Virgo, The Virgin
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Behind The Sign
The sign of Virgo is usually identified as Zeus's and Themis's daughter Dike, the goddess of justice. Some also identify her as Astraeia, the daughter of Astraeus (father of the stars) and Eos (goddess of dawn). Either way, the depiction of this being is a woman with wings, along with an ear of wheat in her hands. The story of Dike presents a person who had once lived in a righteous, perfect human world here on Earth. In this world humans looked and acted as the gods did (during Cronus's reign in Olympus). It was a happy and peaceful time for mankind. There was always plenty of food and no one ever grew old or sick.
Dike was considered a wise and just woman who observed everything. Times had gone by, and human existence began to change (some say this may have been around the time Zeus overthrew his father Cronus in Olympus). Humans began quarreling against one another and they stopped worshipping the gods. This change in humanity disappointed Dike, as she longed to live in the days in which humans were pure. She assembeled the human race and told them of their disgraceful behavior, with her final words being "The worse is yet to come". Thus, she flew into the mountains for refuge. Eventually, the world went from bad to worse, as Dike predicted. She could not take the inhumanity any longer, therefore she flew up into the heavens where she remains a constellation to this day.
In the real world, humans like Dike do not necessarily exist today. However, we can still use real life examples that can help us understand the mindset of this goddess. How so? Remember, Dike was not just any kind of human...she was like a bird with wings. Birds have always been seen as divine because birds are the closest creatures to heaven. Birds have been symbols of good and bad, life and death, heaven and earth. Birds are seen as messengers in folklore, especially messengers of the gods.
Our basic understanding of birds comes down to the fact that they have wings. Yet, not all birds are capable of flying. Some birds use their wings for other reasons; mating rights and protection are two of the other reasons that may be involved. One virtue of the bird species is that when they mate they mate for long periods of time with ONE mate. This ensures better survival for both. The survival of eggs and chicks is very important, and so the males and females tend to work together to provide for them. Most male birds tend to be more colorful than the females (possibly for the sake of impressing the females). Birds communicate in various different ways. They may call, flap their wings, peck at each other, and some birds may even speak! Despite the fact that the brain of a bird has been demeaned, they are quite analytical and perceptive. Most birds usually stay near their nests, but when the weather becomes unbearable they will usually fly to areas that are more tame. There are only a few species of birds that migrate long distances regularly (usually for mating purposes). Many birds have a built in clock, allowing them to somewhat calculate time. Most birds are scavengers. They wake up early to find food, usually before other rivals come to take it from them.
In astrology, the sign of Virgo is representative of service, analysis, discernment, efficiency, and humility. It is the 6th sign in the zodiac. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication, as well as skills. Virgo is an Earth sign, which represents practicality, sensuality, and stability. It is a MUTABLE sign, which represents flexibility and communication. Natives with planets in Virgo are quite analytical, sensible, and in need for perfection. They may be the most efficient people we encounter because they want to do things the right way. Sometimes their "black or white" approach to life may make them seem like dull people. These natives may have a tendency to tirelessly work to earn whatever it is they desire...but they may not stop to enjoy any of it. For some of these natives, working is their life and some of these natives may even enjoy it. These natives may have so much nervous energy, they can be fussy and critical with everything. They are detail-oriented which makes it very difficult for them to see the bigger picture, yet it also allows them to be excellent problem solvers. They are the "fixers" of the zodiac and are usually the best people to rely on during a "crisis du jour". They need their life to be clear, otherwise they will never feel content. They may live their life according to what they feel is "normal" in their social societies. There is something very innocent about these natives. This is because they don't quite understand people. They only understand things from their own perspectives (unless solid facts persuade them otherwise). Opposite Sign: Pisces. Natives with planets in Virgo may have been made to feel inferior to others or may have lived in "humble" environments growing up.
The way a sign expresses will depend on the planet placed within that sign. If it is a house cusp sign, the ruling planet and the house it represents will determine how it is seen from our perspective. Note: Natives with Mercury aspecting the following planets may relate to these descriptions. Positive aspects usually means there may be more opportunities or advantages. Negative aspects means there may be more disadvantes. The following descriptions show the various "Virgo" placements we will encounter. Dignities and debilities will be mentioned throughout this webpage. They usually reveal many things about both planets and signs. For more information visit make a birth chart, visit
Sun in Virgo: The Ego of a Virgin
The sun is the planet of the ego, pride, attention, and leadership. Astronomically, the sun is a star. This star is the source of life here on earth. Astrologically, this is also so. Without the sun in astrology we can never feel "alive" inside. Natives with this position are the proudest virgins we will encounter.
Natives with this position are very proud of the life they create for themselves. They have a nice job, a stable family life, a nice home...these are things that make them feel highly accomplished. When they don't have these things they feel less accomplished than everyone else. They are quite humble compared to other sun natives. They usually work hard for the things they desire, which is what makes their confidence stronger. Yet, they may be quite critical and they may be extremely hard on themselves sometimes. They may feel as if they have to be perfect at everything they do. They may struggle to relax and simply enjoy life. Even when they are at a social gathering or a fun event, they may still feel quite uneasy. They are especially shy when they are given too much attention. Note: they want sincere compliments rather than suck-ups. They may feel that life has a wrong way or a right way to live. They may be quite shocked that some do not feel the same way they do in this regard. They may take pride in being of service to other people. They want to be efficient and when they do a good job, you may see more of their boastful sides. This is a very sensible and practical placement. They may do well in pretty much any career field because of their precision and hard-working attitude. (Natives with sun in the 6th house may relate to this description). Remember, Virgo is ruled by Mercury, therefore Mercury's position in the natal chart will influence this position.
Sun in Virgo Celebs: Michael Jackson, Beyonce Knowles, Cameron Diaz, Keanu Reeves, Pink, Ludacris, Tyler Perry, Jolin Tsai, Namie Amuro, Mother Teresa, Freddie Mercury, Amy Whinehouse, Sean Connery, Prince Harry, Mylene Farmer, Richard Gere, Salma Hayek, Paul Walker, Charlie Sheen, Sophia Loren, Stephen King, Hugh Grant, Warren Buffett, Shania Twain, Greta Garbo, Colin Firth, Michelle Williams, Lance Armstrong, Nicole Richie, Tim Burton, Adam Sandler, Mickey Rourke, Kobe Bryant, Jada Pinkett Smith, Kay Parker, Tom Hardy, Rose McGowan, Nick Jonas, Marc Anthony, Macaulay Culkin, Raquel Welch, Igor & Grichka Bogdanov, Wiz Khalifa, Gene Simmons, Bill Murray, LeAnn Rimes, Stephen Fry, Jack Black, Emmy Rossum, Anastacia, Tom Felton, Ray Charles, Michael Buble, Liam Gallagher, Julian Casablancas, Zendaya Coleman, Chris Pine, Kyla Pratt, Keke Palmer, Tommy Lee Jones

Moon in Virgo: The Emotions of a Virgin
The moon is the planet of emotions, habits, memories, and dreams. The moon is scientifically not a planet; rather it is a satelitte that usually surround objects in space. Here on Earth, we only have one moon...and that moon is responsible for sustaining life, especially planet life. It is the only rock mass visible at night. It also influences the tides of the sea here on Earth. In astrology, the moon is also a supportive planet in our lives. Natives with this position are possibly the most emotional and supportive virgins we will encounter.
Natives with this position are quite the helpers in the zodiac. They want to feel useful to others and they feel anxious when they are not needed. They have the most nervous energy of all Virgoan placements. They need to be actively doing something, especially with their hands. This is especially so when they are upset. Having daily activities keeps their minds at ease. They especially worry when their life does not go the way they planned it. They try to keep a certain order or routine in their lives and when this is not attended to, they may be quite fussy and irritable. They have very simple needs, honestly. A decent home life, a decent family life, a decent job...a normal life is what they crave. They may be very quick to dish out criticism, yet they may be extremely sensitive to the criticism of others. They may be more critical of themselves more than anything. They are naturally shy when it comes to expressing their personal feelings. However, they are actually very good at giving advice to others.They may do quite well in fields in which they can put their organizational skills to use. (Natives with moon in the 6th house may relate to his description). Remember, Virgo's ruling planet is Mercury, therefore Mercury's position in a chart will influence this position.
Moon in Virgo Celebrities: Madonna, Nicki Minaj, Bill Kaulitz, James Franco, J.K Rowling, Matthew McConaughey, Blake Lively, Channing Tatum, Aaliyah, Keith Richards, Stephen Hawking, Mary-kate & Ashley Olsen, Michelle Williams, Courtney Cox, Clive Owen, Lance Armstrong, Lorie, Richard Burton, Kate Bosworth, David Lynch, Mickey Rourke, Serena Williams, Jada Pinkett Smith, Eddie Vedder, Rudolph Steiner, Marquis De Sade, Gordon Ramsey, Deepak Chopra, Katherine Heigl, Dolly Parton, Chris Hemsworth, Leona Lewis, Lorde, Bill Cosby, Pete Doherty, Susan Sontag, Shirley McLaine, Notorious B.I.G, Amy Adams, Jenny McCarthy, Charles Bukowski, Gene Simmons, Christopher Columbus, Leo Tolstoy, Bobby Brown, Samuel L. Jackson, Tom Felton, Hulk Hogan, Michelle Trachtenberg, Lou Reed, Mark Harmon, PJ Harvey, Puff Daddy, Anna Paquin, Marvin Gaye, Jay Leno, Kat Dennings, Betty White
Mercury in Virgo: The Intellect of a Virgin
Mercury is the planet of the mind and communication, as well as skills. Scientifically Mercury is the closest planet to the sun and the smallest of all eight classified planets in our solar system. It has quite tricky orbit (it tends to go retrogade quite often). In astrology, Mercury encourages us to be adaptable and to think/connect with others. These natives are the most communicative and intellectual virgins we will encounter. Mercury is considered in domicile in this sign. Natives with this position will show natural qualities of Mercury. Traditionally, Mercury is also considered exalted in the sign of Virgo as well. This means not only does Virgo represent the natural qualities of the planet Mercury, but this sign also gives Mercury alot of strength and energy.
Natives with this position are analytical, clear, and concise in their thoughts and communication style. They like to review everything they get involved in. This is usually done with much attention to the details and logical deducing. They may do well in any field where they can use these deducing skills. They are problem solvers, who can quickly break things down and find a quick solution. For them, there is never a problem that can't be solved. They may be very critical of others. While they are not normally quick to jump to conclusions, they may only see the details and they may miss the big picture. They have a hard time understanding people who do not think or act the way that they do. They may be highly critical of their own work and abilities as well. Unlike most placements, however, they usually try to give contructive criticism that is not motivated by their personal biases or emotions (unless they have more biased or emotional energies in their natal charts). They may be shy to speak at first, but once they get comfortable they can be the most talkative people to encounter. (Natives with Mercury in the 6th house may relate to this description).
Mercury in Virgo Celebs: Paul Kosseff, Madonna, Keanu Reeves, Mother Teresa, Monica Bellucci, Helena Blavatsky, Freddie Mercury, Amy Whinehouse, Whitney Houston, Robert Redford, Sean Connery, Jennifer Lawrence, Robert De Niro, Avril Lavigne, Edward Norton, Lambert Wilson, Mila Kunis, Prince Harry, Coco Chanel, Pink, Salma Hayek, Paul Walker, Michael Douglas, Hugh Grant, Sting, Blake Lively, Alfred Hitchcock, Robert Plant, Greta Garbo, Colin Firth, Michelle Williams, Melanie Griffith, Lance Armstrong, Alexander Skarsguard, James Hetfield, Kylie Jenner, Adam Sandler, Tori Amos, Mickey Rourke, Kate Bush, Hayden Panettiere, Jada Pinkett Smith, Mika, Tom Brady, Dustin Hoffman, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hardy, Rose McGowan, Nick Jonas, Matthew Perry, Neil Armstrong, Rupert Grint, Alicia Silverstone, Steve Carrell, Andrea Bocelli, Macaulay Culkin, John Holmes, Lil Romeo, Amber Liu, Joe Jonas, Raquel Welch, Gene Simmons, Fran Drescher, Adam Sandler, Bill Murray, Stephen Fry
Venus in Virgo: The Charm of a Virgin
Venus is the planet of love, beauty, charm, money, and the arts. Scientifically, Venus is the brightest (and hottest) planet in our solar system...almost as bright (and hot) as the sun (which is a star). Venus is usually called the "morning" or "evening" star. It is one of the most beautiful planets in our solar system. These natives are the most charming virgins. Unfortunately, Venus is considered falling in the sign of Virgo. This means that Venus, the planet of love and beauty, lacks energy behind a sign that is analytical and humble.
Natives with this position are quite shy when it comes to love...but they will never let others know this. They are not the romantic types and open or loud tokens of affection are simply not their style. Rather, they show love in simple ways. Tending to your daily needs in a self-serving manner is the main way they will show you how much they care. They may be a critical partner because they want their relationships to go smoothly. Don't be alarmed; this is also one of their tokens of affection. They are highly insecure in relationships. They may pick themselves apart more than they do their partners, never feeling like the "perfect" lover. They're the types that have to have everything in place; what they wear, how they decorate their houses, even how they behave in society has to be perfectly in place. They may have a particular (sometimes a peculiar) taste in fashion, music, and even lovers.They may take a lot of time planning their steps before stepping out into the public because they are quite self-conscious. They make excellent critics, especially when it comes to artistic fields. They may be some of the best music producers because of their efficiency. They are usually quite gurus or experts on life and they may extend their knowledge to their friends. They love to be of help to those they love. What attracts them more about a lover is good hygiene and good manners. (Natives with Venus in the 6th house may relate to this description). Remember, Virgo is ruled by Mercury, therefore Mercury's position in the chart will influence the chart.
Venus in Virgo Celebs: Julia Roberts, Catherine Zeta Jones, John Lennon, Kim Kardashian, Brigitte Bardot, Eminem, Lil Wayne, T-Pain, Robert Redford, Mick Jagger, Robin Williams, Charlize Theron, Kate Winslet, Robert De Niro, Gwen Stefani, Mila Kunis, Roger Federer, Sean Penn, Antonio Banderas, J.K. Rowling, Pink, Sophia Loren, Roman Polanski, Sting, Demi Lovato, Blake Lively, Patrick Swayze, John Mayer, Jason Statham, Vin Diesel, Bruno Mars, Simon Cowell, Melanie Griffith, Jack White, Alexander Skarsguard, Buster Keaton, Kate Beckinsale, David Guetta, Natalie Wood, Kylie Jenner, Adam Sandler, Mika, Chris Hemsworth, Kevin Spacey, Michelle Rodriguez, Jimmy Fallon, Neil Armstrong, John D. Rockefeller, Will Ferrell, Joe Jonas, Keith Urban, Martha Stewart, Evan Rachel Wood, Whiz Kalifa, Bill Murray, Ashanti, Toni Braxton

Mars in Virgo: The Energy of a Virgin
Mars is the planet of energy, passion, sexuality, aggression, and focus. This planet has often been affiliated with war and bloodshed...possibly because of its appearance scientifically (the planet is quite a reddish color). Natives with this position may be the most assertive and passionate virgins we encounter.
Despite stereotypes about "virgins", many Mars in Virgo natives are not necessarily sexually absent. What this position denotes is an individual with healthy, almost youthful, sexual energy. These natives are very curious about sex, yet they are very particular about the type of sex they want to engage in. Many may be surprised at how kinky they can be. They do have their fetishes! They are quite efficient at what they do, whether it pertains to their sexuality or anything else they put their passions towards. They need to have perfection otherwise they will be apprehensive and insecure. They are highly critical, and when things are not in order (the way they've planned it) they will become highly irritable. They are analytical and precision is very important to them. They may work well in fields where they can put these skills to use. Promptness is their daily goal. They may have a list of various activities they want to do daily. They need to be doing SOMETHING...being idle makes them restless. When they are angry, they are more critical than usual. They have examined the flaws of their enemies as much as their lovers, therefore they are usually ready to break down the minds of their opponents before anything else. They are the "Mr and Ms. Fix-Its" of the zodiac. They like to help others and solve problems. They may work well with their hands. The health fields might be excellent avenues for them. (Natives with Mars in 6th house may relate to this description). Remember, Virgo is ruled by Mercury, therefore Mercury's position in the chart will influence this position.
Mars in Virgo Celebs: Johnny Depp, Britney Spears, Princess Diana, Cameron Diaz, Mother Teresa, Ben Affleck, Sylvester Stallone, Nicole Scherzinger, Gwyneth Paltrow, Romy Schneider, Will Smith, Robert Downey Jr., Ariana Grande, Matt Damon, Hugh Jackman, Bill Kaulitz, Hilary Duff, Blake Lively, Zooey Deschanel, Sarah Jessica Parker, Trent Reznor, Bruno Mars, Joan of Arc, Eva Green, George Michael, Melanie Griffith, Christina Ricci, Ciara, Amy Lee, Ernest Hemingway, Naomi Watts, Hayden Panettiere, Brooke Shields, Joan Rivers, Stevie Nicks, Kevin Spacey, Hilary Swank, Lorde, Michelle Rodriguez, Stevie Wonder, John Holmes, Lil Romeo, The Undertaker, Joe Jonas, Amy Adams, David Scwimmer, Raquel Welch, Evan Rachel Wood, Wiz Kalifa, Dr. Dre, Chris Rock, Zoe Saldana, Amber Rose, James Brown, Grace Jones, Claude Monet, Jay Leno
Jupiter in Virgo: The Spirit of a Virgin
Jupiter is the planet of luck, chance, expansion, optimism, and belief/philosophies. Astronomically, this planet is the largest planet in our solar system. It is a planet mostly made of gas, making its core indefinable. What is so lucky about this planet is that it may actually rain diamonds! These natives are most certainly the luckiest virgins we will encounter. However, Jupiter is considered in detriment in the sign of Virgo. This means that Jupiter has a blockage of optimistic energy. These natives may struggle to feel comfortable with these energies.
Natives with this position may find that benefits or opportunities usually come to them when they work hard for them. They get enthusiastic when they can help others. While they may take on more than their stress level can handle, they honestly enjoy working for or with others. They may enjoy working in the health fields. They always stay positive when it comes to problem solving. They may also have several hobbies to keep them busy. They hate being idle! They may struggle to put their complete faith and trust in life, however. They can be critical of their situations in life, especially if opportunities don't come right away. They want life to go the way they planned it. This is a more practical placement than what is normal for Jupiterian positions. These natives are realistic and are not quick to jump on opportunities without examining every detail. They are very critical of new places. They need the perfect surroundings in order to feel comfortable in foreign places. They get very uncomfortable around cultures or languages they are not familiar with. They must be careful of being judgmental of cultures that are different from theirs. They may prefer to learn a foreign language before traveling. These natives may travel for the sake of finding work. They may enjoy traveling short-distances such as across country or even a few minutes away. Its not that they don't like traveling...they are simply practical and sensible when it comes to traveling to other destinations. They would probably rather spend their money on something more practical instead of traveling the world or gambling. They may have the strongest appreciation for education; they may be excellent at teaching basic educational skills such as math, science, and reading. Their humor may lean towards sarcasm. They may be outright cynical. (Natives with Jupiter in the 6th house may relate to this description). Remember, Virgo is ruled by Mercury, therefore Mercury's position in the chart will influence this position.
Jupiter in Virgo Celebs: Julia Roberts, Kim Kardashian, Selena Gomez, Mel Gibson, Renee Zellweger, Bob Marley, Tom Hanks, Will Smith, Jessica Simpson, Hugh Jackman, Taylor Lautner, Roman Polanski, Demi Lovato, Michael Douglas, Channing Tatum, Zooey Deschanel, T.I., Eva Green, Cate Blanchett, Michelle Williams, Christina Ricci, David Guetta, Naomi Watts, Anna Nicole Smith, Joan Rivers, Kristen Bell, Nick Jonas, Marcus Schenkenberg, Criss Angel, Marc Anthony, John Holmes, Mia Farrow, Jamie Foxx, Rod Stewart, Randy Orton, Paul Rudd, Shailene Woodley, James Brown, Ice Cube, Nick Cannon, LL Cool J, Amelia Earhart
Saturn in Virgo: The Discipline of a Virgin
Saturn is the planet of boundaries/limits, discipline, law, and order. Scientifically, this planet is most recognized by the rings that surround it. These natives are the more disciplined virgins we may encounter.
Natives with this position are quite hard-working and diligent when it comes to a task or job. They take service very seriously and may be the most critical position we will encounter. They tend to be hard on themselves just as much as they are on others. They need order in their lives. They may be the most stressed when there is chaos. They may become work-a-holics because of their need to work and perfect everything that they do. They are so reserved, it may be hard for them to let go and simply enjoy life. They have the hardest time seeing the big picture. Their minds simply concentrate naturally on the details. They may have grown up in a household where efficiency and adequacy was important. They may feel that in order to be successful, they must be perfect. This may cause many health issues later down the line. They may need to avoid being fussy over minor differences that come about in their lives. They may also be quite concerned about health and hygiene. They may do well in fields that focuses on these things. As parents, they may focus on encouraging proper grooming and healthy lifestyle choices in their children. Despite their stressful natures, they are very good at repairing things or situations. They are quite careful of the details so they may do well in any field where they can put these abilities to use (which could include any mathematical or scientifical fields). They are quite logical in their approach to life, and they only trust ideas that are practical or sensible with facts behind it. (Natives with Saturn in the 6th house may relate to this description). Remember, Virgo is ruled by Mercury, therefore Mercury's position in the natal chart will influence this position.
Saturn in Virgo Celebs: Meryl Streep, Robin Williams, Katie Holmes, Heath Ledger, Jessica Simpson, Adam Levine, Richard Gere, Pink, Ian Somerhalder, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Rachel McAdams, Kourtney Kardashian, Victor Hugo, Channing Tatum, Aaliyah, Prince Charles, Zooey Deschanel, Johann Sebastian Bach, Eva Green, Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Williams, Rene Descartes, Christina Ricci, Kate Hudson, Richard Branson, Usher, Agatha Christie, Nelly Furtado, Bruce Springsteen, George Sand, Kobe Bryant, Rose Byrne, Kristen Bell, Katherine Heigl, James McAvoy, Norah Jones, Ozzy Osbourne, Pete Doherty, Macaulay Culkin, Stevie Wonder, Charlie Hunnam, Igor Bogdanoff, Grichka Bogdanoff, Kurt Russell, Gene Simmons, Bill Murray, Jeff Bridges, Samuel L. Jackson, Julian Casablancas, Chris Pine, Randy Orton
Uranus in Virgo: The Innovation of a Virgin
Uranus is the planet of genius, originality, innovation, and revolution. These natives will be the most innovative virgins we encounter. Uranus is scientifically one of the most unique planets in our solar system because it actually orbits on its axis (in other words on its side). This uniqueness is the reason why this planet has come to be affiliated with originality and revolution.Uranus is considered an "ice giant" because it is mostly made up of ice. Uranus usually lasts 7-8 years in one sign at a time.
Natives with this position are quite innovative and intelligent, especially in the scientific or technological fields. They are superb at using their analytical abilities to make positive changes for humanity. They may also be very concerned about health and the environment. They may enjoy getting involved with causes that helps clean up our environment or care for nature in some way. They may be quite innovative when it comes to new health ideas involving organic food and other products. They may especially be innovative when it comes to medicine. These natives simply want to help the world in any way they can. They want to invent things that are useful and efficient. The issues that may arise is the conflict between their need for technological advancements, yet the need to live in a healthy or organic world. They may seek to use technology to help keep a more organic life. These natives may also be interested in making changes in the working environment as well. These natives have a subtle curiosity about the world. Yet, they may also be quite critical when things do not go the way they have planned. They may be particular about the way they want their life to be. (Natives with Uranus in the 6th house may relate to this description). Remember, Virgo is ruled by Mercury, therefore Mercury's position in the chart will influence this position.
Uranus in Virgo Celebs: Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Nicole Kidman, Albert Einstein, Jodie Foster, Julia Roberts, Keanu Reeves, Monica Bellucci, Kurt Cobain, Pamela Anderson, Demi Moore, Sandra Bullock, Russell Crowe, Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Pablo Picasso, Halle Berry, Bjork, Cindy Crawford, Kylie Minogue, Lucy Lawless, Will Smith, Robert Downey Jr, Courtney Love, Nicolas Cage, Michael Jordan, J.K. Rowling, Coco Chanel, Salma Hayek, Charlie Sheen, Quentin Tarantino, Mike Tyson, Daniel Craig, Jason Statham, Anthony Kiedis, Meg Ryan, Vin Diesel, Sarah Jessica Parker, Lolo Ferrari, Shania Twain, George Michael, Janet Jackson, Lenny Kravitz, Courtney Cox, Franz Kafka, Paul Klee, David Guetta, James Hetfield, Adam Sandler, Tori Amos, Naomi Watts, Helena Bonham Carter, Brooke Shields, Sinead O'Connor, Ben Stiller, Otto Klemperer, Marcus Schenkenberg, Brigitte Nielson, Criss Angel, Seal, Marc Anthony, Steve Carrell, Ashley Judd, Matt Dillon, John Cusack, Will Ferrell, The Undertaker, Keith Urban, Jamie Foxx, Dr. Dre, R. Kelly, Chris Rock, Kenny Chesney, Alice Bailey, Patrick Dempsey, Ice Cube, Molly Ringwald

Neptune in Virgo: The Innocence of a Virgin
Neptune is the planet of illusion, imagination, aspiration, impressionability, mercy, sanctuary, and the universal principle of oneness. These natives are the mosre impressionable virgins we will encounter. Neptune is such a mysterious planet because it is actually the farthest classified planet in our solar system. This planet is the hardest to define of all the planets. One thing researchers do understand about this planet is that it is an "ice giant", meaning a planet made up of most ice. To some modern astrologers, Neptune is considered in detriment in Virgo. This is because Neptune is such an imaginative planet, while Virgo is such a practical and sensible sign. This may cause uncomfortablity for the natives with this position. Neptune usually lasts 13-14 years in one sign at a time.
Natives with this position are quite impressionable to their environment, which may not be evident at first. This is a generation that wants to see what can realistically be achieved in life, yet they are easily persuaded into a life of servitude. They are more than workers; sometimes they will slave for others. They are prone to be work-a-holics. Their greatest escape from life's problems is usually helping others. They may especially enjoy coming together with those in their community to work on projects. They may have compassion for those who are immobile or handicapped in some way. They may even feel badly for those who have health problems or people who have instability in their lives. They may also feel compassion for those who work really hard with barely little in return. They equally feel compassion for those who do not have a job to do. If they do not have a job or a stable ("normal") life, they may also feel down on themselves. They may not be the most creative generation. Anything that they create must be useful for the real world. They may use creative means to encourage real world ideals. They may be excellent writers because of their detailed approach to life. They may feel that by being realistic about the world, they can avoid future pains. However, they may have much mental stress and other health problems because of their worrisome nature. They really need to let go, otherwise they will never live a happy nor peaceful life. They are quite perfectionists, to the point they can be puritanical. They may want to live in a world that is orderly and clean. They may be interested in environmental programs. (Natives with Neptune in the 6th house may also relate to this description). Remember, Virgo is rueld by Mercury, therefore Mercury's position in the chart will influence this position.
Neptune in Virgo: Anthony Perkins, Harvey Kietel, Julie Andrews, Martin Luther King, Elvis Presely, Brigitte Bardot, Al Pacino, Grace Kelly, Bruce Lee, Elizabeth Taylor, Robert Redford, Mick Jagger, Paul McCartney, Alain Delon, Jack Nicholson, Sean Connery, Joan Baez, James Dean, Clint Eastwood, Romy Schneider, Tina Turner, Bob Dylan, Woody Allen, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Sophia Loren, Roman Polanski, Muhammad Ali, Warren Buffett, Anthony Hopkins, Steve McQueen, Jane Fonda, Stephen Hawking, Johnny Cash, Barbra Streisand, Natalie Wood, Chuck Norris, Mysic Meg, Ringo Starr, Ursula Andress, Joan Rivers, Dustin Hoffman, Karl Lagerfeld, Luciano Pavarotti, Bill Cosby, Neil Armstrong, Susan Sontag, Shirley MacLaine, Sylvia Plath, Carolina Herrera, Raquel Welch, Martha Stewart, Brian Jones, Edie Sedgwick, George Carlin, Warren Beatty, John McCain, Faye Dunaway, Frank Zappa, Barbra Walters, Jon Voight, Diana Rigg, Ray Charles, Lou Reed, James Brown

Pluto in Virgo: The Power of a Virgin
Pluto is astrologically the planet of power, transformation, destruction/loss, darkness, and depth. Therefore, these natives are the most powerful virgins we will encounter. Scientifically, Pluto is no longer considered one of the classified "large" planets in our solar system. It is rather classified as the largest "dwarf" planet in our solar system. It is the farthest planet mentioned so far, and it is considered one of the darkest and coldest objects in our solar system (possibly because of its distance from the sun). Pluto usually lasts from 12 years to 31 years in one sign at a time.
Natives with this position are intelligent and perceptive. They are quite investigative and may be involved in all kinds of scientific research. They may want to heal the world in some way, using the power of medicine and technology. They may be obssessed with their health and work, and they may seek to control these areas. They see the power in the littliest things; they may see what others may overlook. They may respect the power of those working behind the scenes, rather than those working in the spotlight. They are very good at analyzing situations and problem solving. There are times when they can be critical and controlling. They want their lives to be perfect, and they are highly insecure when there is no order or stability. They may have extremely high expectations of life, which can make them highly stressed and depressed when life does not go the way they wish it would. (Natives with Pluto in the 6th house may relate to this description). Remember, Virgo is ruled by Mercury, therefore Mercury's position in the chart will influence this position.
Pluto in Virgo Celebs: Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Michael Jackson, Madonna, George Clooney, Jennifer Lopez, Nicole Kidman, Jodie Foster, Jennifer Aniston, Julia Roberts, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Sharon Stone, Keanu Reeves, Uma Thurman, Monica Bellucci, Tom Cruise, Kurt Cobain, Pamela Anderson, Demi Moore, Sandra Bullock, Russell Crowe, Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Jay-Z, Celine Dion, Gerard Butler, Dave Gahan, Halle Berry, Renee Zellweger, Yannick Noah, Jim Carrey, Gwen Stefani, Bjork, Cindy Crawford, Bono, Kylie Minogue, Edward Norton, Lucy Lawless, Will Smith, Robert Downey Jr, Courtney Love, Tupac Shakur, Mylene Farmer, Matt Damon, Sean Penn, Nicolas Cage, Antonio Banderas, Ellen Degeneres, Michael Jordan, J.K. Rowling, Hugh Jackman, Naomi Campbell, Salma Hayek, Charlie Sheen, Matthew McConaughey, Quentin Tarantino, Mike TysonHugh Grant, Jon Bon Jovie, Daniel Craig, Anthony Kiedis, Meg Ryan, Vin Diesel, Sarah Jessica Parker, Shania Twain, Mark WahlbergCate BlanchettGeorge Michael, Colin Firth, Janet Jackson, Lenny Kravitz, Michaelangelo, Michael J. Fox

North Node in Virgo: The Future Life of a Virgin
The lunar nodes are usually ignored by many modern astrologers today. However, traditional astrologers often regarded the lunar nodes as just as important as the planetary position. The north node represents our karmic destiny/life purpose. It is not a planet of any kind; rather it represents one of the ecliptic points, the point in which the moon crosses paths with the sun. The North node is usually representative of the solar eclipse (a time in which there is darkness on the earth).
Natives with this position may either long to live a life of servitude, or their life may be pushing them to live a life that is more serving to others, which is different from the life they may have lived in the past (south node in Pisces). If they are against following their destiny, they may be easily dissatisfied with life and may constantly be stressed. If they embrace their karmic destiny, they may feel more fulfilled in life. They may gain analytical abilities, or the ability to fix or solve anything. (Natives with the north node in the 6th house may relate to this description). Remember, Virgo is ruled byb Mercury, therefore Mercury's position in the chart will influence this position.
North Node Virgo Celebs: George Clooney, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Marlon Brando, Paul McCartney, Katie Holmes, Yannick Noah, Heath Ledger, Bono, Sean Penn, Adam Levine, Antonio Banderas, Maria Callas, Bob Dylan, Pink, Ian Somerhalder, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Muhammad Ali, Hugh Grant, Rachel McAdams, Kourtney Kardashian, Aaliyah, Marie Antoinette, Cary Grant, Ava Gardener, Stephen Hawking, Colin Firth, Marie Curie, Barbra Streisand, Kate Hudson, Usher, Nelly Furtado, Kylie Jenner, Eddie Murphy, Mystic Meg, Rupaul, Kobe Bryant, Rose Byrne, Katharine Heigl, James McAvoy, Michelle Rodriquez, Michael J. Fox,
South Node in Virgo: The Past Life of a Virgin
The south node is the least examined placement. This is because many astrologers encourage us to move away from the south node by focusing only on the north node. However, we cannot avoid our past; rather we can learn from it and use the talents of our past to help our future. The south node is usually in the sign opposite the north node. It is not a planet; it is one of the ecliptic points, the point in which the moon crosses paths with the sun. The south node is usually affiliated with the lunar eclipse (the day the moon turns blood red).
Natives with this position may be used to living a life of servitude or hard-work. Some may long to move away from this lifestyle, and instead may prefer to live a life free of such responsibilities. Or some may try to hold on to this life because it guarentees more stability. If these natives embrace their north node destiny (north node in Pisces), they may be able to use their natural analytical and problem solving abilities to gain inner peace in the future. (Natives with the south node in the 6th house may relate to this description). Remember, Virgo is ruled by Mercury, therefore Mercury's position in the chart will influence this position.
South Node in Virgo Celebs: Jennifer Lopez, Rihanna, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Uma Thurman, Mariah Carey, Elizabeth Taylor, Jay-Z, Robin Williams, Gerard Butler, Chris Brown, Renee Zellweger, Gwen Stefani, Edward Norton, Matt Damon, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Naomi Campbell, Adele, Matthew McConaughey, Sting, Emma Stone, Vanessa Hudgens, Victor Hugo, Joan of Arc, Johnny Cash, Vivien Leigh, Buster Keaton, Joan Rivers, Matthew Perry, Tina Fey, John D. Rockefeller, Rupert Grint, Jessie J, Susan Sontag, Sylvia Plath, Phil Collins

Chiron in Virgo: The Wounded Virgin
Chiron is the planet of wounds that need to be healed. It is scientifically a dwarf planet with lesser astrological significance than Pluto, but more significance than the asteroids Ceres, Juno, Pallas, and Vesta. It tells the story of pain, but a way to heal that pain.
Natives with Chiron in Virgo have a wounded sense of order, analysis, and humility. The native may lack a lot of confidence or they may lack humility altogether. Somehow in their life they have seen being humble as a weakness or hindrance to their success. But humility can actually become a strength. The natives can be extremely critical of themselves and others, but this may stem from people criticizing and judging them. On the contrary side, they can also be extremely messy, disorganized, and careless. They may have a wounded sense of health that may manifest in the form of health disorders or obsessive health-related behaviors. It is important for them to be surrounded by people who genuinely love them in order for them to heal. Despite it all, these natives are the most hard working individuals one would meet. They work hard to overcome pain and setbacks. They are also quite analytical and good at discernment.