Capricorn, The Goat
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Behind The Sign
The sign of Capricorn has one of the most complicated stories in astrology. While many refer to this sign as the "sea-goat" this is actually a symbol representing ALL goats. How so?
The story orginates from the Scriptures of Delphi, which describes the father of the goats, Pricus. Pricus was created by Chronos, the god of time, hence why Capricorn is affiliated with time to this day. In this tale, it specifies that Pricus was a sea goat...and that all goats originally originated from him. Goats at one time lived in the sea with Pricus according to Greek legends. Pricus and his goats were known for being quite intelligent and wise. They could even speak and think like humans did! One day, some of the younger sea-goats wandered to the shores of land (which they were quite curious about). Usually, they would use their front legs to pull themselves across beaches...yet the longer they stayed on land, they would eventually evolve into the land goats we know of today, losing their ability to speak and think like humans, as well as gaining hind legs in place of their tails. Pricus is saddened by this and tries to reverse time to keep his children in the sea. Yet, he realizes that he cannot control them and stays in the sea as a lone sea-goat of the sea. He asks Chronos to let him die (after bearing the heartbreaking loss of his children to the land). Chronos instead raised up Pricus into the "heavens" as the constellation we know as Capricorn so that he can see all of his children even on the highest mountain tops. Note: Some reference the story of Capricorn to Pan, when he changed into a sea-goat during the power struggle of the Olympian gods verses the Titans.
Since sea-goats do not exist in our world today, it is only fair to review a more modern example of this sign...and that would rightly be the goat itself. Goats are considered highly intelligent and inquisitive. One characteristic about these goats is their ability to get out of confining places. (Goats have been known to unlatch gates, dig under fences, and even jump over fences). One of the most amazing abilities about goats is their ability to climb. They are very sure-footed compared to most other animals. They have been known to climb trees at an early age and even "defy gravity" by climbing up vertical dams! These creatures are browsers, rather than grazers (like their Ram cousins). They eat shrubs from higher up and are known to even lick grains of salt off of buildings. This may contribute as to why they are such expert climbers! Goats have an interesting communication style. They actually recognize other goats simply by the sound that one goat may make. They even recognize "accents", according to where other goats are from. Social dominance is tested at a very early age. Usually goats will bully new goats until that goat earns its place among the others. Often times, the eldest goat is usually the most dominant. Goats are quite ambitious creatures. This is most evident during the "rutting" season when goats focus so much attention on mating, they don't even eat. While goats are known to chew on anything they see, they are actually very picky eaters. They know when food is not good for them and they spit it out as soon as they put it in their mouths. Sometimes they can smell bad food. Goats often have eye infections because they do not have tear ducts...which means they do not cry.
In astrology, the sign of Capricorn is affiliated with ambition, respect, order/organization, time, and maturity. It is the 10th sign in the zodiac. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, the planet of limitations or boundaries, order, law, and karma. Capricorn is an earth sign, representing practicality, sensuality, and stability. Capricorn is also a CARDINAL sign, representing initiation and leadership. Opposite sign: Cancer. Natives with positions in Capricorn are usually wise beyond their years. They may have grown up with more responsibilities or had many "rules" growing up. Regardles of their former circumstances, they have a good sense of responsibility and they are very practical about their steps. Unlike most earth signs, they are constantly aiming for "higher" rather than being content with their stations in life. They are quite ambitious and will do whatever it takes to be successful. These natives have a strong need to be respected which may be stemming from living less respected positions in life. These natives are strong and resilient in the face of obstacles. They recognize that nothing in life comes easy. This can make them quite pessimistic as a result. They may seem stiff to some, but honestly they have a well developed social life. They even have a sense of humor that may shock others! These natives are strong believers in karma. They believe whatever goes around comes around. These natives have a need to plan their life and prepare for whatever the future brings. They would make excellent planners if they choose this as a career choice. They have a good understanding of business as well. They are the CEO types. While they can be bossy and demanding of others, this is because they want everything to go smoothly. They need order in their lives and stability. These natives never waste any of their precious time. They may have an inherent fear of dying or losing security, thus this motivates them to be more cognizent of time. Ironically, they seem to be quite youthful as they get older. They have a general respect for anything (or anyone) conservative or old. They may be interested in history. Because of their respect for order, they may also be interested in politics.
The expression of a sign is usually influenced by the planet that resides in that particular sign. House cusp signs are usually influenced by the ruling planet and the house it is representing. The following descriptions show the various "Capricorn" positions we will encounter. Note: Natives who have Saturn aspecting any of the following planets may relate to these descriptions. Negative aspects usually indicate setbacks. Positive aspects usually indicate advantages. Throughout the webpage there will be several descriptions involving dignities (domicile/exaltation) and debilities (detriment/fall). For more information, visit make a birth chart, visit
Sun in Capricorn: The Ego of a Goat
The sun is the closest star to earth astronomically. It is the source of life here as well. In astrology, the sun plays a very similar role. It is the source of our life; our ego. It is considered the "planet" of pride, leadership, and attention as well. These natives will be the proudest goats we encounter.
Natives with this position want to be respected. Social status may be very important to them. They take themselves seriously, wanting do everything right the first time. As youths, they may have acted older for their age. Many of them may have had a lot of responsibilities growing up or may have spent most of their time with older people. These natives are hardworking, calm, and resilient. They are resourceful and can make the most out of bad situations. They rarely let things get under their skin, even when they are in highly stressful situations. They are quite sensible and practical. They are always considering the long term advantages or disadvantages of a situation. These natives are very focused on their goals. Whatever they choose to do they try to stick it out to the end. They believe in organization and promptness. They may do well in any field that involves planning or organizing. They make excellent scientists, managers/CEOs, real estate agents, engineers, or electricians because of their efficiency. They may also do well in career fields involving mathematics such as banking or architecture. While these natives may seem stiff to some, they actually do have a social life. Yet, these natives are very much afraid of being judged and may not attend events that make them feel uncomfortable. For these natives, respect is earned, and the only way to get their attention is to earn their respect. They make bossy and authoratative leaders. They may seem controlling to some because of their need for an orderly life. They can be self-centered or self-absorbed. They are such focused individuals they sometimes ignore those around them. They do not take failures well. They will become pessimistic if they do not live the successful life they desire. While they can be self-centered, they are dependable when someone needs them. They may have been encouraged early in life to reach the highest goals set for them by parents. Caution, patience and confidence is very important. The need to wait for opportunities may be frustrating, but usually rewarding in the end. While they respect the old, they believe in moving on towards the future. (Natives with sun in the 10th house may relate to this description). Remember, Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, therefore Saturn's position in the chart will influence this position.
Sun in Capricorn Celebs: Elvis Presley, Hayley Williams, David Bowie, Orlando Bloom, R.Kelly, Isaac Newton, Jude Law, Joan Baez, Mel Gibson, Jim Carrey, Marilyn Manson, Kate Moss, Nostradamus, Nicolas Cage, Christy Turlington, Janis Joplin, Muhammad Ali, Ricky Martin, Kevin Costner, Aaliyah, Anthony Hopkins, Zooey Deschanel, Cary Grant, Denzel Washington, Swami Vivekanada, Joan of Arc, Edgar Allen Poe, Tiger Woods, Liam Hemsworth, Kate Bosworth, Nina Dobrev, Lebron James, Martin Luther King Jr., Dolly Parton, Sade Adu, J.R.R. Tolkien, David Grohl, Rowan Atkinson, Diane Keaton, Benjamin Franklin, Jordan Sparks, Rod Stewart, Annie Lennox, Pitbull, Patrick Dempsey, LL Cool J, Ellie Goulding

Moon in Capricorn: The Emotions of a Goat
The moon is scientifically a satelitte rather than a planet. The Earth has only one moon, yet this moon has an affect on much of their earth's climate (such as the tides of the waves and the life of planets during the night time). In astrology, the moon also has an affect our inner "climate". It is considered the "planet" of emotions, habits, memories, and dreams. These natives are the most emotional goats we will encounter. The moon is considered in detriment in the sign of Capricorn. The moon is an emotional planet...the sign of Capricorn is quite composed which limits the moon's expression.
Natives with this position are reslient and composed. To many, they never seem to break a sweat even in the worst of situations. They hate to be a burden on others and usually they handle their own problems in life. They are very much afraid of letting their emotions hang out in public. They are afraid to deal with ANY messy emotions. They may feel uncomfortable letting others know when they need help. They are equally confused about the needs and wants of others. This causes them much worry, especially in personal relationships. They easily become depressed because they hold anger or resentment inside of themselves. Yet, these natives always try to put others before themselves. They love to help and give advice. They have a dutiful nature. These natives are quite insecure, however. They fear rejection and may not get close to too many people, for fear of being judged. These natives need a stable and calm life. They may daily plan out their steps before starting their day. They need to have respect in order to feel content. They take it personally when people do not respect them or acknowledge their hard work. As they get older, they become more open to people. These natives may hate being idle. They need something to do, even if it is taking out the trash. These natives are bred for a career-oriented life because of their focus and determination. They may enjoy careers involving money or construction. They may have a tendency to be critical, bossy, or fussy to those closest to them. (Natives with moon in the 10th house may relate to this description). Remember, Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, therefore Saturn's position in the chart will influence this position.
Moon in Capricorn Celebs: Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, George Clooney, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Aishwarya Rai, Amy Whinehouse, Ryan Gosling, Gerard Butler, David Beckham, Matt Damon, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Michael Douglas, Liv Tyler, Cher, Kourtney Kardashian, Jon Bon Jovi, Zooey Deschanel, Frederic Chopin, Reese Witherspoon, Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Basinger, Billie Holiday, Christina Ricci, Kate Hudson, Tim Burton, Dwayne Johnson, Nelly Furtado, David Guetta, Ernest Hemingway, James Hetfield, Mytic Meg, Hilary Swank, David Letterman, Seal, Rupert Grint, Ozzy Osbourne, Mia Farrow, Charles Darwin, Fran Drescher, Annie Lennox

Mercury in Capricorn: The Intellect of a Goat
Mercury is astronomically a tricky planet. It is does not orbit around the sun the way other planets do in our solar system. In fact, it moves so fast around the sun, it almost seems to move backwards (hence why it seems to go retrogade more often in the signs). Mercury is the planet of the mind and communication in astrology. It is also a planet representing skills. Natives with this position are the most communicative goats we will encounter.
Natives with this position are sensible, logical, and methodical. They have a mind that seeks to organize or compartmentalize the world. They are accused of seeing the world on only black or white terms. Whatever they learn, they are mostly concerned about how useful it will be to their life in the future. They seek to put into practice everything they learn. They may not appreciate school until much later in life. They simply hate to waste their time with things. They are quite ambitious and usually have a need to plan their future before the future comes. (Many with this position may be found with to-do lists). They may not speak much unless they feel it is necessary. Many find these natives to have a dull speech pattern because they do not seek to inspire, rather they seek to inform. They are all about the facts. They are very careful about what they say because they do not want to appear foolish. They may be very rigid in their beliefs unless they are disproved with the facts. They prefer a solid method when learning. They will question any method that is complicated or confusing. They need structure in order to learn. They may have excellent managerial skills. They have a mathematical mind and may be good at handling money. Banking may be attractive career fields for them. These natives are very shrewd. It is hard to decieve them. They have such strong concentration that causes them to appear rather serious or stiff. (Natives with Mercury in the 10th house may relate to this description). Remember, Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, therefore Saturn's position in the chart will influence this position.
Mercury in Capricorn Celebs: Brad Pitt, Taylor Swift, Shakira, Elvis Presley, Jim Morrison, Orlando Bloom, Joan Baez, Mel Gibson, Milla Jovovich, Nostradamus, Nicolas Cage, Ellen Degeneres, Michael Schumacher, Paul Newman, Vanessa Hudgens, Aaliyah, Anthony Hopkins, Zooey Deschanel, Cary Grant, Keith Richards, Denzel Washington, Joan of Arc, Stephen Hawking, Jennifer Connely, Jimmy Page, Edgar Allen Poe, Tiger Woods, Liam Hemsworth, Mischa Barton, Dolly Parton, Sade Adu, J.R.R. Tolkien, Rowan Atkinson, Phil Collins, R.Kelly, Annie Lennox, Samuel L. Jackson, Charles Dickens, Patrick Dempsey, Haley Williams

Venus in Capricorn: The Charm of a Goat
Venus is scientifically the brightest (and hottest) planet in our solar system. In astrology, it also the "hottest" planet, simply because it represents attraction. It is the planet of love, beauty, money, and the arts. Therefore, these natives will be the most charming and loving goats we will encounter.
Natives with this position are serious when it comes to relationships. They are usually loners to begin with and/or they have a very small circle of close friends. This is because they are very much afraid of being judged. They don't take rejection well and they tend to reflect on bad past relationships for a long time. As friends and lovers, they believe in taking up all the commitments that come with a relationship. There are times when they may feel "unlovable". They tend to feel highly insecure, therefore constant rejections depresses them. They are loyal, dependable, and dedicated when they do get involved with relationships. There are times when they can be insensitive to the feelings of others. They don't waste their time with drama or chaos; anyone interested in them must have a stable life. They have high standards when it comes to life, and this includes high quality food, clothing, and relationships. They may be bossy or demanding when it comes to personal relationships. They insist that things go their way. As stiff as they may seem, they do have a sociable and humorous side. They can be the life of the party once you get to know them! They simply have limits; there's a time to have fun and a time for serious business. They are very realistic about life. They are smart when it comes to business and they are fantastic at handling money. The arts may be useful business tools for them. They have excellent organization and plan-making skills. Because of this, they seem to do everything with grace and poise. They are mature as children, yet as they get older they seem to be more youthful. (Natives with Venus in the 10th house may relate to this description). Remember, Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, therefore Saturn's position in the chart will influence this position.
Venus in Capricorn Celebs: Brad Pitt, Scarlett Johansson, Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, Elvis Presley, Steve Jobs, Miley Cyrus, Tyra Banks, Jim Carrey, Bjork, Michael Jordan, Alicia Keys, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Frank Sinatra, Christian Bale, Taylor Lautner, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Paul Newman, Joan of Arc, Walt Disney, Kesha, Adam Lambert, Portia De Rossi, Richard Burton, Kate Bosworth, RuPaul, Ben Stiller, Dolly Parton, Elijah Wood, Owen Wilson, Seal, Lucy Liu, Trey Songz, Benjamin Franklin, The Weeknd, Natacha Bedingfield

Mars in Capricorn: The Energy of a Goat
Astronomically, Mars is seen as a red planet, which is why this planet has often been affiliated with blood-shed and war. Mars is astrologically the planet of passion, energy, aggression, sexuality, and focus. Mars is considered exalted in the sign of Capricorn. This is because Mars, the planet of energy, will find more focus in the sign of Capricorn and the discipline to achieve.
Natives with this position are the most energetic and passionate goats we will encounter.
Natives with this position are also the most ambitious goats we will encounter. They are focused and determined no matter what. They are adept at dealing with obstacles; in fact they thrive more with challenges. Of course, these natives have not necessarily had the easiest road to success. These natives may believe that only through hard work one can achieve. Don't be mistaken...these natives are not necessarily the most honorable natives. They will do whatever it takes to succeed, even if it means doing something underhanded. They can be ruthless and careless when trying to achieve. These natives are more concerned about being respected than being liked. Even when they do succeed at whatever goals they achieve, this may never seem enough for them. These natives have a need to constantly "climb the ladder". They feel dissatisfied when they do not have an objective in life. These natives are quite disciplined. They are not as reckless as other natives. While some may assume they are impulsive, they actually plan their steps, making everything look easy. These natives need security. For these natives, business usually comes before pleasure. Sexually, they are usually reserved. They must be in control at all times. However, they do have strong fetishes. They may like the idea of being the "boss" in their sexual relationships. Or they may enjoy being with those that are more experienced than they are sexually. Master/slave, teacher/student, parent/child scenerios may be apart of their sexual experience. They can be pushy when sexually interested. Everything is about timing with these natives. Whether they are early or late, they know exactly when to arrive or take up an opportunity. These natives may do well in managerial careers or in careers involving plan-making. They may do better in career fields where they are the "boss" of some sort because they like to be in charge. (Natives with Mars in the 10th house may relate to this description). Remember, Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, therefore Saturn's position in the chart will influence this position.
Mars in Capricorn Celebs: Brad Pitt, Albert Einstein, Lady Gaga, Niki Minaj, Shakira, Christina Aguilera, Julia Roberts, Sharon Stone, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Katty Perry, Robert Pattinson, Megan Fox, David Bowie, Orlando Bloom, Lindsay Lohan, Katie Holmes, Jim Carrey, Gwen Stefani, Bjork, Bob Marley, George Harrison, Jake Gyllenhaal, Nicolas Cage, Anne Hathaway, Woddy Allen, Drew Barrymore, Steven Spielberg, Taylor Lautner, Aaliyah, Shia Labeouf, Walt Disney, Mary-Kate Olsen, Ashley Olsen, David Guetta, Thomas Edison, Amanda Bynes, Ben Stiller, Katharine Hepburn, Jessie J, Ozzy Osbourne, Mia Farrow, Rod Stewart
Jupiter in Capricorn: The Spirit of a Goat
Jupiter is scientifically the largest planet in our solar system. It is a "gas giant" meaning a planet made up of mostly gas. The size of this planet may be why it is named after the father of the gods, Jupiter, and this may lso be the reason it represents expansion in astrology. It is also the planet of luck/chance, belief, and optimism. These natives will be the most optimistic and expansive goats we encounter. Unfortunately, Jupiter is considered falling in the sign of Capricorn. This planet is a planet of optimism...yet Capricorn is quite a pessimistic sign which can be limiting.
Natives with this position may not believe in luck or chance. These natives mostly believe that with hard work, opportunities will come. And because these natives are so ambitious, they may work tirelessly towards their goals. These natives have excellent managerial and plan-making skills. They are usually quite organized and mature. When they plan their steps, usually they gain more benefits. These natives may not feel as lucky as others. They may feel that their life is filled with many obstacles. There are some natives of this position that have more negative attitudes, leading to more obstacles. These natives may have a strong fear of failure. Yet, there are some with this position that are extremely positive when it comes to their successes in life, believing they can achieve despite all obstacles. They tend to be conservative and reserved. They have very strong beliefs that they may hold on to. However, they are not blind to reason. They are good at putting things into perspective logically.They may be attracted to politics. These natives may do well in fields involving architecture or construction of some sort. They are, after all, very structured people. They may be quite disciplined and focused. These natives have a need for respect, status, and power. This usually taints their morality. Their ruthlessness may be their downfall. These natives are all about timing when it come to opportunities. They either miss opportunities because of this, or gain more benefits from their shrewdness. They may have dark or deadpan humor. They may enjoy taming farmland or nature conservation of some sort as they are very in tune with the natural world. (Natives with Jupiter in the 10th house may relate to this description) Remember, Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, therefore Saturn's position in the natal chart may influence this position.
Jupiter in Capricorn Celebs: Scarlett Johansson, Katy Perry, Eminem, Alyssa Milano, Charlie Chaplin, Cristiano Ronaldo, Jude Law, Jack Nicholson, Yannick Noah, Avril Lavigne, Gwenyth Paltrow, Bono, Mylene Farmer, Richard Gere, Mark Zuckerberg, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Paul Newman, Khloe Kardashian, Jennifer Garner, Carmen Electra, Walt Disney, Sigourney Weaver, Vivien Leigh, Dwayne Johnson, Portia De Rossi, Richard Burton, RuPaul, Morgan Freeman, Dustin Hoffman, LeBron James, Josh Duhamel

Saturn in Capricorn: The Discipline of a Goat
Saturn is astronomically known for the rings that seem to "bind" the planet. This planet is a "gas planet" which means it is a planet mostly made up of gas. Astrologically, it is the planet of discipline, limitations, order, law, and karma. These natives are the most disciplined goats we will encounter. Saturn is considered in domicile in the sign of Capricorn. This is because Capricorn is RULED by the planet Saturn. Saturn will express more naturally and comfortably in this sign.
These natives understand duty and responsibility more than any other natives of the zodiac. They believe in karma; the idea that what goes around comes around. They are always concerned about the consequences and usually make a diligent effort to plan their steps for the future. They may always carry a schedule or a list of some sort. They need security in order to feel content. It is hard for them to feel safe in the world without preparedness. These natives may have an inherit fear of getting old or dying. Surprisingly, they manage to retain their youth well into their elder years. These natives may have been raised by people older than them. They are highly conservative and they never waste time. They are used to rules and they may implement this form of discipline on their own children. They may not appreciate education as youths, especially if they don't see the school subjects as practical for their life. These natives only want to do what is necessary and useful. They want to do the right thing without any consequences. They have a strong need to be respected by others. In turn, they usually give respect. They understand that respect is something that is earned and they may work diligently to earn it. While they may seem quite rigid and reserved, they do understand that there is a time to relax so long as they do things within reason. They are practical and methodical. They may be excellent at handling money or managing things. Banking, business marketing, construction or architecture, farming, even the health professions or scientific professions may be perfect for them. They are very in tune with anything natural, so conservation of nature or land may be something they invest time in. Whatever profession they choose, they will usually be efficient at it. They take any profession seriously. (Natives with Saturn in the 10th house may relate to this description).
Saturn in Capricorn Celebs: George Clooney, Taylor Swift, Rihanna, Kirsten Stewart, Emma Watson, Audrey Hepburn, Sean Connery, Chris Brown, Jennifer Lawrence, Daniel Radcliffe, Clint Eastwood, Bono, Mylene Farmer, Sean Penn, Antonio Banderas, Adele, Hugh Grant, Vanessa Hudgens, Meg Ryan, Marie Antoinette, Steve McQueen, Walt Disney, Colin Firth, Simon Cowell, Hugh Laurie, Liam Hemsworth, Eddie Murphy, Hayden Panettiere, Rita Ora, Sade Adu, Iggy Azalea, Michael J. Fox, Jessie J, Neil Armstong, Joe Jonas, Lil Romeo, The Weeknd

Uranus in Capricorn: The Innovation of a Goat
Uranus is considered an odd planet astronomically because it is the only one in the solar system that rotates on its axis (side). In astrology, it is also considered a planet of uniquness. It represents innovation, originality, progress, and revolution. These natives are the most innovative goats we will encounter.
Natives with this position may have many innovative ideas when it comes to business, money-making, architecture, or even in fields of science or health. They are a generation that wants a new world order. They have many innovative ideas on politics/government. They may be seeking to use technology to establish order in the world. While they may have respect for their elders (or older methods), they may find themselves at odds with older ones or people in higher positions. This is because the natives have a need to be in respected positions and to advance every method that has been established to be more efficient. These natives do want stability, yet stability may be difficult for them to achieve. They may not have a stable career or job. They may be attracted to unconventional careers. They do well in managerial positions because they always keep everything fresh yet organized. This is a very shrewd generation that is hard to decieve. They catch on to their environment quickly. They may take on causes involving conservative principles. (Natives with Uranus in the 10th house may relate to this description). Remember, Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, therefore Saturn's position in the chart will influence this position.
Uranus in Capricorn Celebs: Taylor Swift, Rihanna, Mother Teresa, Justin Beiber, Miley Cyrus, Harry styles, Selena Gomez, Kristen Stewart, Emma Watson, Chris Brown, Jennifer Lawrence, Daniel Radcliffe, Ariana Grande, Taylor Lautner, Adele, Demi Lovato, Vanessa Hudgens, Kendall Jenner, Greta Garbo, Dakota Fanning, Liam Hemsworth, Hayden Panettiere, Rita Ora, Katharine Hepburn, Ed Sheeran, Nick Jonas, Iggy Azalea, Jessie J, Bette Davis, Lil Romeo, Joe Jonas, Emma Roberts, Shailene Woodley, Hayley Williams, Victoria Justice, Lucille Ball, Dylan Sprouse, Cole Sprouse, John Wayne, The Weeknd

Neptune in Capricorn: The Innocence of a Goat
Neptune is astrologically the most mysterious planet in our solar system because of its distance from all the other planets. It has been considered astrologically the planet of illusion, imagination, impressionability, creativity, compassion, sanctuary, and the universal principle of oneness. These natives are the most impressionable goats we will encounter. Some modern astrologers consider Neptune to be falling in the sign of Capricorn. This is understandable. Neptune is a highly imaginative planet, while the sign of Capricorn is a more realistic sign which can be limiting.
Natives with this position dream of fame, respect, and power in the world. They are usually highly pessimistic about life and they may not believe in "miracles". They may seek to fit physical ideals of success. They may not be realistic and they may have a tendency to be easily decieved by contracts that bind the native. These natives must be careful of ruthlessness. They can be compassionate towards those who may not have opportunities or they may feel pity for those who are oppressed by a system. They have an unsual understanding of business, even at a very early age. They will do well when they create businesses surrounding the arts. They may seem like a wiser generation than most. They are practical and shrewd. In order for them to understand life, it must be handed to them in logical ways. These natives believe there is a reason for everything and they need the answers to questions on life. Surety and security is highly important to them. This is a generation that may be easily stressed about life. Either they are not very religious or they are very conservative in their approach to religion. They are more interested in how things can benefit them in the physical world, sometimes ignoring their spiritual needs. (Natives with Neptune in the 10th house may relate to this description). Remember, Capricorn is ruled by Saturn therefore Saturn's position in the chart will influence this position.
Neptune in Capricorn Celebs: Ellie Goulding, The Weeknd, Taylor Swift, Scarlett Johansson, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Justin Beiber, Robert Pattinson, Miley Cyrus, Megan Fox, Harry Styles, Selena Gomez, Emma Watson, Cristiano Ronaldo, Lana Del Rey, Lindsay Lohan, Chris Brown, Jennifer Lawrence, Daniel Radcliffe, Zac Efron, Ariana Grande, Keira Knightley, Drake, Nostradamus, Mark Zuckerberg, Taylor Lautner, Lionel Messi, Adele, Demi Lovato, Hilary Duff, Emma Stone, Vanessa Hudgens, Kendall Jenner, Bruno Mars, Shia Labeouf, Mary Kate Olsen, Ashley Olsen, Dakota Fanning, Kesha, Liam Hemsworth, Kylie Jenner, Ciara, Mischa Barton, Hayden Panettiere, Michael Phelps, Amanda Seyfried, Amanda Bynes, Rita OraDean Ambrose, LeBron James, Ed Sheeran, Leona Lewis, Nick Jonas, Iggy Azalea, Lorde, Bow Wow, Zendaya Coleman, Jessie J, Rupert Grint, Jesse McCartney, Wiz Khalifa, Raven Symone, Hilary Duff

Pluto in Capricorn: The Power of a Goat
Pluto is no longer considered one of the classified "larger" planets in our solar system. Rather, it is a dwarf planet, and one of the largest in our solar system. This is the "planet" of power, transformation, destruction, depth, and darkness. Therefore, these natives will be the most powerful goats we encounter.
These natives have a strong need for power and control over their environment. They yearn for respect and may be overbearing in their approach to others. They may be attracted to governmental positions. They may also be attracted to law enforcing positions such as police work. These natives may seek to destroy old political systems or laws that have been oppressive. They may have a deep distrust of these systems because of abuse of power. Yet, these natives may also have a tendency to abuse their power. These natives will do whatever it takes to be successful in the world.They are highly ambitious, patient, and resilient. They are fearless in the face of obstacles. They can be cold and ruthless as they climb the ladder of success. They may be highly egotistical, believing they are better than others and that the world owes them something. They are a highly shrewd and practical generation. They may be paranoid of being decieved. They may only believe what is logical and may investigate the answers using the facts. These natives may have many insecurities in life, despite their confident dispositions. They may feel as a generation, they have the most obstacles in their way. They are highly conservative and rigid. They may prefer tried and true methods, which can cause them to be quite stiff. These natives have a need for order and stability in their lives. They may want to create a new world order that is more steady than the last. A reformation of laws may be put into practice amongst natives of this generation. Or they may seek to revive old systems of government that were more efficient. They have an appreciation for history and they may have high respect for their elders or the masters of old. They make excellent farmers because of their appreciation for the natural world. They work well with money and business. They may establish new businesses or improve upon businesses. (Natives with Pluto in the 10th house may relate to this description). Remember, Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, therefore Saturn's position in the chart will influence this position.
Pluto in Capricorn Celebs: Ludwig Van Beethoven, Jane Austin, Fredrich Hegel, Andre-Marie Ampre, Amedeo Avogadro, Pierre De Ronsard, John Dee, William Joseph Turner, Louis Antoine de Saint-Just, Mademoiselle Lenormand, Walter Scott, William Wordworth, Anne Catherine Emmerich, Friedrich Holderlin, Novalis, Thomas Malthus, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Charles Fourier, Eli Whitney, Alexander Von Humboldt, Sophie Germain, Heinrich Von Kleist, Baron Georges Cuvier, Giovanni Belzoni, Friedrich Mohs, Eugène-François Vidocq, John Jacob Astor, Meriwether Lewis, Thoinot Arbeau, William Clark, Nicéphore Niépce

North Node in Capricorn: The Future Life of a Goat
The north node represents one of the ecliptic points, the point when the moon crosses paths with the sun (causing an eclipse). Usually the north node represents the solar eclipse (when the sun turns black). In astrology, it represents ou future life...our karmic destiny or life purpose. By embracing the north node destiny, despite how unfamiliar it is to us, we will find true fulfilment in life.
Natives with this position may find that their life is leading them towards a career-oriented life, despite the fact they are more used to a family-oriented life (south node in Cancer). Some may long to develop a social world outside of the home. Yet, there are some that are more comfortable living their life surrounding the home, thus they may struggle to embrace their destiny. Natives that learn to embrace their destiny will develop new skills. Managerial skills, business skills, shrewdness, and mathematical skills may be among the skills being developed along their journey through life. (Natives with the north node in the 10th house may relate to this description). Remember, Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, therefore Saturn's position in the chart will influence this position.
North Node in Capricorn Celebs: Cameron Diaz, Leonardo Da Vinci, Steve Jobs, Alyssa Milano, Eminem, Bruce Willis, Selena Gomez, Oprah Winfrey, Robert Redford, Jude Law, Alain Delon, Heidi Klum, Ben Afleck, Gwyneth Paltrow, John Travolta, Woody Allen, Taylor Lautner, Paul Walker, William Shakespeare, Kevin Costner, Kim Basinger, Denzel Washington, Pharell Williams, Al Capone, Dwayne Johnson, Kate Beckinsale, Portia De Rossi, Jackie Chan, Sofia Vergara, Ursula Andress, Rita Ora, Ed Sheeran, Rowan Atkinson
South Node in Capricorn: The Past Life of a Goat
The south node is the other ecliptic point, representing the point when moon crosses paths with the sun (causing an eclipse). The south node represents the lunar eclipse (the time in which the moon turns red). The south node represents our past life and talents we developed from the past. While most astrologers encourage us to get away from the south node past, this is not very practical. Thes best thing to do is make use of the past experiences and talents, to develop a more fulfilling future.
Natives with this position lived a more social/career life than a familial one in the past. Yet, their life may be leading them into a life focused on developing close bonds or focused on family. There are some natives who may hold on to their career/social life because it is more comfortable for them. However, there are many who would rather move towards a stronger home life (north node in Cancer). If these natives embrace their destiny, they can use their managerial skills, their business skills, their shrewdness, and their natural sense of responsibility from their past life to meet their future destiny. (Natives with south node in the 10th house may relate to this description). Remember, Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, therefore Saturn's position in the chart will influence this position.
South Node in Capricorn Celebs: Marilyn Monroe, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Britney Spears, Sandra Bullock, Prince William, Charlie Chaplin, Whitney Houston, Bob Marley, Nicki Minaj, Courtney Love, Jessica Biel, Nicolas Cage, Anne Hathaway, Michael Jordan, Kelly Clarkson, Quentin Taratino, Michael Douglas, Lil Wayne, Johann Sebastian Bach, George Michael, Lenny Kravitz, Courtney Cox, Lorie, Kirsten Dunst, Amy Lee, Richard Burton, Tori Amos, Serena Williams, Hugh Hefner, Marquis De Sade, Katharine Hepburn, Goldie Hawn, Brigitte Nielsen, Seal, Carrie Underwood, Matt Dillon, Mia Farrow, Bette Davis

Chiron in Capricorn: The Wounded Goat
Chiron is the planet of wounds that need to be healed. It is scientifically a dwarf planet with lesser astrological significance than Pluto, but more significance than the asteroids Ceres, Juno, Pallas, and Vesta. It tells the story of pain, but a way to heal that pain.
Natives with Chiron in Capricorn have a wounded sense of structure, organization, respect, and achievement. The natives may feel like losers, but may overcompensate by trying to make themselves appear better than others. They may kiss up to those in authority to feel some false sense of respect or they may not work well under a boss or management due to an over excessive need for respect. They may often feel unappreciated or unrecognized. They may fear chaos and a loss of control over their lives. Or they may give up on trying to establish a structured life, afraid of the responsibility it comes with. Either way, it all comes down to a lack of spiritual connection. They must get in tune with their spiritual and emotional side of life in order to heal their wounds. Take time out of daily life to actually reap the fruits rather than being so concerned about success. On the plus side, they make wonderful managers of other people's lives and finances. They have a knack for business and may be able to create their own.