For All You Music & Astrology Lovers!
In our Astrological chart, Venus represents love, beauty, and the arts. The Roman Goddess herself was most known for her beauty, love of pleasure, and her appreciation for the arts, especially music. Venus in astrology is known to reflect beauty and romantic love. However, there aren't too many astrologers that will discuss the artistic side to Venus. And this aesthetic side to Venus is especially evident in the modern world through MUSIC. And we all love music, right? Venus is a planet that unifies, which is very much connected to the idea behind music: the very tool that brings people together.
Venus in our natal chart can show indications of our musical tastes as well as how we express our love for music. Venus, like all the planets in astrology, crosses through 12 zodiacal signs (as well as the 12 Houses of our natal chart) and these signs reveal our Musically aesthetic sides. If you are interested in making a birth chart, visit below!!!!
For this website, I developed my interpretations based off of a survey of 200 people per sign (a mixture of male and female). I also did an examination of famous music artists as well as their interviews behind the inspiration of their music. To add, I loosely considered my own personal experiences with meeting these people and examined their individual appreciations for music personally. Remember, despite being informative, this website is simply for fun and entertainment! If you would like to see more serious information astrologically, visit my websites
To learn more about planets and dignities/debilities visit my websites:
Curious about Mars, Mercury, Moon, and Sun and its astrological influences on sports, video games, and other forms of entertainment? Visit these links below:
Zodiac signs are very well known...however, what many may not know is just how much the planets in astrology influences the signs. For more info, visit
What about my Sun sign? Are other planets in signs also relevant to our taste in music?
Sun signs, moon signs, Mercury signs, all the way down to our Pluto signs do play a part in our music choices. In fact, all the planetary positions, including their position in the houses and their aspects influence our musical attractions. However, Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and the arts, can give us the strongest indications of our appreciations, as well as what and how we show those appreciations. Thus, when it comes to music, Venus is a very interesting planet to explore.
The moon is one planet that can be influential to our interests in music, representing the content that we tend to draw to emotionally as well as the way we express our personal feelings through music. Neptune is also a planet that influences music and can even have an affect on an entire generation of music. Neptune is the planet of imagination and creativity, after all. Neptune usually inspires the current trends in music. The sun has an influence on our performances as well, particularly the energy of performance. Mercury can also influence our musical interest and expression.
Are there any particular houses/aspects that can also influence our musical interest?
Another area that would be interesting to explore is the 5th and 2nd houses when it comes to our interests and appreciations of music. The 2nd house is the house of material possessions, our sense of ownership, and physical talents. The 5th house is the house of recreation, personal creativity, and romance. The planets in these houses can also give indications of the kind of music we might enjoy/appreciate, our personal musical talents, as well as the kind of music we create. When Venus is in these houses, there is an even stronger appreciation of beauty, romance, and music.
There are also several aspects that can influence Venusian musical expressions and music tastes. For example, a person who has Venus in Taurus aspecting Neptune would enjoy and express themselves musically different from a person who has Venus in Taurus aspecting Mercury.
What does it mean to have a planet in detriment/fall or domicile/exalted?
Every planet in astrology has a sign of "dignity" and "debility". Typically, when a planet is in domicile, it is considered the highest "dignity" (+5) for that particular planet. Why? Because the planet is entering the sign of its rulership. In this position, the planetary characteristics match the characteristics of the sign and thus the planet can truly express "itself" to the fullest. In this position, we understand the truest nature of the planet. In the case of Venus, it is in its domicile or at home when it is transiting/entering into Taurus (the sign of security and pleasure) and Libra (the sign of love and harmony). A person with a planet positioned in its domicile at the time of birth has a strong desire/will to achieve the advantages of that particular planet.
Then, there is a position known as an exaltation for the planet (+4). To many, a planet in its exaltation seems to be the greatest. This is because when a planet is in exaltation, there is a lot of energy that the planet can "make use of". Natives with this position are quick to jump on opportunities to gain individual planetary advantages. True, it has an exaggerated feeling to it, almost seeming to promise something that isn't quite true to its nature. But in this position, that particular planet is given abilities that bring out the best in it. The planet and the sign of exaltation may not be very similar in natures, but they have very similar goals. A person with a planet in this position may not have the strongest will to achieve all the planetary advantages of that individual planet, but they have special abilities/potential that can grant them opportunities whenever they need it from that individual planet. Unlike a planet in domicile, the sign of exaltation is also altered by its ruling planet. This can be considered a setback for a person with this position if their ruling planet is in a debilitated position. Venus is exalted in Pisces (the sign of compassion and dreams), where Venus has a lot of energy and potential for something greater than "itself". The sign of Pisces is ruled by Jupiter/Neptune. If these two planets are in a "debilitated" position there might be setbacks for Venus in Pisces natives.
Now to explain the "debilities". The first thing you must know is that a person who has dignified planets is no better than a person that has debilitated planets. Typically, what debilities signify is that a person with this position struggles to be comfortable with the planet's energy in some way, whether it be physically or mentally. One of the lesser "debilities" (-4) is when a planet is in a falling position.
When a planet is in fall, or a falling position, the planet struggles to express on a physical level, making the native with this position physically uncomfortable with "venusian-like" expressions. The planet particularly feels a drainage of energy, where it cannot truly show its potentials. People with this position may have a will to gain the individual planetary advantages, but often they do not feel they have the abilities or the energy to gain them. They may not even feel physically comfortable with openly expressing their desire for such advantages. The upside to this position is that these people have the ability to see things realistically when it comes to such "advantages". Unlike natives with positions in exaltations, people who have planets positioned in a fall can see the pitfalls of the planet long before anyone else and are more prepared to handle setbacks in the long run. A planet is usually falling in the sign opposite it is exalting because of conflict of energies. Therefore, Venus is falling in Virgo (the sign of hard work and analysis). Even with a debilitated Venus position, the sign of Virgo is ruled by Mercury. If the native has Mercury in a dignified position then this can serve to give them more energy to "act".
The greatest debility in astrology is when a planet is in its sign of detriment. The reason this is considered the "greatest" debility (-5) has to do with the fact that the nature of the planet is totally opposite that of the sign it is transiting/positioned in. The planet often feels blocked within this sign, making a person with this position feel very uncomfortable in "their own skin". The "advantages" of the planet sometimes does not feel like "advantages". A person with this position feels very awkward when expressing energies of the individual planet because in all honesty the desire/will for it is at odds with their desire/will for another opposing force. Venus is in detriment in the sign of Aries (the sign of the self and action) and in the sign of Scorpio (the sign of passion and power). These signs are ruled by Mars, which is a planet very opposite Venus. People who have Venus in Aries often have a conflict between the desire for love and pleasure with the desire to express themselves freely and have excitement. People who have Venus in Scorpio often have a conflict between a desire for love and pleasure with a desire for power and gain.
What is the difference between a planet positioned in its domicile and a sign being ruled by a particular planet?
The answer is really quite simple: Every sign has a planet that has rulership over them; a planet that represents or influences the sign in some way in the chart. For example, the sign of Libra is ruled by Venus. If a person has the sun (planet of ego/self) transitioned/positioned in Libra (sign of love and harmony) in their birth chart, they may be heavily influenced by Venus (planet of love and pleasure) when trying to express energy from the sun (planet of ego/self). But what you must understand is that even though Libra is ruled by Venus, in this position the sun (planet of the self/ego) is the "planet" that is yearning to express, with Venus (planet of love and pleasure) acting as a "tour guide" rather than a "tourist". People often yearn for the advantages representative of the transitioning/positioned planet, but based on their natures (according to sign) may use the ruling planet as a tool to help them gain the advantages of the transitioning/positioned planet. Based off my first example, Sun in Libra is ruled by Venus thus will use Venus (planet of love and pleasure) to gain the sun (planet of self/ego). And if you didn't know, Venus also crosses through the 12 signs of the zodiac. So if, for example, your Venus (planet of love and pleasure) is in the sign of Scorpio (sign of passion and pain) this will influence how your sun in Libra position utilizes venusian energy.
So what exactly is the difference between my above example and Venus in its "domicile"? Well, when Venus transits or is positioned in Libra or Taurus (signs that Venus typically rules), the native is now yearning for VENUS (the planet of love and pleasure). And because the sign of Taurus (sign of security and pleasure) and Libra (sign of love and harmony) are naturally ruled by Venus, they do not need to borrow any other energies to gain the advantages of Venus. Advantages are easier for them because they understand the ways of Venus. Therefore, there is a difference berween having other astrological planets (like the sun) positioned in Libra or Taurus verses having Venus (their natural ruler) positioned in Libra or Taurus.
On this website, I will be giving you an analysis on Venus and her musical influence. Can you relate to your musically aesthetic side? Visit the signs in the menu to Learn More!
If you don't know what your Venus sign is, and you're curious to know, you can make a personal birth chart!
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