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Planetary Aspects

Dignities and Debilities are heavily influenced by the planetary aspects in a natal chart...and vice versa. What exactly are planetary aspects?

In astrology, the planetary aspects reflect the relationship one planet has with another upon making contact with it. While these lines are invisible in reality, in a natal chart the planetary aspects are visible through lines mapped out across the natal chart as well as through symbols representing them. Planetary aspects are calculated mathematically according to the position of each planet's degree using latitude and longitude.  Imagine the zodiac wheel and the planets surrounding the Earth being positioned exactly 360 degrees around the Earth. The natal chart represents those positions at the time of our birth (the transit charts represent current positions).  Each planet is positioned at a certain length to another planet. At certain degrees they begin to form aspects to one another, representing those planets' relationships. There are generally six types of aspects: Opposition, Square, Conjunct, Trine, Sextile and an inconjunct (or quincunx).

An Opposition (180 degrees) usually happens when a planet is positioned opposite another planet by degree (usually the circle of the wheel is divided into two halves). Usually they are in signs opposite one another. This means that the natives will often feel torn between one aspect of their lives and another aspect of their lives. 

A Square (90 degrees) usually is as the name describes...the planets are positioned at a point where it seems to form a square by degree on a natal chart. This is a harsh aspect, as it can cause inner tension and stress. However, it can also be motivating and many lessons can come from this aspect. These two planets are usually positioned in signs that have incompatible elements but similar modalities.

A Conjunct (0 degrees) usually happens when a planet is positioned very closely to another planet by degree. The two planets are usually in the same sign. Natives with conjuncts usually have unifying energies between the planets, yet they may not be able to tell the difference between the two planets. The energy coming from both becomes stronger.

A Trine (120 degrees) describes a degree that seems to form a triangle on the natal chart by degree.  This reflects energies of the planets that are harmonious with one another. They are positioned in signs that have the same elements, therefore acceptance is easier. There are natural talents here because of the ease of expression. However, too many trines can sometimes cause laziness. Overall, it is still the best aspect to have.

A Sextile (60 degrees) is similar to a trine, in which natives will feel more harmony with these energies. The difference is natives understand their talents a little more and are less inclined to take them for granted. These planets are usually positioned in signs that have opposite, yet compatible elements to one another.

Finally, an Inconjunct (150 degrees) (or what some call a Quincunx) reflects energies that have hardly any relation. Therefore, the native may always feel like they have to make adjustments in their lives to attend to the needs of the differing energies. Many astrologers consider inconjuncts to be less important as they reflect planets that hardly have any relation to one another, to the point finding common ground is extremely difficult. To add, compared to other planetary aspects, this one is not as strong. However, this aspect can be interesting to examine, especially if this aspect is one of the few visible aspects in one's natal chart.


Note: A planet with no aspects reflects a peregrine (wandering) planet by lack of aspects, leaving the planet to feel out of place and on its own in a natal chart. Natives may find this energy to feel out of character with who they are as individuals.


There are other "minor aspects" visible in a natal chart such as a semi-square (45 degrees), sesqui-square (134 degrees), Quintile (72 degrees), and Biquintile (144 degrees).

So, how do these aspects affect planetary dignities/debilities and vice versa?


Let's Start with the Sun...the planet of the ego. If the sun was positioned in a sign that is detrimenting in (Aquarius), then this reflects an Ego that has no firm identity thus is unpredictable and hardly ever feeling unique enough. With a positive aspect (a conjunct, trine, or sextile) to a planet, the native may not necessarily be able to rid themselves of the uncomfortability of this position, however they may be able to find channels for their energies. They would find it a little easier than most with this debilitating position to find themselves, as they may develop more appropriate ways to express themselves. Depending on the planet (moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, N/S Node), that will determine where these natives would gain more energy or benefits to help them channel their energies appropriately. For example, if the sun is positively aspecting Venus, then their own charms will refine the qualities of the damaged ego, allowing them to channel their confidence in charming ways. This can obviously work in the favor of the native.

If the sun were to have negative planetary aspects (an opposition, square, or inconjunct) to the detrimenting planet, then the obstacles will feel more stressful than normal. A planet aspecting a detrimenting planet may feel more neglected for the sake of providing energy for the detrimenting planet. However, with the detrimenting planets aspecting a non-debilitated planet, negative or positive aspects can be useful to it. Remember, a detrimenting planet is in such a "dire situation" that any outside "help" can lead to understanding and insight. Depending on the planet (moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, N/S Node) this will determine which areas of life will be affected by this damaging energy on the one hand, and on the other hand, it will also show which energies are giving more energy to the damaged energy.  If the detrimenting sun was poorly aspecting the moon, for example, the emotions would be giving the ego a little more energy, despite how conflicting the aspect is.  However, the ego, which is in a damaging state, will be responsible for the hindrence of emotional insecurity, causing the native to feel more emotionally insecure and causing the native to set aside their emotional life for the sake of their ego. (This is especially so if the moon were to also be debilitated in Scorpio).


With a falling position, the native usually has natural qualities from the sign that does not seem to match that of the planet. Let's use the example of Venus. When Venus is in Virgo, Venus is in a falling position. Natives with this position seem to behave differently than what we normally expect, and in this case natives with Venus in Virgo do not express love as openly, making opportunities seem hard to come by. However, if there are good aspects to the falling Venus, then there is a higher chance that the native can make their repressive love expression more attractive.  Depending on the planet that is aspecting Venus (moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, etc) will determine which planetary energies will help them gain more benefits. For example, a native that has a falling position aspecting Mars positively will find that being assertive/active makes them more attractive, especially if the Mars is in a dignified position in Capricorn or Scorpio.

If the falling position of Venus is negatively aspecting another planet, then the native will struggle a little more than usual to feel attractive or desirable to others. The repressive way they express will be enheightened,  thus making the natives with this position feel uncomfortable around others. Depending on the planet, that will reflect what area of life may be holding them back from expressing more openly and naturally. The native may feel that their attempts are met with failures rather than successes. For example, if Saturn is negatively aspecting Venus, then there are many boundaries and limitations interfering with the native, especially if Saturn is in a sign like Aries or Leo (the signs of Saturn's debilitation). For this native they may have to work much harder to overcome obstacles and they may feel as if they are on a never-ending search to find channels for their energies. With hard work anything can be overcome.


When it comes to exaltations, a planet in the sign of its exaltation reflects natives that have natural qualities of the planet, therefore gaining opportunities are much easier. However, if there are negative aspects to this kind of planet, the natives will use these energies for more negative ends than positive ones. They may take for granted the opportunities that come, causing the native to lose everything they have gained. For example, a native with Jupiter in Cancer negatively aspecting Uranus may be careless when it comes to benefits. They may be generous in the hopes of promoting ideas or join unorthodoxed religions simply to be rebellious. They may give to others in the hopes of gaining personal profit from it as well. They may gain luck from the family and family traditions, only to rebel against the family and family traditions. (This is especially the case if Uranus is in Leo). 

On the other hand, if there are positive aspects to a planet in exaltation, the native will not take for granted their benefits and will have many talents to help them maintain opportunities. For example, a native with Saturn in Libra aspecting Neptune positively will understand their limitations to both rigidity and vulnerability. This will help them gain more benefits.


Then, there are domiciles. Domiciles are dignities usually, but when negatively aspecting another planet it can cause the native to express themselves more negatively than positvely. As a result, they may lose the benefits they had the potential to gain. For example, if Mars was in its domicile Aries and squaring Pluto, then the native will be more intense and extreme than normal. They may be impulsive and violent in some cases as well.

However, if there are positive aspects to a planet like Mars in domicile in Aries, the native will have more power to help motivate them and they will be able to express their energies in most positive ways. For example, if Mars were to be aspecting the moon positively, the native will be more creative than temperamental. They will be alluring and seductive, connecting the emotions with sexual intimacy. They will have stronger channels for their emotions that can be worked out in physical exercise or sports.


Each planet has its own representation in astrology

Sun--planet of ego 

Moon--planet of emotions

Mercury--planet of the mind and communication

Venus--planet of love and beauty

Mars--planet of energy and sexuality

Jupiter--planet of chance and luck

Saturn--planet of boundaries and order

Uranus--planet of revolution and innovation

Neptune--planet of imagination and vulnerability

Pluto--power and transformation

Lunar Nodes--Karmic Destiny and life lessons



Note: While many astrologers do not use signs or dignities/debilities in a Synastry chart (compatibility chart), the signs and dignities/debilities can give more incite into the nature of an aspect in a compatibility chart.





Dignities and Debilities

By Planets and Signs


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