Scorpio, The Scorpion
Behind The Sign
The sign of Scorpio is based off of the scorpion that stung Orion the hunter to death in Greek mythology. The story is told from a variety of different perspectives. One account of the story describes that the hunter, Orion, was trying to kidnap Artemis (the goddess of the hunt). She thus sent a scorpion to sting him. Another account mentions that Orion bragged about killing all the wild beasts of the earth. Gaia (goddess of earth) and Apollo (a god that protected animals) did not like this, and thus they sent a giant scorpion to kill Orion. Regardless, this was a story about an overconfident hunter, who paid for his hubristic nature by the hands of the Scorpion.
The scorpion is an arachnid (from the same family as the spider) that is known for its painful (sometimes deadly) venomous stinger. This stinger has allowed this small creature to be one of the most feared "bugs" in the world. These are creatures one should never judge by size. The smaller the scorpion, the more powerful their venom could be. Scorpions are resilient, capable of adapting to new climates much easier than other creatures. Some say they can even adapt to the climate of a refrigerator! They have a hard shell that usually protects them. These creatures are excellent hunters. They are ambush predators, preferring to stay still as they wait for a prey to move in on their territory before striking. They may also stalk their prey in subtle, yet swift movements. The Scorpion may be found under dim atmospheres. They cannot handle too much heat, and light usually gives off heat. That can be harmful to scorpions. Scorpions are usually loners; they hardly get along with mates of the opposite sex. They are known for cannibalism. Scorpions do not eat like other creatures do. They can only devour foods by breaking them down into liquids. One interesting characteristic about scorpions that has baffled researchers is their ability to glow under ultraviolet light. No one is quite sure why their exoskeleton does this, but some say it could be a light they use to mate at night or to scare off predators.
The sign of Scorpio represents power, depth, passion, transformation, and sexuality. It is the 8th sign in the zodiac. Scorpio is traditionally ruled by Mars, the planet of action, passion, focus, assertion/aggression, and sexuality. Modern astrologers believe that Pluto (the planet of power, depth, loss, and transformation) is the ruling planet of this sign. In the opinion of some astrologers, they prefer to see both planets as co-rulers of the sign, with both planets influencing the signs in their own right. Scorpio is a water sign, which represents emotion, imagination, and depth. The sign of Scorpio is also a FIXED sign which represents stability and power. Natives with positions in Scorpio are possibly the most complicated natives we will encounter. While they are deeply emotional, they express their emotions differently from other water signs. They are fighters, yet their biggest fight is always more of an internal conflict. The need for power over their lives (and sometimes the lives of others) is always a common theme in their story. For natives with this position, there is something very dark about them. They are constantly at odds with others because they simply don't do what others expect of them. They are rebels who are seeking to make an impact on the minds and emotions of others. Despite what is percieved about these natives, these natives honestly want peace and security in their lives. Yet, they don't trust that life will hand them this paradise. They may percieve peace as something that can only be established when there is chaos or destruction of some sort. This makes them seem a bit contradictory at times. They are sometimes intense and extreme when approaching people and situations. With them, either you like them or you don't; either you are with them or against them. There are no ultimatums with these natives. This may cause them to make many enemies. While they expect others to allow them to express openly, they may not be as tolerant of other people's personalities. These natives are quite sexy, but their seduction carries a bit of secret and mystery. These natives may have many secrets. They may seem supicious to some; intriguing to others. Somewhat, these natives like being a mystery to others (possibly coming from deep trust issues). These natives may enjoy gender-switching ideas. There are usually many layers to these natives. These natives are the example that 'there is always more than what meets the eye'. These natives tend to see others better than they see themselves. Opposite Sign: Taurus.
How a sign will expressed depends on the planet that is positioned in the sign. For house cusp signs, how we percieve this sign in our lives is determined by both the ruling planet as well as the house it is representing. There are some planets that highlight the best/worse or most/least of a particular sign. This usually happens when planet is dignified/debilitated in a sign. For more information, visit Note: Natives who have Pluto/Mars aspecting any of the following planets below may relate to these descriptions. Negative aspects in a chart ususally means that there will be setbacks. Positive aspects in a chart usually means that there will be advantages or opportunities. The following descriptions shows the various "Scorpio" positions we will encounter. To make a birth chart, visit
Sun in Scorpio: The Ego of a Scorpion
The sun is scientifically not an actual planet (although it is considered a planet in astrology). It is classified as a star and it is the closest star to planet Earth. It is also the largest star in our solar system. The sun is the source of life here on Earth. In astrology, it also plays a similar role. The sun is the "planet" of pride, ego, attention, and leadership. Therefore, these natives are the proudest scorpions we will encounter.
Natives with this position have a powerful presence no matter where they go. They are strong-willed and focused on whatever they set their minds on. They have a need to shake things up or cause trouble, even when they won't admit this. In fact, they won't admit to anything that others see in them. They go through moments in their lives when they don't want anyone to know who they really are. Why? This could be attributed to a fear of being judged. These natives despise superficiality and judgmental people (despite the fact that they are quite judgmental). Although they hide who they are from others, they are uncomfortable when others do not reveal who they really are. These natives are quite distrustful of others...yet they are equally distrustful of themselves and may go through moments when they doubt their own abilities. As leaders, they may be a quiet bunch, but they have a need for complete control and power over their environment. Many of these natives will be drawn to governmental positions or they may want to be activists of some sort. These natives seem quiet when it comes to their personal opinions, but deep down they are highly observant and are always pondering the world around them. Those who get the opportunity to develop a personal relationship with them will see their more deep, passionate, sentimental side. These natives, while usually focused on whatever they desire, can be procrastinators if they have no goals. They do things on their own terms. Either they give it their all or give nothing at all. They usually try to make the most of their energies. These natives have strong sexual charisma that some natives of this position may not be aware of. The natives that are aware of it are proud of it (which means others should avoid slighting their sexual ego). In fact, these natives may use their sexuality to gain quite a bit of attention. They may like the idea of gender-bending. These natives may often feel that they connect with the opposite sex on a much deeper level than most. These natives may be fascinated with anything mysterious or spooky. Or these things may be apart of their self expression. They are constantly changing up their public identities, so never expect them to stick with the same ideas or lifestyles. They must be careful of their jealousy. They are easily envious of people who live the life they desire. (Natives with the sun in the 8th house may relate to this description). Remember, Scorpio is ruled by Mars traditionally and co-ruled by Pluto according to some modern astrologers. Therefore, the position of both planets will influence this position.
Sun in Scorpio Celebrities: Leonardo Di Caprio, Jodie Foster, Julia Roberts, Bill Gates, Katy Perry, Grace Kelly, Demi Moore, Boa Kwon, Aishwarya Rai, Ryan Gosling, Pablo Picasso, Gerard Butler, Bjork, Drake, Ciara, Anne Hathaway, Winona Rhyder, Ryan Reynolds, Matthew McConaughey, Rachel McAdams, Emma Stone, Meg Ryan, Marie Antoinette, Kendall Jenner, Marie Curie, Vivien Leigh, David Guetta, Kris Jenner, Richard Burton, RuPaul, Gordon Ramsay, Voltaire, Brittany Murphy, Josh Duhamel, Goldie Hawn, Owen Wilson, Lorde, Whoopi Goldberg, Dorothy Dandridge, David Schwimmer, Keith Urban, Jamie Lee Curtis, Christopher Columbus, Kelly Osbourne, Sean Combs, Shailene Woodley, Nelly, Koda Kumi
Moon in Scorpio: The Emotions of a Scorpion
The moon, while classified as a "planet" in astrology, is technically not a planet scientifically. It is actually a satelitte that surrounds various objects in space. On Earth, we only have one moon. Yet, this moon has more influence on our planet's climate than one may think. Not only does it influence the tides of the sea on Earth, it also provides CO2 to plant life. And of course, it lights the way during night. The moon is also seen as a supportive planet in astrology. It is the planet of emotional stability, habits, memories, and dreams. Therefore natives with this position are the most emotional scorpions we will encounter. This "planet" in astrology is said to be the supporter to our sun position. Unfortunately, the moon is considered falling in the sign of Scorpio. This is because the moon struggles to find the emotional stability that it is seeking in a chaotic sign like Scorpio.
Natives with this position may not let on how they really feel...but do not be fooled. These natives are possibly the most intense scorpions we will encounter. Their emotions run extremely deep. They have a tendency to take everything to the extreme, possibly stemming from a fear of loss. There are times when they may overract and percieve the worse out of situations. They may not open up to people easily. They are private people and will protect their inner world from being harmed. These natives have a need for power and control over their lives. If they grew up in controlling households, they may be quite rebellious as they grow into young adults. They may feel that their life is never stable. Part of the reason for this could come from their own need to be involved with the "dark" side of life. They may have a fascination with deep subjects and mysteries. Hidden behind their composed and conservative demeanor is a love of anything taboo. They easily get obssessed with some of the strangest things...yet it makes them feel better about themselves when they own up to their fetishes. They are the best people to share secrets with. They will never tell another's secrets, and they expect the same courtesy in return! When they actually find someone they can trust, they may be one of the most loving people you may ever encounter. Sometimes they can be possessive and controlling of their intimates. They are easily insecure and may be easily jealous when those closest to them spend time with other people. Never leave them out of a situation or a conversation. Despite the fact that they love mysteries, they get very uncomfortable when things are kept from them. (For them, this could be the ultimate sign of betrayal). When they are slighted, they will be out for blood! They expect others to sacrifice for them, which may make others feel indebted to them. Hypocritically, they may hate having to make sacrifices for others. These natives have a fear of being indebted to others. They may always feel like a burden to others. They may avoid making commitments or working with others, hoping to avoid owing anything. Their feelings can sometimes immobilize them. They may go through periods where they are active in society...then they may fade from the world, only to come out into society like a brand new person. This is because they go through several emotional transformations in their lives. These natives have a very sexy aura about them. Their lusty feelings may be more evident than all of their other feelings. Despite their emotional instability, they are very perceptive of people and their environment. They make excellent psychologists or detectives. They are highly investigative and may do much research. They may also be excellent funeral directors because they understand death and loss more than any other native in the zodiac. While they may seem vulnerable, they are surprisingly resilient against obstacles. (Natives with moon in the 8th house may relate to this description). Remember, Scorpio is ruled by Mars (traditionally) and Pluto. Therefore, these position of these two planets will influence this position.
Moon in Scorpio Celebs: Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce Knowles, Scarlett Johansson, Lady Gaga, Alan Rickman, Katy Perry, Raven Symone, Miley Cyrus, Mariah Carey, Bruce Lee, Charlie Chaplin, Elizabeth Taylor, Orlando Bloom, Nelson Mandela, Ben Affleck, Bjork, Avril Lavigne, Bob Marley, James Dean, Bono, Will Smith, Mila Kunis, Roger Federer, Kate Moss, George Harrison, Adam Levine, Nostradamus, Mark Zuckerberg, Steven Spielberg, Ryan Reynolds, Chris Evans, Mark Wahlberg, Johnny Cash, Alanis Morissette, Snoop Dogg, Eddie Murphy, Kylie Jenner, Steven Tyler

Click the Planets to view them in the signs
Mercury in Scorpio: The Intellect of a Scorpion
Mercury has the trickiest orbit in our solar system scientifically. It is known for transiting in retrogade motion within the signs more often than other planets in the zodiac. It is the closest planet to the sun and the smallest of the "larger" planets in our solar system. Astrologically, this is the planet of the mind and communication, as well as skills. These natives will therefore be the most intellectual and communicative scorpions we encounter.
Natives with this position may not be the most talkative, but they are always thinking and pondering. They catch on quick to their environment and are highly perceptive when it comes to people. They never judge situations solely based upon superficial reasoning. They usually investigate situations to the fullest. While there are some natives of this position that prefer not to speak of their ideas, there are also natives of this position that seek to be heard. These natives can be quite intense when they speak and may be prone to start debates or arguments. They may not always be reasonable when it comes to their ideas. They are not the most objective natives, and they may argue until they have the final word. They honestly want to be in control of their own mind, and may not admit when someone has made an impression on them. They are always trying to "read between the lines", which can cause misunderstandings. Because of their ability to conjure up ideas in their heads quickly, many may consider them geniuses. They are very good at breaking down methods. Computer engineering, scienctific research, plumbing, detective work, even undercover operations....any career that involves breaking things down and uncovering hidden things are perfect career avenues for them. (Natives with Mercury in the 8th house may relate to this description). Remember, Scorpio is ruled by Mars (traditionally) and Pluto, therefore the position of these two planets will influence this position.
Mercury in Scorpio Celebs: Jodie Foster, Julia Roberts, Mahatma Ghandi, John Lennon, Katy Perry, Kim Kardashian, Eminem, Grace Kelly, Miley Cyrus, Demi Moore, Aishwarya Rai, Bruce Lee, Ryan Gosling, Pablo Picasso, Gerard Butler, Tyra Banks, Zac Efron, Drake, Anne Hathaway, Winona Rhyder, Matthew McConaughey, Viggo Mortensen, Hilary Duff, Meg Ryan, Winston Churchill, Kim Basinger, Walt Disney, Snoop Dogg, Usher, Buster Keaton, David Guetta, RuPaul, Anna Nicole Smith, Oscar Wilde, Holly Marie Combs, Sinead O'Connor, Dean Ambrose, Owen Wilson, Whoopi Goldberg, Ethan Hawke, Dorothy Dandridge, Keith Urban, Christopher Columbus, Raven Symone, Kelly Osbourne, Michelle Tratchenberg

Venus in Scorpio: The Charm of a Scorpion
Venus is scientifically the brightest (and hottest) planet in our solar system. From Earth, it is often referred to as the "morning" or "evening" star. Astrologically, Venus is also quite a hot planet. It is the planet of love, attraction, money, and the arts. Therefore, these natives are the most charming and attractive scorpions we will encounter.
Natives with this position can be described in one word: seductive. They ooze sexuality and it may be overwhelming to some (yet attractive to others). They seem mysterious, secretive, and intriguing to those who encounter them. Many of these natives do not jump into relationships with just anyone. They need complete love from partners and they may do much investigation on those they are interested in. They tend to put their partners through a series of tests...tests that they may not even let their partners know of. They love intensely and this may seem like a suffocating kind of love to those who want a lot of freedom. They are passionate about the people and things they love, and this can make them seem obssessed with those things (or people) they love. The things and people they love shapes their entire life! They may be wrapped around the finger of the ones they love, sometimes to their detriment. At the same time, it's easy for others to get wrapped in their which there is no return. For these natives, either you like them or you don't. There is no in-between with them. In this case, they may not understand the idea of simply being an "associate" with someone...they need something much more profound out of encounters. They may have a small circle of friends/associates as a result. They are attracted to relationships that change them in some way. Instant chemistry is what they may be looking for. These natives may fit the archetype of "star-crossed lovers". They are drawn to relationships that are quite unusual or dangerous even. Or they may be drawn to relationships that have more emotional depth than physical. These attractions usually reflect an inner conflict between the need to do "right" by others, yet the need to live life on the edge. Then of course, they may be more interested in having a purely sexual relationship. These natives are more emotional than other Venusian positions, so any kind of relationship that changes them on that level is worth it. They make excellent sexual therapists because they understand how one can find pleasure through sex. They may be quite innovative when it comes to art. They may use art as a means to express deep ideas. They may want power in their lives and may be in fear of being judged by others. They may often feel like outcasts. They are easily jealous of others; they have natural insecurities. They make excellent activists because they often seek to change social standards of beauty and class. They are usually drawn to the opposite sex no matter what their sexual orientation is. (Natives with Venus in the 8th house may relate to this description). Remember, Scorpio is ruled by Mars (traditionally) and Pluto. Therefore, the position of these planets will influence this position.
Venus in Scorpio Celebs: Ne-yo, Usher, Drake, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jodie Foster, Mahatma Ghandi, Bill Gates, Demi Moore, Jim Morrison, Bruce Lee, Gerard Butler, Avril Lavigne, Boa Kwon, Katie Holmes Anne Hathaway, Ellie Goulding, Romy Schneider, Zac Efron, Matt Damon, Hugh Jackman, Steven Spielberg, Winona Rhyder, Ian Somerhalder, Louis Tomlinson, Rachel McAdams, Vanessa Hudgens, Anthony Kiedis, Meg Ryan, Marie Antoinette, Keith Richards, Denzel Washington, Marie Curie, Sigourney Weaver, Tiger Woods, Snoop Dogg, Nicole Richie, Nelly Furtado, Janelle Monae, Nelly, Koda Kumi, Chad Kroegar, DMX
Mars in Scorpio: The Energy of a Scorpion
Mars has always been affiliated with war and bloodshed. This is partially due to the fact that astronomically this planet is a reddish color. Mars is the planet of energy, passion, focus, aggression, and sexuality. Therefore, these are the most energetic and aggressive scorpions we will encounter. Traditionally, Mars is considered in domicile in the sign of Scorpio. This is because Mars is the TRADITIONAL RULER of this sign. This means (according to how ancient astrologers saw it) that in this sign the planet can express more openly and naturally.
Natives with this position are passionate, focused, and intense. Whatever they are passionate about, they will give it their all. If they are not interested, they will give nothing at all. No one could ever accuse them of being fickle (unless they have more flighty energies in their natal charts). Sometimes they may be so focused on their own desires, they may ignore the feelings of others. They are not the considerate types. They tend to have much internal conflict in their lives. They are much harder on themselves than they appear. They may push themselves past their limits, which can weigh on their health in the long run. They are quite efficient at accomplishing goals. They are usually secretive about their whereabouts and their tactics for achieving (like a magician who doesn't want to reveal his secrets). This could be stemming from their need to have an open field with no competition. No matter what is in their way, they will do whatever it takes to succeed. They must be careful that this does not make them ruthless and obssessive. (They must be careful not to betray others for what they desire). Sexually, like with anything, they either give it their all or give nothing at all. You may get some scorpions that contain their sexual lust for many years...but once they open up, their passion becomes immense. They may be quite controlling and aggressive in the sexual scene. They like to be in control and they won't allow the other to take the reigns without a fight. But they will never "kiss and tell". They may only get involved with people that are down for an intense experience. They are very sexy, though they may not even realize just how powerful their sexuality really is to others. In fact, most of these natives do not recognize their own strengths or weaknesses, which can make them seem fearless (or foolish) when they tread on dangerous waters. Yet, they are very much aware of the strengths and weaknesses of others. They know exactly how to manipulate situations to their favor. They may not necessarily be the strongest physically. They have their own way of doing things...and usually it involves attacking someone or something at the core. It is hard for them to get angry but when they do, be prepared for a never ending battle of revenge. These natives do not stop until there is "blood". They must be careful of using sex (or celibacy) as a weapon. These natives may do well in any career field, but they may especially do well in careers such as law enforcement or in undercover work. These natives constantly need to be challenged in life. They must be careful of causing a rucus just to shake things up. They may have many power struggles with others. They easily attract jealousy and rivalry. (Natives with Mars in the 8th house may relate to this description). Remember, Scorpio is also ruled by Pluto. Therefore, the position of Pluto will influence this position.
Mars in Scorpio Celebs: Leonardo DiCaprio, Taylor Swift, Jennifer Aniston, Mahatma Ghandi, Kurt Cobain, Alyssa Milano, Grace Kelly, Oprah Winfrey, Jude Law, Mel Gibson, Jimi Hendrix, Marilyn Manson, Mark Zuckerberg, Christy Turlington, Ryan Reynolds, Charlie Sheen, Michael Schumacher, Khloe Kardashian, Patrick Swayze, Jason Statham, Steven Seagal, Shania Twain, T.I., Jennifer Connelly, Marie Curie, Michelle Williams, Usher, Mischa Barton, Morgan Freeman, J.R.R Tolkien, David Icke, Bill Cosby, Mandy Moore, LeAnn Rimes, Bobby Brown, David Hasselhoff, Billy Idol, Shailene Woodley, Nick Cannon, Nelly, Betty White, Chad Kroeger, DMX

Jupiter in Scorpio: The Spirit of a Scorpion
Jupiter is scientifically the largest planet in our solar system. It is one of the "gas giants" because it is mostly made up of gas. Jupiter is astrologically considered a planet of expansion, luck, chance, optimism, and belief. These natives are the most optimistic scorpions.
Natives with this position have often be considered the "rebels" of the zodiac. They do enjoy having intense experiences...and they may take risks just for the thrills. Sometimes when they try things that others fear, they gain benefits. Other times, these risks can cause more problems in their lives if the need for thrills is taken too far. They must be careful of over-indulging in alcohol, sex, or doing dangerous drugs. These natives may enjoy traveling to countries or nations that other people would scorn at. They may also enjoy traveling to places with a sense of danger and adventure. It is very important that these natives stay with more positive groups of people. They are easily drawn to cults or anything with occult leanings. These natives can make positive changes in the world because they never hide or bury the truth. They make excellent undercover agents, detectives, or journalists because of their ability to investigate. They may be quite preachy to some, yet to others they may be enlightening. While they may seem fearless to others, this is usually coming from an optimism about their own life. They may believe they are invincible. They may have a fascination with anything spooky, mysterious, or dark. They must be careful of not seeing life realistically. These natives are not always so destructive. In fact, they may enjoy being a source of healing for others. They may do well in the medical fields or in fields of psychology where they can uplift people. These natives want to make a positive impact on others, no matter their tactics. They are very shrewd people and they know how to gain benefits from places that other people have never heard of. They must be careful of being devious or crafty in their business dealings. Regardless, they may do well in business fields. They tend to have a dark kind of humor. This is usually most evident in anything that the create. They may be interested in the opposite sex at a very young age. They have intense sexual charisma. (Natives with Jupiter in the 8th house may relate to this description). Remember, Scorpio is ruled by Mars (traditionally) and Pluto. Therefore, the position of these planets will influence this position.
Jupiter in Scorpio Celebs: Britney Spears, Sharon Tate, Uma Thurman, Elvis Presley, Justin Beiber, Arnold Scherzinger, Harry Styles, Mariah Carey, Nicki Minaj, Tupac Shakur, Matt Damon, Jessica Biel, Ellen Degeneres, Anne Hathaway, Steven Spielberg, Kelly Clarkson, Viggo Mortensen, Stephen King, Elton John, Lil Wayne, Mark Wahlberg, Jennifer Connelly, Hugh Laurie, Dakota Fanning, Lorie, Kirsten Dunst, Al Capone, Farrah Fawcett, Rachel Weisz, Amy Lee, Ernest Hemingway, Sade Adu, David Letterman, Ethan Hawke, Dorothy Dandridge, Iggy Pop, Jamie Lee Curtis, Adam Lambert, LeAnn Rimes

Saturn in Scorpio: The Discipline of a Scorpion
Saturn is astronomically recognized by the rings that surround it. It is considered a "gas giant" because it is mostly made up of gas. In astrology, Saturn is the planet of discipline, limitations, order, karma, and law. These natives are the most disciplined scorpions we will encounter.
Natives with this position are very serious and intense. They may take their need for order in their lives to the extreme. They may be extremely private, to the point they don't trust even those closest to them. They may have a paranoia of being taken advantage of by others. They try to pay all of their debts; they don't want to owe anyone anything! They must learn to relax. They may have grown up in environments that encouraged them to be distrustful or they may have always felt indebted to parents or other family memebers. They are easily resentful of people. They may expect people to be perfect and they are intolerant of weaknesses (even their own). The upside to this position of natives is that they are shrewd when it comes to business. They know how to make a good business deal and they won't tolerate being decieved. While they do want power, this is usually from a greater need for security. While they don't mind being seen as different, they secretly hate to be judged or limited by others. They make excellent activists in this regard. They are highly investigative so working in career fields where they can use these abilities would be good for them. They may have high sexual standards. Some may prefer to be celibate until they find the perfect sexual partner. (Natives with Saturn in the 8th house may relate to this description). Remember, Scorpio is ruled by both Mars (traditionally) and Pluto. Therefore, the positions of these planets will influence this position.
Saturn in Scorpio Celebs: Marilyn Monroe, Scarlett Johansson, Bill Gates, Katy Perry, Steve Jobs, Bruce Willis, Amy Whinehouse, Oprah Winfrey, Marlon Brando, Cristiano Ronaldo, Lana Del Rey, Mel Gibson, Nicki Minaj, Avril Lavigne, Tom Hanks, Keira Knightley, John Travolta, Mark Zuckerberg, Paul Newman, Khloe Kardashian, Kevin Costner, Kim Basinger, Denzel Washington, Bruno Mars, Marie Curie, Buster Keaton, Kris Jenner, Ciara, Richard Burton, Kate Bosworth, Jackie Chan, Michael Phelps, Hugh Hefner, Lebron James, Lily Allen, Leona Lewis, Malcolm X, Whoopi Goldberg, Carrie Underwood, Emily Blunt
Uranus in Scorpio: The Innovation of a Scorpion
Uranus is quite a unique planet in the solar system. It is known for rotating on its "side" or axis around the sun. It considered an "ice giant" because it is a planet mostly made up of ice. Uranus is also considered quite a unique planet in astrology. It is the planet of originality, innovation/genius, change, and revolution. Therefore, these natives will be the most innovative scorpions we encounter. According to some modern astrologers, Uranus is considered exalted in the sign of scorpio. This is understandable. Uranus is a planet looking to make changes, and in a sign that is so deep, the greates changes can be made.
Natives with this positions are the epitome of "rebels". There are some of this generation that simply want to shake things up, rebelling just for the sake of rebelling. Many hope to make a statement or an impact on the minds of others; the "shock" factor. Some may simply want personal power. Yet, there are many who may rebel in order to take back control over their lives. These natives want to live in a world that is "truly" free on a deep psychological level. They may find it hard to confrom to any system (this is most evident when they are teenagers). They may be paranoid of being controlled. Yet, they can be seen as controlling to some, which is quite paradoxical about them. While they want others to be free, they are intolerant of those who do not share their same beliefs. They may be highly open minded when it comes to the taboo. They may freely and openly engage in all kinds of drugs, alcohol, and sexual relations. These natives may be very active when it comes to free sex. They may also take up causes that empower others of different ethnic groups or genders/the sexes. They may be innovative scientists because of their ability to discover things at a much deeper level. They may want to recreate the world through technology. (Natives with Uranus in the 8th house may relate to this description). Remember, Scorpio is ruled by Mars (traditionally) and Pluto. Therefore, the position of these planets will influence this position.
Uranus in Scorpio Celebs: Beyonce, Shakira, Christina Aguilera, Kim Kardashian, Justin Timberlake, Natalie Portman, Jessica Alba, Orlando Bloom, Kanye West, Ryan Gosling, Isaac Newton, Kayie holmes, Milla Jovovich, Heath Ledger, Ashton Kutcher, Nicole Scherzinger, Roger Federer, Monica Cruz, Collin Ferral, Jessica Simpson, Jake Gyllenhaal, Adam Levine, Alicia Keys, James Franco, Drew Barrymore, Eva Longoria, Pink, Ian Somerhalder, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Ryan Reynolds, Rachel McAdams, Kourtney Kardashian, John Mayer, Chris Martin, Channing Tatum, Aaliyah, Zooey Deschanel, Frederic Chopin, Reese Witherspoon, Fergie, Chris Evans, Tom Hiddleston, Sarah Michelle Gellar, T.I., Edgar Allen Poe, Michaelangelo, Tiger Woods, Christina Ricci, Giacomo Casanova
Neptune in Scorpio: The innocence of a Scorpion
Neptune is scientifically one of the hardest planets to define. It is an "ice giant", made up of mostly ice in its atmosphere. It has sea blue color, hence why it has been affiliated with Neptune, the god of the sea. In astrology, Neptune is the planet of illusion, imagination, creativity, escape, and compassion. These natives are the most impressionable scorpions we may encounter.
Natives with this position are easily captivated by anything dark and dangerous. They want to live an outrageous lifestyle! They are enarmored by the taboo and may become easily addicted to drugs, alcohol, or sex. They may also be interested in things that are occult. They may be fascinated by anything spooky or mysterious. They may express this love of the unknown and forbidden through art. They must be careful of being decieved by powerful cults or organizations. These natives may seek to find answers in regards to life after death. They may want to believe there is an after life. There are some that see dying unrealistically or they may be interested in masochism. While these natives are quite rebels in their own right, they may have compassion for others who are oppressed. They have compassion for people that are outcasts. They may encourage others not to judge by superficial appearances (although they may be easily persuaded by the appearance of things). They make excellent activists. These natives may dream of making an impact on the world, marking their identity. They may want to create a world where the possibilities are endless! They may seek to understand people on a psychological level. They may even have an unusual understanding of the criminal world! They make excellent detectives or psychologists. They may feel "less" of themselves and may want to recreate themselves several times in their lives. (Natives with Neptune in the 8th house may relate to this description). Remember, Scorpio is ruled bu Mars and Pluto. Therefore, the position of these planets will influence this position.
Neptune in Scorpio Celebs: Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Michael Jackson, Madonna, George Clooney, Jennifer Lopez, Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Aniston, Princess Diana, Julia Roberts, Sharon Tate, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Keanu Reeves, Monica Bellucci, Tom Cruise, Kurt Cobain, Pamela Anderson, Demi Moore, Sandra Bullock, Russel Crowe, Whitney Houston, Jay-Z, Celine Dion, Gerard Butler, Halle Berry, Mel Gibson, Rene Zellweger, Michelle Pfeiffer, Yannick Noah, Jim Carrey, Bjork, Kylie Minogue, Marilyn Manson, Lambert Wilson, Bono, Lucy Lawless, Edward Norton, Robert Downey Jr., Courtney Love, Mylene Farmer, Matt Damon, Prince, Sean Penn, Nicolas Cage, Antonio Banderas, Ellen Degeneres, Michael Jordan, J.K. Rowling, Hugh Jackman, Naomi Campbell, Salma Hayek, Charlie Sheen, Quentin Taratino, Michael Schumacher, Mike Tyson, Hugh Grant, Daniel Craig, Victor Hugo, Anthony Kiedis, Meg Ryan, Vin Diesel, Sarah Jessica Parker, Shania Twain, Cate Blanchett, George Michael, Janet Jackson, Lenny Kravitz, Simon Cowell

Pluto in Scorpio: The Power of a Scorpion
Pluto is no longer classified as a "large" planet, and instead considered a dwarf planet. It is one of the coldest and darkest objects in our solar system. In astrology, Pluto is considered the planet of transformation, destruction, depth, darkness, and ultimately power. Therefore, these natives will be the most powerful scorpions we encounter. Some modern astrologers consider Pluto to be in domicile in the sign of Scorpio. This is understandable. Pluto is now considered a planetary RULER of Scorpio. Pluto is quite a dark planet, which fits well into a dark sign like Scorpio.
Natives with this position are the most powerful plutonians we will ever encounter. They also seek power more than others. They want to make an impact and will do whatever it takes to do so. These natives go through many transformations in their lives, changing up their life in order to have more control over it. Or they may be interested in the idea of transformation. Of all scorpions, these natives hate to be controlled the most, especially by an oppressive system. Yet, they are more subtle in their tactics. They are "silent warriors". They may prefer working with underground resources in order to change the world behind the scenes in massive ways. This is a generation that recognizes even the subtle forces that can impact lives. They are highly investigative and they want to uncover life's mysteries, especially regarding death and life. These natives may do well as archaeologists, undercover agents, scientists, or even psychologists. They are interested in anything taboo, especially regarding sex. These natives may seek to empower or blend the sexes together. They have a lot of sexual charisma and they may use this to gain power. Pluto and Scorpio are often affiliated with anything dark, including black people. These people may find more opportunties to gain power within this generation. These natives may seek to reform the way we handle business. They are shrewd and they are good at finding or bargaining resources. (Natives with Pluto in the 8th house may relate to this description). Remember, Scorpio is ruled by Mars (traditionally) and Pluto. Therefore, the positions of these planets will influence this position.
Pluto in Scorpio Celebs: Taylor Swift, Scarlett Johansson, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Katy Perry, Justin Beiber, Miley Cyrus, Megan Fox, Harry Styles, Raven Symone, Selena Gomez, Ariana Grande, Kristen Stewart, Daniel Radcliffe, Amma Watson, Cristiano Ronaldo, Lana Del Rey, Lindsay Lohan, Chris Brown, Jennifer Lawrence, Avril Lavigne, Zac Efron, Kiera Knightley, Drake, Vanessa Hudgens, Mark Zuckerberg, Taylor Lautner, Adele, Demi Lavato, Hilary Duff, Emma Stone, Liam Payne, Kendell Jenner, Bruno Mars, Shia Labeouf, Mary-Kate Olsen, Ashley Olsen, Dakota Fanning, Kesha, Adam Lambert, Liam Hemsworth, Ciara, Mischa Burton, Ellen Page, Hayden Panettiere, Michel Phelps, Amanda Bynes, Marquis de Sade, Amanda Seyfriend, Eira Ora, Dean Ambrose, Lebron James, Ed Sheeran, Nick Jonas, Leona Lewis, Iggy Azalea, Jessie J, Bow Wow, Rupert Grint

North Node in Scorpio: The Future Life of a Scorpion
The lunar nodes are often ignored by modern astrologers...yet the ancients so this position as just as important as the planets position. The north node represents one of the ecliptic points, representing the point when the moon crosses paths with the sun. The north node is usually affiliated with the solar eclipse (the time of darkness on Earth). In astrology it represents our future life; our karmic destiny and the skills we may develop along the way.
Natives with this position may see that their life is leading them to look deeper inside of themselves or they may be encouraged to make their impact on the world. Many may long to do something "different" and they may embrace this thrilling lifestyle. Yet, there will always be those natives of this position that want to hold on to the more comfortable lifestyle they are used to (south node in Taurus). If they embrace their destiny, they may develop powerful resilience and the ability to heal others from trauma. They may also develop new sexual skills as well. (Natives with the north node in the 8th house may relate to this description). Remember, Scorpio is ruled by Mars (traditionally) and Pluto. Therefore, the position of these planets will influence this position.
North Node in Scorpio Celebs: Sharon Stone, Justin Beiber, Michelle Pfeiffer, Charlize Theron, Milla Jovovich, Kate Winslet, Colin Farrel, Prince, Ellen Degeneres, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Coco Chanel, Ryan Reynolds, Rees Witherspoon, Gary Oldman, Walt Disney, Edgar Allen Poe, Tiger Woods, Melanie Griffith, Dakota Fanning, Natalie Wood, Alicia Silverstone, Charles Darwin, Fran Drescher, Louis Armstrong, Michael Buble
South Node in Scorpio: The Past Life of a Scorpion
The south node is even more ignored than the north node. The south node is the other ecliptic point, when the moon crosses paths with the sun causing an eclipse. (The south node is affiliated with the lunar eclipse, when the moon turns red). Many astrologers encourage us to move away from this lunar node and focus more on the north node destiny. However, it is apart of who we are and it shapes who we become in the future. It also shows the many talents we may naturally have that may be useful to us in the future.
Natives with this position are used to living a life filled with excitement (or chaos). There may be some who are tired of this lifestyle and they may prefer to live a more stable/peaceful life (north node in Taurus). Of course, there are also natives of this position that may try to hold on to this lifestyle because this is what they are used to. Natives who embrace their north node destiny (north node in Taurus) may be able to use their south node skills to help them on their journey. Many of them are natural reformers and they may have much sexual charisma that they can use to their advantage. They may be able to create the true peace they desire by healing the inner wounds that come from trauma. (Natives with the south node in the 8th house may relate to this description). Remember, Scorpio is ruled by Mars (traditionally) and Pluto. Therefore, the position of these planets will influence this position.
South Node in Scorpio Celebs: Martin Luther King, Nicole Kidman, Scarlet Johansson, Lady Gaga, Mother Teresa, Kurt Cobain, Katy Perry, Pamela Anderson, Grace Kelly, Cristiano Ronaldo, Lana Del Rey, Audrey Hepburn, Halle Berry, Avril Lavigne, Clint Eastwood, Keira Knightley, Salma Hayek, Mike Tyson, Stephen King, Vin Diesel, Steve McQuuen, Robert Plant, Bruno Mars, Janet Jackson, Ciara, Mischa Barton, Adam Sandler, Michael Phelps, Oscar Wilde, Helena Bonham Carter, Steven Tyler, Amanda Bynes, Sinead O'Connor, Amanda Seyfried, Dean Ambrose, Stevie Nicks, Lebron James, Leona Lewis

Chiron in Scorpio: The Wounded Scorpion
Chiron is the planet of wounds that need to be healed. It is scientifically a dwarf planet with lesser astrological significance than Pluto, but more significance than the asteroids Ceres, Juno, Pallas, and Vesta. It tells the story of pain, but a way to heal that pain.
Natives with Chiron in Scorpio have a wounded sense of power, transformation, and inner desire. One's sexuality may even be wounded. These natives may have had trauma related to a fear of loss. They may be extremely protective of people and things they love. They may give up everything or they may not be willing to let go of anything. These natives may have a fear of life itself...sometimes disguised as strength. Of course, they may also have an extreme fear of death. They might live on the wild side, or shut themselves off from the world. It is important for them to open up and let people in. They must learn to trust again by communicating better with those around them. Going to therapy or speaking with a counselor or psychologist may help with the healing process. They have the ability to transform themselves like no other. They have a lot of stamina. They will not be broken easily by setbacks. And yet, their shrewdness protects them. They may be able to use these abilities as a medium for their pain.