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  Moon in Cancer Storyteller

A Sentimental Storyteller


The moon is a satellite that functions much like a planet.  It represents emotion, memories, introspection/reflection, perception, nurture, growth, and imagination.  Because of this, it will influence how we tell stories. The moon doesn't necessarily tell stories in the methodical way (like Mercury would); the moon reflects the more emotional or subjective part of story telling which is based upon our perceptions of the world or how we wish the world was. Cancer is the sign of the crab representing home, family, protection, emotion, and familiarity.  Cancer is ruled by the moon, which means that the moon is in domicile in this sign. Cancer is a cardinal sign which means it is initiating by nature and it is a water sign which means it is emotional. It is also an introverted sign, which means it expresses itself more covertly.


When the moon is in Cancer the emotions motivate the native to react fully and reflectively. Because Cancer is ruled by the moon, the native will embody many of the qualities of the moon.  They will be sentimental, easily moved by good and bad things happening in the world around them. They are sensitive, although it would be hard to tell because they try to keep their feelings hidden from strangers.  Only those really close to them see this more vulnerable side. They remember slights just as much as they do positive memories. They have a huge imagination that is colored with nostalgia.


Moon in Cancer Story

The moon in Cancer native is a sentimental, imaginative, and nostalgic story writer.  They are interested in creating stories that reflect their deepest thoughts and feelings. They have a strong need to be understood and so their stories will literally be an imaginative form of their own experiences. Their stories are heartfelt and personal, which means criticisms will be very hurtful to them. They are highly defensive and one bad word will make them want to give it all up. They may also want to write or read/listen to stories that move them and others emotionally as well.   Because of their moody nature, their stories can take various different tones even throughout one story. One minute there is happiness, the next minute sadness. They have a need to tell their own story so they may be interested in writing biographies or other stories about/inspired from their life. They are attached to their culture or upbringing, so they will have stories that reflect these attachments.  


Example of moon in Cancer story writers:  

Erica Jong is known for writing Fear Of Flying, How To Save Your Own Life, Fanny, Being the True History of the Adventures of Fanny Hackabout-Jones, Parachutes & Kisses, Shylock's Daughter, Any Woman's Blues, Inventing Memory, Sappho's Leap, and Fear of Dying

Lord Byron is known for writing Don Juan, The Prophecy Of Dante, Cain, The Vision Of Judgement, The Giaour, The Bride of Abydos, The Corsair, The Siege of Corinth, The Prisoner of Chillon, The Dream, Prometheus, Darkness, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, and Manfred

Others: Charles Baudelaire, David Icke, Guy de Maupassant, William Blake

Other Planets in Cancer that influence Story Writing:


Mercury is the planet of the mind, communication, and skill.  When it comes to story writing it influences our writing techniques. Mercury in Cancer natives often write according to how something makes them feel.  They are imaginative, capable of thinking of various ways to describe a person or situation in words. They may prefer to write about their own life story.


Venus is the planet of love, beauty/charm, art, and money. When it comes to story writing it influences how we develop our characters as well as how we relate our story to others. Venus in Cancer natives may like/develop story characters that are caring, family-oriented, and/or sentimental.  They relate to stories that have elements of nostalgia/memories, home/family, imagination, and/or culture. They may be drawn to female characters or more feminine types of characters.


Jupiter is the planet of luck, opportunity, expansion/broadness, philosophy/ethics, faith, experience, teaching. When it comes to story writing it influences the theme of our stories as well as our purpose of writing.  Jupiter in Cancer natives may write stories with themes focused on home, family, care/kindness, and imagination. Their writing purpose is to be understood by others and to move the sentiments of people. Jupiter is exalted in the sign of Cancer.  


Neptune is the planet of illusion, inspiration, escape, pity/mercy, and connection.  Neptune will always represent how the world inspires our writing. When it comes to storytelling Neptune in Cancer natives will be inspired by home, family/culture, memories, kindness, emotion, and their own imagination.   Some astrologers consider Neptune to be exalted in the sign of Cancer.

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