this planet is one of the farthest outer planets and is considered an "ice giant" (because it is mostly made of ice). Its bluish color is what makes it so prominent, hence why it was affiliated with the god of the sea Neptune in Roman mythology. It is consdered a "generational" planet because Neptune can last up to 13 or 14 years in a sign, which means it will influence an entire generation.
Natives with this position may be the most idealistic when it comes to their abilities and the abilities of others. They want to believe that anything is possible and that no matter what, we can always overcome our weaknesses. They are very impressionable when it comes to ideals of adventure and/or warfare. They may connect these things with spirituality as if this is something that is natural or "beautiful". Conversly, they may also feel as if they are victims of war and violence in the world. They have compassion for those who want to achieve and be leaders in the world. They may feel sorry for people who have certain disabilities and they idolize those who challenge or overcome those limitations. They may often picture themselves as "heroes" or "defenders" for the underdogs. This is because they really want to do more for others. They are not the types to sit back and watch others suffer. They are fighters, after all! Their creativity can be described as bold and avant-garde. They want to create a world that is exciting, free, and adventurous. Sometimes, they can be quite gullible and impulsive. They may overlook the dangers that lie ahead for them and may not realize just how destructive violence can be for humanity. Their greatest escape from reality is imagining the most daring situations and living the dream/fantasy they hope will deliver them from suppressed situations. While they may seem to be addicted to thrills, they are highly inspiring because they sincerely appreciate courage and honor. (Natives may relate to this description if they have Neptune in the 1st house). Remember, the sign of Aries is ruled by Mars, thus Mars's position in the natal chart will influence this expression.
Neptune in Aries Celebrities: Mahatma Ghandi, Winston Churchill, Swami Vivekananda, Marie Curie, Gertrude Stein, Benjamin Franklin, Claude Debussy, Henri Matisse, Harry Houdini, Wassily Kandinsky, Aubrey Beardsley, Henry Ford, George Gurdjieff, Piet Mondrian, Gustav Klimt, Anders Celsius, Frank Lloyd Wright, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Sergei Rachmaninoff, George Washington Carver, Max Weber

Pluto in Aries: The Power of a Ram
Pluto is the planet of power, transformation, destruction, loss, influence, and depth. It is also a planet affiliated with darkness and trauma. Pluto is scientifically not one of the classified "large" planets near the sun. Rather, it is considered by some to be one of the largest dwarf planets in our solar system. It is the farthest "planet" mentioned so far, and it is considered one of the coldest objects in our solar system (possibly because of its distance from the sun). This planet is also considered one of the "generational" planets in astrology. Pluto can last from 13 years to almost 31 years in one sign. Its position in the signs is therefore the least consistent, yet the most impactful on an entire generation. These natives are the deepest and most powerful rams we will ever encounter.
Natives with this position are often drawn to the most dangerous situations. They are the types that want to explore the depths of their abilities. They may see themselves as invincible, capable of taking on any issue or opposition. They may constantly start problems in their lives just to test their abilities and see what they are truly made of. They are possibly one of the most intense people because when they desire something they will do whatever it takes to get it...even if it means war. They rely on their own abilities to gain power over others and they can be intensely charismatic war heroes as a result. They are conquerers; they want to defeat anything that has stood in their way or opposed them. Their need for independence is undeniable! They may have felt the loss of freedom and independence at a very early age, and so they will be more willing to risk it all to gain back (or maintain) whatever freedoms they have. They can be ruthless and unforgiving when others try to stop them from achieving their heart's desire. They can be obssessed with getting what they want, and their actions often come across a bit extreme. They are not the most reasonable natives (unless they have more reasonable energies amongst their personal planets). Along with a need for independence, they enjoy finding new things about themselves or their environment. They can be challenging in their adolescent years because of their need to dominant and be free from restrictions. If channeled appropriately, they can be influential defenders for a cause or revolution. In some cases, they may be fighters against violence (especially if they have experienced the most destructive parts of it in their own lives). These natives may be the most influential when it comes to pioneering new things. This generation may embrace their sexuality more openly than most other generations. (Natives with Pluto in the 1st house may relate to this description). Remember, the sign of Aries is ruled by Mars, therefore Mars's position in the natal chart will infleunce this expression.
Pluto in Aries Celebrities: Rene Descartes, Alexander the Great, JulesVerne, Thomas Edison, John D. Rockefeller, Guy de Maupassant, Mark Twain, Claude Monet, Tchaikovsky, Emily Dickinson, Auguste Renoir, Gustave Eiffel, Lewis Caroll, Sarah Bernhardt, Dmitri Mendeleev, Alexander Graham Bell, Andrew Carnegie, J.P Morgan, Johannes Brahms
North Node in Aries: The Future life of a Ram
The north node is one of the invisible ecliptic points (the lunar nodes) in which the moon crosses over the center of the earth. They are not necessarily planets...but to many astrologers they hold importance as to what events may take place throughout a person's lifetime as well as the native's true karmic destiny or spiritual purpose here on the earth.These crossovers are capable of causing a lunar or solar eclipese. In Vedic astrology, the north node is more affiliated with the solar eclipse, which causes the darkest days on earth. The north node represents our future life. It represents all the events we will encounter or the life we may long to live. While the north node is not as comfortable for us as the south node, we may feel more fulfilled if we embrace the energies of these nodes, and we may even gain new skills. The south node is usually in the sign opposite the north node.
Natives with North Node in Aries may be either longing to be independent leaders in the world, or they may feel as if life is moving them towards that way. Their life may be focused on developing their own individuality by learning to stand on their own two feet. Their tendency may be to hide behind another in order to feel confident or sure (South Node is in Libra). But life always seems to push them away from this, or they themselves may even feel less fulfilled with this lifestyle. After all, if we experienced the same old things as in our past life, could we ever truly be happy? Those who long for these experiences may be quite initiating when an opportunity comes knocking on their door. They may discover latent courage and strength that they never even knew they had. Their life lesson is to be more decisive and independent, by relying on their own abilities. (Natives with north node in the 1st house may relate to this description). Remember, Aries is ruled by Mars, therefore Mars's position in the natal chart will influence this position.
North Node in Aries Celebrities: Jennifer Aniston, Julia Roberts, Robert Pattinson, Megan Fox, Celine Dion, Lindsey Lohan, Meryl Streep, Sean Connery, Marilyn Manson, Rafael Nadal, James Dean, Kylie Minogue, Sigmund Freud, Lucy Lawless, Will Smith, Carl Jung, Zac Efron, Drake, Richard Gere, Christy Turlington, Hugh Jackman, Lionel Messi, Michael Schumacher, Daniel Craig, Hilary Duff, Winston Churchill, Shia Labeouf, Sigourney Weaver, Rene Descartes, Kesha, David Guetta, Naomi Watts, Anna Nicole Smith, Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen, LL Cool J
The South Node in Aries: The Past life of a Ram
The south node is the other side of the ecliptic. The south node is usually in the sign opposite its north node. In Vedic astrology, the south node has often been affiliated with the lunar eclipse, the day when the moon turns blood red. The south node represents our past life. The past life is considered a more comfortable lifestyle because it is something we are more used to. Some may try to hold on to this lifestyle because of comfort. However, there may also be those who feel deadened by this old life and are ready to move on to something else. While many astrologers encourage others to move away from the south node, it is important to understand that you cannot escape your past. The best thing to do is balance the habits of your past life with the skills you are developing for your future life. There are many natural talents that can come from the south node that may be beneficial to developing the future life.
Natives with the south node in Aries may have a natural inclination to take the lead and trek their own territories. In the past, they may have lived a lifestyle where they had to be courageous and strong. Yet, their life seems to constantly move them towards working with others. There are some of these natives that may fight to hold on to their independence. There are also those that feel deadened by this lifestyle and are ready to create their life with another. The talents that can be found in the south node are endless, because these natives naturally believe in themselves and what they can do. They may especially be natural leaders and fighters. Believe it or not, these abilities can be useful on their trek to establishing peace, balance, and harmony with others (North Node in Libra). (Natives with south node in the 1st house may relate to this description). Remember, Aries is ruled by Mars, therefore Mars's position in the natal chart will influence this position.
South Node in Aries Celebrities: Michael Jackson, Madonna, Shakira, Al Pacino, Bruce Lee, Orlando Bloom, Kanye West, Isaac Newton, Joan Baez, Ashton Kutcher, Nicole Sherzinger, Tina Turner, Monica Cruz, James Franco, Liv Tyler, John Mayer, Chris Martin, Frederic Chopin, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Kendell Jenner, Micaelangelo, Simon Cowell, Hugh Laurie, Tim Burton, Chuck Norris, Ringo Starr, Tom Brady, Thomas Edison, Judy Garland, Brittany Murphy, John Cena, John Lennon, Sade Adu, Floyd Mayweather Jr, Robin Williams

Chiron in Aries: The Wounded Ram
Chiron is the planet of wounds that need to be healed. It is scientifically a dwarf planet with lesser astrological significance than Pluto, but more significance than the asteroids Ceres, Juno, Pallas, and Vesta. It tells the story of pain, but a way to heal that pain.
Natives with Chiron in Aries have a wounded sense of self, energy, courage, and freedom. They may even have physical wounds. They handle pain with resilience and usually never let wounds stop them. They are capable of facing challenges through the pain as a result. They are afraid to be afraid. They would rather ignore the scars than face them. But this is where learning begins. They must come to terms with their limitations in order to heal more efficiently. They must be careful of "macho" behaviors motivated by inner insecurities. Most of the time people can see through their fragile sense of strength.