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Moon In The Houses

        The Full Story

Moon in The Houses

The moon is a satellite that represents emotion, memories, introspection/reflection, perception, nurture, growth, and imagination in astrology. Throughout the website we learn about the moon signs and how it influences our own personal writing style and expression. However, the moon is not only influenced by the signs, but also it is influenced how the position it sits in the houses.  The houses are shown on a natal chart, divided into 12 parts that represent different parts of our life on earth.  The houses represent our experiences here on earth, therefore the moon's position will represent how we channel our emotions and what is more important to us emotionally. When it comes to writing a story, the houses will influence the things we tend to write about, which is usually in some way inspired from our personal life.  


The 1st house is the house of self, persona, attitude, and presentation. Moon in the first house natives may be interested in writing novels or poems based on their own personal lives.  They wear their feelings on their sleeves, so their stories will be quite graphic.


The 2nd house is the house of money, talents, possessions, and value.  Moon in the second house natives may be interested in writing novels or poems about their own special talents, the things they value, and/or the things they own. They may have extraordinary writing abilities that they can use to make money.


The 3rd house is the house of communication, mentality, education, and networking.  Moon in the third house natives might write about the people they have met. They might also write books that are educational.  They may see writing as the perfect outlet for their emotions.


The 4th house is the house of home, family, tradition, and upbringing.  Moon in the fourth house natives may write about their family or families, traditions, or their home life.  Their upbringing plays a heavy role in their lives and so it will have a major influence on their writing style.


The 5th house is the house of amusements, children, romance, gambling, and creative expression.  Moon in the fifth house natives may write stories/novels/poems about children or for children. They may also be interested in romantic novels.  These natives are not likely to care about making a career out of writing novels or poems. They may simply want to express themselves or do it for entertainment purposes.  


The 6th house is the house of work, service, routine, hygiene, health, and animals/care.  Moon in sixth house natives may write books about working or service, health, or even animals.  They may want to write novels or poems in their line of work.


The 7th house is the house of partnership, relations, marriage, balance, cooperation, projection, close friends, and enemies.  Moon in the seventh house natives may write novels or poems about their experiences with those around them. They are very good at putting themselves in the shoes of others, so their characters may have contrasting personalities to their own.  Rivalry and frenemies may be present in story writing. They may also prefer to write their stories or poems in a partnership. They tend to be cooperative when it comes to joint writing, but they must be wary of dependency.


The 8th house is the house of obligations, desire, cost/debts, investment, inheritance, transformation, mysteries, and taboo.  Moon in eighth house natives may write stories/novels/poems about taboo subjects as well as mysteries. Or story writing/poetry may be considered taboo to those around them.  They might make business investments involving their novels or poems. They may even write novels or poems about the dirty business world.


The 9th house is the house of travel, beliefs, law, and the world.  Moon in ninth house natives may write stories about travel, politics, religion, or simply about their own life philosophy.  They may travel to get inspiration for writing story novels or poems.


The 10th house is the house of career, reputation, status, prestige, and authority.  Moon in the tenth house natives may write story novels or poems about authority, career, or the status quo.  They may decide to get into a career involving story writing or poetry.


The 11th house is the house of friendship, organizations, associates, causes, and social aspirations.  Moon in the eleventh house natives may write story novels or poems about friendship, causes, and social aspirations they may have.  They may have friends that are story writers or poets. They may be involved in an organization that involves this form of creative expression.


The 12th house is the house of all things hidden, secrets, dreams, isolation, fears, and regrets.  Moon in twelfth house natives may write stories about their internal life; a life that is not always visible to others.  They may have latent story writing or poetic abilities, or they may keep it hidden from others for fear of being judged. They may also write stories/poems that reflect all of their fears or regrets.  They may even write about their internal dreams. Of course, they may be only the writer behind the scenes under code names. They are always humble when it comes to this type of creativity. They might also write better in isolation.  

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