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 Mercury In Aquarius

     In The Gaming World

"The Experimental Gamer"

Aquarius is the sign of the water-bearer, and it represent revolution, spontaneity, experimentation, humanitarianism, change, and genius.  It is a sign affiliated with clouds, thunderstorms, and lightning. It is the 11th sign in the zodiac.  It is a fixed sign representing a need to stabilize, and it is also an air sign representing a focusing on the mental energies. Any planet in Aquarius will be expressed more spontaneously, but also in a revolutionary and unique way. There will be a focus on humanitarian pursuits or social causes. This sign is traditionally ruled by Saturn, the planet of barriers/limitations, maturity, time, and order.  It is also ruled by Uranus, the planet of change, spontaneity, chaos, advancement, discovery, and truth. Any one who has planets in Aquarius (or Aquarius Rising/midheaven) will seem to show these kinds of qualities.


Mercury is the planet of the mind, communication, and skills.  It is the rational part of our mind; the part that breaks things down for us to understand and develop skills.  When Mercury is in the sign of Aquarius it has entered one of the most genius signs in the zodiac.  Many astrologers consider Mercury to be exalted in the sign of Aquarius because of the revolutionary expression.  When Mercury is in Aquarius, the mind becomes more unusual and spontaneous.  Ideas come out of this person like a shock of lightning!  Most people with this placement will surprise you with the brilliant mind they have.  They are rebels in their own right, never wanting to think like everyone else.  Nothing seems to surprise them in life because they are always one step ahead of the trend.  They might seem a little off beat, but in reality they are geniuses for the current generation.  They are always thinking of ways to make life easier for others and themselves.  They are innovative problem solvers that can navigate through any type of chaos with a logical mind.


In the world of video games these qualities are especially obvious because video games are popular hobbies in which we use most of our mental abilities.   Mercury in Aquarius mental qualities will be prominent in the world of video games.  

       Mercury in Aquarius Gamers

Mercury in Aquarius gamers love to try new things and are fascinated by the latest technological advancements in gaming.  Yet, they are equally as fascinated with older styles of gaming.  Any game or game genre that is "different" from the usual, they will gravitate towards it even if that game is not of their personal taste.  They can just easily play games solo as they can in a team.  Their playing strategies might seem off-beat to some as they have a tendency to do the opposite of what others expect.  Their trick is they know exactly what others expect! They're quite observant as people, so they already know what to expect from a game.  The best kind of game for them is one that gives them something they do not expect.  While they are quite observant, they can be superficial in their choices.  While a game may not seem unique, sometimes they overlook hidden gems.  They seem to have a lot knowledge about gaming, making them experts.  They might make great guides or coaches for other gamers.  

Mercury in Aquarius gamers will normally gravitate towards all types of games, especially Indie games.  They may especially take a liking to games that have revolutionary technological components like Virtual Reality or hand held access.  Strategy games and/or sandbox games might also be appealing to these natives.

     Mercury in Aquarius Game Developers

Mercury in Aquarius creators are the ultimate developers when it comes to gaming technology and this is because they understand what other people desire from gaming.  They are about making gaming easier, more fun, but also more engaging.  They are revolutionaries first and foremost; they are always hip to the trends so that they can be one step ahead of everyone else.  Being original in this industry is important.  They are filled with ideas that some people would call "insane", but there is always a method to their madness.  They are always concerned about how their games can benefit humanity at large.  They are adaptable, able to make changes whenever need be.  They never waste time when it comes to implementing their ideas and they know how to make good use of resources.

Natives with Mercury in Aquarius may be a bit too spontaneous for their own good.  Their ideas can be difficult to implement because they are constantly changing it up.  It can be a struggle for them to accept other people's point of view because they always insist that they know what is best.  They have a tendency to take their ideas too far, to the point of being on the edge of chaos rather than genius.  It might be a good idea for them to take their time developing projects by working with more patient individuals.

Note: Natives with Mercury aspecting Saturn and/or Uranus may also relate to this description.

:Example of A Mercury in Aquarius Game Developer:


Toru Iwatani

Toru Iwatani is a video game designer best known as the creator of Pac-Man and Pole Position.

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