Leo, The Lion
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Behind The Sign
The Story of the Lion is said to be based off the Nemean Lion from the story, "The Twelve Labours of Heracles (Hercules)". It was Heracles's first labour; to take down the Nemean lion. The Nemean lion had been causing havoc in a town in Nemea, carrying off the local people to his cave dwelling. The lion was described as invulnerable because its skin was difficult to penetrate by a normal human being. This animal was said to be the offspring of Orthrus or Selene (the moon goddess). The only way Heracles was able to kill the lion was by choking it to death with his mighty strength.
Some may ask: how did the lion become a constellation? According to Eratosthenes and Hyginus, the lion was placed into the sky because it is the "King of Beasts".
The Lion is definitely a powerful beast! To this day, it is considered "the king of the jungle". Behind human existence, the lions are the most dominate predators on land simply because lions are capable of making any animal, whether big or small, its prey. It is creative and intelligent when it comes to hunting. The male lion is usually the most noticable because of its head full of hair. This mane on his head is more than just a "crown"; it is how he marks his territory. He rubs the mane on whatever spot (or even person) he can find. That scent registers to other rival lions that this "territory" has been taken. Female lions are known for being the hunters of the pride. It is because of them that the entire pride is fed. This is because they are more discreet than the male lion as well as lighter in weight. They don't sweat as much as the male lion, nor do they burn out energy as fast. They are capable of making 4 kills in one day compared to the males, whom are lucky enough to have one kill. The roar of a lion can be heard for miles! This is not the only way they communicate, despite the stereotypes. Lions are quite affectionate with one another. They love to play and bond with one another. Female lions are said to be the most compassionate towards young cubs (even cubs that are not their own). Lionesses have even shown proof of accepting young from a different species entirely! Lionesses have such a strong connection with their cubs, that they will do anything to protect them...and when something bad happens to the cubs they become very depressed. The lion's pride usually consists of one or two male lions, and female lions for hunting. When a male lion is defeated in a battle against rival lions, the rival lions will normally kill all of the former lion's cubs to make room for a new reign (they can sense their own blood in another lion). Sometimes the rivalry can be between brothers or father and son. Lions are just that territorial. Surprisingly, most lions are sleeping...for 20 hours throughout the day. Lions can hunt at night and in the daytime; they have the ability to see at night.
In astrology, Leo is representative of pride, drama, warmth, dignity, leadership, and attention. It is the 5th sign in the zodiac. Leo is ruled by the shining sun, the astrological planet of the ego, pride, leadership, and attention. Leo is a fire sign, which represents energy, leadership, and creativity. Leo is also a a FIXED sign, which represents stability and power. Natives with planets in Leo are proud and dignified. They are natives that want respect no matter what! They love to be admired, and they want people to notice how great they really are. They do not like criticism; this hurts the person they have created inside of themselves. Speaking of creativity, they are quite creative and they have possibly the most creative personalities in the zodiac. They can be so dramatic in their expression. They may enjoy stage performances or other forms of entertainment, avenues in which they can express all of their colorful personalities. They are confident (or at least they want to exude confidence). They are independent and they have the will-power of a rolling rock. Unfortunately, they can be quite bossy and controlling. They want to be leaders, which is not a bad thing, but sometimes they can take this need too far. They may expect everything to go their way, and they may not consider the feelings of others in this regard. Despite their self-centered demeanor, they are quite generous and warm towards others. They are loyal to everything they set their hearts on, and they add a bit of glamor and romance to everything they do. The sign of Leo has been affiliated with children because this sign represents youthful hearts. Opposite Sign: Aquarius. Natives with planets in Leo may have been given a lot of attention growing up.
The way a planet expresses all depends on the planet that has enetered the sign or (if it is a house cusp sign) it may be determined by the house it represents. House cusp signs may also be determined by the ruling planet. Note: Natives with the sun aspecting any of the following planets may relate to these descriptions. Negative aspects means there will be setbacks. Positive aspects means there will be opportunities or advantages. (Aspects are usually seen as lines in a natal chart). The following descriptions show the various "Leo" positions we will encounter.To make a birth chart, visit www.astro.com)
Sun in Leo: The Ego of a Lion
The sun is not necessarily a planet; it is scientifically classified as a star. It is the closest star to the planet Earth, as well as one of the largest we have seen. The sun is scientifically the source of life here on earth, and in astrology the sun's representation is shown as the source of our own individual inner worlds. It is astrologically the planet of the ego, pride, leadership, and attention. Natives with the sun in Leo are the proudest lions we will encounter. The sun is considered in domicile in the sign of Leo. This is because Leo is RULED by the sun. Natives with this position will express the qualities of the planet naturally or comfortably. For more information, visit venussigns.wix.com/planetarydignities.
Natives with this position are proud of themselves, no matter what they do. They exude confidence (even if they are not as sure of themselves as they seem). This is because they want to uphold their dignity and remain admired among others. These natives have a need to have the best that life has to offer. They want to have a life that is enviable to others. These natives need attention. They need to know that they are important in the lives of those they love. (They are quite romantic). More importantly, they need to be respected. Disrespect will cool the lion's warmth, and instead cause the lion to be irritable. Surprisingly, they hardly ever let other people know that they need attention or respect. After all, they have to keep their dignity, right? Yet, this doesn't stop them from sometimes sucking up to those in higher positions or self-proclaiming leadership over others. These natives are natural-born leaders. They crave being in charge...this makes them feel like important people. They do make excellent leaders because of their warmth/cheerfulness, their generosity, and their creativity. They see the importance of being a leader, not just over others, but a leader that lives their own life as a role model. They are independent and they have a strong will that won't let anyone stop them from doing what they want to do or being who they want to be. They are visionaries who may do well in the arts, especially in the performing arts. They have so much stage charisma, and this is most evident when they are in the spotlight. These natives have a youthful heart, so they always manage to seem young even as they grow older. They may find it easier to inspire children. There is something very kingly or queenly about them. They have a noble attitude that may make them seem like they are above others. They are good at what they do and they know it. (Natives with the sun in the 5th house may relate to this description).
Sun in Leo Celebs: Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sandra Bullock, Whitney Houston, Mick Jagger, Halle Berry, Jennifer Lawrence, Ben Affleck, Charlize Theron, Robert De Niro, Daniel Radcliffe, Edward Norton, Mila Kunis, Carl Jung, Roger Federer, Sean Penn, Antonio Banderas, J.K. Rowling, Coco Chanel, Roman Polanski, Demi Lovato, Patrick Swayze, Jason Statham, Alfred Hitchcock, Andy Warhol, Melanie Griffith, Carole Bouquet, Kate Beckinsale, James Hetfield, Mystic Meg, Cara Delevingne, Kylie Jenner, Tori Amos, Kate Bush, Hayden Panettiere, Rose Byrne, Mika, Tom Brady, Dustin Hoffman, Chris Hemsworth, Stanley Kubrick, Hilary Swank, Marcus Schenkenberg, Matthew Perry, Neil Armstrong, Amelia Earhart, David Duchovny, Steve Carrell, Coolio, John Holmes, Lil Romeo, Amy Adams, Joe jonas, Martha Stewart, Geri Halliwell, Hulk Hogan, Billy Bob Thornton, Louis Vuitton, Kim Cattrall,Louis Armstrong, Andrew Garfield, Show Luo
Moon in Leo: The Emotions of a Lion
The moon is technically not a planet. It is a satelitte that surrounds objects in space. On Earth, we only have one moon...yet this moon has a lot of power. Not only does the phases of this moon control the tides of the sea, but it lights the darkness at night and sustains plant life. It is quite a supportive object for us here on Earth. The moon is also represented as a supportive planet in astrology. It is astrologically the planet of emotions, memories, habits, and dreams. Moon in Leo natives are by far the most supportive yet emotional lions we may ever encounter.
Natives with this position crave attention more than any other Leo native. They need to know that they are important, otherwise this will affect them emotionally. They may be quite dramatic and melodramatic when they feel they are being ignored. Yet, when they have a person's undivided attention, they may feel trapped. Surprisingly, these natives are complex. They would rather be admired than be relied on for emotional support. They are independent types of people. They may seem to feel they are the most important person over everyone else. Sometimes they do not consider the feelings of others because they are quite self-absorbed. The upside to this position is that they are strong, and no matter what they are going through in life, they always bounce back. People will hardly ever see them cry; that is reserved for those closest to them. They have a sunny disposition about them, no matter what introverted energies they have in the chart. They like brightening people's day and making others feel inspired or encouraged. They make excellent cheerleaders, especially of their children. They may have natural affection for children (or they may act like children). As parents, they may want their children to have the best that life has to offer. They are very proud of their children and the role they played in fostering their children's lives. Unfortunately, they may be quite bossy, demanding, and controlling of their children, as well as those who are intimate with them or spouses. They have an intense need to be in charge of something. Owning their own business or managing a department of some sort may be the best for them. These natives are extremely romantic and creative. They may show their creative visions in a multitude of ways. Decorating, creative writing, and the performing arts may be the perfect avenues for them where they can be both creative and be admired for their creativity. These natives are very proud of the things they have created, so criticism is unexceptable. When these natives are upset, they will roar like the lions they are. They have a dramatic temper! They are by far one of the most jealous natives to encounter. They want to be better than others, which can usually lead to insecurities. (Natives with moon in the 5th house may relate to this description). Remember, Leo is ruled by the sun, therefore the sun's position in the natal chart will influence this position.
Moon in Leo Celebs: Julia Roberts, Mahatma Ghandi, Monica Bellucci, Tom Cruise, Megan Fox, Paris Hilton, David Bowie, Cristiano Ronaldo, Lana Del Rey, Paul McCartney, Halle Berry, Renee Zellweger, Katie Holmes, Charlize Theron, Marilyn Monroe, Clint Eastwood, Tom Hanks, Patrick Swayze, Margaret Thatcher, Chris Martin, Winston Churchill, Eva Mendes, Jane Fonda, Bruno Mars, Shia Lebeouf, George Michael, Barbra Streisand, Hugh Laurie, Tom Welling, Dakota Fanning,Kirsten Dunst, Liam Hemsworth, Amy Lee, Ringo Starr, Oscar Wilde, Helena Bonham Carter, Amanda Seyfried, Marlene Dietrich, Jessie J, Jesse McCartney, Brian Jones, Mandy Moore, Stephen Fry, Chelsea Handler, Queen Latifah, Hayley Williams, James Brown

Mercury in Leo: The Intellect of a Lion
Mercury is astronomically the closest planet to the sun and is one of the smallest classified planets in our solar system. It is known for its unpredictable orbit (it tends to go retrogade more often than other planets). Astrologically, it is the planet of the mind and communication, as well as skills. Just like the actual planet Mercury, astrologically this planet is heavily linked with the sun (being only one sign away from the sun or in the same sign as the sun sign). Natives of this position are the most communicative and thoughtful lions of the zodiac. Some modern astrologers believe that Mercury is falling in the sign of Leo. I can understand this reservation. In this sign, Mercury may struggle to learn and maintain its flexibility within the sign of Leo, which is a sign of pride.
Natives with this position are quite proud of the ideas that they come up with. They have such a creative mind that can be useful for pretty much any career, especially when it comes to creative writing. Their ego is heavily involved with their ideas, sometimes to the point that they identify with their intellect. They do not like criticism to their ideas and may see this as a personal attack on them. They may feel that their thoughts are above others and that others should think more like them. They may be quite boastful when they speak as a result. However, they may enjoy teaching others who are interested in their personal philosophies. Their ability to speak loud and proud can also be useful when speaking up for causes in the world. These natives have a hard time learning new methods that they themselves did not create. As a result, their only motivation for learning would be constant praise or rewards. They have a good perception of themselves and others, so they know how to make an impact on others. They put their heart into what they say which can sometimes make them seem exaggerated. They must be careful saying elaborate things just for attention, instead of using actual facts. They are quite charismatic as speakers, and it is easy for others to admire their perspectives on life. (Natives with Mercury in the 5th house may relate to this description). Remember, Leo is ruled by the sun, therefore the sun's position in a chart will influence this position.
Mercury in Leo Celebs: Michael Jackson, Jennifer Lopez, Cameron Diaz, Sandra Bullock, Selena Gomez, Lindsay Lohan, Mick Jagger, Robin Williams, Nelson Mandela, Halle Berry, Ben Affleck, Charlize Theron, Daniel Radcliffe, Sylvester Stallone, Courtney Love, Roger Federer, Sean Penn, Antonio Banderas, J.K. Rowling, Charlie Sheen, Roman Polanski, Mike Tyson, Demi Lovato, Patrick Swayze, Andy Warhol, Shania Twain, Richard Branson, Tom Burton, Natalie Wood, Ernest Hemingway, Cara Delevingne, Ringo Starr, Michael Phelps, Kobe Bryant, Sofia Vergara,Rose Byrne, Kevin Spacey, Simon Baker, Marcus Schenkenberg, Michelle Rodriguez, John Cusack, Amy Adams, Geri Halliwell

Venus in Leo: The Charm of a Lion
Venus astronomically is the brightest and hottest planet in our solar system. It is often referred to as the "morning" or "evening" star because its brightness almost equals that of the sun. Many researchers consider this planet quite beautiful. Venus astrologically represents love, beauty, attraction/charm, money, and art. These natives are the most charming lions we will encounter.
Natives with this position are loyal, affectionate, romantic, and charismatic. They carry themselves with so much warmth, it is hard not to want to be around them! They love attention from friends and lovers. They want the people they love to be proud of them no matter what they do. They need a certain amount of respect in their relationships. They constantly need compliments and generous tokens of affection in order to feel good about themselves. They want to be treated like kings/queens in the lives of their lovers. Don't worry, they are also willing to give the attention to those that they really care about and are extremely generous with whatever they have to offer. They may seem demanding to some and their need for an ego boost can make them seem self-centered at times. These natives are jealous when others get attention from their partners, so it is best if someone interested in them focuses on how attractive these natives are. While they may seem to be quite independent and confident, they are quite insecure. These natives are quite talented and creative. They may enjoy being in the spotlight, so performing arts may be the best for them. They like to live the high life and may enjoy being in the company of people in high places. They may also like spending time with children. They may spend most of their money on amusements...which is something they can do for hours if they get the chance. (Natives with Venus in the 5th house may relate to this description). Remember, Leo is ruled by the sun, therefore the sun's position in the natal chart will influence this postion.
Venus in Leo Celebs: Michael Jackson, Jolin Tsai, Namie Amuro, Ayumi Hamasaki, Whitney Houston, Madonna, Nicole Kidman, Mother Teresa, Monica Bellucci, Tom Cruise, Lindsay Lohan, 50 Cent, Ludacris, Pamela Anderson, Selena Gomez, Amy Whinehouse, Jennifer Lawrence, Daniel Radcliffe, Sylvester Stallone, Nicole Scherzinger, Gwyneth Paltrow, Mylene Farmer, Tobey Maguire, Coco Chanel, Salma Hayek, Alfred Hitchcock, Andy Warhol, T.I, Greta Garbo, Michelle Williams, Hugh Laurie, Tim Burton, James Hetfield, George Sand, Tori Amos, Tom Hardy, Stanely Kubrick, Cheryl Cole, Marcus Schenkenberg, Amy Adams, LeAnn Rimes, Zoe Saldana, David Hassellhoff, Paula Abdul, Michael Buble
Mars in Leo: The Energy of a Lion
Mars is a planet that is affiliated with war and blood, partially because this planet is scientifically a reddish color...and we all know that the color red has been affiliated with passion and aggression. Mars is astrologically the planet of energy, passion, aggression, sexuality, and focus. Therefore, these natives are the most assertive lions we will encounter.
Natives with this position are quite strong-willed and confident. They are winners, especially in their minds. They never feel like losers as long as they give something their all. Some may find this haughty attitude frustrating, especially in personal relationships. They love being admired and may demean others in order to boost their own reputations. They are quite passionate about being important and may be competitive when trying be in the spotlight. (This may be more obvious when they are children). Despite their condescending mentalities, they make excellent leaders. They make encouraging team players because they never give up on their goals. They can be bossy and demanding when they want something. When they do not get their way, you will hear them roar. They are independent, fun-loving, and warm. They love to have a good time and may spend more time doing this than tending to responsibilities. These natives do what they please, and they won't let anyone stop them! Sexually, they are quite exciting, playful, and enthusiastic because of their confident and boastful attitude. They have a lot of passion, which is motivated by their pride. They just have to be the best! If these natives are criticized, this will make them very depressed. They have quite a lot of creative energy. They are bred for the performing arts or any other form of entertainment. Their coloful energy grabs attention quite easily. (Natives with Mars in the 5th house or may relate to this description). Remember, Leo is ruled by the sun, therefore the sun's position in the chart will influence this position.
Mars in Leo Celebs: George Clooney, Beyonce Knowles, Jodie Foster, Monica Bellucci, Brigitte Bardot, Demi Moore, Amy Whinehouse, Robert Redford, Paul McCartney, Daniel Radcliffe, James Dean, Mila Kunis, Donald Trump, Colin Farrell, Harrison Ford, Michael Jordan, James Franco, Frank Sinatra, Salma Hayek, Sophia Loren, Quentin Tarantino, Sting, Cher, Channing Tatum, Sigourney Weaver, Hugh Laurie, Nicole Richie, Bruce Springsteen, Adam Sandler, Mystic Meg, Ringo Starr, Serena Williams, Sophia Vergara, Mika, Steven Tyler, Michael J. Fox

Jupiter in Leo: The Spirit of a Lion
Jupiter is scientifically the largest planet in our solar system. What makes it more interesting is that it is mostly made of gas and it is a planet that is said to rain diamonds! Jupiter is astrologically a planet of luck, chance/opportunities, faith, optimism, philosophy, and expansion. These natives are possibly the most optimistic lions we will encounter.
Natives with this position are quite proud of what they believe in. They have complete faith in themselves and their abilities. They may sometimes feel they are invincible! They always try to stay positive no matter what circumstance befalls them. They need to enjoy life and they love to try new things. They love to celebrate, especially when they are at the center of that celebration. Behind their need to be positive always, they are quick to criticize people who are negative. They may not always be realistic when it comes to investments. They may gamble with fate, believing that no matter what they do, they can overcome it. They have a need to be amused constantly...unfortunately this may be taken too far, to the point of interfering with responsibilities. They are quite romantic and creative. People may find them in various different love affairs, because lovers are naturally drawn to their charisma. However, they may be quite arrogant because of this (they already have quite an inflated ego). They tend to get many opportunities to shine or become leaders because they are so encouraging and inspiring to others. They are warm, enthusiastic, and generous and people love to be around them as a result. The more generous they are, the more benefits they will gain. They may especially gain benefits working with children. Because of their dramatic flair and light-hearted humor, they may do very well in fields of entertainment. Creative writing may also be good for them. They may love traveling to places with plenty of amusements or glamorous/romantic cities. They may brag about all the great places they have been. Traveling makes them feel like important and experienced people. (Natives with Jupiter in the 5th house may relate to this description). Remember, Leo is ruled by the sun, therefore the sun's position in the natal chart will influence this position.
Jupiter in Leo Celebs: Nicole Kidman, Bill Gates, Pamela Anderson, Jim Morrison, Elizabeth Taylor, Celine Dion, Mick Jagger, Katie Holmes, Robert De Niro, Kylie Minogue, Lucy Lawless, Yasmine Bleeth, Pink, Ian Somerhalder, Jennifer Love Hewitt, William Shakespeare, Rachel McAdams, Daniel Craig, Victor Hugo, Jason Statham, Aaliyah, Vin Diesel, Keith Richards, Jimmy Page, Johnny Cash, Usher, Nelly Furtado, Buster Keaton, Astrid Lingren, Kris Jenner, Sinead O'Conner, Rose Byrne, Rita Ora, Katherine Heigl, Voltaire, Ed SheeranJames McAvoy, Whoopi Goldberg, Diana Ross, Bette Davis

Saturn in Leo: The Discipline of a Lion
Saturn is astronomically recognized by the "rings" that surround the planet. These rings seem to bind the planet, which may be the reason why Saturn represents limits. Saturn is considered the planet of boudaries, restrictions, order, law, and karma. These natives are the most disciplined lions we will encounter. Unfortunately, Saturn is considered in detriment in Leo. This is because the sign of Leo focuses on self expression and pride, making discipline and boundaries difficult to establish. As the saying goes, you can train a lion, but you cannot tame it! For more information, visit venussigns.wix.com/planetarydignities.
These natives are quite different from other Leos. They are more serious about their need for respect. They have an authoritative way about them, in which they expect everyone to do as they do or to follow their "rules". They may be quite bossy and controlling, yet surprisingly they may not appreciate being treated in the same manner. As parents, they may expect a lot from their children. This may be because as children, a lot was expected of them. Or they may support their children's self expression and give their children the same respect they expect to be given. Self-expression, recognition, and their importance to the world may be very important to these natives. They may do well in positions of authority. While they do want recognition and leadership in the world, ironically they may feel burdened with those kinds of responsibilities. They may be easily stressed or depressed when people know too much about them, as if they can no longer be who they are. They need their egos to be secure, and so they may have a very private life away from the outside world in order to avoid criticism. They may be easily jealous of those who have what they see as "fantastic" lives. They may want to live the kind of life that they can control. They are seeking to live a happy life constantly, but for some reason life never seems to give them the constant happiness they seek. They may need to lower their expectations of life in order to feel more contentment. They feel that dealing with children is a huge responsibility, that can be either enriching or burdensome. (Natives with Saturn in the 5th house may also relate to this description). Remember, Leo is ruled by the sun, therefore the sun's position in the chart will influence this position.
Saturn in Leo Celebs: Shakira, Arnold Swarzenegger, Freddie Mercury, David Bowie, Charlie Chaplin, Orlando Bloom, Kanye West, Nelson Mandela, Kate Winslet, Ashton Kutcher, Nicole Scherzinger, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Steven Spielberg, Ryan Reynolds, Stephen King, Liv Tyler, Elton John, John Mayer, Chris Martin, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Robert Plant, Tiger Woods, Rita Hayworth, Tom Welling, Farrah Fawcett, Tom Brady, Steven Tyler, Stevie Nicks, John Cena, Tom Hardy, David Letterman, Michelle Rodriguez, Alicia Silverstone, Fflyd Mayweather Jr., Iggy Pop, Patti Smith, Cat Stevens, Zoe Saldana,

Uranus in Leo: The Innovation of a Lion
Uranus is scientifically an off-beat planet that rotates on its side (axis), unlike most planets in our solar system. It is considered an "ice giant" because it is a planet made up of mostly ice. Uranus is the planet of innovation, progress, originality, genius, and revolution. This planet usually lasts 7 years in one sign at a time. These natives are the most innovative lions we will encounter. According to modern astrologers, Uranus is in detriment in the sign of Leo. Behind Leo's pride, it is difficult to make changes in the appropriate ways at the appropriate times. For more information, visit venussigns.wix.com/planetarydignities.
These natives may not be as concerned about helping the world, but they are quite freedom-loving and self expressive. They are possibly the most rebellious natives we will encounter because of their need to simply be themselves (as teenagers this may be most evident). They may be willing to do the craziest things, simply for the sake of attention. Rebelling for the sake of rebelling is very common among this generation. To make matters worse, they are proud of their rebellious attitudes! They may be innovative when it comes to the performing arts or when it comes to positions of leadership. They may enjoy being around children or they may act like children well into their older years. While they are usually rebellious against authority, they may expect others to respect them as leaders. They tend to be proud of their innovative ideas and may not like when others rebel against it (even though they are quite quick to rebel against other people's ideas). (Natives with Uranus in the 5th house may relate to this description). Remember, Leo is ruled by the sun, the sun's position in the natal chart will influence this position.
Uranus in Leo Celebs: Michael Jackson, Madonna, George Clooney, Princess Diana, Sharon Stone, Tom Cruise, Bill Gates, Dave Gahan, Mel Gibson, Michelle Pfeiffer, Yannick Noah, Jim Carrey, Tom Hanks, Bono, Lambert Wilson, Carl Jung, Mylene Farmer, Prince, Sean Penn, Antonio Banderas, Ellen Degeneres, Edgar Cayce, Hugh Grant, Jon Bon Jovi, Winston Churchill, Gary Oldman, Colin Firth, Simon Cowell, Hugh Laurie, Melanie Griffith, Tom Burton, Julianne Moore, Kris Jenner, Eddie Murphy, RuPaul, Kate Bush, Kevin Spacey, Sade Adu, Whoopi Goldberg, Michael J. Fox, David Duchovny, Sheryl Crow, Fran Drescher, Heather Locklear, Jamie Lee Curtis, Benjamin Franklin, Jennifer Jason Leigh
Neptune in Leo: The Innocence of a Lion
Neptune is scientifically a blue and icey planet, which is why it has been named Neptune after the lord of the seas. This planet is quite a mysterious planet because it is the farthest "classified" planet from the sun. Neptune is astronomically the planet of illusion, compassion, sanctuary, aspirations, creativity, and the universal principle of oneness. These natives are the most impressionable lions. This planet usually lasts about 13 to 14 years in one sign at a time. According to some modern astrologers, Neptune is considered exalted in the sign of Leo. I can understand this reservation. In the sign of Leo, there is so much creative and generous energy, therefore giving more energy to the planet Neptune. For more information, visit venussigns.wix.com/planetarydignities.
Natives with this position are ceative visionaries. They may seek to live in a world that is fun, romantic, and youthful all the time. Neverland is possibly the perfect world for these natives. They have a colorful view of life and they may want to use their creativity to express themselves. They are especially talented in fields of entertainment. These natives may dream of fame, leadership, or some sort of recognition. As leaders, they would probably do well because they genuinely have compassion for people and they are highly generous. They especially have compassion for children. They may want children to believe in magic; that anyone can do whatever they wish for as long as they believe in themselves. They are so encouraging and inspiring that people can't help but idealize them. Unfortunately, they may be so obsessed with living in a world of fantasy, that they ignore their responsibilities. They may have a hard time growing up because they want to stay kids forever or they may see the world unrealistically. They may feel depressed when they don't have the love, fame, and recognition that they desire. Deep down, these natives are easily let down by their own station in life. They may be quite suicidal or they may have self-destructive habits, such as overindulging in drugs, sex, and alcohol. They may be the most influential Neptunian natives of all time. (Natives with Neptune in the 5th house may relate to this description). Remember, Leo is ruled by the sun, therefore the sun's position in the chart will influence this position.
Neptune in Leo Celebs: Marilyn Monroe, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Marlon Brando, Che Guevara, Audrey Hepburn, Nelson Mandela, Maria Callas, Frank Sinatra, Robert Wadlow, Paul Newman, Margaret Thatcher, Marie Antoinette, Andy Warhol, Ava Gardner, Rita Hayworth, Rene Descartes, Richard Burton, Hugh Hefner, Judy Garland, Stanley Kubrick, Malcolm X, Maya Angelou, Dorothy Dandrigde, Charles Bronson, Ingrid Bergman, Charles Bokowski, John Forbes Nash, Ella Fitzgerald, Bette Page, Federico Fellini, Maximilien Robespierre, Klaus Kinski, Roger Moore, Shirley Temple, Christopher Lee, Miles Davis, Betty White, Rock Hudson, Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin, Kirk Douglas, Stanislas Lem, Doris Day, Peter Falk, Charlton Heston, Eartha Kitt, Diana Ross
Pluto in Leo: The Power of a Lion
Pluto is astronomically the darkest planet described so far, as well as one of the coldest objects in our solar system. Pluto is no longer classified as a "planet", and instead is classified as a "dwarf" planet. However, it is the largest dwarf planet with the most interesting and complex orbits in our solar system. Pluto usually lasts from 12 years to 31 years in one sign at a time. Pluto is the planet of darkness, depth, power, transformation, destruction, and loss. These natives are the most powerful lions we will encounter. Some modern astrologers believe that Pluto is exalted in the sign of Leo. I can understand this reservation. In this sign, Pluto would definitely have more energy to influence the world. For more information, venussign.wix.com/planetarydignities.
Natives with this position are strong-willed and determined to make their mark on the world. They are all about making an impact; they strongly want to be recognized as important people in the world. They are extremely creative in this approach. When there is oppression in the world they will be the loudest generation we have ever heard. They are the types that want to bring light into the darkness, bringing deeper issues to the surface in order to be recognized. They may see themselves as invincible and they have a hard time being under a system of authority. To be honest, they struggle to trust anyone who has power over them. They would rather be in control of their own lives. Unfortunately, this makes them quite attracted to criminal activity. They sometimes live in their own world where they feel they should be able to do whatever they please without consequences. They may be highly influential entertainers or artists. They may also be highly influential leaders. They may be obsessed with love, amusements, and youth. In these areas they may seek to make a legacy. (Natives with Pluto in the 5th house may relate to this description). Remember, Leo is ruled by the sun, therefore the sun's position in a natal chart will influence this position.
Pluto in Leo Celebs: Sharon Tate, Alan Rickman, Bill Gates, John Lennon, Leonardo Da Vinci, Steve Jobs, Al Pacino, Bruce Willis, Arnold Scwarzenegger, Freddie Mercury, David Bowie, Jim Morrison, Oprah Winfrey, Bruce Lee, Meryl Streep, Mick Jagger, Paul McCartney, Robin Williams, Joan Baez, Mel Gibson, Michelle Pfeiffer, Jimi Hendric, Robert De Niro, Bob Marley, Sylvester Stallone, Tom Hanks, Tina Turner, Donald Trump, George Harrison, Prince, John Travolta, Harrison Ford, Richard Gere, Bob Dylan, Steven Spielberg, Pierce Brosnan, Janis Joplin, Stephen King, Muhammad Ali, Michael Douglas, Sting, Patrick Swayze, Cher, Elton John, Kevin Costner, Steven Seagal, Kim Basinger, Keith Richards

North Node in Leo: The Future Life of a Lion
The north node is not a "planet"...rather it represents one of the invisible ecliptic points, in which the moon crosses paths with the sun. The north node has often been affiliated with the solar eclipse (when there is darkness in the world). The north node in astrology represents our karmic destiny/spiritual purpose in life. Many astrologers in the past saw the lunar nodes as just as important as the planets. After all, the ecliptic points do influence us here on earth, do they not?
Natives with this position will have many experiences in life leading them into the spotlight. They may either long to be noticed or they may be struggling to remain among the crowd (south node in Aquarius) only to feel forced into the spotlight. If they embrace these new exeriences, they may gain new abilities that allow them to be great leaders, artists, or entertainers. (Natives with North Node in the 5th house may relate to this description). Remember, Leo is ruled by the sun, therefore the sun's position in the chart will influence this position.
North Node in Leo Celebrities: Sharon Tate, Beyonce Knowles, Jodie Foster, Princess Diana, Christina Aguilera, Mahatma Ghandi, Tom Cruise, Kim Kardashian, Justin Timberlake, Natalie Portman, Demi Moore, Paris Hilton, Jim Morrison, Jessica alba, Ryan Gosling, Mick Jagger, Dave Gahan, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Carrey, Robert De Niro, Mylene Farmer, Roger Federer, George Harrison, Jessica Simpson, Alicia Keys, Janis Joplin, Paul Newman, Jon Bon Jovi, Margaret Thatcher, Channing Tatum, Meg Ryan, Zooey Deschanel, Keith Richards, Chris Evans, Tom Hiddleston, T.I., Greta Garbo, Jimmy Page, Michelle Williams, Christina Ricci, Nicole Richie, Kristen Bell, Elijah Wood, Malcolm X, Diana Ross
South Node in Leo: The Past Life of a Lion
The south node is the least explored position in astrology because so many astrologers mostly focus on devloping the north node. They encourage natives to move away from the south node (which usually is the opposite sign and house position of the north node). The south node is the other ecliptic point, in which the moon crosses paths with the sun. It has been affiliated with the lunar eclipse (the day in which the moon turns as red as blood). The south node represents our past life. It represents what lifestyle comes natural to us and the natural born talents/habits we may have from this past life. While most astrologers encourage people to move away from it, the past cannot be avoided. Rather, it is best to balance the energies of the south node with the energies that we develop from the north node.
Natives with Leo in the south node may be natural entertainers, artists, or leaders. Being in the spotlight is what they are probably used to. Some natives with this position may be tired of this lifestyle and they are ready to do something more for humanity (north node in Aquarius). However, there may also be many who want to keep their comfortable position in the spotlight and may try to hold on to this comfortability. If they embrace their north node destiny, they may be able to use their ability to gain attention to help humanity at large (north node Aquarius). (Natives with south node in the 5th house may relate to this description). Remember, Leo is ruled by the sun, therefore the sun's position in the natal chart will influence this position.
South Node in Leo Celebs: Taylor Swift, Albert Einstein, Elvis Presley, Brigitte Bardot, Kristen Stewart, Emma Watson, Jennifer Lawrence, Daniel Radcliffe, Tupac Shakur, Pierce Brosnan, Winona Ryder, Sophia Loren, Roman Polanski, Jennifer Garner, Carmen Electra, Patrick Swayze, Ricky Martin, Steven Seagal, Mark Wahlberg, Jennifer Connelly, Shannen Doherty, Billie Holiday, Snoop Dogg, Lance Armstrong, Liam Hemsworth, George Sand, Mickey Rourke, Hayden Panettiere, Jada Pinkett Smith, Pola Negri, Denise Richards, Iggy Azalea, Cyndi Lauper, David Ick, Billie Joe Armstrong, Ethan Hawke, Joe Jonas, Christopher Reeve, Lil Romeo, Shirley McLaine

Chiron in Leo: The Wounded Lion
Chiron is the planet of wounds that need to be healed. It is scientifically a dwarf planet with lesser astrological significance than Pluto, but more significance than the asteroids Ceres, Juno, Pallas, and Vesta. It tells the story of pain, but a way to heal that pain.
Natives with Chiron in Leo have a wounded sense of pride, dignity, and confidence. This may be displayed through overcompensation. They may boast a lot to feel more valuable to others. They may seek attention in unhealthy ways. Or they may shy away from the limelight altogether, worrying of being put down by others. The natives might have a fragile ego that they will not accept. They have a lot of willpower, so wounds will not stop them; in fact pain makes them even more willful. Of course, self-reflection is needed in order to have proper healing. Otherwise, they will always feel inferior to others. A trusted friend or psychologist may be necessary to help with self-expression. Art is also a wonderful medium.