And Its Dignities and Debilities

Saturn was one of most unique Roman gods, simply in the fact that he had more differences in Roman mythology compared to the Greek Version (Cronus). They are only similar in the fact that in both Roman and Greek mythology, Saturn and Cronos was the father of Zeus. In fact, there are so many differences between the Roman version and Greek version of this god, that researchers have concluded that he is mostly Roman, with only minor influences from his Greek counterpart (some of his influences also come from Chronos who was the personification of time and was often confused for Cronos). Saturn was the God of generation, agriculture, wealth, and eventually the god of time. When he reigned over the people, his reign was considered the "Golden Age" when there was peace and prosperity. (This is very different from his Greek counterpart who was mostly considered evil and cruel). He was the first god of the capitol of Rome, where most governmental buildings as well as the senate and forum resided. By "giving" the capitol to this god, this could guarentee that he would protect the state treasury, which was the wealth of Rome. When he was banished from Mt. Olympus, the legends say that he went to Italy and taught the people about agriculture and wine-making. Saturn had one of the most important celebrations in Rome. This celebration was called Saturnalia, and it usually involved large feasts and gift giving around the time of December. During this time, everyone was considered on an equal standing socially (class equality) and all wars would cease to represent the peace of Saturn. What Cronus and Saturn have in common is that they have a strong connection with time and generations. Cronus was a god that was depicted as trying to devour his own children (Zeus, Poisoden, and Hades), which was used as an analogy to represent passing generations. (Of course Cronos is often confused with Chronos, who was the personification of time in Greek mythology). Saturn was also affiliated with time and generations; he even had an influence on the determination of the new year according to the Roman calender. In some depictions, Saturn is holding a scythe or sickle which represents his connection to agriculture. He is also depicted with an hour glass in some depictions. Saturn/Chronus was considered to be an inspiration behind the depictions of "Father Time", who was also depicted with both a scythe and hour glass. Father time was depicted as an old man who would usually have Baby New Year in his arms, with Father time representing the old year and Baby New Year representing the new year.
Saturn had two sides to him that was most represented by his two companions: his wife Ops who was associated with wealth, peace, and abundance, as well as his other companion Lua who was a goddess of destructon. (Lua would often keep bloody weapons of enemies).
Astronomically, Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun, and it is the farthest planet visible from the naked eye. It is most notable for the beautiful "ring" that surrounds it. It is usually dust, small moons, and other matierials (particularly ice) that make up this "ring" around the planet. Just like Jupiter, Saturn is also a gas planet with no definite surface. Saturn rotates fast, turning on its axis almost ten hours a day. However, it has a slow movement around the sun. Saturn has 150 moons that are frozen with ice. Titan (Saturn's largest moon and the second largest moon in the solar system) is the only moon around Saturn that is said to have a significant atmosphere. Saturn's upper layer is mostly made up of ammonia crystals, giving the planet a yellowish appearance. Just like Jupiter, researchers have concluded that this planet actually rains diamonds...and they may have diamonds on this planet the size of an iceberg.
In astrology, Saturn is the planet of order, discipline, structure, karma, security, and limitations/boundaries. This planet is one of the "social" planets in astrology (along with Jupiter) that focuses on "molding" into society. It is also one of the "outer" planets; the time in which we are no longer seeking to satisfy our own needs/project ourselves (like the "inner" planets) and instead we are trying to experience the world/take our place in society (like the "outer" planets).
Saturn is a planet that represents our need to have order and structure in our lives. It is the planet that is the most necessary for our survival. Without limits, can you imagine what kind of world we would live in? Saturn is considered the "taskmaster", often putting us through laborious trials in order to make us more responsible "adults" in the world. Saturn represents duties and responsibilities and how we take on such tasks. Just like the sun, Saturn also represents our need for "respect"; the difference is Saturn represents a much deeper respect for "life". Saturn wants us to EARN the respect of others by working hard, rather than demanding it. Saturn cares more about physical respect for boundaries rather than respect being given because of admiration, i.e by trying to gain an inner sense of "importance". Unlike the Sun (which solely focuses on the "self" and "pride"), Saturn wants us to be concerned about respecting other people, places, and things outside of "ourselves". Aside from working to earn respect (and setting boundaries in order for us to be respected by others on a physical level), Saturn also represents how we show respect for our own physical needs. Saturn is the planet that reminds us of the obligations we have to our caretakers, parents, grandparents, bosses, and typically all of society that has been providing and securing us. It reminds us to do our part and be cooperative with other forces in our life. Saturn is the planet that motivates us to follow the "rules" because if we don't, there may be major consequences. Saturn represents our understanding of Karma (in this way it is very much connected to the lunar nodes of astrology that show our karmic connections). Karma is the idea that everything we give out, will come back to us in some way. When we understand the essence of karma, we avoid making foolish mistakes that could upset karmic balance. Saturn is also a planet that regards what is useful, and disregards things that are not useful in the real world. Saturn is the planet representing our law-abiding needs, representing our more obedient side. It is the planet that sets limits and boundaries on itself and others. While Saturn and moon are considered planets that are opposite in nature, many astrologers also consider Saturn to be the "higher octave" of the moon. The moon and Saturn are both "planets" that astrologically focus on our need for security. However, while the moon is more concerned about the emotional saftey, Saturn is the planet that is more concerned about the physical safety. While the moon seeks to express itself in order to get needs met, Saturn tries to hold back in order to get its needs met. Saturn is a planet of methodical structure. In fact, Saturn represents all structures and how we build up those structures. Saturn is the planet that influences our decision making in the world. This planet also reveals our plan-making abilities. If the energy of Saturn is strong in a person's natal chart, the native understands that whatever they do will have good and bad consequences. They are prepared to succeed in the world and they are prepared for the hardships that may come with it. They only want to do what is necessary, and would prefer not do more than what they are capable of doing. They have deep respect for themselves as well as others, and are willing to do anything to maintain their security or respect. These natives know the meaning of "self-control" and they never want to let their feelings interefere with doing what is necessary for survival. Not to mention they usually have excellent plan-making skills. If there is too much energy from Saturn, the native could be cold, rigid, and fearful of the world. They become so obsessed with the consequences in life, that they overlook opportunities that could make life easier. They may work so hard to maintain their security, that they struggle to let loose. They tend to be very hard on their children or students, expecting them to follow strict codes of behavior in every situation. They can ruin a good time because they insist on rebuking others. They become so caught up in gaining physical or tangible social prestige, that they actually lose self-respect for themselves. If the energies of Saturn are blocked or limited, the individual may struggle to show respect for anything other than their own need for self-satisfaction. They struggle to respect the limitations of others and they also struggle to set limits for themselves. These natives never deny what they need or want...even when this is necessary. They may be impulsive when trying to achieve a goal. They have a limited respect for others in authority and may not be against breaking the law when they want something. They struggle to endure hardships and when others give them duties/responsibilities, they take this as a personal attack. They tend to live in their own world, feeling that they can do whatever they want. They may expect the world to respect them without question and may struggle to work towards actually earning the respect they want from others. They struggle to "grow up" because they expect things to be handed to them rather than understanding the true meaning of hard work. Saturn is unfortunately a 'malefic' planet...this means that no matter how great the position of Saturn, there will always be setbacks. In fact, Saturn is considered a greater 'malefic' planet than Mars (the lower 'malefic' planet of energy, action, and aggression). Believe it or not, Mars is heavily influenced/limited by the energies of Saturn (and vice versa). While Mars gives us the energy and drive to take action, Saturn influences whether we feel those actions are worth it. Saturn sets the rules and disciplines; Mars is the punisher of wrongdoing. After all, Saturn is the planet that represents 'setbacks'. Saturn lasts for about 3 1/2 years in one sign at a time.
Below are descriptions that represent Saturn in its most comfortable positions as well as Saturn in its least comfortable positions. I hope you will find some of the interpretations interesting.
Saturn in Capricorn-The Goat of Saturn
Saturn+Capricorn=SOLID CHOICES! Dignity (+5)
The sign of Capricorn is representative of Pricus (the sea-goat) who, according to Greek legend, was the father of all goats. According to the legend all goats began as sea-goats, but eventually they made their way to land and became the four legged goats we know of today. This story represents the ambitious nature of the goat: their ability to go to the highest mountain and/or swim to depths of the sea to get whatever they want. For the sake of description, I would like to use a realistic example to help others understand the nature of this sign. Therefore, I will be using the "goat" as an example of this interpretation.
Goats are considered to be highly calculative and intelligent. Because of their intelligence, they are capable of getting out of just about any situation. If they are locked behind a fence, they can easily learn how to unlatch the gate...if its a large mountain or dam they will simply try to climb over it or on top of it. And boy can they climb! Their ability to climb comes from the fact that their legs and hoofs are very sturdy. This is most evident when we examine the Alpine Ibex goats, who are known to graze for food in really high or steep places. They are most notable for their ability to climb dams...that are vertically built. They will do whatever it takes to survive. Another useful characteristic of the goat is its horns. Goats can use their horns to dig under or through things, as well as defend themselves or protect their young. In order to be accepted among the goats, there will be much bullying from the other goats until you learn to earn your respect.
Saturn is considered in domicile in the sign of Capricorn. Saturn is the planet of limitations, order, structure, discipline, and responsibility. Capricorn is the sign of ambition, realism, respect, social success, obstacles, duties, and responsibilities. In this sign, Saturn finds discipline easier to achieve in the sign of Capricorn because of Capricorn's sense of responsibility. Saturn can build a sense of structure and order in a sign like this that understands what it means to succeed. Capricorn is the sign of obstacles and so there is a mutual "understanding" of limitations between planet and sign. When natives have this dignified position, they will do whatever it takes to establish order and structure in their lives. They have a strong sense of responsibility and they understand that everything they do will either have rewards or consequences. And for them they want the least amount of consequences as possible. They are plan makers: they like to have solid plans with all flaws taken into account. They may do very well in fields of construction or fields involving business. Saturn in Capricorn natives understand that with duties comes responsibilties...and because of this they are cautious about taking on duties without carefully planning everything out. While this is true, they do have a dutiful side. They often feel that it is their duty to be independent and work on their own two feet. They don't like to be a burden on others, especially not their parents. They are the types that believe in paying the bills on time and saving finances accordingly. They don't want to waste anything, not even time. While they may seem like the type of people that are 'all work and no play', this is not necessarily true of them. In fact, they believe that everything has a limit...including work. These natives actually do have an active social life. They are not as easy to take advantage of because they know when to draw the line. These natives are a group of people that want to be respected and will do whatever it takes to earn that respect. They understand the meaning of hard work and are resilient even when life doesn't go their way (particularly when they become adults). They have a deep respect for life and will always consider those things that may disrupt their peace and security (this depends on other things in the chart). Whatever they choose to do in life, they want to make sure that the benefits are long term. They disregard anything that isn't useful to their success, whether its physically, mentally, or emotionally.
The downside to this placement is that these natives tend to be rigid and conservative. When they have plans they don't tend to be very flexible and they are not easily convinced of another way of doing things. They tend to be fussy when their plans are rigged. Everything has to be according to their plans...and when it is not, they can be readily dismissive (depending on their Marsian energy). They can be so fearful of consequences that they don't jump on opportunities, even if this may make things easier for them. They can be really harsh when others are going through problems. They tend to believe that others should endure every hardship...like they supposedly would. When they were children they were probably given a set of duties/responsibilities to do. They may have been expected to be on their best behavior in school or out in public. As parents, they tend to be very hard on their children if they do not have much moon energy (moon energy can help to balance the rigidity of Saturn). They may believe that by being tough on their children (or students if they are teachers), they will learn how to endure every situation. Many of these natives will do anything to get respect, sometimes to the detriment of their pride and ego. Or sometimes they may be so much more concerned with their physical limitations (the need for physical respect by setting boundaries), that they do not consider their "inner" need for care and attention. They tend to have many obstacles in their life and they often feel weighed down by responsibilities out of obligation. Natives of this position must learn to set limits to their limits. This requires breaking their own rules and letting themselves go every once in a while. Plans change and this is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, this can be seen as an opportunity to do more fulfilling things with your life. Avoid being too hard on those around you. This will only cause others to isolate you. Focus less on people respecting your boundaries, and try to focus on your own inner emotional needs.
You may relate to this description if you have Saturn (planet of limitations and order) in the 10th house (house of career and social prestige). If you have planets in Cancer, Leo, or Aries, this may tame some of your Saturnalian energies.
Saturn is a 'malefic' planet, which means the benefits of this planet will be hard for all natives to achieve. The benefits of Saturn usually begin to show when we are older and wiser.
If you have negative aspects to Saturn, or Saturn is accidentally debilitated by house placement, than you may have even more setbacks when trying to gain the benefits of this planet.
Capricorn is a cardinal sign (initiating) and an earth sign (physical).
Saturn in Aquarius-The Water-Bearer of Saturn
Saturn+Aquarius=LOGICAL CHOICES! Dignity (+5)
The sign of Aquarius is usually called "the water bearer" of the zodiac. In most people's interpretation of this sign it is assumed to be symbolic of some sort of "cup-bearer". This is partially true. The story behind this constellation is about a young boy that Zeus took favor upon. As was the custon in ancient Greece, he took in a young boy to 'train' and 'serve' him. This young boy was considered a cup-bearer to the gods...however he rebeled against them and eventually poured out all the drinks onto the earth. This act of rebellion caused a massive storm and flood that lasted for many days according to Greek legend. Therefore, the symbolism behind the sign is not only connected to the "cup-bearer", but also to the greatest "water-bearer" of all: the clouds in our sky. This is also why Aquarius has a strong connection to electricity and "shocking" discoveries...because of its strong affiliation with thunder and lightning storms.
For the sake of this interpretation I will be using a realistic example to help describe the nature of this sign. The clouds are the best example to use for this sign. There are a variety of different types of clouds in the world. Most clouds fall into three categories: between the cirrus, stratus, or comulonimbus clouds. Comulonimbus clouds are usually very beautiful yet unpredictable. Stratus clouds, however, are much more flat and usually not as dangerous as the comulonimbus. (Cirrus clouds are very thin and rarer than the others). While most comulonimbus clouds are distinguished by their "fluffy" looking appearance, stratus clouds are usually very thin and can cause fog or a complete blockage of sunlight. Precipitation is usually formed within these clouds, as the clouds absorb the moisture in the atmosphere. Eventually, this precipitation will fall (in the form of rain, snow, sleet, hail, etc) onto the ground. In the case of Stratus clouds, these forms of precipitation tend to be lighter...while with comulonimbus clouds these forms of precipitation tend to be heavier.
Saturn is considered traditionally in domicile in the sign of Aquarius. This is one of the most controversial dignities in astrology, especially since the discovery of Uranus (the planet of rebellion) which is now a planetary ruler of Aquarius. In fact, many modern astrologers have been dismissive of the idea that Saturn is the rulership of Aquarius (thus being dismissive of the idea that Saturn is in domicile here). However, I do believe that Saturn is highly comfortable in the sign of Aquarius. (Note: This does not mean that I do not feel Uranus has no influence on the sign of Aquarius. Read my interpretation of Uranus to get further details).
Saturn is the planet of order, structure, limitations, discipline, respect, duties, and responsibilities. Aquarius is the sign of ingenuity, social order, humanitarianism, aloofness, and truth. Saturn surprisingly has a lot of things in common with this sign. While Aquarius also has the reputation of being a sign of spontaniety, Aquarius is also a sign of methodical structure. In this sign, Saturn can direct its need to be dutiful and responsible to humanity at large. It can also find a solid place for its need for boundaries in the aloof sign of Aquarius. In this sign, the need for order is now directed towards the social world. Structure is also achieved through invention.
So how does this combination affect the native? Natives with this position often have a sense of duty to those around them. They understand that in this world, we are not an "island unto ourselves". They understand that in order to achieve things in society we must work together. While Aquarius is usually considered a sign of "rebellion", the goal of this sign is social order where everyone can be given the right to achieve their objectives. Thus, Saturn in Aquarius natives find this to be of utmost importance. They will do whatever it takes to secure their rights as human beings. In truth, natives with planets in Aquarius may only break the rules when the rules are not "fair". Aquarius is a sign that promotes the idea of order in the world as long as there is fairness. Many politicians and police officers have planets in Aquarius as a result. And with Saturn in Aquarius, the need for this "order" is intensified in these natives. They tend to be logical in their approach to things. They are factual and they are not easily duped by things that cannot be proven reasonably or logically. There is usually a method behind everything they do. While they are perfectly capable of changing up their methods to reach better conclusions, they always try to develop a structured method or plan to guide them. They are very good at making plans, especially plans that focus on improving the lives of others. They may do well in the fields of science and technology. These natives also have boundaries, especially when it comes to their own inner needs. They are able to set aside their own emotional needs and pride for the sake of following through with their duties. They have respect for people and they would like to be respected in return. Yet, they understand that respect is something that must be earned. Saturn in Aquarius natives are proponents of Karma. They know that whatever a person does will always come back to them. And in their minds, things may come back in ways that many least expect. Their minds are always focused on the future and they are prepared for changes.
The downside to this position is that they tend to be too logical in their approach to decicions. Sometimes, this can make them seem aloof, even with the most sensitive energies in their chart. When they have a method, they tend to be surprisingly rigid towards their ideas. While they love to make changes, they are not willing to bend their ideas for the sake of other people's ideas. They tend to feel obligated to the world, but this may cause resentment if they do not focus on their own inner needs. As parents, they tend to be very detached (unless they have moon energy to balance these energies), disciplining their children by teaching them to control/limit their self-expressions or emotional needs. As children, their parents may have taught them the value of working together with others, doing their "part" in the household, and setting aside personal feelings on matters. While this is not always bad, this can be unhealthy for their children if not done with balance. While they are proponents of fairness and freeness, they tend to be scornful of those who do not approach situations as logically as they would. Saturn in Aquarius natives must learn to let their guard down, and open their hearts to other things besides their mind. Your methods aren't always the only methods. Learn to open your mind to other ways of doing things, even if they are not your own. Learn to take care of your own inner needs then you will be better at taking care of the needs of others.
You may relate to this description if you have Saturn (planet of order and limitations) in the 11th house (house of associations, friends, and humanitarian causes). If you have planets in signs such as Cancer, Leo, or Aries, this may tame some of your Saturnalian energies.
Saturn is a 'maleifc' planet, which means that the benefits of this planet will be difficult to achieve for all natives. Most times the benefits of Saturn are not seen until we are older and wiser.
If you have poor aspects to Saturn or Saturn is accientally debilitated by house placement, you may have even more setbacks. If Uranus (Aquarius's other ruling planet) is in a debilitated position in the natal chart you may also experience minor setbacks.
Aquarius is a fixed sign (immovable) and an air sign (mental).
Saturn in Libra-The Scales of Saturn
Saturn+Libra=Refined Choices! Dignity (+4)
The scales in astrology is one the most unique symbols of the zodiac in the fact that it is representative of not a "being", but rather an inanimate object. Scales were invented to weigh the weight (mass) of an object. In ancient times, this was a good way of determining the value of something when there was a barter or trade. Ancient scales usually would weigh one object against another, using two plates on both sides. In modern times, scales have evolved into a more digital measuring tool. This digital scale more accurately determines the weight of objects using calculations and numbers. The scales have always been a symbol of justice, fairness, and ultimately peace/order in the world. The scales have a strong connection to the judicial system. Lady Justice (Justitia), who was the personification of this moral justice system, was always shown blindfolded, carrying the scales (of truth and lies) in one hand and a sword of justice in the other.
Saturn is considered exalted in the sign of Libra. Saturn is the planet of order, discipline, limitations, duties, responsibilities, and karma. Libra is the sign of cooperation, fairness, partnerships, harmony, and ultimately balance. In this sign, Saturn feels energized. Saturn is not necessarily in domcile in this sign...after all Libra is a sign more concerned with "beautifying" than Saturn is. This is because Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. However, in this sign Saturn can put its need for order towards fairness and justice in the world. Limitations from Saturn become refined in order to accomodate to lovers and partnership. Structure is found in a sign that is concerned with arrangement and harmony. In this sign, Saturn can go beyond "itself" and do more than it could in any other sign. Natives with this position are very mature and considerate people. When they make decisions, they always consider the entire situation and how their decisions will affect others. They believe in fairness and equilibrium. They will do whatever it takes to maintain peace and serenity in their lives and the lives of others. They want mutual respect between themselves and others, particularly when it comes to boundaries. They believe there is a line you just don't cross with others, and this is even in personal relationships. In fact, in partnerships is where you see their composed and cooperative attitudes. They may do well in law because they are reasonable and fair. Their greatest business strategy tends to be mediating and compromising. They appreciate the arrangement of things, and they like to make things look more tasteful or orderly. They are excellent at planning, especially involving beautifying and creating harmony as they are really crafty. They may make excellent musical composers in this regard. While they are considerate, they are not easy to take advantage of. Because they believe in fairness, they expect this in all of their dealings with others.
The downside to this position is that they can be overly concerned with keeping the peace to the point of rigidity. They tend to look down on those who do not consider others the way they do. They tend to want everything to be perfect in their environment, which can be exasperating to others especially in personal relationships. As parents, they expect their children to be mannerable in every situation and may not allow their children to sit on certain furniture or go in certain parts of their home. They tend to feel obligated to consider others, and this can make them lose respect for themselves in the long run. As children, they were probably taught to be mannerable and considerate of their parents and siblings. They may struggle to be themselves which can cause frustration, especially if there are more assertive energies in the chart. It is not easy for them to take on new duties or responsibilities. Their apprehension and indecision can also be frustrating to those around them. These natives must learn to think about their own desires and needs for a change. Peace is nice, but it realistically doesn't last forever. And sometimes it is okay to disturb the peace and release tensions. Learn to be more tolerant of others and their differences.
You may relate to this description if you have Saturn (planet of order and limitations) in the 7th house (house of partnerships). If you have planets in signs such as Cancer, Leo, or Aries, this may tame some of your Saturnalian energies.
Saturn is a 'malefic' planet, therefore all natives will experience setbacks when trying to gain the benefits of this planet. Usually the benefits are visible until we are much older and wiser.
If you have negative aspects to Saturn/Venus, planets in signs that Venus does not agree with (Aries, Scorpio, or Virgo), Venus is debilitated by sign placement or Venus/Saturn is accidentally debilitated by house placement, you may have more setbacks when trying to gain the benefits of this planet.
Libra is a cardinal sign (initiating) and an air sign (mental).
Saturn in Aries-The Ram of Saturn
Saturn+Aries=Impulsive Choices Debility (-4)
Aries is representative of the ram in astrology. The ram is considered to be an aggressive and daring male sheep. They are usually known for their larger horns and their ability to walk on the edge of cliffs and climb up high places. Their ability comes from their firm footing. The Bighorn Rams are a perfect example of this description. The ewes (female sheep) are also very daring in this regard. Sheep are known to act impulsively, following whatever sheep is the "leader" or takes action first. They have a tendency to wander into dangerous areas if they are not watched with a careful eye.
Saturn is considered falling in the sign of Aries. Saturn is the planet of limitations, order, discipline, duties, responsibilies, and karma. Aries is the sign of action, assertion, passion, and individuality. In this sign Saturn struggles to find security because there is much impulsivity and aggression in this sign. While Saturn is trying to find a way to discipline whatever sign it is in, it finds this difficult in a sign that is more about self-expression and action. Thus, there is a conflict of desires present. Natives with this position tend to be highly impatient when trying to make responsible decisions. They may want to be seen as mature adults who know how to be dependable citizens. But they struggle to slow down and think things through. When taking on duties and responsibilities, they tend to jump in without regard to the load they are actually carrying. This causes them to have more stress and frustration than other natives. This comes from an obligation to take action. Conversly, they may also feel apprehensive about taking on duties because of their need to be free and independent. Whatever the case, they hate feeling "responsible" for things and would rather feel free to make their own decision when THEY choose to. This makes it hard for them to slow down and discipline themselves (or recieve discipline). As children, they were probably disciplined in a very aggressive or impatient way. They tend to also carry this same discipline towards their own children. They can be impatient and disrespectful to those around them. This is because they are impatient about getting important things done. These natives must learn to slow down and consider their steps before making any rash decisions. Do not be afraid to take on responsibilities; don't rush just to get the worst over with. This will only cause more setbacks. Believe it or not, by working slowly but steadily, you will always win the "race". Everyone must comply with the law of society, even you. In fact, it is society that will secure your freedoms and independence. So, if you work to win the respect of others they will give you the freedoms you so desire.
The upside to this position is that these natives know how to get things accomplished quickly. They are dependable in emergency situations because they usually have plans that are effective immediately (this depends on other energies in the natal chart). They may do well in the military or in any law enforcement job. They may also make excellent firefighters. Unlike other Saturn positions, this position is one that will not be tied by responsibilities for long. They know how to get out of situations that don't allow them to be free agents (this depends on other energies in the chart). This makes it difficult for others to take advantage of them. They tend to be active and when they actually do take on duties and responsibilities, they can work on things with full force. They never give up when they want to accomplish something and this can be a hard person to defeat in life.
You may relate to this description if you have Saturn (planet of order and limitations) in the 1st house (house of self and individuality). If you have planet in signs such as Capricorn, Libra, or Aquarius, there may be more Saturnalian energy to draw from in your natal chart.
Saturn is a 'malefic' planet, which means all natives will experience setbacks with this planet. The benefits may not be visible with this planet until we are older and wiser.
If you have positive aspects to Mars/Saturn, signs that Mars agrees with such as Scorpio, sometimes Aries, and especially Capricorn; Mars is dignified by sign placement, or Saturn/Mars is accidentally dignified by house placement, then you may have more advantages when trying to gain the benefits of this planet.
Aries is a cardinal sign (initiating) and a fire sign (energetic).
Saturn in Leo-The Lion of Saturn
Saturn+Leo=presumptuous choices Debility (-5)
Leo is representative of the lion, the "king of the jungle". The lion are considered to be hunters who are ferocious and unremorseful when anything is in its path. While they are strong, creative, and skilled hunters, this is not something they do for long periods of time. In fact, the lion actually sleeps for 20 hours throughout the day...and can feed off of one animal if they catch a large prey. If the male lion has a pride of lionesses, she will normally do the hunting while he patrols the kingdom. When she is done doing the hunting, he usually gets the first meal, then the lionesses, and lastly the cubs. In the pride, the male lion is usually the leader and usually calls all the shots. The male lion will do anything to secure his own pride, including fight his own brothers and drive out his sons when they get a certain age.
Saturn is traditionally considered in domicile in the sign of Leo. Saturn is the planet of limitations, order, discipline, duties, responsiilities, and karma. Leo is the sign of drama, creativity, willpower, attention, and pride. In this sign, Saturn struggles to discipline this sign because of its dramatic need to express itself. Order and limitations are clouded by the need for attention. Duties and responsibilities also seem to be clouded by pride. How does this affect the natives with this position? The natives may want to be considered responsible and dependable adults in the world. In fact, as children they may have been eager to grow up. However, these natives tend to be very self-centered and concerned with their own pride. So of course, there is a side to them that also wants to remain a "child" forever. These natives want respect, but they may not feel that it is something that should be earned. And yet, they do want others to respect them and so they may also want to work hard to get the attention of others. Even though they are concerned about their own pride, they also have an obligation to be generous towards others. They may want to take on the responsibility of being in authority and may be attracted to positions that establish law. But they also have a strong need to be themselves and live their own life without strict rules. They can make demanding bosses or leaders wanting everything to be their way. These things may cause a conflict of natures. As parents, they tend to be very self-centered and unconcerned about the structure that is in the lives of their children. Yet, they also tend to surround their life around their kids, securing or living their lives through their kids. As children they may have gotten a lot of attention or the most responsilities in the household. Most of their limits are usually concerning their own pride. They do not allow disrespect from others...even if they are not respectful of others. They have a hard time dealing with obstacles or taking on extra duties/responsiilities. They sometimes feel above putting in extra effort to sustain their positions in society. While they appreciate what others do for them, they may not feel any strong obligation to give back to those who gave. When they give to others, it is usually to feed their own ego. And to them this may be their only obligation. These natives must learn to let go of their egos and swallow their pride when they are given duties or responsibilities. This is not a personal attack on your pride when others do this: in fact you should be flattered. Don't feel so obligated to stand in the spotlight or be the leader. Others can handle it. These natives should learn to consider those that have provided and helped them throughout their lifetime. Its one thing to be the boss or the ruler...it is a whole other thing to be a good boss or a good ruler. Learn to consider others in your decision making. You are not the only person in the world. Respect is not a requirement...respect is something that can only be earned. Remember your bills come first, and you come second.
The upside to this position is that they know who they are and will not be too earnest to be respected to the point they lose themselves. They know who they are and they separate their need for respect of others from their need to respect themselves. In this way, they can create a more balanced life. They know when to let loose and enjoy their own life. After all, what is the point of working hard if you cannot enjoy your life? And they may work hard in order to have a more fulfilling life. They want to secure their love of life and in this way they can be serious. They have a strong will and are not as easily defeated when life gets too hard. When they are in leadership positions they tend to be very dutiful. Surprisingly, they know how to channel their self-expression through creative pursuits. In this way, they can show their more disciplined sides. They may do well in the performing arts as a result. They may also work well in fields that involve children.
You may relate to this description if you have Saturn (planet of order and limitations) in the 5th house (house of recreation). If you have planets in Aquarius, Capricorn, or Libra you may have more Saturnalian energy to draw from.
Saturn is a 'malefic' planet, therefore all natives may have setbacks when trying to gain the benefits of this planet. Benefits are usually not visible from this planet until we are older and wiser.
If you have positive aspects to Saturn/the sun, signs that the sun agrees with such as Aries or Leo; the sun is dignified by sign position, or Saturn/the sun is accidentally dignified by house position, then you may have more advantages when trying to gain the benefits of Saturn.
Leo is a fixed sign (immovable) and a fire sign (energetic).
Saturn in Cancer-The Crab of Saturn
Saturn+Cancer=emotional choices Debility (-5)
The crab is the symbol that the Cancer zodiac sign is based off of. The crab is considered a crusteacean that can live on land, but is highly depended on ocean water in order to sustain their life. Through the water, they usually get oxygen and they do whatever it takes to sustain their water in their bodies. Most times they will try to find "hiding" places with a lot of moisture in order to keep the water retained. These hiding places are also really good for avoiding predators. Crabs can usually do things independently, but when making large migrations they prefer to travel in numbers where they will be protected. While they do have a hard shell on the outside, underneath is a soft layer of skin. During their molting stages is usually when this soft layer of skin is visible and it is also when the crab is the most vulnerable. These creatures will eat anything and everything...even each other when they are hungry.
Saturn is considered in detriment in the sign of Cancer. Saturn is the planet of limitations, order, duties, responsibilities, and karma. Cancer is the sign of protection, home, family, support, and emotional attachment. In this sign, Saturn struggles to instill discipline because of the need for emotional reasoning. Saturn wants to take on duties and responsibilities in order to be less of a burden on others, but in this sign there is so much dependency, as well as a need for support. Order and limitations can get clouded by a need to belong. Natives with this position tend to have a strong obligation to stay with their families. It may be because the family is not able to take care of themselves. Or it may be that these people feel emotionally attached to the family, and thus they take on duties and responsibilities in order for their families to keep them around. They have a strong need to secure their position in their families, and they may always suffer from abandonment syndromes. The families of these natives may have made them take on duties and responsiilities in order to gain their affections. They may want to take their place in the real world, as well as be successful in their careers. But there are times when their families' feelings become more important than their own lives. The men with this position may always feel obligated to respect the women in their lives and take care of them (or they may feel highly dependent on the women in their lives). In this case, they tend to have a conflict of natures. They may not do well when life is difficult (depending on other energies in the chart). Their parents may not have done much to prepare them for the real world. As a result, they often tend to go by their own instincts. They may take discipline or boundaries from others (especially in work environments) as a personal attack on them. As parents, they may feel so dutiful to their children that they don't discipline them like they should. They may be too supportive and even smothering of their children. Or they may be the reverse, expecting their children to earn their affections. It is hard for them to discipline themselves because they make decisions based off their emotions. Their plan making skills tend to be haphazard and unreliable as a result. These natives must learn to separate their emotions from situations that should be handled with logic. They must develop a life of their own outside of the obligations to the family. Beware of letting others take advantage of your affections, especially family members. When people give you more responsibilities (set boundaries) in the work place, it may not mean this is a personal attack on you. In fact, this is an opportunity to gain more security and be more self-reliant. Don't be so dependent on your family to get you out of situations, especially when it comes to your finances.
The upside to this position is that they are not as cold as other Saturn positions. They want to be successful, but they genuinely care about their families and loved ones. They may do well with family business ventures as a result. They do have good business sense which may be surprising to some. This is because they always have their pulse on the "masses" and know what will sell to people. As a result they may do well in advertisement industries. They tend to do very well domestically, with everything in their homes both clean and comfortable. They do well with providing a home for others...this may also make them suited for business fields involving real estate. They tend to be very creative and may also do well in artistic fields. If channeled correctly, they can make excellent caregivers and parents, because they are capable of bringing their responsible sides to the fields where they can care for others.
You may relate to this description if you have Saturn (planet of order and limitations) in the 4th house (house of family, home, and traditions). If you have planets in Capricorn, Libra, or Aquarius you may have more Saturnalian energy to draw from.
Saturn is a 'malefic' planet, which means that every native have setbacks with gaining the benefits of this planet. The benefits of this planet may not visible until we are older and wiser.
If you have poor aspects to Saturn/the moon, planets in signs that the moon agrees with (sometimes Cancer or Taurus), the moon is dignified by house placement, or Saturn/the moon is accidentally dignified by house placement, then you may have advantages when trying to gain the benefits of this planet.
Cancer is a cardinal sign (initiating) and a water sign (emotional).
Saturn crosses through all 12 signs of the zodiac. For the sake of this website I have focused solely on the signs that planets are dignified and debilitated in. However, through dignities and debilities you can still learn a lot about both the planetary characteristics, as well as the characteristics of the sign.

Saturn in Capricorn Native:
George Clooney

Saturn in Capricorn Native:
Meg Ryan

Saturn in Aquarius Native:
Jim Carrey
Saturn in Aquarius Native:
Michelle Obama

Saturn in Libra Native:
Justin Timberlake

Saturn in Libra Native:
Britney Spears

Saturn in Aries Native:
Vin Diesel

Saturn in Aries Native:
Tina Turner

Saturn in Leo Native:
Ashton Kutcher

Saturn in Leo Native:
Kate Winslet

Saturn in Cancer Native:
Tyra Banks

Saturn in Cancer Native:
David Beckham