Gemini,The Twins
Behind The Sign
The sign of Gemini is based off of the story of two twins known as Castor and Pollux in Greek legends. They were often referred to as Disocuri ("Sons of Zeus"). However, according to the story, while they had the same mother biologically (her name was Leda), they biologically had two different fathers. One day, zeus (who was infatuated with Leda) took the form of a swan and visited Leda, giving her his offspring. The same night, she had intercourse with her husband King Tyndareus, also giving her his offspring. Pollux was born immortal, while Castor was born mortal as a result. Despite this, they were very close with one another and would always consult one another on everything. Castor was a great warrior who even taught Heracles (Hercules) to fence. Pollux was also a great fighter, and was considered a champion boxer. They were also apart of Jason's expedition with the argonauts to find the golden fleece. One day over a despute (whether it was a despute over women or cattle is still controversial), Pollux was struck by a sword that killed him. Castor grieved over his twin, and he pleaded with his father Zeus to allow him to share his immortality with his brother. Zeus thus placed them among the stars, where they are shown together again.
Twins are quite fascinating because of the idea that two distinct beings were born at the very same time. Whether "multiples" are born is according to the mother's genetics; the gender of the twins depends on the father's genetics. (A woman that is a fraternal twin has a 10% higher chance of having twins over a woman who is an identical twin). There are two different types of twins. Fraternal twins (also referred to as dizygotic twins) usually are born from two separate eggs at the same time. They may have the same gender...or sometimes they may have different genders entirely. They may even have different ethnic features from one another! Identical twins (also referred to as monozygotic twins) are usually born from the same egg that split some time after fertilization. Identical twins usually have the same or a similar genetic make-up as one another. They tend to be identified by how similar they look to one another (although fraternal twins may look alike as well, and some identical twins may look different from each other). Conjoined twins (also called Siamese Twins based off the infamous conjoined Twins from Thailand who were apart of B.T Barnum's circus) are usually identical twins that were born conjoined to one another. Regardless of how these twins are born, because they are born at the same time they tend to experience life at the same time. Some twins are extremely close because of this. Some twins, however, may feel a disconnect as they struggle to develop their own individuality. There are many myths about twins because they are just so perplexing!
In astrology, Gemini is a sign representing duality, flexibility, communication, telepathy, and adaptability. It is the 3rd sign in the zodiac. This sign is ruled by the planet Mercury, which is the planet of the mind and communication, as well as skills. Natives with Gemini in their natal charts are quite perplexing! They have a curious mind and are always eager to try new things. These natives may contantly question everything, because they geniunely want to learn something new. They are extremely adaptable as a result. While some people see them as fickle (because they never stick with one activity or idea), their open mindedness makes them really popular among others. They are said to have two different sides to them, that almost seems conflicting with one another. Gemini is an air sign, representing sociability, mental pursuit, and changeability. Gemini is also a MUTABLE sign, which represents adaptibility and communication. Gemini's opposite sign: Sagittarius. These natives may always be concerned about the latest and most trendy. They like to be at the forefront of what is current in the world. They may have a tendency to be overly talkative and gossipy, which they must avoid. They are the thinkers and communicators of the zodiac, and so these natives may naturally be drawn to communicative avenues in their life or intellectual fields. Natives with planets in Gemini may have had a strong emphasis on being logical and informed growing up.
The way this sign will express all depends on the planet that is positioned in this sign in the natal chart. In regards to house cusp signs, it will usually be influenced by the planets near it or the ruling planet. And of course, the house it is representing also plays a part in how it is expressed. The following descriptions represents the various different "Gemini" positions you may encounter in the chart. Note: Natives with Mercury aspecting any of the following planets may relate to these descriptions. Negative aspects may present more obstacles, while positive aspects present more opportunities or advantages. Also the house placement of each particular planet will alter the expression.To make a birth chart, visit

Click the Planets to view them in the signs
Sun in Gemini: The Ego of Twins
Astronomically, the sun is a star; the largest star in our solar system as well as the closest to Earth. It is the source of life on earth. Even in its presence we feel more alive. The sun in astrology is the planet of ego, pride, identity, leadership, and attention. In astrology, it is also the planet that makes us feel more 'alive'. Natives with this position are the proudest "twins" we will meet.
Natives with this position want to experience everything that life has to offer! They won't let anyone or anything stop them from having fun in life, either. They like to be at the center of every social event, just so they can say they've been there and done that. They are obviously proud of all things they have seen and tried. More than anything, these natives simply like to learn about new things. In fact, these natives pride themselves on being thinkers. They may not necessarily be extremely educated or knowledgable...they're just simply "thinkers" who like to question everything, despite how flighty they may seem. They seem to have two sides to them. This may be because they tend to have a more active or carefree sociable side, while the other side to them is the side that ponders the world around them. They may be the jock, yet secretly nerdy; the beauty queen who is secretly a braniac. They are extremely adaptable, so they can pretty much be found in any social group or clique with no problems. They may do well in fields such as journalism or in any fields of writing. They may do well with pretty much any field of communication! Or they may be the jack of all trades, but the master of none of them. (Natives with the sun in the 3rd house may relate to this description). Remember, Gemini is ruled by Mercury, therefore Mercury's position in the natal chart will influence this position.
Sun in Gemini Celebs: Kanye West, Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen, Angelina Jolie, Marilyn Monroe, Johnny Depp, Nicole Kidman, Natalie Portman, Lana Del Rey, Paul McCartney, Heidi Klum, Rafael Nadal, Clint Eastwood, Kylie Minogue, Donald Trump, Tupac Shakur, Joey Yung, Colin Farrell, Prince, Lauryn Hill, Naomi Campbell, Russell Brand, Jewel, Alanis Morrissette, Kendrick Lamar, Chris Evans, Shia LaBeouf, Lenny Kravitz, Hugh Laurie, Courtney Cox, Helena Bonham Carter, Brooke Shields, Joan Rivers, Judy Garland, Morgan Freeman, Stevie Nixs, Iggy Azalea, Michael J. Fox, Notorious B.I.G, Zoe Saldana, Richard Wagner, Paula Abdul, Alice Bailey, Hyuna, Melanie Brown, Paulina Rubio, Ice Cube, Miles Davis, Boy George, Macklemore

Moon in Gemini: The Emotions of Twins
Astronomically, the moon is more of a satellite than an actual planet. Earth has only one moon...and it is this moon that lights our way when the sun sets. The moon even influences the tides of the sea. It also gives nutrients to plant life on earth at night. The moon in astrology represents our emotional needs and reactions, as well as our memories, habits, and dreams. These natives will be the most emotional twins we will encounter.
Natives with this position have one of the most changeable moods, yet they may not let on how they feel as readily. They have a tendency to hide their feelings behind witty humor; they try to keep every moment light. The more they joke around, the more pain they may actually be feeling inside. They have a darker side to them that may be reflected through writing, art, or other forms of communication. They may prefer to communicate rationally how they feel to people closest to them. Some people closest to them may feel like they do not know them well because they don't open up about feelings that are too deep. Despite this, they can be a lot of fun to be around. They love to be among friends and family. They can always be found chit-chatting or conversating with someone. Believe it or not, talking with someone, anyone, makes them feel better in life. (Natives with moon in the 3rd house may relate to this description). Remember, Gemini is ruled by Mercury, therefore Mercury's position in the natal chart will influence this postion.
Moon in Gemini Celebs: Brigitte Bardot, Alyssa Milano, Joan Baez, Jennifer Lawrence, Heidi Klum, Milla Jovovich, Jim Carey, Gwyneth Paltrow, Sigmund Freud, Kylie Minogue, Tina Turner, Jessica Biel, Jake Gyllenhaal, Hugh Jackman, Lionel Messi, Krystal Jung, Khloe Kardashian, Amber Liu, Jennifer Garner, Rachel McAdams, 50 Cent, Jennifer Connelly, Franz Kafka, Kate Beckinsale, Julianne Moore, Olivia Wilde, Jackie Chan, Brooke Shields, Karl Lagerfeld, John Cena, Goldie Hawn, Rowan Atkinson, John D. Rockefeller, Bette Davis, Melanie Laurent, Shy'm, Jeff Bridges, Ella Fitzgerald, Barbara Walters, Billy Idol, Enya, Roger Moore, Jet Li, Amelia Earhart, Nelly

Mercury in Gemini: The Intellect of Twins
Mercury is astrologically one of the smallest planets in our solar system, and it is the smallest planet closest to the sun. It has a very unique orbit because its orbit is quite changeable. (It tends to go retrogade or backwards often). Astrologically, Mercury is the planet of the mind and communication, as well as skill. Therefore, these natives are the most intellectual of all twins. Mercury is considered in domicile in the sign of Gemini. This is because Gemini is RULED by Mercury. Therefore, natives with this position will have natural qualities of the planet and will express comfortably. For more information on dignities/debilities visit
Natives with this position are just as talkative as they are thinkers. They specifically tend to ask a lot of questions, which makes them scatter-brained. This quality, however, works really well in journalism fields. They are very good at creating surveys or polls because they usually are interested in demographics. Unfortunately, they may easily follow stereotypes as a result. They may also make fantastic speakers or writers because of their factual and detail-oriented mind. They may also make excellent teachers because of their adaptability and versatility. While they are always asking questions, believe it or not their minds are always on overdrive. They think, think,...and think some more. They are extremely curious and can always be found tinkering with something or trying new things. They pick up on things quickly in their environment, despite how scattered they may seem. It doesn't take them long to learn a method...unless they are bored with what they are learning. When they are bored, they get distracted. Anything long lasting, whether it is a conversation or a long term project, can make them quite restless mentally. They seem to have the ability to read the minds of others because they pick up on various types of languages, including body language. This "intuition" usually comes in handy in their lives. (Natives with Mercury in the 3rd house may relate to this description).
Mercury in Gemini Celebs: Angelina Jolie, Kylie Minogue, Tom Cruise, Che Guevara, Meryl Streep, Paul McCartney, Audrey Hepburn, Dave Gahan, Chris Brown, Heidi Klum, Rafael Nadal, Isabelle Adjani, Tupac Shakur, Prince, Bob Dylan, Toby Maguire, Nikola Tesla, Russell Brand, Adele, Enrique Iglesias, 50 Cent, Elizabeth Hurley, Cate Blanchett, George Michael, Hugh Laurie, Courtney Cox, Lorie, Jack White, Franz Kafka, George Sand, Helena Bonham Carter, Joan Rivers, Stevie Nicks, Cheryl Cole, Karl Marx, Noal Gallagher, Paula Abdul, Ann Boleyn, Lauryn Hill, Enya, Melanie Brown, Denni Rodman, Ice Cube, David Boreanaz, Grace Jones, Kimora Lee Simmons, Prince Williams
Venus in Gemini: The Charm of Twins
Venus is astronomically the brightest (and hottest) planet in our solar system. On Earth it is often referred to as the "morning" or "evening" star. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, money, and the arts. Thus, these are the most charming and aesthetic twins we will encounter.
Natives with this position are quite charming because of their friendliness and wit. They love to conversate with others, especially friends. And boy, are they gossipy! They love to gossip and share secrets (even if they are not reliable with keeping such secrets to themselves). They are flirty and mischievous which will be readily seen around people who they are interested in. They are constantly looking for that "twin" in their relationships. They are usually attracted to people who think the way they do; a companion, whom they can always hang out with and have fun. But they are not necessarily the loyal types. Sometimes they can be so changeable, they may find themselves dating a variety of different types of people at once! They want to experience new things in their relationships. As long as their partner keeps it interesting, they will usually be loyal. One good thing about these natives is that they find personalities more attractive than actual appearances. A beautiful mind is more valuable to them than anything. They need communication in their relationships in order to feel loved. You may find them partying with friends or getting involved with the latest social events. They are very socially aware of their environment. (Natives with Venus in the third house may relate to this description). Remember, Gemini is ruled by Mercury, therefore Mercury's position in the natal chart will influence this position.
Venus in Gemini Celebs: Jennifer Lopez, Wendy Williams, Uma Thurman, Al Pacino, Robert Pattinson, Megan Fox, Sandra Bullock, Russell Crowe, Nelson Mandela, Dave Gahan, Heidi Klum, Kylie Minogue, Tom Hanks, David Beckham, Courtney Love, Tupac Shakiur, Colin Farrell, Jessica Simpson, Harrison Ford, Bob Dylan, Naomi Campbell, Lionell Messi, Adele, William Shakespeare, Enrique Iglesias, Mike Tyson, Jennifer Garner, Carmen Electra, Cher, Channing Tatum, Miranda Kerr, George Michael, Franz Kafka, Dwayne Johnson, Ringo Starr, Sofia Vergara, Brooke Shields, Joan Rivers, Kristen Bell, Malcolm X, Tina Fey, Bill Cosby, Bette Davis, Joey Yung, Amelia Earhart

Mars in Gemini: The Energy of Twins-"I am adaptable."
Mars is the planet of energy, action, aggression, sexuality, and focus. These natives are the most aggressive and energetic twins we will encounter. Because the planet is a reddish color, it has often been affiliated with war and bloodshed.
Natives with this position are quick, restless, and highly curious. These natives are ready for something new! So much so, that they hardly ever stick with anything they start (unless it is lots of fun and mentally stimulating). They are after all easily bored and they need constant activity. The good thing about them is that they are excellent at multitasking. In fact, they'd probably prefer things this way. They are most recognized by their sharp wit. They are quite the jester! They may be found joking and teasing their friends. Sometimes however they can take this too far. They are not the most tactful natives, and so they can be rude in their behavior. Despite this, they are quite a lot of fun to hang out with. They enjoy being where the action is, just so they can spread the word to everyone about what they saw or experienced. They might make excellent television personalities or journalists. They would especially make excellent comedians. Sexually, they are extremely experimental. They lose passion very quickly, so it is important that you intrigue their minds. Even though they are normally light-hearted, they do have quite a quick temper. When they are mad, they know exactly what to say to tear a person down. Yet, their outspoken behabior can be useful, especially when speaking up about certain issues in the world or in their environment. They may use various forms of writing to speak out; they may possibly believe that the "pen" is indeed "mightier than the sword". They tend to be drawn to satirical works. Some of these natives are intellectually competitive and they may feel the need to overemphasize or prove their wit or intelligence to others. (Natives with Mars in the 3rd house may relate to this description). Remember, Gemini is ruled by Mercury, therefore Mercury's position in the natal chart will influence this position.
Mars in Gemini Celebs: Martin Luther King Jr, Uma Thurman, Natalie Portman, Al Pacino, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sandra Bullock, Jim Morrison, Meryl Streep, Sean Connery, Milla Jovovich, Kate Winslet, Kylie Minogue, Victoria Beckham, Courtney Love, Sean Penn, Antonio Banderas, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Coco Chanel, Naomi Campbell, Mike Tyson, Roman Reigns, Demi Lovato, Hugh Grant, Jennifer Garner, Carmen Electra, Eva Mendes, Keith Richards, Chris Evans, Barbra Streisand, Tiger Woods, Rene Descartes, Dwayne Johnson, Tom Brady, Rita Ora, Ed Sheeran, Tina Fey, Diana Ross, Neil Armstrong, Steve Carell, John Cusack, Virginia Woolf, Louis Vuitton, Bette Page, Michael Buble, Emma Roberts, Kevin Hart, Aretha Franklin, Steve Martin, Subhas Chandra Bose, Arther Conan Doyle, Show Luo

Jupiter in Gemini: The Spirit of Twins
Jupiter is astronomically the largest planet in our solar system. To add, it is a planet made of mostly gas! Despite this atmosphere, researchers have also stated that this is one of the planets that happens to rain diamonds. Jupiter in astrology is the planet of luck, chance, faith/beliefs, philosophy, and expansion. That means these natives are the most optimistic and faithful twins we will encounter. Unfortunately, Jupiter is considered in detriment in the sign of Gemini. This means that somehow Jupiter is not comfortable in such a dualistic sign. This also means that natives with this position may not express the qualities of Jupiter in appropriate ways at the appropriate times. Luckily, Jupiter is the planet of luck which means even these natives have the chance to benefit from it. For more information on dignities/debilities visit
Natives with this position are upbeat, optimistic, and generally interested in everything! Their curiosity is mixed with enthusiasm, which can be inspiring to those who encounter them. They may like to study about a variety of different subjects, so they tend to be knowledgeable about varying places and cultures from a logical perspective. (They could make excellent tour guides). However, they have a tendency to follow behind trending stereotypes. They are quick to believe what they are told. To some, this quality can make them seem ignorant to the situations of varying people. While they are curious and willing to learn, this is usually not to gain deeper understanding. They may be so concerned about the destination of a place and the various activities they can get involved in, that they do not quite ponder how the journey has affected them. They may struggle when moving to a country that doesn't have the same language that they have. They are a communicative sign after all, and they like to know what is going on in the world around them. They may also like to teach (albeit in an exagerated way) or inform others about their varying experiences. They do love to travel, yet they are even more interested in being in the know and expanding on their factual knowledge about the world. They may enjoy being a part of social or cultural events. These natives do not seem to have strong beliefs in anything; in fact, any belief they are drawn to is liable to change. They have a tendency to question beliefs, even their own. While they are very optimistic, they also have nervous energy that makes it difficult for them to be patient with opportunities. Sometimes, they have a tendency to take on too many opportunities and activities at once, which can burn them out. This is usually what hinders them from experience things to the fullest. They are usually a lot of fun to be around because there is never a time when they are not actively involved in something. They are usually excellent at writing and they have a good sense of humor. They may make excellent television personalities. (Natives with Jupiter in the 3rd house may relate to this description). Remember, Gemini is ruled by Mercury, therefore Mercury will influence this position.
Jupiter in Gemini Celebs: Grace Kelly, Oprah Winfrey, Kanye West, Chris Brown, Aston Kutcher, Bjork, Daniel Radcliffe, Clint Eastwood, John Travolta, J.K. Rowling, Pierce Brosman, Charlie Sheen, Muhammad Ali, Elizabeth Hurley, Emma Stone, Liv Tyler, Steve McQueen, Kim Basinger, Shania Twain, Stephen Hawking, Greta Garbo, Barbra Streisand, Tom Welling, Jackie Chan, Brooke Shields, Thomas Edison, Tom Brady, Ben Stiller, John Cena, Alicia Silverstone, Arther Conan Doyle

Saturn in Gemini: The Discipline of Twins-"Communication is serious."
Saturn astronomically is most recognized by the rings that surround the planet. Saturn, just like Jupiter, is a gas planet and it also rains diamonds! Astrologically, Saturn is the planet of discipline, order, boundaries/restrictions, limitations, and law. These natives are the most disciplined "twins" we will encounter.
Natives with this position are not as flighty as other Geminian natives. They have a strong and stern mind that mentally focuses on whatever it is they are doing. They are logical and they question ideas that do not have facts to prove it. They may sometimes be rigid in this regard, and unimaginative if they do not have other imaginative energies in their natal chart. They may have had a tough educational environment growing up. This may have forced them to discipline themselves so that they could learn. They never seem to feel smart enough and they tend to be hard on themselves in this regard. (This learned discipline may be more evident in their adult years). They may be excellent teachers because they are orderly, disciplined, and yet surprisingly adaptable. These natives may feel that being educated is very important, whether it is professional training or formal education. They may highly respect their teachers or educators. They are wise, capable of seeing varying perspectives and giving really solid advice. They may work well in fields where they can make use of this ability. (Natives with Saturn in the 3rd house may relate to this description). Remember, Gemini is ruled by Mercury, therefore Mercury's position in the natal chart will influence this position.
Saturn in Gemini Celebs: Sharon Tate, Cameron Diaz, Alyssa Milano, Eminem, Jim Morrison, Jude Law, Mick Jagger, Paul McCartney, Heidi Klum, Ben Affleck, Jimi Hendrix, Robert De Niro, Gwyneth Paltrow, Sigmund Freud, Victoria Beckham, Kate Moss, George Harrison, Harrison Ford, Coco Chanel, Christian Bale, Winona Rhyder, Janis Joplin, Jennifer Garner, Carmen Electra, Ricky Martin, Eva Mendes, Keith Richards, Pharell Williams, Billie Holiday, Snoop Dogg, Lance Armstrong, Vivien Leigh, Franz Kafka, Kate Beckinsale, Dwayne Johnson

Uranus in Gemini: The Innovation of Twins
Uranus is the most unique planet in our solar system, particularly because it rotates on its side, unlike most planets. It is a planet that is referred to as an "ice giant" because it is mostly made up of ice. In astrology, it is also referred to as a planet of originality and innovation. It is a planet of revolution, progress, and genius as well. Thus, these are the most innovative twins we will encounter.
Natives with this position are quite spontaneous and versatile. They are geniuses in fields that involve technology and travel. They are one of the most progressive generations because they are only interested in what is current. They may take up causes simply because its new. They want change for the sake of change! They may have unusual ideas on education and may seek to invent new ways to learn. They are highly communicative, so they may also be interested in inventing new things to improve upon communication. They may also want to invent new forms of transportation. They may be interested in inventing new ways to gather information, as well. They may be some of the most original writers of all time. They may be the types to write books on scientific discovery, or they be interested in reading books on scientifical discoveries. This generation is the epitome of "mad" genius. They may be both geniuses...and yet a tad bit insane. They may have some of the most unusual ideas because they are so experimental and open minded. Their curiosity is quite extensive; they are willing to try just about anything, no matter how scorned it is. (Natives with Uranus in the 3rd house may relate to this description). Remember, Gemini is ruled by Mercury, therefore Mercury's position in the natal chart will influence this position.
Uranus in Gemini Celebs: Sharon Tate, Arnold Shwarzenegger, Freddie Mercury, David Bowie, Jim Morrison, Mick Jagger, Paul McCartney, Jimi Hendrix, Robert De Niro, Bob Marley, Sylvester Stallone, Donald Trump, George Harrison, Harrison Ford, Steven Spielberg, Janis Joplin, Stephen King, Michael Douglas, Cher, Elton John, Keith Richards, Swami Vivekananda, Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, Farrah Fawcett, Mystic Meg, David Lynch, Stevie Nicks, Steven Tyler, Dolly Parton, Voltaire, Goldie Hawn, David Letterman, Diana Ross, Ozzy Osbourne, Iggy Pop, Mia Farrow, Arther Conan Doyle

Neptune in Gemini: The Innocence of Twins
Astrologically, Neptune is named after the god of the sea because of its bluish color that resembles an ocean. It is considered an "ice giant" because, just like Uranus, it is mostly made up of ice. Astrologically, Neptune is the planet of aspirations, illusions, mercy/compassion, spirituality, and the universal law of oneness. This means that these natives are the most impressionable twins we will encounter.
Natives with this position tend to be captivated by anything new. Anything new is great, right? They may seem quite youthful as a result because they are always up to date on what is current. They may love communication of all kinds...including spiritual communication. They may be interested in telepathic communication or communication with the dead. They may also be interested in psychic teachings. They may get lost in conversations at times and they may also get lost in their thoughts. They may possibly be the most free-minded generation when it comes to religious beliefs. They may want to translate and apply ancient spiritual texts. They may have compassion for people who have physical disabilities, such as blindness, deafness, or muteness. They may also have compassion for those who do not have educational opportunities. They may dream of creating a world that makes everything go faster: faster communication, faster transportation, faster methods for doing everything. They may be the most creative writers of our time. They may be excellent at poetry especially. They may also be interested in humorist stories, plays, or movies. They may also enjoy mysteries or puzzles of some sort. They may be interested in practices that involve mental meditation, as their mind tends to be their means of escape from issues. People of this generation may have more awareness of various mental diseases. They may be a generation that has compassion for such ones. (Natives with Neptune in the 3rd house may relate to this description). Remember, Gemini is ruled by Mercury, therefore Mercury's position in the natal chart will influence this position.
Neptune in Gemini Celebs: Charlie Chaplin, William Shakespeare, Alfred Hitchcock, Al Capone, Ernest Hemingway, Pola Negri, Marlene Dietrich, J.R.R Tolkien, Buster Keaton, Paramahansa Yogananda, Humphrey Bogart, Clark Gable, Galileo Galilei, Gary Cooper, Emelia Earhart, Henry Miller, Louis-Ferdinand Céline, John Aasen, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Fred Astaire, Thomas Stearns Elliot, Enzo Ferrari, Johannes Kepler, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Mae West, H.P. Lovecraft, Rudolph Valentino, Subhas Chandra Bose, J. Edgar Hoover, Zelda Fitzgerald, Alexander Calder, Wlliam Faulkner, T.E. Lawrence, Otto Nix, Babe Ruth, Franz Joseph Haydn, Dorothy "Dottie" Parker, James Cook, Lucille Ball

Pluto in Gemini: The Power of Twins
Astronomically, Pluto is not one of the "larger" planets that surround the sun. Rather, it is classified as a dwarf planet, and the largest at that. It is considered one of the coldest objects in our solar system, possibly because of its distance from the sun. It is also considered one of the darkest planets because of its distance from the sun. In astrology, Pluto is the planet of power, transformation, destruction, loss, depth, and darkness. These natives may be the deepest and most powerful twins we will encounter.
Natives with this position may feel that knowledge is power. They may understand that the more they learn about life, the more they can control it. They may be interested in various types of studies and may encourage education for all. They also see the power of the spoken word. They may be tempted to get on a soapbox and speak. They must have a voice no matter what! They may have felt that their points of view were oppressed in the world and so they will do whatever it takes to be heard as a result. They may be quite influential writers as well. Writing is simply another form of power for them. They may also do well in fields of journalism, because they are quite good at investigating. They are extremely curious and they may be drawn to mysteries of all kinds. They may be especially interested in the study and revival of ancient texts. This generation may also be quite interested in psychology and neurology; any study of the brain or the nervous system. This generation may relate to a psychotic mind, and so they may do well working in mental facilities or criminal investigation. They may use hidden forms of travel and communication. This is a generation that may have many clever ways of getting what they want out of life. They must be careful of using trickery or deceit to get their way. They have a Jekyll/Hyde mentality, where they may be tempted to do bad, yet are quite tempted to do good as well. (Natives with Pluto in the 3rd house may relate to this description). Remember, Gemini is ruled by Mercury, therefore Mercury's position in the natal cahrt will influence this position.
Pluto in Gemini Celebs: Mother Teresa, Charlie Chaplin, Isaac Newton, Coco Chanel, Alfred Hitchcock, Gary Grant, Joan of Arc, Greta Garbo, Walt Disney, Al Capone, Agatha Christie, Franz Kafka, Astrid Lindgren, Ernest Hemingway, Howard Hughes, Pola Negri, Katherine Hepburn, Otto Klemperer, Marlene Dietrich, J.R.R. Tolkien, Buster Keaton, Bette Davis, Humphrey Bogart, Clark Gable, Louis Armstrong, Joan Crawford, Lucky Luciano, James Stewart, Gary Cooper, Henry Miller, Amelia Earhart, Lucille Ball, Laurence Oliver, Robert Oppenheimer, John Wayne

North Node in Gemini: The Future Life of Twins
The north node is representative of an invisible ecliptic point, in which the moon crosses paths with the sun. While some astrologers do not regard the lunar nodes as important, many traditional astrologers and vedic astrologers see this position as just as important as the planetary positions. In Vedic astrology, this position is called Rahu, and it is affiliated with the solar eclipse (the day where there is complete darkness on earth). The north node represents our future life. It may seem like the most uncomfortable of the two, but by going towards this life there will be more fulfillment. It is our karmic destiny/spiritual purpose. According to traditional astrology, the north node was considered exalted in the sign of Gemini. This is possibly because Gemini is a very versatile energy. Thus, natives with this position will have a variety of experiences in life, making adaptability easier than with other natives. For more information on dignities/debilities visit
Natives with this position may long for a life that is filled with many experiences within their own communities. Or they may find themselves being confined within their immediate communities. There may be many events in their lifetime that inspires them (or forces them) to be more versatile and adaptable, despite the fact that they are used to being in more adventurous (or religious) terrains (south node in Sagittarius). Yet, they may develop many skills from getting in tune with their own communities, especially communicative skills. Luckily, these natives may get more experiences out of life than the average native. If they embrace this side to themselves, they will be capable of taking on any experience that comes their way. (Natives with the north node in the 3rd house may relate to this description). Remember, Gemini is ruled by Mercury, therefore Mercury's position in the natal chart will influence this position.
North Node in Gemini Celebs: Keanu Reeves, Arnold Swarzenegger, Freddie Mercury, David Bowie, Amy Whinehouse, Che Guevara, Bjork, Vincent Van Gogh, Sylvester Stallone, Mila Kunis, Robert Downey Jr, Donald Trump, Mark Zuckerberg, J.K. Rowling, Steven Spielberg, Charlie Sheen, Khloe Kardashian, Cher, Elton John, Elizabeth Hurley, Andy Warhol, Sarah Jessica Parker, Shania Twain, Miranda Kerr, Farrah Fawcett, Brooke Shields, Mika, Ben Stiller, Dolly Parton, Chris Hemsworth, Cheryl Cole, David Letterman, Maya Angelou, Iggy Pop, The Undertaker
South Node in Gemini: The Past Life of Twins
The south node is the opposite ecliptic point of the north node, in which the moon crosses paths with the sun. In vedic astrology, it is called Ketu, and it is affiliated with the lunar eclipse. The south node represents our past life and natural born talents we have developed from the past. Many see the south node as even less important to examine than the north node, and many astrologers will encourage people to move away from the south node. However, the past is not something we can run away from, thus the best thing to do is balance the talents of our south node with the newly discovered skills of our north node. The south node is usually in the sign opposite the north node. According to traditional astrology, the south node is falling in Gemini. This may be because the south node gives us an understanding of our past in order to build upon our future. Gemini is a sign with no direction, therefore it causes the native to feel lost on their journey to the future. For more information on dignities/debilities visit
Natives with this position may have had a past life that surrounded their communities. They may long to expand their horizons (north node in Sagittarius) or they may feel as if they are being forced to move farther away from the civilization they know of. In their past life, formal primary education may have been more important to them than higher education or religious education. They may have a natural tendency to question everything, instead of letting life guide them. They may ignore the signs leading them to their destiny, in favor for living in the "here and now". If they are resistant to opening their minds to other cultures or backgrounds, they may only feel more unfulfilled in life. These natives may feel as if they don't have many talents or skills to use from their past life. If they reach out to broadening their horizons (north node Sagittarius), they will be able to use their adaptability and versatility to experience life from a grander point of view. These natives will be able to use their open mind to gain more knowledge about life. (Natives with the south node in the 3rd house may relate to this description). Remember, Gemini is ruled by Mercury, therefore Mercury's position in the natal chart will influence this position.
South Node in Gemini Celebs: Angelina Jolie, Leonardo DiCaprio, Bill Gates, Miley Cyrus, Tom Hanks, Aishwarya Rai, Harry Styles, Pablo Picasso, Penelope Cruz, Jack Nicholson, Nelson Mandela, Mel Gibson, Tyra Banks, David Beckham, Victoria Beckham, Ariana Grande, Kate Moss, Tobey MaGuire, Drew Barrymore, Eva Longoria, Russell Brand, Christian Bale, Enrique Iglesias, Demi Lovato, 50 CEnt, Fergie, Eva Mendes, Swami Vivekananda, Alanis Morissette, Rita Hayworth, Jack White, Ernest Hemingway

Chiron in Gemini: The Wounded Twin
Chiron is the planet of wounds that need to be healed. It is scientifically a dwarf planet with lesser astrological significance than Pluto, but more significance than the asteroids Ceres, Juno, Pallas, and Vesta. It tells the story of pain, but a way to heal that pain.
Natives with Chiron in Gemini have a wounded sense of communication, intelligence, and flexibility. They handle their pain by either holding in what they really want to say, or by speaking too honestly without any form of tact or consideration. They may even prefer to speak behind an alias name so as to not be put down for their own thoughts and opinions. They must learn to stand in their own truth no matter what others say. This can be achieved by writing or blogging. These are forms of communication that will make you more comfortable expressing your ideas. Their thoughts are usually groundbreaking, so it would be a shame for them to hold it all in! They may not feel smart enough to compete or they may try to act as if they know everything just to feel better than others. They may even have a learning or mental disability. They must trust their own mind. Challenging the mind by learning new things is always useful in strengthening ones mind.