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  Sports & Aries 

Mars   in    Aries

                                     The Ram                

Cristiano Ronaldo 

Ronda Rousey 

Aries  is the sign of energy, passion, assertion, courage, and initiation.


Aries's Ruling Planet: Mars, the planet of passion, energy, focus, assertion, and challenge.


Aries's Element: Fire, the element of energy, leadership, and creativity.


Aries's Mode: Cardinal, the mode of initiation and leadership.


Mars is considered in DOMICILE in the sign of Aries. For more information about dignities or debilities visit




Sports Challenge

These natives may be interested in sports that keep them on their toes.  These natives are energetic and one-track minded.  They need a sports challenge that will allow them to focus their energies.  Aries is ruled by Mars, which would also mean that Mars is in DOMICILE (dignitifed) in the sign of Aries.  This means that the natives of this position are thus naturally athletic and ready for pretty much any kind of challenge.  These natives may be more interested in sports that don't require a lot of discipline.  They can be impatient with the sports that they  can't catch on to easily.   They need a lot of freedom and independence.  Speaking of independence, these natives may feel more comfortable competing in solo competitions.  If they play tennis, the singles matches would be ideal for them. Many Olympic competitions may be ideal for them as well because Olympic games are divided into several solo and freestyle disciplines, some of which do not require "team" interaction.  With these types of competitions, the natives would get a chance to do their own thing, highlighting their own individual talents.  Mars in Aries natives are fighters with a lot of intensity.   They would especially excel in sports involving Martial Arts, where they can put this fighting spirit to use.  Extreme sports or Nascar  driving may also be excellent sports for these daring natives. 


Competitive Energy

 When natives of this position are competing, they are competing to win!  They are usually quite energetic when on the field or court. They are known to be a mixture of impulsiveness and courage.  These natives are not afraid to take on tougher, stronger, or faster opponents.  In fact, they don't even think about their opponents...these are natives that act on competitive instinct.  This can sometimes be their downfall.  Their impulsivity and lack of foreplanning may cause them to do foolish things that will cost them a win in a competition.  If they want to participate in team sports, they may need to learn to work as a team player (this may be easier if the native has more cooperative energies in their birth chart).  They can be selfish sometimes, wanting things to go their way.  They need to learn to cooperate a little more.  These natives usually try to win a game in the quickest way possible. They are usually quick on their toes, ready for an opening.  Once they have a target or goal in mind, they will come after that target/goal with full force. They sometimes make sore losers. They get frustrated when they cannot get it right the first time. They are usually passionate about any sport they get involved in.  However, once these natives accomplish their goals,  they will usually take up a new challenge. This could either make them adaptable or make them inconsistent.  Regardless,  challenge is what movtivates them. 


Note: Natives with Mars in the 1st house may also  relate to this description


Famous Quote From a Mars in Aries Athlete: "We don't want to tell our dreams. We Want to Show them."  

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