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In The World Of Video Games

Mercury's Games

Astrologically, Mercury is the planet of the mind, and communication, which actually makes Mercury one of the most important planets when dealing with astrology.  It gained its description and name from the actual Roman god that it is named after, Mercury!

In Roman Mythology as well as Greek Mythology, Mercury (or Hermes in Greek) was the messenger god.  He would deliver information to the gods of course, but he was also known as the god of tricksters, thieves, merchants, communication, and more importantly the god of games.  


In our modern world, we have taken games to a whole new level-through the world of video games.  Video games have given us a chance to challenge our minds in ways no other forms of technology have been able to do.  Along with the process of playing the game, the development of these games also takes skill and mental power in order to accomplish greatness.  Through this website, we will explore how Mercury in astrology plays a role in the process of playing and developing games.


On this website, I will be describing Mercury's transition into all 12 signs of the zodiac and how that affects the expression of Mercury.  One must keep in mind that the signs alone cannot give the full picture.  Planetary aspects (the degree in which a planet relates to another planetary degree) may also alter the expression of a planet.  There are typically 10 important astrological "planets".  Mercury may have an aspect to either one of them depending on the degree in which it lands in a sign or house. On a natal chart, these aspects may visible when you see the patterns of lines from one planet to another. The most distinct aspects are usually conjuncts, trines, sextiles, squares, oppositions, and Quincunx.  Trines and sextiles normally represent an ease of expression, while square and oppositions represent difficulty with expressing.  Conjuncts usually give a variety of expressions of energy, while inconjuncts (quincunx) often give a limited expression of energy.

Also, on this website I will be describing what it means to have a planet that is dignified and debilitated.  When a planet is in domicile or exalted, this is considered a dignified placement.  This means that the native has a strong expression of planetary energy.  A debilitated placement would be a fall or detriment.  This would mean that the native will have a weakened planetary expression.

In astrology, Mercury also crosses into 12 houses of the zodiac.  Each house represents our personal life and our approach to it.  When Mercury is in a house, Mercury will express more fully in that area of our life than in any others.

If you'd like to make a birth chart to find out what your Mercury sign is and other aspects, visit the website below!

If you'd like to know how Venus influences music, Mars influences Sports, or how the moon & sun influences the world of entertainment, visit the links below!

If you'd like to learn more about zodiac signs as well as dignities and debilities visit these links below!

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