Dignities VS Debilities
Planets And Signs

Planets and their Essential Dignities and Debilities:
Note: To make a birth chart, click here.
The planets were named after the Gods and Goddesses in Roman Mythology that, in the Roman's belief, each influenced a part of human existence in some way. Even though we do not believe in the same Gods and Goddesses the Romans did (well at least most of us), many still do believe that the planets in our universe has an affect on our earthly existence. In astrology, the same planets also have come to have symbolic meaning to humans, individually influencing various parts of human existence.
So what does any of this have to do with "Dignities" or "Debilities" in astrology? Well, because each planet has its own unique, individual influence on human existence in astrology, each planet has advantages and disadvantages; strengths and weaknesses. Each planet has moments of ease or stress.
The signs and houses are the "areas" in which planets channel their influential energies. Is this all literal? Well, real planets don't literally channel spiritual energy and signs/houses aren't literal areas, either. Each astrological planet does however cross through constellational spaces in the sky. And depending on which type astrological method (Tropical/Sidereal) you are into, will determine what positions you feel have the greatest influence.
Its best to look at this more figuratively or symbolically.
So what does any of this have to do with "Dignities" or "Debilities" in astrology? When it comes to planetary weaknesses/strengths or ease/stress the dignities and debilities of astrology can help us to understand the benefits that will give us ease as well as the limitations that may cause us stress when it comes to planets and their positions.
What does it mean to have a planet in detriment/fall or domicile/exalted?
Every planet in astrology has a sign of "dignity" and "debility". Typically, when a planet is in domicile, it is considered the highest "dignity" (+5) for that particular planet. Why? Because the planet is entering the sign of its rulership. In this position, the planetary characteristics match the characteristics of the sign, making the energy seem natural. The planet is considered "at home", the place where it feels most "comfortable". As a person in a play, the planet is acting in a role that is very similar to its own inner personality, lifestyle, or the morals of the planet as a person who is promiscuous acting as a prostitute. There is comfortability in this role. The planetary energy will feel free in domicile. Through the sign in which a planet is in domicile, we truly understand the energy and inner strength of the planet.
When a native has a planet in domicile, the native will express the planetary energy naturally without much reservation or hesitation. Their desires are presented with an attitude of honesty or sincerity.
Then, there is a position known as an exaltation for the planet (+4). To many, a planet in its exaltation seems to be the greatest dignity. This is because when a planet is in exaltation, there is a lot of energy that the planet can "make use of". True, it has an exaggerated feeling to it, almost seeming to promise something that isn't quite true to its nature in some instances. But in this position, that particular planet is given abilities that bring out the best in it. The planet is more refined in this positon, in comparison to a planet in domicile. The planet and the sign of exaltation may not be very similar in natures, but they have very similar goals. In the sign of exaltation, a planet is described as being an honored guest within the sign it is exalted in. As a person acting in a play, the planet is acting in role that is suitable for them as a beautiful person acting in the role of a lover. Thus, the role will be easier to work with. The planetary energy will feel energized when it is exalted. Through the sign in which a planet is exalted, we may truly understand the planet's purpose and its maximum abilities.
When a native has a planet in exaltation, they will have a more dramatic expression of the planet's energy in comparison to the natives with a planet in domicile. The native's energies will be useful for achieving personal goals and gaining opportunities. The native with an exaltation may have an attitude of superiority.
Now to explain the "debilities". The first thing you must know is that a person who has dignified planets is no better than a person that has debilitated planets. Typically, what debilities signify is that a person with this position struggles to be comfortable with the planet's energy in some way, whether it be physically or mentally. Natives may always feel as if they have to prove themselves to others in order to make up for their planetary insecurities.
One of the lesser "debilities" (-4) is when a planet is in a falling position.
When a planet is in fall, or a falling position, the planet struggles to express on a physical level, making the native with this position physically uncomfortable with the planetary expressions. The planet particularly feels a drainage of energy, where it cannot truly show its potentials. A planet is usually falling in the sign opposite it is exalting because of a conflict of goals between the planet and the sign. As a result, the planet feels less refined in this position in comparison to other positions. A common description of this debility is that the planet feels like a person in a foreign land with differing customs. There will be fumbles and misunderstandings here. As a person acting in a play, the falling planet may feel as if they are acting in quite a challenging role that intereferes with capability, as if they are acting as a giant but they are naturally short. The role just does not feel suitable for them. The planetary energy will feel suppressed when falling. Through the sign that a planet falls in we begin to understand the planet's limitations and obstacles.
A native with a planet in a falling position has energy that may seem stiff and controlled. They may be more careful with how they express their energies. They have a fear of performance regarding the planetary energy. Sometimes this debility can hinder their opportunities if they take things to the extreme. It is important that they find positive outlets for their energies otherwise they may have pent up energies that will be difficult to control once released.
The greatest debility in astrology is when a planet is in its sign of detriment. The reason this is considered the "greatest" debility (-5) has to do with the fact that the nature/qualities of the planet is totally opposite that of the sign it is transiting/positioned in. When a planet is in detriment, it is usually detrimenting in the sign opposite the sign that it feels at home. A common example of this debility is that the planet feels exiled or in its enemies' camp. In the enemy's camp we are not safe and we have no freedom. The planet often feels blocked within this sign, making a person with this position feel very uncomfortable in "their own skin". As a person acting in a play, the detrimenting planet is in a role that is completely out of character with who they are, their lifestyle, or their ethics as if acting in the role as a sweet natured person but having a naturally mean-spirited personality. It requires supreme acting skills because their is discomfort. The planetary energy will feel repressed when it is in detriment. Through the sign that a planet is in detriment we will understand the planet's inner weaknesses and the energies it tends to lack.
A native with this kind of position has an awkward expression of the planetary energy. It is hard for the native to feel like this is natural and they may always feel competency is harder for them than for others. They have a well of insecurities that they may hide in order to appear competent. They must beware of being decietful to others or even being dishonest with themselves. These natives must come to understand their "differences" and they must learn to use their differing energies positively.
Along with the higher dignities, there are also planetary dignities such as triplicites, terms, and face. However, these are considered dignities that are lesser than a domicile and exaltation because the planetary "rewards" only occur by chance, but not because of any special abilities. Natives with these dignities will have some qualities that help them gain opportunities, but they may not have enough power to complete personal goals unless they cultivate their abilities. There is also the fluctuating, lesser/greater position known as Peregrine. A planet in this position would have absolutely no dignities nor debilities; hardly any aspects, no dignity by house, no receptors either in some cases. Peregrine planets that are not dignified/debilitated often feel "lost" because the energies are not usually related to other parts of the natal chart in the native's life, causing natives to be oblivious of their own capabilities. An example of a planet in peregrine is often described as a "wandering person far from home", where they may or may not find refuge. It is as if they are person acting in a role, but they do not understand how to perform it. The planetary energy will feel unpredictable when it is Peregrine. These natives may have needs that can only be met under unique circumstances, yet the needs may not always be complicated. It's just that the native may be inconsistent because they do not fully understand their potentials. Through a sign in which a planet is peregrine, we will see a lack of devotion and stability.
What about planetary rulerships?
Every sign has a planet affiliated with it called planetary rulers. Even beginners to astrology may understand this. When a sign is "ruled" by a planet, that planet has a strong influence on this sign. But what most people don't understand is that the "ruling planet" has its own positions in the signs. Therefore, not only does the ruling planet influence its own sign, but the type of influence it has on its own sign highly depends on the sign that the ruling planet is positioned in. For example, you may be a Sun in Scorpio native, therefore your sign is ruled by Pluto (or traditionally Mars). That means that these planets have an impact on your expression as a Scorpio. However, Mars crosses through all 12 signs of the zodiac montly...which means that the kind of energy that Mars might give you may not be from the sign of Scorpio, especially if your Mars is in the sign opposite Scorpio; Taurus. This is why examining the ENTIRE chart will be more helpful to you than only examining star/sun signs. I will discuss further how these ruling planets and their positions in the chart really have an impact on dignities and debilities.
Are there certain signs affiliated with certain affinities/debilities ?
I do believe astrologically that certain signs integrate certain planets more than others. Just like with ruling planets: they rule a particular sign mainly because that sign integrates the energies of that planet well. The reason for my reasoning on this matter is because certain signs have "qualities" that work easier with certain planets. For example, you will learn that the sun (planet of ego/self) is exalted in Aries (the sign of self and action). There is a quality about the sign of Aries that the sun agrees with, and thus no matter where Aries is in a person's natal chart, Aries will always find it much easier to express sun energy. This could apply to both "signs" of dignity and signs of debility. I also feel this applies to signs that do not have any strong or weak affinities/debilities. I usually refer to them as signs of "peregrine". A dispositor in astrology describes a situation where the ruling planet will give power to the sign it rules. The sign is usually "occupied" by another planet in this case and may need more energy from the ruling planet in order to express. Of course, a dispositor can be blocked if it is debilitated, which we will discuss in the next section of this topic.
Accidental Dignities/Debilities: By aspects, house, and Receptions
Even if your natal planets are positioned in a sign that is debilitating to the planet, there are other ways to gain dignities that can help you gain planetary rewards.
There are positive aspects from other planets (heavily based on degrees and appears as "lines" in your natal chart). They are known as a planetary trine, sextile, or conjunct. These aspects can bring positive energy to the otherwise debilitated placement. Along with positive aspects, however, there are negative aspects that can debilitate an otherwise "dignified" planetary placement in a sign. Debilitating aspects include oppositions, squares, and to some astrologers, Quincuxes. This is when other planetary expressions are hindering the expressions of that particular planet. It will cause the natives to have more setbacks.
Another "accidental dignity" can come from receptors. As I've mentioned earlier there are certain signs that have qualities that integrate the planetary energies well. There are also planets that "recieve" certain signs well. This is called a "reception", which could give an otherwise peregrine placement or debilitated placement power. Of course, receptions work better with peregrine placements, especially if both planets are recieving each other's sign-energy in mutual agreement. This is called a mutual reception. Think of a natal chart with Mars (Aries ruling planet) in Virgo with Mercury (Virgo's ruling planet) in Aries. This is obviously a situation where they can benefit one another.
Along with receptors, there are also rejectors. Planets have signs that they just cannot "recieve". How does this effect a person with signs that a particular planet rejects? Say for example you have Venus in Taurus and sun in Aries. Venus does not agree with the sign of Aries, therefore rejects those energies. It will cause the person with this position to have conflicting energies and may find that they often get in the way of each other. This is of course a minor debility or setback, but a setback nonetheless.
When a planet is drawing energy from a reception or dispositing energy, yet it's positioned in a sign that causes uncomfortability, then there will be some problems. It is referred to as a "deception". A deception in astrology is when planets are in each other's ruling "domain", but one or both are already debilitated. They end up drawing (and giving through dispositors) energies that could otherwise cause more setbacks. For example, if Venus is in Virgo (falling) or Scorpio (detriment), it would be helpful to have a sign that Venus can "recieve" and give it power. Unfortunately, if your only venusian placement is sun in Libra (falling position) or Mars in Libra/Taurus (detrimenting), then your Venus will not be "recieving" enough energy to help its debilities. Neither could Mars (when debilitated) give of its energies to the sign of Aries or in the sun's case the sign of Leo. In fact, in this example, if you happen to have Venus in a Marsian based sign (aries/Scorpio) with Mars in a Venusian based sign (Libra/Taurus), then you would have a mutual deception.
In astrology, houses can also give dignities/debilities to a planet. There are typically 12 zodiac houses that match that of the 12 zodiac signs. But there are some controversies regarding where the planets might be debilitated, which I will discuss in my next paragraph.
Controversies Regarding Dignities and Debilities
There are several controversies regarding dignities and debilities, which is understandable considering they reflect a "ranking" system that might make others feel unworthy. There are also controversies regarding which signs some planets have dignity/debility and which houses.
The 12 houses are very similar to the 12 signs of the zodiac, and even have similar characteristics. Therefore, you would think determining dignities and debilities would be simple considering the houses are very similar to the signs in characteristics. However, some astrologers see the houses as seperate from the signs, and have their own interpretations of where the planets are dignified/debilitated. I personally see the 12 houses and 12 signs as having strong affiliations with one another. For example, the 1st house is the house of self-expression, identification, individualization, and appearance. These qualities are very similar to Aries, which is the sign of self, self-expression, and individualization. Therefore, I believe that if a planet like Venus (the planet of love and harmony) struggles in a sign like Aries (sign of self and action), then it is possible that a person with Venus (planet of love and harmony) in the 1st house (house of self-expression and individualization) might have similar experiences. Therefore, my interpretations of dignities and debilities will be set according to similarities and differences that the planet may experience, just as the planets in the signs are set up.
Another Controversy is the involvement of the Lunar Nodes and their "exaltations" and "debilities". In traditional astrology, according to some astrologers, the north lunar node was exalted in Gemini, while the southern lunar node was exalted in Sagittarius. Typically, they are meant to represent the invisible pathway that influences the solar and lunar eclipses. Many Indian Vedic astrologers see these nodes as manifestations of Rahu and Ketu. The problem is that many modern astrologers do not see the nodes as important to astrological pyshcology and some are even quick to dismiss its energies from astrology. While I do agree that the nodes could not possibly have a sign that it is in domicile in (its not necessarily a planet), I do feel these "pathways" are interesting in understanding the lessons that life has to teach us, as well as the talents we can make use of from past lives in order to gain more understanding. The nodes are very similar to that of Jupiter: it seeks to teach us about life and give us meaning and purpose. I will discuss further what makes the lunar nodes unique, as well as where the nodes have the most energy (dignified) and the least (debilitated).
The final controversy I will discuss is regarding dignities/debilities coming from the discovery of the planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (which scientifically is no longer considered a planet, but is heavily used in astrology as a "planet"). Many astrologers are often in disagreement as to what signs these planets are dignified/debilitated in, or whether or not they should be included in the dignity and debility system altogether. In the original system, only seven planets existed, each with two signs affiliated with it (except the two luminary "planets" sun and moon. With the introduction of these new planets, many are afraid that the old system will be changed, causing an imbalance. Another issue regarding these planets is that they cross through signs at a much slower pace than the other signs and last for an entire generation in one sign at a time. To some astrologers this makes it difficult to determine how those planets will express generation to generation.
However, I feel that through dignities and debilities we truly understand the natures of the planets: its strengths and weaknesses; its advantages and limitations. Even if we have not personally experienced those generational planets in signs, we can use our knowledge of the signs and planets to better understand how these positions might manifest. I think it is an interesting concept to explore and I will be giving my own interpretation of which signs I feel these planets could be dignified or debilitated, based on my knowledge of the signs and their symbols, as well as the planets and their symbols.
On this website, I will be discussing the natures of the planets, and where they have certain dignities in a sign or where they have certain debilities in a sign. Curious to know where each planet has a dignity or debility? Visit the planets in the menu to learn more!
If you want to know what planets could be dignified/debilitated in your chart, you can make a personal birth chart!
Current Transits