The "planet" Pluto is named after the god of the underworld (the Greek equivalent of this god was Hades). He was originally a god that ruled over the mines and all the precious gems and metals that were usually found in underground caverns. He normally resided in the palace of the underworld, and anyone who crossed this place would have their very souls trapped by his clutches. There was no escape when you entered this place (the underworld was usually guarded by his three-headed dog Cerberus). He was thus considered the "judge of the dead" because all those who died a normal death (rather than a righteous one) would become one of the souls of the underworld. In some accounts, it was noted that even when coming even close to the entrance of this place, a person could "feel" death approaching. Tartarus was the name of Pluto's dungeon, where the dead would be judged and the wicked were punished (this was also where the Titans were imprisoned). While Pluto was a god that normally represented "dark" creatures of the world, he was described as looking physically pale, possibly to represent a deadened appearance.
He was most well known for kidnapping/raping Proserpina (in Greek her names was Persephone), who was the goddess of fertility and vegetation. She was the daughter of Ceres (Demeter), the goddess of grain and agriculture. There are many tales that explain how Pluto was driven to fall in love with this maiden Proserpina. While the Greek tales depicted him as a merciless god when it came to his abduction of Persephone/Proserpina, one of the Roman accounts indicate that Venus was responsible for his love to the goddess Prosperina when she sent her son Cupid to hit Pluto with his arrow. Yet, Ceres was so distraught by her daughter's disappearance, she caused the world to lose its vegetation. Proserpina was thus granted permission by Pluto to go to the surface, but not without a price. He had her eat pomgranate seeds (seeds that meant one could never rejoin the world of the living), thus she had to stay with Pluto for six months throughout the year. This is a story that represented the changing seasons and the death of vegetation that happens during the winter months. This is also why many Romans have affiliated Pluto with Winter and many Romans worshipped him around this time. The interesting (and yet contradictory) part of Pluto is that he was regarded as a loving husband to Prosperina, despite the fact that he abducted her and forced her to be his queen. He was sometimes depicted as having deep sympathy for lovers who were parted by death, as he considered the thought of his own separation from his wife. Pluto is the brother of Jupiter (Zeus) and Neptune (Poseidon). They had split up several parts of the world between them with Jupiter ruling over the sky, Neptune ruling over the seas, and Pluto ruling over the underworld. Some people have refered to Pluto as a "rich" god because he was considered to live among all of the "wealth" below us (he is often confused with the god Plutus, the god of wealth).
Astronomically, Pluto was at one time considered one of the "nine" major planets in our solar system. However, in 2005 Pluto was no longer considered one of the major "planets" and was instead classified as a "dwarf planet" or plutoid because its size would not match that of an actual "planet". It is however the largest "dwarf" planet orbiting the sun, and the first of the binary planetary systems. It is mostly made of ice and rock. There are times when this planet will orbit in closer range to the sun than even Neptune. While there are astronomers that no longer consider this object a "planet", there are some astronomers that would prefer to classify this "dwarf" planet (and all dwarf planets) as actual "planets". Pluto has five known moons: Charon (the largest moon), Styx, Nix, Kerberos, and Hydra. The object was discovered in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh. The name "Pluto" was actually thought of by an eleven-year-old girl (her age at that time) whose name was Venetia Burney. This name was eventually passed on to researchers that made it official. Pluto is considered by some researchers to be one of the darkest objects near the sun, because of its distance.
While astronomically Pluto is not considered a "planet", in modern astrology it is considered a part of the planetary system. This should be of no surprise...after all astrologers also consider the sun (a star astronomically) and the moon (an orbiting satellite) to be classified as planets astrologically as well. And considering how large this "dwarf" planet is, many astrologers believe its size may be connected to its influence in the solar system.
In astrology, this planet is one of the newly discovered generational planets, (along with Uranus and Neptune) which in astrology are classified as "universal" planets. This planet is also classified as an "outer" planet, along with Uranus and Neptune, as well as Saturn and Jupiter. Unlike the more personal "inner" planets (the sun, the moon, mercury, Venus, and Mars), the "outer" planets usually represents those times in our lives when we want to experience the "outer" world and be apart of it. Of course, even the "outer" planets are separated in two different classifications. Jupiter and Saturn are considered "social" planets, planets that represent our need to conform and be apart of society. The "universal" planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) represent our need to be apart of something much greater/deeper than our everyday experiences.
Pluto is the planet of death, transformation/regeneration, destruction, depth, darkness, loss, trauma, and ultimately power. As human beings, we have an inborn need for power over our lives. And this deep need for power is exactly what this planet is motivated by. It is the kind of planet that is deep...forcing us to go into the very core of our being and the beings of those around us. It is a planet that makes an impact on our very lives, causing us to feel a deeper change inside of ourselves. In this way, it is similar to the planet Uranus. However, while Uranus works to change our physical environment so that we may feel more mentally and physically "free", Pluto is a planet that wants us to look inside of ourselves and see what is really there. Thus, this is a planet that causes changes that impact us more traumatically on an emotional level, simply to empower us. Uranus's focus is on breaking molds or breaking free from limiting institutions; Pluto's focus is on taking back control and empowering ourselves. Uranus will motivate us to take up marches, organizations, and or revolt in some way against such limiting systems. Whereas Pluto will motivate us to riot or destroy a system that has taken from us, oppressed us, or has caused trauma in our lives. Another immediate difference between these two reformative planets is the fact that Uranus is a planet that happens spontaneously and loudly, without warning...while Pluto happens in a subtle or secretive way, where individuals can almost FEEL its presence in the atmosphere but cannot actually see it unless one was searching for it. For better understanding of this planet's energy, an individual would have to discover the depths of their own soul. This is why Pluto also represents our "darkest" intentions. Deep hatred, jealousy, revenge, obsession, and greed are all elements affiliated with the planet Pluto. These qualities are emotions that many of us may try to bury deep inside of us because as human beings we know these emotions can be destructive.
Pluto is considered the "higher octave" of Mars. There are many similarities between Mars and Pluto. Mars is the planet of action and aggression. Mars is a planet that represents our fighting spirit. Pluto is also a planet that wants to "fight", albeit on a "deeper" level than Mars. Mars is a planet that represents our need to fight outer fears and be courageous in the face of our everyday world. It is an impulsive energy that simply wants to take action and get something accomplished immediately. Pluto is driving from a different force. Pluto is not the kind of planet that is satisfied with accomplishing daily tasks...Pluto wants to destroy whatever has taken from it. Therefore, Pluto represents our inner fighting intentions in order to gain power. Mars can show us what we fear in the outside world; Pluto can show us the very thing we fear inside of us. Mars and Pluto also equally influence our sexuality. Yet, Mars is more interested in our own sexual activities, personal sexual energies, and sexual motivations. Pluto is more interested in the transformative energy of sex, coming from our overall sexual intentions ( as well as our deep understanding of it). If we use the energy of Mars, and we "win" or succeed, our Sun energy (the energy of the ego) usually becomes much stronger. If we use the energy of Mars, and we "lose" or we are unsuccessful...Plutonic energy becomes much stronger. You see, Pluto is a planet that is fed from loss. Not just a loss of a game or an unsuccessful career choice. Pluto also represents losses of more greater value...the loss of a lover, a lifestyle...anything that is of value to us that we may have lost. And the greater the loss feels to us, the stronger the powers of Pluto become. The ultimate loss is felt when we enounter death...or deadly experiences and trauma. These are instances when we experience a loss of our "normal" everyday lives. Something may have been taken from us...we may have experienced a natural disaster, rape, or abduction. We may have even experienced the effects of war. When we experience loss, that is when we begin to desire power and we may seek to revive what was lost or forgotten. The desire for power can be stronger than anything, because with power we may feel like we can do anything. Even the energy of Mars may not feel like enough to fight our deepest trauma. With Pluto, we don't fight...we hunt and we are out to destroy whatever (or whoever) it was that has "stolen" from us what is valuable. This is why Pluto may also represent criminals, law enforcement, and anyone that is in governmental power. On a lighter note, it can also represent little things that we have lost such as keys to a door, identification, or even research. Lost worlds and lost artifacts is also apart of Pluto's domain. Pluto is one of the planets of discovery, along with Jupiter and Uranus. While Jupiter encourages travel to discover and Uranus encourages experimenting to discover, Pluto encourages us to hunt and investigate to discover. Plutonic energy will motivate us to dig beneath any surface. By digging beneath the surface, we discover things about ourselves (and others). We may even discover the hidden parts of the world! This is why Pluto is highly connected to miners, researchers, detectives, and archaeologists. Pluto is normally regarded as a planet representing darkness and everything dark. Pluto is even said to represent the "black race", people of African decent. Of all nations of people, the descendants of the African continent may understand the powers of Pluto more than any other group of people. The loss of land, dignity, and even their livlihood is why this race really has a need for power. Pluto also represents dark or intense experiences. Anything that is socially taboo (sex, drugs, the need for danger) can be found under the dominion of Pluto. This is when Mars and Pluto work together; Mars goes seeking challenges and Pluto presents the dangers we are looking for. Pluto is a planet that not only represents our own personal need for power and control in our lives, we may may also use this power to influence and control others. With the energy of Pluto we want to make an impact on the feelings of others. Pluto represents our obsessions and our compulsive urges.
Pluto is honestly a planet that is trying to improve/regain the ego (represented by the sun's energy), which is our life force. This is because when we lose our life force we lose everything...and Pluto will fight the urge of death or face death with all that it has. Pluto has an all-or-nothing energy. Its either life or death, love or hate, eat or be eaten, evil or good, genius or insanity. Pluto wants us to feel all of our planetary energies on that deep level so that we may hold on to whatever it is that we desire, or be willing to let it go when we need to. How we deepen our planetary understanding depends highly on the sign Pluto is in as well as its house placements. Pluto can represent those things that are haunting us, as if trying to force us to come to terms with whatever has happened. Pluto starts with revealing our dark flaws, and by working to overcome these "inner" dark flaws we will begin to see the intensity of our strengths. This is why Pluto also represents the light in the darkness. Once we make it through the darkness, we will be able to "transform" or heal.
If Plutonic energy is strong in a person's natal chart, they will be powerful and influential in the world no matter what they do. They know that no one can overpower them, because the power lies from within. They are fully aware of themselves and capable of using their powers to heal humanity. They understand the thin line between life and death. They are "hunters" who are always on a search for self-discovery. If there is too much Plutonic energy, the natives may be controlling and extreme. They may be so obsessed with things that "inner" change could be difficult to achieve. They may especially be obsessed with power and they may be ruthless (even merciless) towards those around them. They may not take loss well and may constantly have power struggles with others. They will have strong compulsive energies. If Plutonic energy is blocked, the natives will constantly try to ignore their "inner" world. They may constantly be in denial of their own inner "darkness". They may make excuses for their extreme behavior, and may pretend to be interested in others with only the intentions for power. They may even use outside resources as a means to gain power, rather than searching for that power inside of themselves. Self-discovery may seem like the scariest part of life for these natives...devastating even. They may constantly have "inner" power struggles. They may struggle to be influential or maintain influence when in powerful positions. Pluto has the most versatility as far as its transit through the signs. It can spend about 12 years to almost 31 years in each sign, depending on its yearly transit. Regardless, it has shown to be transiting one sign throughout an entire generation.
The followiing descriptions represent possibilites of this planet's dignities or debilities, as with all of the planets in signs. While many of the generations with these positions have not been encountered in the modern world it is still interesting to see the possible energies that can come from this planet at its best (or worse). And who knows, maybe future generations may learn from this description upon discovery of this website. :D
Pluto in Scorpio-The Scorpions of Pluto
Pluto+Scorpio=POWERFUL INTENTIONS!!! Dignity (+5)
Scorpions have always been a symbol of evil, sexual penetration, and betrayal. This is because the behavior of the Scorpion is very much in line with these characteristics. The Scorpion is known for being a small, yet venomous creature. Its venom can take down even the biggest animal. The interesting part is, the scorpion controls whether the venom will be used or not, even after penetration. Some of the smallest and more beautiful Scorpions tend to have more fatal venom. Penetration from the Scorpion is usually done from their stinger at the tip of their tail. While they normally use their pincers to get a hold of things (whether it is prey or a mate), they usually use their stingers in extremely threatening situations. Scorpions are ruthless arachnids who fight to kill. They are tactile hunters and they usually capture their prey by ambushing them. They usually reside in dark and moist places where they can both protect themselves from predators as well as hunt for prey without being noticed. They are good at digging burrows, waiting very still until their prey is in their clutches. What may surprise many is that the Scorpion has a lot of control over its metabolism. It can go several months without a meal, therefore hunting is not a stressful job for them. They are just simply opportunists that won't let a meal slip through their fingers. Their exoskeleton is usually made to defend them against attacks. Many say that Scorpions are hard to kill, even if you freeze them for a number of days. The color of their bodies also are a means of protection. Scorpions are said to glow under ultra-violet light, which could also be involved with their defensive tactics. Scorpions do not have good vision, despite the fact that they may have as many as 6 to 12 eyes. However, they can tell the dfference between night and day because they are very sensitive to light that is cast by shadows. They usually use their sensory organs to "smell" their prey. Scorpions are nocturnal creatures, which means they are mostly active at night.
According to modern astrologers, Pluto is considered to be in domicile in the sign of Scorpio. This often causes controversy among astrologers because some still follow the traditional system that has Mars set up as Scorpio's ruling planet, and thus Mars is classified as being in domicile in the sign of Scorpio in this system. In my opinion, I believe that the sign of Scorpio is influenced by both energies, therefore I also believe that both planets can be "at home" in this sign. (See my webpage about Mars to learn more).
Pluto is the planet of death, regeneration/transformation, depth, loss, darkness, and ultimately power. Scorpio is the sign of regeneration, passion/intensity, extremism, sexuality, and power. In this sign, Pluto feels very comfortable because Scorpio has a powerful energy. There is much transformation/regeneration that can occur in a sign focused on that very idea. Pluto can truly go into the depths of its power and influence the world with a passionate soul. We can only imagine how this energy will affect the natives with this position.
This is a generation that is looking for power over their lives. They may be willing to do whatever it takes to gain power, even if it will cost them dearly. They may have experienced deep and traumatic losses that almost seem impossible to reclaim on a physical level. Yet, this is what drives this generation to discover more about themselves. They are always on a road to self-discovery, usually by getting to the very core of all of their problems or pains so that they may never feel the same pain again. Believe it or not, they may be very much afraid of their dark feelings. Fortunately, their need to understand these deeper parts of themselves will help them direct/control these feelings at will. They seem to have powerful "regenerative" powers, capable of suffering a blow and still going about their everyday lives as if it was nothing. This is a generation that not only wants power in their own lives, but they may also want to make an impact on the lives of others. The may want to create a legacy that will never die. They may be able to use any field of choice to influence others because no matter what they do, they do it with passion and intensity. This is a generation that is highly investigative. They are "hunters" who want to know the true meaning of life and death in their own lives. They may do well as detectives or as scientific researchers. They may also do well in archaeological fields. Because of their strong ties to death (and their tough interior and exterior) they may even make excellent morticians. This is a generation that understands sex very well. They know what it is capable of doing to an individual, including to themselves. Their sexual intentions usually come from wanting to understand their own sexual powers (and the sexual powers of another). It may even come from a need for intense or scary experiences in their lives. They may be able to influence others with their sexual powers. And trust me they may have a lot of sexual charisma! They have a strong fascination with occult and taboo practices. They may be fascinated with alchemy, scientific mutations, as well as mystical powers that lie within any entity. This generation may work in ways that we can't always see, but the impact they make on others can never usually be forgotten. This generation may be interested in the revival of things that were once dead, lost, or forgotten.
As with every position, there is a downside to this kind of energy. Because this is a generation that wants power, they can be merciless with anyone that has (or tries) to take that power away from them. This is of course because of their natural vengeful nature. This may be a generation of youths that are constantly fighting, debating, and/or competing in some way with siblings or other peers, in the hopes of gaining power over another. As this generation gets older, they will be more determined to gain power. It could produce some of the most subtle, yet dangerous minds in the world. They are a generation that may have a criminal mind, where they either understand them or think as a criminal would. This is a very destructive quality...not just for the outside world, but honestly it can be self-destructive to the individuals who think in this way. While this is a generation that absorbs trauma with resiliance, the weak minded of this generation will be the most vengeful and cruel. Continuous loss may result in powerlessness, but this only makes a Pluto in Scorpio native more dangerous. This generation may have internal struggles with their own sexuality. There may also be power stuggles between the sexes. The cosmic lesson for this generation is to develop self-control and moderate their tendencies. In order to do this, they have to think outside of their dark feelings and get in tune with their more rational energies. It would be best if they search for those energies in their natal chart that are much more reasonable and logical. They must ask themselves this question: Is it truly worth it? If they can focus more on the good rather than the bad, they will be less destructive and may become a more influential person in the world. Remember the real power comes from within. If they continue to fight outside forces in order to satisfy inner fears and pain, they will only feel more powerless. They should avoid using sex as means to have power over others.
Natives with Pluto in the 8th house (house of transformation and debts) may relate to this description. If the native has planets in signs such as Taurus or Aquarius in their natal chart, this may tame their plutonic energies for better or for worse (especially from "inner" planets).
If there are negative aspects to Pluto (especially from "inner" planets), or Pluto is accidentally debilitated by house placement there may be more setbacks when trying to gain the benefits of this planet.
Scorpio's other ruling planet is Mars...therefore if Mars is in a debilitating position this may also cause minor setbacks.

Pluto in Leo-The Lions of Pluto
Pluto+Leo=Glorious Intentions! Dignity (+4)
Lions have always been considered the "Kings of the Jungle". This is because as predators, they are capable of taking down their prey whether its large or small. They are proficient hunters because of their creativity. They usually adapt their hunting tactics according to their prey. They may stalk, ambush, or directly attack their prey depending on the circumstances. And they always have a back up plan. While the male lions are capable of hunting prey, lionesses (the female lions) are usually the fastest and most efficient hunters. This is probably because the mane of the male takes most of his weight and too much activity will make him sweat more. To conserve their energy, its better to have lionesses around. Lionesses are swift and smooth. They know how to hunt their prey without being noticed, camouflaging with their environment as they wait for the moment to attack. Male lions will usually patrol their kingdom from other potential rival lions. He will usually mark his territory with the scent of his mane. All lions (whether male or female) roar to let others know that they mean business.
Pluto is considered to be exalted in the sign of Leo. There are many modern astrologers that have been tossing and turning about what sign Pluto could possibly be exalted in. However, from my own observation (and the observations of many other modern astrologers), the sign of Leo is the most promising for the planet pluto.
Pluto is the planet of death, transformation/regeneration, depth, loss, darkness, and ultimately power. Leo is the sign of pride, will, drama, self-expression, dignity, generosity, warmth, romance, and creation. In the sign of Leo, Pluto will have the power to do more than what it could ever do in any other sign. There is a stronger power residing in the sign of Leo; will power. Pluto can transform by using the creativity of Leo. Pluto can unleash the darkness from the inside through the proud and self-expressive energy of Leo.
This generation will be easily recognized by their will-power. In life, they have the final say as to what will and will not be. They must be in control of their own life, otherwise the people around them will never hear the end of it. They have a need to be influential and gain some sort of recognition. No matter what they do, they want the world to see it. They believe in bringing to the light everything that is in the darkness. They will not hide their intentions nor will they run away from their deepest intentions. Instead, they are proud of who they are and will seek to use their energies in positive ways. They are extremely creative and romantic, and they love it when others can't get enough of their warm energy. They may be the most inspiring entertainers of all time because of their need for drama and influence. They may see sex in a romantic way. They may believe that sex is another means for them to be creative and express themselves. They have a lot of charisma (especially stage charisma) and they put their heart into everything that they do. They want the world to know who they really are and they may be outright against phoniness from themselves and others. Females of this generation will be fierce and may insist on being leaders in the world. Males of this generation may be extremely proud of themselves and may want to influence future generations. This generation never seems to die because it is hard to take away their dignity, pride, identity, and most importantly their will. The more evolved natives of this generation may begin to recognize that power is something that comes from within themselves...and anything from the inside can not be taken from something on the outside. This is a generation that will always be on a road to self-discovery. They are constantly trying to evolve and improve upon their character. These natives love to learn new things about themselves and may do extensive research in regards to their own health and abilities. They may enjoy astrological or numerological studies that give them insight about their own inner characteristics. They may be interested in reviving an interest in the perfoming arts.
The downside to this position is that it can indicate a haughty energy. These natives are intolerant of criticism. They may be so proud of who they are that they may not listen to reason or try to change those qualities that are destructive. If they were ever in positions of power, this would definitely not be one of their best qualities. They have a tendency to be obsessed with their own ego and they are a highly self-absorbed generation. They may always insist on having their way no matter what. They can be controlling of lovers, family, and friends (especially if this planet is aspecting the "inner" planets in the natal chart). They may be so obsessed with the flattery they are being given, that they become resentful when that attention is taken away from them. When they are resentful, they become even more resistant to reason. They have a tendency to feel that no matter how others see them, how they feel about themselves is all that matters. This can leave them to feel isolated and alone in life. They may constantly be fighting for attention, especially when there are children around. Even with their own children, they may insist on being at the center of attention and upstaging them. When they do bad things, they do it in broad daylight...which can also be self-destructive to their free will. This generation is learning the cosmic lesson of humility. They must learn that there are consequences for every action that they take. They must learn to temper their ego and pay closer attention to the feelings of those around them. They may believe they are invincible, but they must remember that they are human beings like everyone else. If they can temper their haughty pride, they will be more influential/admired leaders in the world. They should avoid using sex as means to boost their own ego.
Natives with Pluto in the 5th house (house of self-expression, romance, and amusements). If natives have planets in signs such as Taurus or Aquarius, this may tame their plutonic energies for better or worse (especially from "inner" planets).
If there are negative aspects to Pluto (especially from "inner" planets), planets in signs that the sun does not agree with (Aquarius or Libra), the sun is debilitated by sign placement, or the sun/pluto is accidentally debilitated by house placement, there may be more setbacks when trying to gain the benefits of Pluto.
Pluto in Aquarius-The Water Bearers of Pluto
Pluto+Aquarius=erratic Intentions Debility (-4)
The sign of Aquarius is symbolized by Ganymede, a young and rebellious cup-bearer who poured out the drinks of the gods that caused a massive amount of rain to fall upon humanity. This is why Aquarius has a strong affiliation with clouds and storms.
There are a variety of different types of clouds, yet they all usually fall into three categories. Stratus clouds are thinner clouds that produce light precipitation (rain, snow, etc). Stratus clouds usually have the potential to cover the sunlight and can even be found on lower levels through fog or mist. Comulonimbus clouds are much more changeable and dangerous. In their tame state they appear to be beautiful because of their various shapes and sizes. However, when they become moist enough they can create powerful storms (thunderstorms, hailstorms, etc) that can cause destruction. One of the most destructive parts about them is that they are capable of creating "funnels". When these funnels touch the ground they are capable of destroying everything in its path. This tornadic entity can go in many different directions and their power can vary according to its size. Surprisingly, clouds are not living beings, nor are they physical objects that we can touch with our hands. They are a floating combination of ice particles and gas in the atmosphere. The fact that they function has mostly to do with how much of the elements it has collected. Cirrus clouds are rarer and usually appear wispy.
Pluto is considered falling in the sign of Aquarius by some modern astrologers. I also agree that there is a strong possibility. Let me start by explaining the characteristics of Pluto and Aquarius. Pluto is the planet of death, regeneration/revival, depth, destruction, darkness, loss, and ultimately power. Aquarius is the sign of humanitarianism, aloofness, genius, progress/change, spontaniety, and objectivity. In this sign, Pluto struggles to find depth because of the fog of aloofness that is natural for the sign of Aquarius. This is a sign of objectivity, thus Pluto cannot seem to go deep inside the "self" without complications. While there is much destruction here, it is difficult for Pluto to restore, reclaim, or revive anything in this sign. There are many outer changes, but hardly any "inner" understanding. The need for empowerment is now heavily reliant on the progress of humanity in the sign of Aquarius. While Pluto may feel more limited in this sign, most astrologers do not feel that Pluto is in detriment in this sign. After all, Pluto and Aquarius both want to encourage freedom and they both want to make an impact on the lives of others. Naturally, the planetary energy just needs to be adjusted in order to be effective, as there is a tendency to mishandle this energy.
This is a generation that will constantly be in a psychological state of chaos. They may secretly want power and control over their lives and the lives of others. Yet, they want to promote the idea of living in a free world (for the sake of themselves and others). Or the issue could be they are more focused on empowering humanity, forgetting to tend to the self. They have many conflicts here regarding their desires. They may want to constantly break free from the control of others in every situation. Yet, the one thing they really hope to break free from could be their own deep, dark feelings. This is a generation that would try to belittle their own dark intentions and the dark intentions of others. When traumatic things happen, they may prefer to get past their feelings on the matter and instead pretend like it hasn't affected them or others (this of course can be altered according to the rest of the natal chart). They may appear like a generation that is above fear, jealousy, and hate...only until their dark feelings come out in ways even they do not expect. They may lose control of themselves more often than any other generation (particularly as youths), especially when the intensity of loss becomes overwhelming. They may see the prospects of power through progress. They may invent new things to keep control over others, using the law and "humanitarian" profiles as a tool to secretly gain power. This can make them extremely controlling of others, expecting everyone to think and feel the way they do. While they do not want to be controlled under a system, when they gain positions of power they may try to force others to adhere to their own systems. In some cases, these natives may be against those in powerful positions. They may be proponents of anarchy. Even when given the opportunity to be in powerful positions, they may prefer ultimate freedom. Or when they try to maintain positions of power, they tend to lose influence because of their recklessness. They can be highly destructive, to the point there is nothing left to be salvaged. They are not the types to revive what has "died" and they would rather move on from what is "forgotten". In fact, they may even try to force people to embrace the changes they have made instead. This generation will be learning the cosmic lesson to look inside of themselves and learn more about their "true" natures. They must beware of using humanitarian causes to gain power and influence. In some cases, someone must take the lead as long as they are qualified. This is set up so that there will be less chaos and more direction. If everyone had the influence and power, there could never truly be order. Change is only good within moderation...if everything is destroyed, there would be nothing left to change. This is a generation that may see sexual desires as either fleeting or "controlling". They may prefer to be asexual, free from binding desire. Or they may have a more provocative sexuality with no limits.
There is an upside to this kind of combination. Because they try harder to let go of intense or "dark" feelings, they may be more capable of thinking rationally when it comes to power and influence. The more evolved natives of this generation may focus their attention on restoring humanity, rather than simply focusing on destruction. They are also equally capable of accepting when something has died or has been forgotten, which makes "moving on" more possible. They may focus on empowering others rather than themselves. If their energies are channeled appropriately, they can work to destroy overbearing systems of government (or any system) that limits the rights of others. They may be more capable of uniting with one another to establish order and control, rather than relying on only one person to rule. While there are some Pluto in Aquarius natives of this generation who feel "trapped" when it comes to sexual desire, there may also be natives of this generation that see sex as something everyone should be free to test and explore. They may be fascinated with experimentation, and they may understand the powers of science and technology more than any other generation. They may seek to revive interest in scientific practices (or anything progressive). They may also be interested in freemasonry, where they can be apart of a secret brotherhood that influences humanity behind the scenes. They may enjoy secret fraternities/sororities as well. This is most certainly a generation that is more powerful together than they are apart.
Natives with Pluto in the 11th house (house of friends, associations, and causes). If there are natives with planets in signs such as Scorpio or Leo (especially "inner" planets), they may have more plutonic energy than other natives of their generations for better or worse.
If there are positive aspects (especially from "inner" planets), planets in signs that Uranus/Saturn agrees with (Aquarius, Capricorn, Libra, and especially Scorpio); Uranus/Saturn is dignified by sign placement, or Uranus/Saturn/ Pluto is accidentally dignified by house placement, there may be more advantages when trying to gain the benefits of Pluto.

Pluto in Taurus-The Bulls of Pluto
Pluto+Taurus=ostensible intentions Debility (-5)
Bulls are considered ferocious animals when they get riled up. Determined and strong, they never let anyone get too close to them without a fight. They hate to be bothered and too much movement irritates them. The bull is not an animal that can be tamed so easily. Yet, surprisingly, bulls are honestly peace-loving creatures. Most bulls spend most of their time grazing in the pastures. Cows are even more docile than the bulls. They usually go about life very slowly and they hate when their environment changes. Yet, even these docile females can become aggressive when they are protecting their young calfs. Bulls understand their environment mostly through the senses, especially through taste. As ferocious as these creatures can be, they will quickly stop fighting when they spot, smell, or taste food. With these creatures a calm and steady approach is the best way to win them over.
Pluto is considered to be in detriment in the sign of Taurus by most modern astrologers. Pluto is the planet of death, regeneration, depth, destruction, darkness, loss, and ultimately power. Taurus is the sign of pleasure, beauty, money, stability/security, peace, sensuality, physicality, and determination. Pluto would definitely feel uncomfortable in this sign. With a sign like Taurus that is so focused on the physical part of life, the depth/insight that Pluto has to offer would be very hard to find in this sign. Taurus is more focused on peace and security, therefore Pluto may struggle to destroy things that may need to be destroyed (i.e inner destructive flaws). Taurus is not a sign concerned with personal power like Pluto is, and instead this is an energy that is focused more on pleasure/money or beauty.
Natives of this generation may always seem to have a powerful conflict of natures. Some natives of this generation may be struggling with a need for peace, and a need for power. They may be proponents of peace and love...yet they may be secretly using this to gain power over others. Then there are some natives of this generation that may yearn for some sort of power in the world only if they see there are tangible benefits that could come from it. These natives may have a tendency to see money as "god"; the source of all the power in the world. They may do whatever it takes to gain money, even sacrificing their very lives to gain it. They may believe money can buy anything, including power and influence. They may be extremely vain, constantly concerned about their appearance (especially if Pluto is in the 1st or 10th houses). They may be greedy, constantly seeking pleasure in order to cover up the trauma in their lives. And that is when the real problem is revealed. These natives may become involved with the physical world simply because they are trying to console their inner demons. And yet, they are constantly looking for ways to embrace their own inner flaws, despite the fact that these qualities may not be as beautiful or acceptable in social society. They are constantly fighting between extremeties and moderation when it comes to their approach to life. While they may want power over their lives, they may feel the only way to restore the things that were lost is to have money or something to own. They may constantly be indebted to others, obsessed with collecting as much money as possible even if they have to borrow it from someone (or something else). They may also feel if they have physical endurance or strength, that they can make up for internal weaknesses. In the end, they may only feel even more controlled by their own desires and the desires of others. Some of these natives may be obsessed with peace or security, that it causes them to be controlling. They may be controlling of the ones they love especially and overly protective of the things they possess, constantly afraid of losing everything they hold dear. They may be either overindulgent in sex, yet completely reserved/conservative when it comes to sex. This generation is learning the cosmic lesson to face their "inner" world. In order to avoid loss, they must embrace loss. This may seem contradictory, but once they understand that we must let go of some things in order for us to find what is truly valuable, they will feel more satisfied in life. They must avoid believing only those things that they see on the surface. What may appear beautiful, may be "ugly" or monstrous on the inside (and what may appear monstrous or "ugly" on the outside may be beautiful on the inside). They must avoid ignoring their own flaws. This will only make them appear less attractive than they may have intended. They must beware of relying on money or physical resources to solve all of their problems. These things can not buy back life and if they let money consume them, they will lose their "life". Even peace has an ending...sometimes for good reasons.
The upside to this generation is that they are probably one of the most peace-loving generations in history. They may fight to preserve life as much as possible, and this can be a good thing. They may be fascinated with research involving natural habitats. They may be capable of reviving natural wildlife or they may revive dead/forgotten traditions. They may be interested in archaeological discovery or agriculture. This is a generation that prefers to love rather than hate. They may want to spread their loving and peaceful influences onto others. This is because they understand the power of love and how it can truly heal a broken heart. Unlike most generations, they may be less inclined to being vengeful. They may prefer forgiving others for the sake of peace (even if they never forget). This generation may be interested in reviving an interest in art or music. They may even revive interest in fashion. They may be interested in systems that allow them to borrow/save money, such as banking or loaning systems. This may possibly be one of the richest generations in history. This is a generation that would rather build than destroy. They may have some of the best architectual monuments in history. They are also good at replastering and remodeling old monuments so that they may look brand new. They have a knack for reconstructing whatever has worn out or been destroyed. While they may be more reserved when it comes to sex (traditional even), They may feel that people should have sex for the sake of pleasure and love.
Natives with Pluto in the 2nd house (house of material possessians and self-worth) may relate to this description. If a native has planets in signs such as Scorpio or Leo (especially if they are "inner" planets), they may have more plutonic energy, for better or worse.
If there are positive aspects to Pluto (especially from "inner" planets), planets in signs that Venus agrees with, Venus is dignified by sign placement, or Venus/Pluto is accidentally dignified by house placement, then there may be more advantages when trying to gain the benefits of Pluto.
Pluto crosses through all 12 signs of the zodiac. For the sake of this website I have only focused on the planets and their most dignified or debilitated placements. However, from the dignities and debilities, we can learn more about both the characteristics of the planets as well as the signs.

Pluto in Scorpio Native:
Raven Symone
Pluto in Scorpio Native:
Mark Zuckerberg

Pluto in Leo Native:
Leonardo DaVinci

Pluto in Leo Native:
Whoopi Goldberg

Pluto in Aquarius Native:
Michael Faraday

Pluto in Aquarius Native:
Mary Shelley

Pluto in Taurus Native:
Mahatma Gandhi

Pluto in Taurus Native:
Madam C.J. Walker
Its Dignities And Debilities