Pisces, The Fish
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Behind The Sign
The story behind the sign of Pisces has origins that come from Babylonian mythology. The story focused on the gods of Olympus (Olympians) and their defeat of the Titans and The Giants in a struggle for rulership. Gaia (also known as Mother Earth) and Tartarus created Typhoon, which was the worst monster ever created, to attack the Olympians. Aphrodite (Venus) saw the monster and decided that she and her son Eros should also flee. There are two versions of this tale. One version says that Aphrodite (Venus) and her son Eros (Cupid) were carried away or guided by two fish who helped them swim away. Another version says that Aphrodite and Eros changed into fish so that they could swim away. Either way, this story represents two fish.
Another story behind this sign is told in the Fabulae by Hyginus. In this story there was a giant egg that fell from the sky into the sea. Ichthyes, two fish (or two men with fish tails) named Athros and Bythos, saw the egg and carried the egg onto shore of the Euphrates river. Inside the egg happened to be Aphrodite, and when she hatched she thanked the two fish by placing them into the sky as the constellation we know of today as Pisces.
Fish are one of the most beautiful, yet unpredictable creatures in the world. Most fish live in the sea, although there are some fish that are capable of thriving on land such as the Mudskipper. Fish can come in all shapes and sizes. There are fish that are so tiny, a person would need to use a magnifying glass or a microscope in order to see the fish fully. Yet, there are also fish that are large and dangerous. The largest species of fish is the shark, particularly the Whale Shark. These fish are usually one of the most dominant predators (though the Whale Shark is not as dangerous to humans as other sharks are). Fish are highly adaptable. Many of them can travel for many distances away from where they first hatched. Fish are known to "defy biology", capable of changing their sex and even capable of producing their own young without mating. Some fish may even change shape and color from their original look. Fish do not normally speak, and usually they interact with one another through bodily vibrations through movement (this is how they are able to form schools or shoals). However, there are fish that are capable of using these vibrations to make sounds such as the Toadfish. The greatest defense tactic for fish is their ability to swim away or camouflage. Yet, fish can be aggressive towards other fish if necessary. Many fish are said to suffer from sleep deprivation. Fish have an unusual sleeping behavior, which is more similar to human daydreaming than actually "sleeping". Of course there are some fish that can sleep so hard, they will float away while sleeping. The African Lungfish can sleep for many years! Despite how complex these creatures are, they make one the easiest pets to keep because of their adaptability.
In astrology, the sign of Pisces represents creativity, spirituality, faith, sensitivity, compassion, and dreams. It is the 12th sign, which is the last sign of the zodiac. Pisces is traditionally ruled by Jupiter, the planet of chance, expansion, faith, and optimism. However, many modern astrologers consider Pisces to be ruled by the planet Neptune as well (the planet of illusion, imagination, sanctuary, compassion, and the universal principle of oneness/connection). Pisces is a water sign, which represents emotion, imagination, and depth. Pisces is also a MUTABLE sign, which represents adaptability and communication. Opposite Sign:Virgo. Natives with positions in Pisces are highly sensitive to their environment, capable of reflecting the natures of all 12 signs in one package. They go with the flow of life, taking whatever is dished out and adapting it on to their person. While this may make them appear like push-overs, their unpredictable behaviors will surprise you as to what they will do. For them, everything depends on how they register their environment at the moment. This is why their decisions and viewpoints are capable of changing day after day. They must be careful of being manipulative. These natives may portray themselves as victims or martyrs when they have issues in the world. Despite how sensitive these natives are, they have a lot of faith and hope. They believe in the good that can come from the world. This can either leave them to be decieved or this intuition can give them many benefits. These natives are quite compassionate and understanding of people and situations. They see the bigger picture, rather than the minute details. In fact, in their world everything feels blended with no limitations. Possibilities are endless with these natives. These natives may either seem idealistic or wise beyond their years. They have a fantastic imagination. This imagination allows them to be creative no matter what career field they adapt to. The performing arts may be especially attractive to these natives. These natives tend to dream high. Unfortunately, they can be very unrealistic. Reality is hard on the Pisces natives. These natives may need much time away from the outside world and so when life gets too hard, they will retreat to recuperate their energies. They are very spiritual people; they understand that just because one cannot see it doesn't mean it isn't there. These natives may enjoy volunteering to help others rather than simply working for money. They are so charitable for people who dream so big! These natives can see the beauty in everything. Their minds are quite abstract in that way.
The way a sign will express is influenced by the planet that resides in. House cusp signs are influenced by the ruling planet and percieved according to the house it represents. Note: Natives that have Jupiter and/or Neptune aspecting any of the following planets may relate to these descriptions. Positive aspects usually means that there will be advantages; negative aspects usually signifies setbacks. The following descriptions are examples of the various "Pisces" positions we will encounter. On this webpage, there will be tidbits on Dignities (domicile/exaltation) and debilities (detriment/fall). For more information, visit venussigns.wix.com/planetarydignities.To make a birth chart, visit www.astro.com)
Sun in Pisces: The Ego of Fish
The sun is scientifically a star, the closest one to Earth. It is at the center of the solar system and the source of life on Earth. In astrology, it is also the center of our inner universe and the source of our life: the ego. In astrology, it is considered the planet of the ego, pride, attention, and leadership. These natives will be the proudest fish we ever encounter.
Natives with this position are possibly the most complicated natives we could ever encounter. They go with the flow of life. They don't put too much stock into getting attention or getting any kind of respect. They simply want to live a happy life with the ones they love. These natives have the weakest ego of all the natives presented in the zodiac. It's not that they are not capable of being confident. They do have things they are proud of, especially creatively. It's just these natives are not concerned with boosting their ego or getting undo attention. They seek to connect with the world on a greater level than most people. They may be found trying a variety of different things and making a variety of different friends simply to feel like they are apart of this great universe. Sometimes they struggle to make descisions because they cannot decide what they want more than anything. They simply go with the flow, going on their initial instinct (or impulse). These natives are quite sensitive. Whatever they feel or do is usually according to their environment at the time. These natives are helpful and compassionate. They may be attracted to the healing professions or charitable organizations. They are happy and proudest when they have helped others. As mentioned before, these natives are also attracted to creative endeavors. In fact, they shine when they are being creative! They make fantastic actors/actresses because they are good at imitating the behaviors of others. These natives can be manipulative when they want their way, however. They must be careful of acting as a victim when things do not go their way. These natives may be attracted to anything spiritual, such as religion or psychic research. They have a lot of faith and hope for the future. They are always restless and active. These natives are not motivated necessarily by material benefits. They are more motivated by helping those in need of them. Some may not realize this until they are much older and wiser. They have a tendency to see life unrealistically and they may take chances believing that all will work out in the end. They do have a large imagination and they can be quite naive. They may need to develop more discipline so that they do not get distracted from their responsibilities. These natives may go through periods of depression because they don't think much of themselves or they simply don't understand their purpose in this world. Yet, they always keep their minds open to the possibilities. These natives may need time alone. They get overwhelmed easily by their environment and they are easily stressed. Watching a good movie, listening to music, or even reading a book may be good for them. They need time away from the real world. They hate being confined or being in stiff environments. Despite how sensitive they are, they may hate appearing vulnerable to others. They are attracted to life's mysteries. They may be drawn to science or occult studies. (Natives with the sun in the 12th house may relate to this description). Pisces is ruled by both Jupiter and Neptune, therefore the position of these planets will influence this position.
Sun in Pisces Celebs: Albert Einstein, Rihanna, Alan Rickman, Sharon Stone, Carrie Underwood, Drew Barrymore, Bruce Willis, Curt Cobain, Justin Bieber, Steve Jobs, Elizabeth Taylor, Monica Cruz, George Harrison, Jessica Biel, Ada Levine, Edgar Cayce, Eva Longoria, Jennifer Love-Hewitt, Robert Wadlow, Daniel Craig, Jon Bon Jovi, Chris Martin, Victor Hugo, Frederic Chopin, Eva Mendes, Johnny Cash, Michelangelo, Nicolaus Copernicus, Dakota Fanning, Kesha, Rachel Weisz, Chuck Norris, Ursula Andress, Bow Wow, James Blunt, Seal, Floyd Mayweather Jr, Kurt Russell, Chelsea Handler, Queen Latifah, Erykah Badu, Galileo Galilei, Nina Simone, Shaquille O'Neal, Josh Groban, Will.i.am, Vanessa Williams, Robin Thicke, Glenn Close, Johnny Knoxville, Ed Sheeran, Wilhelm Grimm

Moon in Pisces: The Emotions of Fish
The moon is scientifically a satelitte rather than a plent. While Earth only has one moon, this moon influences our climate a great deal. It especially influences the tides of the ocean during its many phases. In astrology, the moon also influences our inner world. In astrology, it is considered the "planet" of emotions, support, memories, habits, and dreams. Therefore, these natives will be the most emotional fish we encounter.
Natives with this position are quite moody and changeable. They may go through phases of happiness and sadness, deligating between the two depending on the day. These natives may often feel they are never truly, sincerely happy. Many of these natives do not understand their feelings. Most of these natives go with the flow and they try not to reflect on the negative emotions. They are extremely sensitive to their environment and are easily persuaded. They must be careful of the relationships they form with others. They are emotionally vulnerable, thus they are tempted to be accepting of those who do not have their best interests at heart. Something about these natives seem naive or vulnerable, no matter what other realistic energies they have in their natal chart. They have quite an escapist mentality, where they need constant physical and mental escape from the real world in order to feel content. Watching a movie, reading, listening to music, etc are all the activities they may be found doing daily. Being near the ocean may be perfect for them. Getting in tune with their spiritual world may be the greatest form of escape for these natives. Unfortunately, they struggle to be dependable and responsible. Too much focus on the real world depresses them. While some may see these natives as unrealistic, their imagination can come in handy. They are very creative and can put this to use in any career fields. They may especially excel when it comes to music or creative writing. Any field where they can be creative and express their complex feelings. They are highly compassionate and caring. They may do well in the health professions. They may also enjoy volunteering through philanthropic works. Their imagination and interest in life's mysteries may also be useful for scientific research and discoveries. These natives must be mindful of addictive behaviors, especially to alcohol, drugs, and sex. (Natives with moon in the 12th house may relate to this description). Pisces is ruled by both Jupiter and Neptune, therefore the position of these two planets will influence this position.
Moon in Pisces Celebs: Michael Jackson, Martin Luther King Jr, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Elvis Presley, Kim Kardashian, Leonardo Da Vinci, Grace Kelly, Kanye West, Robin Williams, Audrey Hepburn, Yannick Noah, Robert De Niro, Usher, Lambert Wilson, Prince, Frank Sinatra, Coco Chanel, Winona Ryder, Paul Walker, Paul Newman, Vanessa Hudgens, Ricky Martin, Aleister Crowley, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Eva Gardner, Robert Plant, Edgar Allan Poe, Marie Curie, Michelangelo, Rita Hayworth, Kesha, Rachel Weisz, Ciara, Hugh Hefner, Holly Marie Combs, Morgan Freeman, Rita Ora, Ben Stiller, Cheryl Cole, J.R.R Tolkein, Alicia Silverstone, James Blunt, Steve Carrell, Macaulay Kulkin

Mercury in Pisces: The Intellect of Fish
Mercury is considered a fast moving planet astronomically. This is why the planet is named after the swift-footed messenger god, Mercury. In astrology, it is identified as the planet of the mind and communication, as well as skills. Therefore, these natives are the most communicative and intellectual fish we will ecounter. Unfortunately, Mercury is considered in detriment in the sign of Pisces. Mercury is a planet that breaks things down mentally through logic, whereas Pisces is a sign that blends everything through emotional inuition. Mercury is also considered falling in the sign of Pisces. Mercury is a communicative planet and will struggle to express in a clear manner in a sign that is so perplexing like Pisces.
Natives with this position have quite a different mind from anyone we will encounter. Their thoughts can be quite confusing to themselves. The fact is, these natives think a little TOO much and TOO abstractly. This makes breaking down important information difficult. Because their minds are so vulnerable to their environment, they easily get confused and may be prone to daydreaming. Yet, their vulnerable mind also allows them to catch on to things rather quickly. They must be careful of being decieved and be careful of being deceptive. They have a tendency to speak according to what people want to hear rather than being completely honest. They may try to confuse the minds of others, sometimes purposely, for the sake of not being judged. These natives may be attracted to the creative career fields because of their big imagination. Creative writing or poetry may be great avenues for them. Their big imagination can also be useful for scientific discoveries! They can be quite inspiring speakers, although they do not speak much. They are very philosophical people and they make excellent preachers. They especially make excellent singers. (Natives with Mercury in the 12th house may relate to this description). Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, therefore the position of these two planets in the chart will influence this position.
Mercury in Pisces Celebs: Lady Gaga, Alan Rickman, Sharon Stone, Kurt Cobain, Justin Timberlake, Bruce Willis, Elizabeth Taylor, Celine Dion, Heath Ledger, Lucy Lawless, Monica Cruz, John Travolta, Edger Cayce, Jennifer Love-Hewitt, Elton John, Chris Martin, Victor Hugo, Reese Witherspoon, Johann Sebastian Bach, Fergie, Steve McQueen, Tom Hiddleston, Pharell Williams, Johnny Cash, Billie Holiday, Nicolaus Copernicus, Kesha, Christina Ricci, Rachel Weisz, Eddie Murphy, Chuck Norris, Jackie Chan, Ursula Andress, Amanda Bynes, Steven Tyler, David Letterman, Bow Wow, James Blunt, Jessie J

Venus in Pisces: The Charm of Fish
Venus is scientifically the brightest (and hottest) planet in our solar system. On Earth it is usually referred to as the "morning" or "evening" star. In astrology, it is also quite a "hot" planet, representing everything attractive. In astrology, this is the planet of love, beauty, money, and the arts. Therefore these natives will be the most charming and attractive fish we encounter. Venus is considered exalted in the sign of Pisces. Venus gains more energy in a sign like this one because there is imagination and universal love characteristic of Piscean energy.
Natives with this position are so endearing and adaptable. They are highly innocent and romantic. They may have highly aggressive energies in their chart, but if they have this position, they tend to be more sensitive in love. They want to live in a fantasy and they want others to see them as a fantasy. The way they express love all depends on environmental factors. If someone is kind to them, they will return that kindness. If someone is rude to them, they will return the rudeness. They are often "mirrors" of their friends or lovers, taking on the feelings and emotions of those around them. They are accepting when it comes to love, always giving others the benefit of the doubt. They expect the same acceptance in return. Unfortunately, they may ignore the flaws of others and expect others to ignore their flaws as well. They must learn to be a little more realistic. They tend to see love or relationships as an escape from the real world. They are not extremely physical in their expression of love. Making sacrifices for the ones they love is what they feel is important. Giving is literally more pleasurable than recieving for them. They are very supportive lovers and friends. They tend to be attracted to friends who are humble, like they see themselves. While they will usually be friendly towards people, these natives are in fear of being judged and so they may have a limited amount of close friends. Some of these natives are quite long-suffering...yet there are some that cannot be relied upon in long term relationships. They do not feel comfortable in relationships with overbearing standards. They prefer to just go with the flow without having to remember "rules". These natives are extremely creative. They may be attracted to art, music, or literature/poetry of some sort. These natives are quite spiritual and charitable. They will do well volunteering for a cause greater than themselves. Activism is strong with this placement. They have a fascination with the universe and may be interested in nature or science. (Natives with Venus in the 12th house may relate to this description). Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, therefore the position of these planets in the chart will influence this position.
Venus in Pisces Celebs: Kelly Clarkson, Ed Sheeran, Martin Luther King Jr, Alan Rickman, Kurt Cobain, Justin Bieber, Celine Dion, Kristen Stewart, Emma Watson, Orlando Bloom, Penelope Cruz, Michelle Pfeiffer, Heath Ledger, Marilyn Manson, Vincent Van Gogh, Lucy Lawless, Victoria Beckham, George Harrison, John Travolta, Drew Barrymore, Edgar Cayce, Kourtney Kardashian, Jon Bon Jovi, Victor Hugo, Zooey Deschanel, Frederic Chopin, Reese Witherspoon, Johann Sebastian Bach, Edgar Allan Poe, Barbra Streisand, Billie Holiday, Dakota Fanning, Kirsten Dunst, Lorie, Kate Hudson, Rachel Weisz, Hugh Hefner, Ursula Andress, Thomas Edison, James McAvoy, Diana Ross, Maya Angelou, Jesse McCartney

Mars in Pisces: The Energy of Fish
Mars has always been affiliated with war and bloodshed, possibly because of its reddish, rustic appearance. In astrology, Mars is the planet of energy, aggression, passion, sexuality, and focus. These natives will be the most energetic and aggressive fish we will encounter.
Natives with this position are changeable and unpredictable. Their passion and energy levels are heavily dependent on their environment, starting at a young age. On their own they are not the types to confront issues directly, preferring to flee a messy situation or do things more subtly. Yet if the environment around them motivates them to be more hostile, they will shock others with their aggression. These natives are typically passive-aggressive types. They have an active imagination and they tend to daydream even when doing daily activities. They are the "Don Quixote" of the zodiac whose motivations are often motivated by fantasy. This quality fits well in creative fields. Singing, acting, painting, creative writing...all these professions may be perfect for them. Unfortunately, they may have very unrealistic expectations of the world. They are not always aware of the dangers in their environment which can be harmful to them. They have a tendency to take risks that could either benefit them or harm them. They go with the flow of life, rather than trying to follow a set routine. Reality can be hard on them and stressful. They need a lot of seclusion from the outside world. Sexually, these natives want a fantasy. They may prefer to "imagine" sex rather than actually have it. Pornography may be attractive to these natives. They tend to be adaptable to the energies of others and they are highly in tune to the sexual weaknesses of their partners. They may either be sensitive to these "weaknesses", or they may be the types that would prefer to take advantage of their partner's weaknesses. These natives may be attracted to S&M scenerios. These natives must be careful of becoming addicted to sex. These natives tend to be champions for the victims or underdogs. They are the martyring types, who will sacrifice themselves for others. Some of the natives may be manipulative in this regard and deceptive. There are times when these natives underestimate or overestimate their own strengths or abilities. These natives may be interested in life's mysteries, motivating an interest in science or the occult. These natives may have a connection with water (whether good or bad) at some point in their lives. (Natives with Mars in the 12th house may relate to this description). Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, therefore the position of these two planets in the chart will influence this position.
Mars in Pisces Celebs: Marilyn Monroe, Denzel Washington, Paris Hilton, Michelle Pfeiffer, Elizabeth Taylor, Heidi Klum, Heath Ledger, Vincent Van Gogh, Tom Hanks, Bono, Tina Turner, David Beckham, John Cena, Adam Levine, Bob Dylan, Enrique Iglesias, Ricky Martin, Elton John, Steve McQueen, Ava Gardner, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Tom Hiddleston, Johnny Cash, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Michelangelo, Billie Holiday, LeBron James, Rowan Atkinson, Giacomo Casanova, Christina Hendricks, Kelly Rowland, Phil Collins, Annie Lennox, Josh Groban, LL Cool J, Ellie Goulding, Miles Davis, Kimora Lee Simmons, Glenn Close, Rosie O'Donnell, Shirley Temple, Sarah MacLachlan

Jupiter in Pisces: The Spirit of Fish
Jupiter is astronomically the largest planet in our solar system. This may be why this planet is strongly affiliated with expansion. It is considered a "gas giant", because it is a planet made up of mostly gas. In astrology, this is the planet of expansion, chance, faith, and optimism. These natives are the most optimistic fish we will encounter. Traditionally, Jupiter is considered in domicile in the sign of Pisces. Pisces is co-ruled by this planet. Jupiter expresses naturally and comfortably in this sign.
Natives with this position are innocent and hopeful. These natives are always trying to stay optimistic, even if the world is crumbling around them. They are the most tolerant natives of the zodiac, preferring to be happy with what they do have instead of being discontented. They may be very interested in the universe. They have an abstract mind that can easily understand other people and varying situations. Their open mind and compassionate heart will be beneficial to them. These natives are quite spiritual. They believe in things that may not necessarily be visible, but they can usually "feel" the energy. If they don't have anything they have faith. They make excellent religious leaders because they know how to touch the hearts of people. And they have so much faith! Yet, their idealism can be their undoing sometimes. They may expect so much better of the world, that when reality hits them they are the most depressed. They must be careful of being manipulative to get their way. While most of the time these natives are patient when it comes to opportunities, they can be deceptive in order to gain more benefits. While this may work initially, it can work against the native in the long run. These natives have big imaginations, which can sometimes cloud their judgment. They must be careful of taking chances in the expectation that everything will work out. They must especially avoid being overindulgent in alcohol, drugs, and sex as is their tendency. They may avoid responsibilities because of their need to be free. Their imagination, while distracting sometimes, can be beneficial especially creatively. They may be interested in the performing arts or creative writing. These natives may also have an interest in science because they are fascinated with life's mysteries. These natives may be interested in traveling to distant places, yet they may enjoy dreaming of distant lands rather than actually going to those places. They may enjoy being near the ocean or visiting secluded, yet spiritual places. They are extremely accepting of various people of different backgrounds. They do not judge others by their background, and instead judge people by their character. They may be activists that want to motivate universal peace and harmony. (Natives with Jupiter in the 12th house may relate to this description). Pisces is also ruled by Neptune, therefore the position of Neptune in the chart will influence this position.
Jupiter in Pisces Celebs: Leonardo DiCaprio, Jodie Foster, Lady Gaga, Tom Cruise, Leonardo Da Vinci, Robert Pattinson, Megan Fox, Demi Moore, Lindsay Lohan, Isaac Newton, Penelope Cruz, Dave Gahan, Sigmund Freud, Tina Turner, Victoria Beckham, Drake, Michael Jordan, Frank Sinatra, Drew Barrymore, Eva Longoria, Quentin Tarantino, Anthony Kiedis, Cary Grant, Shia Labeouf, Alanis MorissetteMary-kate Olsen, Ashley Olsen, Edgar Allan Poe, Billie Holiday, Kesha, Natalie Wood, Amanda Bynes, Hilary SwankJimmy Fallon, Seal, J.R.R. Tolkein, Giacomo Casanova, Steve Carrell, Stevie Wonder, Charles Darwin, Amy Adams, Kurt Russell, Chelsea Handler, Jacob Grimm

Saturn in Pisces: The Discipline of Fish
Saturn is recognized by the rings that seem to bind the planet. Saturn is a "gas giant", mostly made up of gas. In astrology, this is the planet of limitations, discipline, law, order, and karma. These natives will be the most disciplined fish we will encounter.
Natives with this position are wise and mature, even at a very young age. They may be quite spiritual or religious. They may believe in the "Laws of the Universe", and they may impliment these "principles" in their everyday life. Tolerance and forgiveness may be heavily promoted and practiced among these natives. They may have grown up in a household where these lessons were enforced. They may have grown up in a family that was highly religious or philosophical. These natives may be interested in activism where they can implement their "principles" (whatever they may be) on the world. Teaching professions may be ideal for them. These natives are not as naive as other Piscean natives. They are unassuming to a certain extent, but they can be quite judgmental of people. These natives are sensitive to their environment, making them more tense than some other natives. They may need much time alone to escape from reality. Watching a good movie, listening to music, or reading a good book may be good for them. They tend to be quite paranoid of life. This usually prompts them to be interested in health and science. These fields may be perfect for them. These natives are very self-sacrificing. They must be careful of extending themselves to others more than they need to, especially when it comes to the ones they love. They often feel it is their duty to help those less fortunte. They are not the types to pass up a homeless person without at least giving a penny. (Natives with Saturn in the 12th house may relate to this description). Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, therefore the position of these planets in the chart will influence this position.
Saturn in Pisces Celebs: Keanu Reeves, Kurt Cobain, Justin Bieber, Sandra Bullock, Russell Crowe, Harry Styles, Isaac Newton ,Jack Nicholson, Halle Berry, Björk, Robert Downey Jr., Ariana Grande, Courtney Love,Woody Allen, J. K. Rowling, Edgar Cayce, Salma Hayek, Charlie Sheen, Mike Tyson, Kendall Jenner, Sarah Jessica Parker, Shania Twain, Janet Jackson, Lenny Kravitz, Dakota Fanning, Courtney Cox, Adam Sandler, Helena Bonham Carter, Brooke Shields, Thomas Edison, Sinead O'Connor, Ben Stiller, Katherine Hepburn, Karl Marx, The Undertaker
Uranus in Pisces: The Innovation of Fish
Uranus has always been seen as a unique planet scientifically because it orbits on its axis (or its side). This may be one of the reasons why in astrology it is also representative of uniqueness and originality. This planet is also the planet of innovation and revolution. These natives will be the most innovative fish we will encounter.
Natives with this position are compassionate, open-minded, and tolerant. They may be interested in the universe and all that it offers. Science, magic, nature, humanity...these natives may be interested in studying the phenomenon of everything! They may especially be attracted to the healing professions. These natives may want to heal the world and make the world a better place to live for everyone. The may have many innovative ideas on medicine. They may also want to heal the world spiritually. They may have innovative ideas on religion. These natives are quite creative. They may be the most innovative when it comes to the arts. These natives are very sensitive to their environment. They easily pick up on the trends and are easily captivated by what they see and hear. They may be drawn into causes much easier than other generations. Yet, these natives are possibly the most peace-loving of generations. Anything they do (even if it is not done peacefully) is done for the sake of peace. They may want to reach out to those who are impoverished or debilitated in some way. They may have many innovative and philanthropic ideas to help others. They must be careful of being deceptive when trying to get their way. News outlets, movies, literature, even music may be attractive to these natives, and they may be the very tools they use to spread their ideas. They are silent rebels, but rebels nonetheless. (Natives with Uranus in the 12th house may relate to this description). Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, therefore the position of these planets in the chart will influence this position.
Uranus in Pisces Celebs: Marilyn Monroe, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Marlon Brando, Nostradamus, Paul Newman, Marie Antoinette, Ava Gardner, Richard Burton, Hugh Hefner, Judy Garland, Malcolm X, John D. Rockefeller, Dorothy Dandridge, Ramakrisma, Ann Boleyn, Bettie Page, Maximillien Robespierre, Miles Davis, Claude Monet, Betty White, Jerry Lewis, Tchaikovsky, Christopher Lee, Charlton Heston, Emile Zola, Eartha Kitt

Neptune in Pisces: The Innocence of Fish
Neptune is considered one of the most mysterious planets in our solar system (possibly because its distance makes it hard to define). In astrology, this is the planet of illusion, imagination, escape, impressionability, and oneness/connection. These natives are the most impressionable fish we will encounter. Some modern astrologers consider Neptune to be in domicile in the sign of Pisces. Pisces is co-ruled by Neptune, therefore the planet will express more naturally and comfortably.
Natives with this position are the most impressionable natives to ever encounter. These natives may be the most tolerant, open minded, and abstract generation. They may seek to connect with the universe in some way. Whether it is through philanthropy, religion, art, or even by dreaming...they seek to be apart of this large world. This generation may have compassion for people in general. They may have strong moral principles and they feel guilty when they have done wrong by others in the world. Yet, their moral principles are always subject to change because they are so impressionable. They have a strong need to live in a world free of responsibility. They don't want to feel burdened, and may be manipulative or deceitful to get out of messy situations. They do need time to reflect and imagine. They may spend much of their time in quiet places. This generation has high aspirations for life. Unfortunately, because they are not realistic they will have many disappointments in life. This generation may be easily swept up by trends or movements. This generation may be attracted to science or the healing professions. After all, they are fascinated with life's mysteries and they seek to understand the world. (Natives with Neptune in the 12th house may relate to this description). Pisces is also ruled by Jupiter, therefore Jupiter's position in the chart will influence this position.
Neptune in Pisces Celebs: J.M. Barrie, Annie Oakley, Vincent Van Gogh,Sigmund Freud, Nikola Tesla, Johann Sebastian Bach, Arther Conan Doyle, Giacomo Puccini, Gustave Mahler, George Frideric Handel, Calamity Jane, Pierre Curie, Pierre de Ronsard, L.L. Zamenhof, David Hilbert, Frederick Winslow Taylor, Emmeline Pankhurst, Stanislas de Guaita, Henri Poincaré, James Ensor, Alan Leo, William the Silent, Jane Addams, Edward Elgar, Edith Wharton, Emile Durkheim, George Eastman
Pluto in Pisces: The Power of Fish
The planet Pluto is more of a "dwarf" planet, and is no longer classified as one of the large planets. It is the largest dwarf planet, however, and one of the darkest (and coldest) objects in our solar system. In astrology, this is the planet of darkness, depth, tranformation/destruction, and ultimately power. These natives will be the most powerful fish we will encounter.
Natives with this position are highly in tune with their spiritual sides. They understand the power of those things we cannot see. The powers of the universe fascinates them. They may be interested in religion or science...any study that focuses on our universe. These natives are less focused on power, and instead more focused on healing. These are the more compassionate Plutonic natives. These natives may seek to control the "trauma" in the world and heal those who are victims of such traumas. They may be drawn to the healing professions and may seek to reform it. They may also seek to reform religious beliefs on life. These natives can be puritanical, expecting the world to have universal moral principles. They may be controlling of people, believing that this is for the people's "own good". They must be careful of getting lost in their beliefs. They must also be careful of blindly following leaders who do not have their best interests at heart. These natives can be manipulative and deceptive when trying to get their way. They must be careful of being infatuated with pain. These natives have powerfully addictive behaviors that can be self-destructive. These natives may use their creativity to influence others. They may use literature, performing arts, paintings, or music as tools for influence. (Natives with Pluto in the 12th house may relate to this description). Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, therefore the position of these planets in the chart will influence this position.
Pluto in Pisces Celebs: William Shakespeare, Victor Hugo, Frederic Chopin, Edgar allen Poe, Charles Baudelaire, George Sand, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Karl Marx, Charles Darwin, Giuseppe Verdi, Richard Wagner, Galileo Galilei, Louis Vuitton, Florence Nightingale, Charles Dickens, Franz Liszt. Gustave Flaubert, Charlotte Brontë, Soren Kierkegaard, Johannes Kepler, Walt Whitman, Henry David Thoreau, Hans Christian Andersen, Francis Bacon, Gustave Courbet, Alexandre Dumas, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Robert Schumann, Joseph Smith, Matthias Schleiden, Carravagio, Clara Schumann, Herman Melville, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Walter Raleigh, Christopher Sholes, Hippolyte Fizeau, Friedrich Engels, Urbain Le Verrier, Harriet Beecher Stowe

North Node in Pisces: The Future Life of Fish
The north node is representative of one of the invivsible ecliptic points (that point when the moon and sun cross paths causing an eclipse). The north node is affiliated with the solar eclipse. In astrology, lunar node is representative of our karmic destiny/life purpose...our future lifestyle. While it is not the most comfortable of the nodes, it is the most fulfilling.
Natives with north node in Pisces may feel that they are being motivated to develop a more secluded, spiritual, and creative life, which is very different from the practical and stable lifestyle they are used to living (south node in Virgo). There may be some that do avoid this unpredictable destiny, and may try to hold on to the more stable life. However, those who embrace their karmic destiny will be able to develop more compassion, contentment, healing abilities, and creative abilities. (Natives with the north node in the 12th house may relate to this description). Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, therefore the position of these planets in the chart will influence this position.
North Node in Pisces Celebs: Jennifer Lopez, Rihanna, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Uma Thurman, Mariah Carey, Elizabeth Taylor, Jay-Z, Robin Williams, Gerard Butler, Chris Brown, Renee Zellweger, Gwen Stefani, Edward Norton, Matt Damon, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Naomi Campbell, Adele, Matthew McConaughey, Sting, Emma Stone, Vanessa Hudgens, Victor Hugo, Joan of Arc, Johnny Cash, Vivien Leigh, Buster Keaton, Joan Rivers, Matthew Perry, Tina Fey, John D. Rockefeller, Rupert Grint, Jessie J, Susan Sontag, Sylvia Plath, Phil Collins
South Node in Pisces: The Past Life of Fish
The south node is representative of the other invisible ecliptic point (the point when the moon and sun crosses paths). The south node is affiliated with the lunar eclipse. In astrology, this is the more comfortable lunar node...yet it is less fulfilling because this represents our past; a lifestyle we have already lived. However, there are many useful abilities that can come from this position which is why it is important to examine.
Natives with this position are used to living a life that is free of responsibility, secluded, creative, and spiritual. Yet, their life is motivating them to develop a more realistic lifestyle for practical living (north node in Virgo). Some may try to hold on to this "flowy" lifestyle free of responsibility. Yet, there may be many natives of this position that want to live a more stable life. Natives that embrace their future will be able to make use of their healing and creative abilities to develop a more stable and dutiful lifestyle. (Natives with south node in the 12th house may relate to this description). Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, therefore the position of these planets in the chart will influence this position.
South Node in Pisces Celebs: George Clooney, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Marlon Brando, Paul McCartney, Katie Holmes, Yannick Noah, Heath Ledger, Bono, Sean Penn, Adam Levine, Antonio Banderas, Maria Callas, Bob Dylan, Pink, Ian Somerhalder, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Muhammad Ali, Hugh Grant, Rachel McAdams, Kourtney Kardashian, Aaliyah, Marie Antoinette, Cary Grant, Ava Gardener, Stephen Hawking, Colin Firth, Marie Curie, Barbra Streisand, Kate Hudson, Usher, Nelly Furtado, Kylie Jenner, Eddie Murphy, Mystic Meg, Rupaul, Kobe Bryant, Rose Byrne, Katharine Heigl, James McAvoy, Michelle Rodriquez, Michael J. Fox,

Chiron in Pisces: The Wounded Fish
Chiron is the planet of wounds that need to be healed. It is scientifically a dwarf planet with lesser astrological significance than Pluto, but more significance than the asteroids Ceres, Juno, Pallas, and Vesta. It tells the story of pain, but a way to heal that pain.
Natives with Chiron in Pisces have a wounded sense of spirituality, compassion, oneness, trust, and creativity. They may have a loss of faith in divine power. They may struggle to believe; they may feel their hopes and dreams have failed them in life so they do not put high hopes into anything. Of course, they may also have a false sense of hope. They may be self-sacrificing for better or worse. They may put up with bad relationships and situations just to feel safe or secure. They may fear opening up to others, yet deep down they may have overwhelming compassion for others. They may be the underdogs' champion or they may avoid the downtrodden for fear of being ostracized or victimized themselves. They may feel constant guilt or they may act as a victim in every circumstance. The best way for them to heal is by being creative and working together on a project greater than oneself. In the long run, this may awaken their sense of hope and faith.