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Jupiter was a sky god that was considered the "father" or "ruler" of the gods.  He was the god that influenced the weather, (known as "The God of Thunder") sending rain just before droughts occured (which was considered lucky for the harvest seasons).  The Romans affiliated Jupiter so heavily with lightning, that any place that was struck by lightning was deemed "the property of Jupiter". The area "struck by Jupiter" would be guarded by a circular wall, in order to not be distrubed.  Most of the Romans would worship him on the summits of hills because it was the highest place to show respect for this god. While Zeus was also a god of storms, he also had the ability to grant immortality to mere beings on the earth, placing them in the sky away from their suffering.  In this way, he is the father of the "constellations".  However, he was very capable of punishment when he felt something was not right in his eyes.  He sat on a throne upon Mt. Olympus, with the birds of reason and memory.  Jupiter was known as the protector of the entire human race.  Jupiter was a proponent of morality, especially involving oaths. Every ruler or governmental official would make an oath in the name of Jupiter. Even his priests were in charge of "wedding vows".  Jupiter was considered connected with the human conscious; the part of us that is obligated to righteousness. He was also the God of heroism and moral duty, promoting a sense of duty to god, to the homeland, and to family. Hercules, who is considered one of the greatest heroes of Greek and Roman literature, was the son of Jupiter. When there were victories, the people of Rome would give thanks by feasting in the name of Jupiter.  In fact, in Rome, Jupiter had the most holidays in his honor than any other Roman god! Jupiter's other name is also known as Jove.  Jovial, which means to be cheerful and optimistic is the alternative latin word for Jove.  The word "Jove" is also used to express surprise or excitment. Jupiter was often considered the model father, husband, and ruler. While he was considered the ultimate "god",  he was not necessarily "perfect" to modern human standards of perfection. After all, Jupiter was also known for his excessive involvement with sexual affairs.  Jupiter was always the defender of faith; a lack of faith was condemned by this god.  


Astronomically, Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and the fifth planet from the sun. This may be because it is a planet mostly made of gas (hydrogen and helium). For its size, it rotates faster than all the other planets.  It is bright enough where it can be seen from earth, making it the third brightest "object" in our solar system (behind the sun and Venus).  The surface of this planet is a perplexing mystery among astronomers.  Because most of this planet is made up of gas, it would be difficult to find a definite surface. One of the most prominent features of Jupiter was the "Great Red Spot", which was said to be a major storm greater than that of a hurricane. This storm is said to have existed for possibly more than 300 years. Can you imagine a storm lasting that long? Jupiter has 67 moons...which is more than any other planet near the sun. Another interesting fact about Jupiter is it could possibly be raining diamonds (alongside Saturn)!  


Astrologically Jupiter is the planet of luck, chance, expansion, philosophy, morality, and benefits.  When the "inner" planets have been explored in our lives (planets representing our "inner" needs as well as our need to show the world who we are), we eventually begin to explore the "outer" planets (representing our need for outside experiences as well as our need to give to others).  Jupiter and Saturn are "social" planets.  They are the planets that define our need to "fit into" society and belong to a culture. These are the planets that help us to see the connection with our needs and the needs of others.

Jupiter is typically the planet that gives us luck; this "luck" is usually a percieved sense of goodness. It is the planet that represents our adventurous spirit; our ability to take chances in life and put faith in life.  With the energy of Jupiter we are able to see the best out of life and the possibilities of a better future.  Jupiter is considered by some astrologers to be the higher octave of the sun, with Jupiter representing "the higher self".  While the sun may put faith and confidence in "itself", Jupiter is the planet that puts faith and confidence in "life". The sun wants respect and will die trying to gain this; Jupiter is optimistic that everything can be achieved and will not see the need to die trying. You see, with Jupiter, "true" happiness is found.  Jupiter is also our need to expand our horizons, both mentally and physically.  Jupiter represents our need to grow and experience all that life has to offer. Jupiter also represents the "god" or "hero" in us, revealing our "spirit". It is the part of us that wants to save the world!  Jupiter molds our sense of heroism; our moral principles, our ideals, and our philosophies.  It also represents our need for cultural connections and understanding; both our own and that of another.  Jupiter is the planet of beliefs.  Everything we put faith in, whether it's religion or humanity represents Jupiter. Jupiter brings us is the planet that celebrates after we have overcome the "battles" (ironically it is the planet that follows after Mars, the planet of war).  In fact, it is the planet that rules celebrations in general! Jupiter is also the teacher in us, as well as the coach, philosopher, and storyteller (it also represents our own teachers or mentors).  It is the planet that compliments Mercury in this way. While Mercury represents how we tell the story, Jupiter is always representative of the content of our storytelling style.  While Mercury is the way we teach, Jupiter is the subject we are most enthusiastic about teaching. Even when it comes to philosophy; Mercury is normally how we communicate, while Jupiter is our sense of philosophy.  Jupiter also represents our sense of humor (while Mercury is how we communicate it).  Jupiter is our ability to laugh at our troubles.  When we understand Jupiter, our petty little world seems so small.  We understand life more and appreciate life more with Jupiter. It is the first time we begin to question the facts, and we begin to see the "big picture". With this planet we begin to find the meaning of living; a reason to keep trying. Jupiter is often representative of what we expect from life. This planet sees potential; it focuses on what the future can become. When Jupiter is in a strong placement, natives tend to be optimistic and caring about the world.  They have strong faith, with strong moral principles to back them up.  They have a strong sense of culture and tradition.  These natives love to be happy, and genuinely want others to be happy.  With this energy, natives enjoy growing and learning from their own environment. They are role-models of our society, wanting to encourage a better future. They enjoy having new experiences in life, but they never forget the things they have been taught.  Rather than experiencing and moving on from it, they grow by remembering all they have experienced and teaching others of their journey. They understand that the only "true" way to learn is to experience it for themselves. They understand that "facts" cannot prove everything in life. When there is too much Jupitarian energy, there can be excessive laziness and dependency on life.  There is so much optimism and expectations of the world, that they neglect the "here and now".  There is a lack of seriousness towards life, and the native may prefer having a good time instead of taking responsibility.  There is blind faith here, where the native may question all of the facts for the sake of personal happiness.  They may be very preachy, but may not practice what they preach. They may also make many oaths/promises, but may not feel obligated to keep those promises. If the energy of Jupiter is blocked, there will be a lack of optimism towards life.  To these natives, there is no such thing as luck...only opportunity that usually comes from a solid explanation.  With this kind of energy, there is a struggle to feel that life can be easy.  Everything in life seems to be a barrier to overcome rather than a chance to grow and learn.  With this energy the feeling of "luck" only comes when something tangible is present.  There is a lack of faith, and even a lack of solid moral principles. Blocked energy  may show an attitude that only cares to learn simply for the sake of answering logical (useful) "questions", rather than to grow or understand life on a deeper level. This energy promotes living in the "here and now".  With these natives, being a role-model may be of little concern...they may prefer personal success over the satisfaction of others. Natives with this energy may struggle to develop a feeling of cultural belonging, or may not see the use of cultural values. Rather than share their resources with others, they may only use their resources for their own benefit. They may struggle to enjoy the journey, and may be more concerned with the destination.  Luckily, Jupiter is a "benefic" planet...even more beneficial than Venus! With this planet, anyone can gain opportunities, even with an uncomfortable Jupitarian placement. After all, Jupiter is the planet that represents benefits. :)  


Below are the descriptions that represents Jupitarian energy in its most comfortable and least comfortable positions.  Enjoy!





Jupiter in Sagittarius-The Archer of Jupiter

Jupiter+Sagittarius=A CHEERFUL SPIRIT!    Dignity (+5)


The symbol of Sagittarius is representative of a double-bodied creature (known as a centaur) who carries an aimed bow and arrow in the sky. To some, that Centaur depiction is said to be Chiron, the most revered Centaur in ancient Greek and Roman texts.  Chiron was half man and half horse.  He had an animalistic side that was considered wild; but most times he would show his humane side, unlike most other Centaurs. Chiron was considered nurturing yet youthful. He was an excellent teacher, oracle, and astrologer. He taught famous Greek/Roman heroes.  The most notable was Achilles, one of the greatest.  Particularly, he taught Achilles the art of archery, which was one of Chiron's specialties.  While most Centaurs were considered wild, Chiron and Pholus are the two most notable creatures that showed a philosophical concern for life.  Whether this depitction is of Chiron is debatable, but many cannot deny that his qualities have inspired some of the qualities affiliated with Sagittarius.

For the sake of this interpretation, I want to use real life examples in order for others to understand the nature of the sign of Sagittarius. One interpretation of Sagittarius is Crotus, the Satyr (half horse). Therefore, I will be using the horse, as well as their connections to archery in this description.

Archery is a practice that involves using a bow to propel arrows.  While in history it was used for hunting and combat, today it is mostly a sport or recreational activity.  Archery requires good vision because in order to shoot accurately, the archer would have to clearly calculate the position of its "target". There are two methods of "sighting" used in archery; one is through fixed/mechanical sighting. This is when there is an object fixated to the bow in order to aim better. Then of course there is Instinctive shooting known as "Barebow shooting". This is when proper aim is determined by motor muscle-memory , involving hand eye coordination. 

The behavior of horses is very similar to the practice of archery.  Horses usually rely on their good sight and hearing to understand their environment. In fact, they are said to have "360 degree" binocular vision and their ears move according the direction of sound.  They have large eyes, and many horse trainers used to believe that horses saw the world much bigger than it is. Unfortunately, horses may not be able to focus their eyes like humans do.   It's easy for them to carry loads, such as human beings or light cargo. They are also very good at pulling around contraptions such as the carriage.  Many derby trainers have the superstition that the given name of a horse can give good luck. According to experts, horses not only understand human language well, they also have fantastic memories.  Horses have always been connected to heroic exploits during times of war.  While they are considered easier to train than most other mammals, when they are released into the wild they adapt well to the wild. While stallions may fight over mating rights, they are not territorial.  Male horses are known to have a flehmen response, especially to new environments.  Researchers say this is done so that they can make out a scent or the smell of the area better. In order for horses to be healthy they must be allowed to roam about freely.  Horses have been useful in providing humans with transportation (before the invention of the automobile).  Horses that are ridden tend to be much long as they are not worked to death.  Horses are known to get spooked easily by threats and when this happens they may kick and flee.  Usually Mares (female horses) make excellent scouts and are the "leaders" of the herd, with the male of this heard acting as a "guard".  Stallions (uncastrated male horses) of the bachelor herd are the most independent and harder to train. Horses can travel long distances when they are in the wild.


Jupiter is considered in domicile in the sign of Sagittarius.  Jupiter is the planet of luck, chance, faith, morality, and expansion. Sagittarius is the sign of freedom, travel, philosophy, and chances.  In the sign of Sagittarius, Jupiter is truly free to expand its horizons. Jupiter can learn and grow while it travels to distant places.  It can find its need for morals through the philosophy that Sagittarius has to offer. In this sign, luck comes from taking chances.  Natives with Jupiter in Sagittarius are freedom-loving and happy-go-lucky.  They are adventurous and want to enjoy everything that life has to offer.  They have a deep need to expand their horizons and learn more about the world on a broader scale.  Everything they have been taught by their teachers or mentors have a major influence on how they live and experience life.  As freedom-loving as they are, they do have morals.  In fact, they have a "hero" complex, where they want to be a positive influence on others.  They love to teach about all the things they have done in their lifetime in the hopes that perhaps others can learn from their experience (this depends on other energies in the chart).  They have an appreciation for culture, both there's as well as the cultures of others. In fact, they love differences because it helps them understand how large the world is and the broadness of mankind. As a result, they tend to be more tolerant of people than most (depending on other energies in the natal chart). They enjoy learning about other cultures and they love to teach others about their cultural ways.  They especially love cultural celebrations. In fact, they love all types of celebrations!  Any time to have a good time is worth experiencing to these natives.  These natives have strong faith, whether it's religious faith or a faith in humanity. If they don't have anything, they need to have faith in something. They have a good sense of humor and they love to laugh. They may enjoy humor that is satirical or humor that makes light of bad situations. They hate when life gets too serious and may be the voice of reason when everyone else is giving up. These natives make excellent "cheerleaders".  They are philosophical and they love to ponder about life and the Universe.  This is because not only do they like to broaden their surroundings, but they also want to broaden their understanding of life. They may have a fascination with nature, space, or the outdoors. They love to tell stories, and they make excellent story writers.  If they are story writers, the content of their stories usually has a moralistic or philosophical purpose. Opportunities tend to come to these natives because they are positive, faithful, and generous. Their viewpoint on life is vast and they can see the "big picture", as they focus on building a fantastic future. 


The downside to this position is that they tend to be so positive about life, and they expect things to be handed to them easily.  They have a hard time taking things seriously, and this can frustrate those around them (depending on other energies in the natal chart).  And yet, when it comes to their moral beliefs they become preachy and they expect others to take their beliefs seriously. This may cause others to believe that they don't practice what they preach. They are very good at making lavish promises just so others will find them "heroic"...but they may not feel any obligation to follow through with what they promise (or at least the lavishness is not as grand as they promise).  They love learning about other cultures, but it may not be easy to adapt to other people's ideas or ways of doing things. They'd rather just respect that everyone has their own cultures and/or beliefs. They tend to trust what their mentors, teachers, or religious leaders tell them, ignoring all reason and facts.  In fact, they tend to question facts, even when other energies in the chart are "factual".  For them, facts are simply opinions that are heavily agreed on by a large number of people.  They believe some answers cannot be proven, which leaves them in a never-ending journey of "learning". Natives of this position party hard, and have a tendency to take chances that they may later regret.  Natives of this position must learn to embrace the ideas of others because this may give more opportunities in life.  If you enforce your beliefs too much, you can never truly grow as you would like. Blind faith can lead to disappointments. Learn to lower your expectations so that you will not find heartbreaking disappointments. Facts are useful for discovering new methods to improve on life. If you can balance your faith with a reasonable mind, than you can truly be a "hero" to those around you.  When you make promises, it is important that you follow through with what you promise otherwise there could be "danger". There is a time to celebrate and a time to take things seriously (depending other energies in the chart this may be realized). Rather than wait for the opportunity to travel and expand, learn to expand your own horizons. Beware of excessive drinking, gambling, and partying; you must understand there are limitations in life.


You may relate to this description if you have Jupiter (planet of luck and expansion) in the 9th house (house of expansion, travel, and philosophy). If you have planets in Gemini, Virgo, or Capricorn in your natal chart, this may tame your Jupitarian energies.

Jupiter is a benefic planet, so everyone may find the benefits of this planet easier to obtain. However, if you have negative aspects to Jupiter or Jupiter is accidentally debilitated by house placement, you may experience more setbacks.


Sagittarius is a mutable sign (flexible) and a fire sign (energetic).





Jupiter in Pisces-The Fish of Jupiter

Jupiter+Pisces=A FAITHFUL SPIRIT!          Dignity (+5)


The fish have always been seen as spiritual and religious symbols throughout history. The have had the strongest connection with faith because of their ability to move wherever the ocean takes them.  Fish are the most common species known to man because no matter what side of the earth you live on, fish will be there.  While many fish are pushed along by the streams of water, there are several types of fish that migrate during breeding and feeding seasons. The salmon has the most well-known migration pattern, where they migrate long distances up rivers and streams to spawn. After breeding, the eggs hatch into salmon as well and migrate to the sea to mature for a few years. Eventually, when they get ready to spawn, just like their "parents" they will return to the place in which they hatched and the cycle will continue. There are several other forage fish that also make great migrations through water such as sardines and capelin. Of course, there are also fish that travel even futher distances across the high seas, particularly tuna fish and sharks.  These aquatic species normally travel to feed and can be found in many parts of the ocean.


Traditionally, Jupiter is considered in domicile in the sign of Pisces. Many modern astrologers have dismissed the idea that Jupiter is the ruling planet of Pisces (thus dismissing the idea that jupiter is in domicile in Pisces), and have instead embraced that Pisces is solely ruled by Neptune (the planet of illusions).  However, I do believe that Jupiter feels "at home" in this sign. Note: This is not to say that I do not believe Neptune also has an influence on the sign of Pisces. (See my Neptune section to learn more about its connection to this sign).

Jupiter is the planet of luck, chance, expansion, faith, philosophy, spirit, generosity, and morality.  Pisces is the sign of spirituality, dreams, hope, compassion, connection, and creativity.  In this sign, Jupiter can expand by connecting with the universe.  Jupiter finds its faith through spirituality, where dreams come alive in this sign.  In this sign, there is generosity motivated by compassion for mankind.  The combination of these two energies blesses the natives with a compassionate heart and a generous spirit.  They understand the suffering in the world and they truly want to do something to heal the suffering of others.  This is their "heroic" side; the side of these natives that wants to make the world a better place. There is a strong sense of faith and hope.  They believe that the world and the people in it can be good, thus they may travel to make their faith stronger.  They do not have to "see" something to believe it's there. These natives understand that there are things in this world that is spiritually motivated. They may make excellent religious leaders because they understand how divinity can influence and help us in the world.  As deep as these natives are, they can find the joy in just about anything! When they vacation, they may like to explore beaches or places with spiritual "connections" like temples or shrines. They are extremely adaptable, able to see the potential in even a normally dull celebration.  Because they are good at connecting with others, they know how to bring other people together from various walks of life.  Their mind is so broad, that they can see the connection their own culture has with another's. They may want to blend cultures together to make one unified culture!  These natives have a good sense of humor because they understand the natures of people. Its easy for them to laugh at silly situations or scenerios. They may enjoy situational comedy: creative comedy that makes light of everyday situations.  They have the potential to be great storytellers because they easily touch the imaginations of others. The content of their stories are creative and relatable. They may have stories with spiritual, moralistic, or philosophical content. Opportunities come to these natives because of their faith, hope, compassion, and creativity. 


The downside to this position is that the natives tend to be extremely idealistic and naive. They long to connect with the world and want to see the 'good' so much that they may overlook the bad. (this depends on other energies in the chart).  This is not to say that they cannot see it; they just prefer to focus on the positive. This can cause them a great deal of disappointments in life because they believe the world is better than it may really be.  If any position is susceptible to blind faith, it is this position.  Unless there are other discerning energies in the chart, they may have a tendency to follow what they have been taught by teachers or religious leaders religiously without questioning the reality of it all. And yet, they tend to be so impressionable emotionally that they can be easily swayed by a more "positive" religion or philosophy. They have a tendency to hope, pray, and wish for opportunities to expand their horizons and travel but may not want to work to open those doors for themselves (this depends on other energies in the chart). When they celebrate or party they have a tendency to be caught up in the moment, and they tend to lose track of time. They may live in a fantasy sometimes, seeing themselves as a "hero" in a fairytale land.  They must be careful that their heroic deeds don't become meddlesome. It's good to blend cultures when everyone is in agreement, but be mindful of those who want to preserve their culture without it being "tainted". You cannot spend your life wishing for opportunities to come; you must learn to take the time to open those doors for yourself. Beware of addictive behaviors.  This may block many of your opportunities.


You may relate to this description if you have Jupiter (planet of luck and expansion) in the 12th house (house of secrets, the hidden, and the sub-conscious).  If you have planets in Virgo, Gemini, or Capricorn this may tame some of your Jupitarian energies.

Jupiter is a "benefic" planet, which means that no matter how bad this position anyone can benefit from it. However, if you have negative aspects to Jupiter or Jupiter is accidentally debilitated by house placement, you may have more setbacks.  A debilitated placement for Neptune (Pisces other ruling planet) may cause also cause minor setbacks.


Pisces is a mutable sign (flexible) and a water sign (emotional).


Jupiter in Sagittarius Native:

Chris Hemsworth

Jupiter in Sagittarius Native:

Cameron Diaz

Jupiter in Pisces Native:

Drew Barrymore

Jupiter in Pisces Native: 

Tom Cruise

Jupiter in Cancer-The Crab of Jupiter

Jupiter+Cancer=A Nurturing Spirit!            Dignity (+4)


The Crab is considered to be one of the most adaptable creatures of land/sea.  There are a variety of different types of crabs. Some of them may live on land (terrestial crabs) for most of their lives, only to go near the sea to release their larvae there. Eventually, after living in the ocean as larvae for a short while, the young "terrestial" crab will migrate back to land.  Then there are crabs that live near freshwater (buried in the sand dunes) or crabs that live in oceans. All crabs have a strong connection with the sea. This is because many crabs have gills (like fish) and the sea is where they get their oxygen.  Even though this is so, crabs can survive for long periods of time on land, particularly if they find a moist place to hide from predators and prevent water loss. Some crabs are also capable of living under the sea for long periods of time, with the ability to propel through water such as with the Blue Crab. There are several major crab migrations known to mankind.  The Spider Crab migration is one of the most well known crab migrations across the sea. It can migrate up to 160ft deep into the ocean during its breeding season. Another famous crab migration is the migration of the Christmas Island red crab. These terrestial crabs mostly stay on land, but take a great migration towards the seashore in order to breed. Crabs usually migrate in numbers as this guarentees more protection against predators.


Jupiter is exalted in the sign of Cancer. This is perhaps one of the most controversial traditional dignities.  Jupiter is the planet of luck, expansion, philosophy, faith, and morality.  Cancer is the sign of tradition, support, nurture, protection, family, care, and home. Cancer is ruled by the moon, which is the "planet" of emotion, memories, and dreams. These energies may not seem compatible with to many people who read about the sign of cancer. However, it must be understood that an exaltation does not necessarily mean that the characteristics of the individual planet is EXACTLY like the sign. Unlike the dignity of domicile (that has ranking according to similar characteristics), the dignity of exaltation has ranking according to how much energy the planet has in this sign.  In the sign of Cancer, Jupiter can now put its faith and morals toward caring and supporting others.  Not only does it have can now protect its faith by giving it a place to call "home".  It can develop a sense of culture through its own family traditions.  It can understand others on a much deeper level; through the world of emotions.  Jupiter can be the hero it wants to be by protecting the needy. It can teach by nurturing and fostering its beliefs. It is obvious that in the sign of Cancer, Jupiter can go beyond "itself" and do more than in any other sign.  

Natives with Jupiter in Cancer are loyal, kind, and supportive.  They care about life and they are empathetic/sympathetic when it comes to other people.  They hate to see suffering and they have a need to support others and encourage others.  They have a "parental" way about them, where they have a need to protect someone and save someone from harm.  This is the "hero" in them; the side to them that wants to be a mother/father to everyone around them.  They genuinely want to make the world a better place. They love to teach others and to play a part in the growth of their "students".  They are eager to pass on their traditions and beliefs to others, especially to the young ones closest to them.  These natives want to provide a home to others and may like the idea of adopting children or animals.  In fact, they believe the need for home and family is a universal principle.  These natives love creating new memories and surprisingly they enjoy having new experiences as a result. They tend to take pictures or record all of their moments...they may even have a scrapbook of their adventures. They especially enjoy traveling or vacationing when it means getting away from stress. They tend to spend as much time as they can when they travel, especially if they feel comfortable where they have traveled. They may even relocate if they feel welcomed. These natives either love to travel or long to travel, especially to places where they can learn more about their own hertiage. They like to compare their cultural way of life with another; this is how they learn about the world.  They have a strong sense of culture and tradition, and they have deep respect for their cultural heritage.  A love of travel was fostered early on in these individuals through their family members. Traveling renews their appreciation for home and family.  Its not enough to travel to a new place...they want to feel like they belong there. These natives may have summer homes or winter lodges that they visit every year.  They may also enjoy family vacations where they can create new memories with the ones they love.  They want positive memories to last forever. These natives have strong intuition. They believe in things with all of their heart and they are loyal to the beliefs or philosophies they were taught (this depends on other energies in the chart).  Everything these natives do is for the sake of their happiness and the happiness of others. They love to celebrate with close family and friends. They tend to have traditional celebrations that they can enjoy ritually. They are extremely nostalgic, always longing to relive their positive experiences all over again. They love to laugh and may have a loony sense of humor.  Some people say they laugh at everything, simply because laughing makes them feel good. They may be really good at storytelling or storywriting because they know how to touch the emotions of people. Their storytelling style may include traditional morals and beliefs. They may also have themes that focus on home appreciation or family values. Opportunities come to them because they genuinely care about life and are always there to support others, especially their family members.  They may feel that women have been beneficial to their success in life.  


The downside to this position is that they are extremely rooted in their beliefs (depending on other energies in the chart).  Sometimes they may see the facts in front of them, but ignore it because of emotional familiarity.  They tend to go with the motions, doing what they've always done traditionally even if they don't truly believe that it is right.  They tend to be extremely idealistic about the world, expecting other foriegn places to be welcoming and caring about them.  Most natives with planets in exaltation have the need to be honored, and natives with this position may literally want to be treated like an "honored guest" wherever they go. This sometimes causes disappointments when other cultures do not have the same manner of approaching things that they would have.  They tend to compare other nations or cultures with theirs.  They also have a tendency to overemphasize where they come from or what they've experienced, causing others to be exasperated.  They tend to go on their "gut" feelings on matters...yet sometimes their "gut" may lead them down dangerous paths.  They have a tendency to be overindulgent, eating excessively or drinking too much.  They must learn to see things for what they are.  If you don't believe it in your heart, then there is no sense in holding on to something for the sake of tradition, familiarity, or from a fear of disappointing family members.  It's good to care about others, but you must learn to decipher those who have your best interest or your worst, even among family members.  You must accept that others may not have the same beliefs that you do.  Release a little of your emotions from your beliefs in order to get true understanding and perspective. Beware of meddling too much in other people's problems. The way you may remember an experience now may not have been exactly how it was then.


You may relate to this description if you have Jupiter (planet of luck, philosophy, and expansion) in the 4th house (house of family, home, and traditions).  If you have planets in Capricorn, Virgo, or Gemini, this may tame some of your Jupitarian energies.

Jupiter is 'benefic' for all natives which means anyone can benefit from this planet no matter how bad the position. However, if you have negative aspects to Jupiter/Moon, planets in signs that the moon does not agree with (Capricorn or Scorpio), the moon is debilitated by sign placement, or Jupiter/Moon is accidentally debilitated by house placement, than you may have more setbacks when trying to gain the benefits of Jupiter.  Because Cancer is ruled by the moon (the planet of feminity), women may embrace the energies of this planetary more readily than the men with this position.  


Cancer is a cardinal sign (initiating) and a water sign (emotional).




Jupiter in Cancer Native: 

Janet Jackson

Jupiter in Cancer Native:

John Mayer

Jupiter in Capricorn-The Goat of Jupiter

Jupiter+Capricorn=An Ambitious Spirit         Debility (-4)


In astrology, the sign of Capricorn depicts the symbol of the sea-goat Pricus. In the Greek legends, he was the father of all goats before goats eventually migrated to land and became the four-legged goats we know of today.  This is representative of a creature that is capable of climbing the highest mountain and swimming to the depths of the sea.

For the sake of this description, I will be using "goats" as symbol to help describe the nature of this position. 

In astrology, "the goat" is a symbol of ambition.  Goats are creatures that are known for their intelligence and inquisitiveness.  When they want to escape, they are known to be ambitious, resorting to digging from under a fence to escape or opening the "gate" that locked them in. They are capable of climbing up various things, from a mountain to even a tree!  Their jumping abilities also aid them when they are trying to reach high places.  Goats were the first animals to be domesticated by man. Their milk has been used by human beings long before the milk of a cow. Goats recognize each other by their "calls" rather than by the way another goat looks.  In fact, researchers have discovered that goats even have accents according to their social groups. Goats are social animals and need to be around other goats.  Goats have excellent vision (3D periphery vision), especially in nocturnal situations. In many cultures, the goat has been symbol representing mischief, and have been depicted in certain cultures as the "devil" or a devilish creature.


Jupiter is considered falling in the sign of Capricorn, which means the energy of the planet is weak and needs help from outsiders. Jupiter is the planet of luck, chance, philosophy, and morality.  Capricorn is the planet of ambition, success, conservatism, obstacles, and respect.  This sign is ruled by the planet Saturn which represents limitations, discipline, structure, and order.  In this sign, Jupiter feels limited in the areas it would like to expand.  In this sign, Jupiter struggles to find a place for its moral beliefs and faith here, unless something tangible is present.  In this sign, Jupiter is stuggling to be a hero in a sign focused on personal ambition.  Jupiter also struggles to find opporunity around all of the obstacles in the way.  The combination of this energy may indicate natives that struggle to have faith in life and humanity.  There is in fact a loss of faith because of the need to see life realistically.  Its not that these natives don't have faith in ANYTHING...its just they only have faith in those things that can give them tangible results.  They have an enthusiastic spirit when it comes to their career or personal ambitions. And yet, its this enthusiasm for personal ambition that makes them feel cold towards the world. They sometimes can't help this; their career always seems to be the only thing that makes them happy.  When they do believe in something, they tend to be very conservative and rigid, following the rules so fantatically that they look down on others who do not conform to this "righteous" rulebook. They may want to have more opportunities in life and may wish for their life to be easier. After all, who wants to live a hard life?  Yet, their life always seems to be a struggle to them.  This is coming mainly from their attitude rather than from any actual lack of luck.  They are the types that feel that in order to live a good life, they would have to be successful in the world.  Because of their attitudes, they may actually miss opportunities, afraid that those opportunities could interfere with ambition.  They may find it hard to celebrate the victories of others because they always feel left behind.  They tend to be jealous of those who have life easier than they do.  They may travel for the sake of their career, but may not be inspired from the journey of meeting and learning about different people and things. Natives of this position must work on their attitudes. Not everything in life comes with a price.  Success cannot always guarentee a happy life.  It might help to take a vacation outside of the country into places where life is much harder than yours.  From this experience, you will find more contentment and understand the true meaning of "happiness".  Avoid latching on to philosophies or religions just because they excuse your worldy need for success.  Try to get in touch with your moralistic or caring side.  Make your ambition something that can help others rather than yourself.  


The upside to this position is that they are bred to be sucessful in whatever career they set their sights on.  Unlike other signs, they are willing to work hard and go anywhere in the world to achieve it.  Surprisingly, they are happy when they have a goal to achieve and enjoy working towards that goal.  The good thing about these natives is that they have a moderate view of success.  They may not do things to excess like other natives because they know their limits. They also respect cultural boundaries, and they expect others to respect their cultural preservation. They make good teachers as a result who will teach their 'students' how to work hard to make their dreams a reality.  While other natives may suffer from disappointments as a result of idealism, Jupiter in Capricorns may not be as susceptible to such disappointing idealisms.  They are prepared for setbacks, and thus they can avoid making careless mistakes or taking chances that would hurt them in the long run.  In this way they are "lucky" because they can see things clearly.  They become "heroes" who want to save the world in realistic ways, such as helping reverse economic setbacks or helping through tutoring/mentoring programs.  Believe it or not, they do love to travel...they just need to be prepared for where they are going.  With a solid plan and understanding of wherever they are going, they will be more willing to jump on these opportunities. They tend to have a deadpan sense of humor, and they enjoy humor with a bit of sarcasm. When they aren't working toward their ambitions, they do like to have a good time and can be very sociable.  Because they don't get a chance to have a good time like other natives they get more excited than the average person when they get to go to a party or celebration, especially if they are celebrating their own success. You'd be surprised to see them having fun...yet they never get carried away. They do make good storywriters because their stories often reflect the ups and downs in their own life, as well as their own climb to reach their ambitions.  Opportunities come to them because they are focused and hardworking.  


You may relate to this description if you have Jupiter (planet of luck and expansion) in the 10th house (house of ambition and social prestige).  If you have planets in Cancer, Sagittarius, or Pisces, you may find it easier to gain Jupiterian energy.

Jupiter is a "benefic" planet, therefore anyone can gain the benefits of this planet much wasier than most.  If you have positive aspects to Jupiter/Saturn, planets in signs that Jupiter/Saturn agrees with (Pisces, Sagittarius, sometimes Cancer, Libra, sometimes Capricorn, or Aquarius); Saturn is dignified by sign placement, or Jupiter/Saturn is accidentally debilitated by house placement, then you may have even more advantages when trying to gain the benefits of this planet.


Capricorn is a cardinal sign (initiating) and an earth sign (physical).




Jupiter in Capricorn Native:

Katy Perry

Jupiter in Capricorn Native:


Jupiter in Gemini-The Twins of Mercury

Jupiter+Gemini=a dubious spirit                  Debility (-5)


The sign of Gemini in astrology is typically the only zodiac sign that represents two separate human beings.  Twins are usually formed in the womb at the same time.  There are two types of twins. Monozygotic twins (identical) are twins born from one zygote that eventually split and form two embryos.  Dizygotic twins (fraternal) can usually be developed from two different eggs, and are fertilized by two different sperm cells at the same time.  Twins have a special connection than most other siblings. This is because these siblings usually continue to experience life together from youth onward.  Some twins may be very similar to one another and close with one another; yet others may be so completely different each other.  There are twins that may be the same gender, and yet there are also twins that may be two different genders.  The phenomenon of twins have perplexed many cultures.  Many cultures may see them as lucky...yet some cultures also see them as a form of bad luck. In many mythologies they could either be depicted as having strong bonds or they may be depicted as being completely rivals.  In many cultures they are shown as representing good and evil forces (the "good" twin and "evil" twin) .  Of course, twins in mythology could be represented as doppelgangers or shadows of one another as well. In Greek mythology (as well as others) they were often seen as dualistic natures of one another such as in the case with Apollo and Artemis, as well as Castor and Pollux (the very inspiration behind the sign of Gemini represents).  Twins have also been representative of telepathy; the ability to transmit other people's thoughts as well as read the thoughts of others.


This may be surprising to many, but Jupiter is in detriment in the sign of Gemini.  However, when we honestly observe these two energies and their representations, we can get a better idea as to why Jupiter would feel uncomfortable in such an adaptable sign.

Jupiter is the planet of luck, chance, expansion, growth, morality, philosophy, spirituality, and beliefs.  Gemini is the sign of adaptability, changeability, communication, and duality. Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury which is the planet of logic, communication, transportation, and skills. In this sign, like in any sign, Jupiter is usually "in search" of a place to put its moral beliefs and its faith.  It is a planet that is also looking to expand and grow from experiences in life. Jupiter wants to see the "bigger picture" and be a hero or role model for others to follow.  In Gemini, Jupiter finds itself in a sign that is changeable, dualistic, and much more logical than it is.  In this sign, morals are lost in a world of curiosity.  Experiences are available, but not long lasting.  Deep understanding is often tossed aside for superficial knowledge. So the question does this affect the natives with this position?  Jupiter in Gemini natives may want to experience life.  They may long to travel and may even be curious about other cultural beliefs.  Yet, these natives may find themselves more interested in the "destination" rather than the "journey". Sometimes, they may be caught between broadening their horizons/creating a better future vs being in the middle of what is happening around them/living "here and now".  They may long to broaden their experiences in life, and yet when they take long those long journies, they tend to get anxious and ready to see new experiences before letting the last one sink in. They may prefer the quickest methods to reach their destination and may not see the benefit of taking a "longer yet meaningful" route that may help them to appreciate the journey a lot more. In the end, the experience becomes dead to them (with a 'been there done that' attitude), and they end up simply wanting to move on to something new. Many of these natives find themselves trying to grow by satisfying curiosity immediately, only to be dissatisfied. This is a person that leaves a destination with more questions than answers. On their journey, they may also overlook the deeper meaning of their experiences for the sake of getting the facts. In some instances, they may not see the benefit in going deeper into their studies beyond what can be researched and examined logically.  In this way they often lose their inner emotional connections with life. They have a tendency to get overly enthusiastic about knowing every little detail and unconcerned about how these little details can benefit them as a person. Because they learn through communicating and transporting, they may get uncomfortable traveling to places where the language and the way of getting about is foreign. There may be a conflict of natures in the native, in which the native yearns for a meaningful connection to life, but their natures are too changeable.  They never seem to put too much faith in one philosophy or one belief at a time. (This depends on other energies in the chart). Their morality has a dual nature to it.  Depending on other energies in the chart, they may believe in doing "the right thing" according to what they were taught is right.  And yet, their curiosity or their need to experience new things may cloud their moral principles.  Therefore, their morals are unpredictable to the point they may try to convince themselves that "the new experience" is way more worth it.  Jupiter in gemini natives struggle to understand people who don't think like they do.  They must learn to take the time to get to know other people and their ideas on a deeper level.  Jupiter in Gemini natives need to slow down in order to gain understanding.  There will be more satisfaction in life when you get in tune with your spiritual side. Beware of using trickery and deceit to gain advantages or new experiences.


The upside to this position is that natives are adapatable and open-minded.  Sure, they may not care to believe in something completely, but this is also what keeps their mind open to new thoughts and opinions.  They love to experience new things and because of their open mindedness, their need for experience is probably broader than any other Jupitarian position.  They are adaptable and curious about life.  They are actually extremely enthusiastic because they are eager to try just about anything.  They love to have a good time and celebrate with others. They especially enjoy celebrating local cultural events, where they can interact with others and try a variety of activities.  If its one thing these natives do not like it's a dull life.  They are always up to mischief, yet they know how to liven up the mood.  Because of their dual morality, they can helpful to many different people, at many different times, and in many different ways.  While their "hero complex" is not necessarily strong, they like to be active helpers within a movement for a cause. They may not believe in too many things that strongly, but one thing they do believe in is trying new things and being open to new experiences. They are also good at helping foriegners adapt to new countries/nations/or cities. They make excellent tour guides.  They are also good make excellent teachers in the language arts fields. These natives are extremely humorous.  They enjoy humor that is clever and relatable.  Their storywriting style usually includes content that is relatable to a variety of different audiences.  They may enjoy clever storytelling, where the ending of the story is unexpected and leaves more questions than answers. Opportunities come to these natives because they are clever, creative, and communicative. 


You may relate to this description is you have Jupiter (planet of luck, expansion, and philosophy) in the 3rd house (house of communication and the mind).  If you have planets in Cancer, Pisces, or Sagittarius you may have more Jupitarian energy to help you gain benefits.

Jupiter is a benefic planet, therefore anyone can gain the benefits of this planet no matter how uncomfortable their placement of Jupiter.  If you have positive aspects to Jupiter/Mercury, planets in signs that Mercury agrees (Virgo, Gemini, or Aquarius), Mercury is dignified by sign placement, or Mercury/Jupiter are accidentally dignified by house placement, you may gain more advantages when trying to get the benefits of Jupiter.


Gemini is a mutable sign (flexible) and an air sign (mental).



Jupiter in Gemini Native:

Kanye West

Jupiter in Gemini Native:

Shania Twain

Jupiter in Virgo-The Virgan of Jupiter

Jupiter+Virgo=an apathetic spirit               Debility (-5)


In astrology, the sign of Virgo is represented by an "angel-like" creature that is half bird, half human.  This figure is representative of the female Dike, a "perfect" human according to Greek tales that lived during the times when humans were perfect.  As the human world became more unrighteous, she began to be disgusted by the imperfect world and using her bird-like wings eventually flew into the heavens.  For the sake of this description I will be using the bird species to help describe the nature of Virgo.  After all, the other part of this sign is connected to the bird. 

Birds have always been a symbol of divinity and purity. Some birds are a symbol of goodness, often being portrayed in folklore as wise counselors. Some cultures would portray birds as messengers of certain dieties, mediating between the human world and the spirit world as oracles. Birds in some cultures may be a symbol of life, wisdom, strength and love. However, some cultures have regarded birds as symbols of "bad luck" or misfortune, with a strong connection to death and deceit.  Birds are a winged species of animal that are capable of flying. (Of course, there are some birds who cannot fly, using their wings for other reasons).  Birds have always been connected to travel because compared to most "surface" animals, they are capable of traveling long distances in a short period of time. Several Birds typically migrate long distances to either breed or because of climate conditions that make finding food scarce or living conditions harsh.  They usually fly along a "flyway", usually a route where there are hardly any mountains or high canyons in the way, with a good source of food along the route.   The Arctic Tern bird travels the longest distance when migrating, crossing from the Arctic to the Antarctic. According to researchers, the earth's magnetic field as well as their own mental map could be involved in their navigational abilities. Of course, only 1800 of 10,000 bird species migrate long distances regularly. Many birds are stationary, staying around the area near their nesting grounds. Many birds may only have "partial migration" patterns, where they may only migrate under certain conditions.


Jupiter is considered in detriment in the sign of Virgo.  Jupiter is the planet of luck, chance, broadness, philosophy, ideals, morality, spirituality, and faith.  Virgo is the sign of discernment, perfection, analysis, details, and hard work.  Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, logic, transportation, and skills.  In this sign, Jupiter struggles to be comfortable.   Jupiter does not have enough room to expand because everything feels narrow in the sign of Virgo.  Jupiter is looking to see "the big picture", but this is a sign all about the little details.  Lucky opportuntities are shaded behind the discerning qualities of Virgo.  Natives with this position are often cautious about traveling and expanding into unknown territory.  It's not that they aren't capable of traveling and adapting to new situations if they have to...they are simply more skeptical than others.  The biggest issue is that they don't have much of an adventurous spirit (this depends on other energies in the chart).  They prefer to travel to places that are more similar to what they are used to.  They get uncomfortable when they don't speak the same language as those around them, and they get uncomfortable with unfamiliar customs. They tend to be critical and they have a tendency to discriminate against other people's customs and beliefs.  They are hesitant to conform or be involved in customs or traditions outside of what they deem as "normal".  This can make them seem judgmental and narrowminded.  They may struggle to take chances on opportunities that are "handed" to them.  The truth is, they may truly want to gain opportunities more easily.  But they are really afraid that with those opportunitites may be disappointments. This is why they tend to have a conflict of natures, where they want opportunities and they want to broaden their minds, but they are naturally critical and detail-oriented.  They make life harder for themselves because of their lack of trust. While they are capable of having faith, they only believe in things that can be logically proven or seen.  This can make them seem rigid in their beliefs. Natives with this position must learn to trust themselves.  The only way to live life is to enjoy it.  Just live your life and forget about the details for a while. If you work too hard, life may seem really stressful in the long run. Beware of placing your standard of right and wrong onto others.  Discrimination is considered morally 'wrong' in many societies.


The upside to this position is that unlike other Jupitarian natives, when they take on a job they actually ENJOY it.  To workmates and others who absolutely hate to work, they may seem like the 'biggest optimist'.  They get excited when they have something to do, and believe it or not they enjoy helping others.  They have a humble yet heroic side to them, and they do want to make the world a better place.  They are more practical than most Jupitarian natives, yet they are always finding time to help neighbors and friends in their community.  In fact, these natives believe that whatever resources or benefits they get (or the resources others get), should be given back to the communities that they came from.  These natives appreciate everything they have been taught and nothing they learn ever goes to waste.  As teachers, they always want to make sure that their students can make use of whatever they are teaching them.  They may focus on teaching pupils how to work and develop skills in the real world.  They make really good mentors, job trainers, and even tutors.  They also make good guidance counselors.  They may appreciate stories that have moral lessons on how to overcome real world problems.  They tend to enjoy ironic and satirical humor.  When these natives work hard, they can achieve anything.  Opportunities come to them from their own hard work. In the end, they feel more satisfied with the idea that they truly earned their opportunities.  When they are not working to secure their life, they actually do know how to have a good time.  They love to celebrate after a long day of work and may feel more comfortable than most partying with their bosses and workmates.  They like to participate in events taking place in their communities; to them this is their way of 'giving back'.  They are highly adaptable when it comes to their working environments, and may be willing to travel long distances to sustain or find work.  (This depends on other energies in the chart).


You may relate to this description if you have Jupiter (planet of luck and expansion) in the 6th house (house of work and health).  If you have planets in signs such as Cancer, Pisces, or Sagittarius, you may find Jupitarian energy easier to obtain.

Jupiter is a 'benefic' planet, therefore any native can gain the benefits of Jupiter no matter how uncomfortable their position.  If you have positive aspects to Jupiter/Mercury, planets in signs that Mercury agrees with (sometimes virgo and gemini, as well as Aquarius); Mercury is dignified by sign position, or Mercury/Jupiter is accidentally dignified by house placement, you may have more advantages when trying to gain the benefits of Jupiter.


Virgo is a mutable sign (flexible) and an earth sign (physical).



Jupiter in Virgo Native:

Cate Blanchett

Jupiter in Virgo Native:

Will Smith


And Its Dignities And Debilities

Dignities and Debilities

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